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Chris Evans | 14:56 UK time, Monday, 4 February 2008

...he was also a great....


Now there's the difference isn't it ? To be one or the other - fine but rarely do the two come together. The first being much easier to achieve than the second. It's easy to be a hero to strangers.

I was at a funeral on Saturday the funeral of such a man. And don't worry, fear not no sympathy required for it was a brilliant funeral. It was just as the big man would have wanted it to be. A riot, a funny funny day.

His son made a speech about him in the church which had everyone in stitches, I mean really. Even his grandchildren had smiles on their faces, a first in my book. Sure there were tears but vastly outnumbered by laughter and fond memories and frankly by the end of the proceedings it was as if Big Fred was back amongst us.

Fred, or Spud, as he was more usually known, had a simple philosophy, when all had been done that could be done regarding any situation he would utter the words, "Well that's that." And of course he is right. Whether it's a good time finally over, or a desperate situation nothing can be done about, "That is that." When it's done it's done.

God bless him and God help those already up there because Big Fred's on his way and when he gets there they won't know what's hit them. Ha ha.





  1. At 03:34 PM on 04 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:


    What a brilliant blog today. I think it is so important that we learn that death is part of life. It is inevitable and the sooner we face that, the better. I hope my funeral will be a happy event. Not because everyone will be glad to see the back of me, but I hope there will be good memories and lots of laughs. I wish my parents had had this philosophy, but they were terrifed of talking about death, with the result that when they both died, my family fell apart because we had not been taught that death is not to be feared. The really bad thing about death is - life carries on without you, it's a real b*gger!

    I thought your tribute to Fred was wonderful.

    C xx

  2. At 04:03 PM on 04 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    God bless Big Fred.

    I do hope when he gets there he looks out for my Dear Departed Father Eric and his rugger-bugger co-horts. In fact I hope he's in the vicinity when me mother Renee gets there with the rollin' pin with Eric's name on it. Boy will he be in trouble.

    Now there was a funeral as befits a little chap with a huge personality. It was standing room only in the church and since there were so many there who had travelled some way we had to use the rugby club for afterwards, thus the atmosphere was like after a cup-tie.

    And as was noted at said funeral, given the ascerbic nature of his comments about them, it was gratifying indeed to see so many referees in attendance. Mind you they were probably just checkin'.

    Losing those we love is hard enough. When those people are big personalities they leave a chasm in the life of those left. But it's a huge compensation to be able to look back and laugh, which I do. Never a day goes by without something happening to remind me of him and make me smile.

    A friend said to me in the early days, "I know how hard this is for you as you drew a lot of strength from your dad. But now you'll use that strength and it will save you."

    And indeed it did.

    So to anyone out there who is having to deal with loss, my heart goes out to you. But we get through it and in the end the good times and memories remain.

    And the rolling pin, hopefully.


  3. At 04:07 PM on 04 Feb 2008, hazel love wrote:

    ...oh Christophe...if only more people had more faith in the saying 'That's that.' With all the tv series perpetuating the myth that you can always find more to do or more to investigate or more to think about, it is rare that someone will look on and say 'You're right, that's that.'

    Good for Fred, and if the way he said it made people believe him, then

    that's that

  4. At 04:11 PM on 04 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Best Philosophy!

    Don't worry about yesterday, is gone, and you can't do anything about it.

    Don't worry about tomorrow - it's not here, and it might not come.

    Enjoy today, cause it's the Present.


  5. At 04:16 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ding Dong one and all

    The blog reminds me of a friend that died recently. He was a great comedian, should have been on the stage really. His funeral was also full of laughter. The only way to go!

    Reminds me of a holiday we spent with him in a group... Sardinia was full so we ended up in Devon. Big Dave 6ft 8in wanted to go to the Radio one show at Torquay ..... Anyway he went on his own and got mistaken for Chalky White.

    Are you Chalky White? I claim £10

  6. At 05:16 PM on 04 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Sorry to read about your friend Spud departing us & a very nice tribute from you CLP.
    He sounded like he was a veery nice bloke.

    I was sad to read about Jeremy Beadle's early departure too recently. He seemed like a very nice man & doing so much for charity.

    More examples of the good die young!

    I'll try again with my earlier blog comments from Fri & terdee.

    Anne G - Answering yer comments Fri - I've never been too a pyhciastrist but I did once go ter a shrink - aka me local dry cleaners.
    They ruined me beige tuckseedo!

    Cathmel - Also answering yer comments Fri - If yer thought me blog comments were long, yer ain't seen the length of me letters ter me ex-wife's solicitor - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Ter all Gemini's - I'll try to put an astro reading on the blog termoz - PART 1.
    But I don't know if it'll work.
    I'm toying with the idea of getting me own website were I could bang an astro reading for all the signs on!!!!


  7. At 05:53 PM on 04 Feb 2008, jo harrison wrote:

    I too was at the same funeral and you missed the "Land of Hope & Glory" knees up followed by Knee's up mother brown it was great !!!!

  8. At 06:16 PM on 04 Feb 2008, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    i take it from the opening tonight "sometimes right sometimes wrong but always certain" Fred is the father of "Danny Baker"

    possibly the only man in the world that i would turn away from your show to listen to were he on at the same time.

    unfortunately he isnt "national" any more which is one of the great errors of the beeb.

    man is a genius, condolences to him (if my asumption is correct)

  9. At 06:33 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Red wrote:

    Nice that you and he had such good friends...

    Good journey Fred, say hello to our Matt when you

    get there .....

    That's that :)

    X R

  10. At 07:17 PM on 04 Feb 2008, lazykev wrote:

    chris i sometimes cant get through on the blog so thats that the......im getting the hang of this....RIP SPUD. BIG FRED.

  11. At 09:18 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Chris you have a wonderful way with words, agree with Chrissie, brilliant blog today.

    To make people laugh at a funeral says so much about the person, a life well lived and people feeling the better for being part of it.

    Brought back memories of my Nanny Ruby's funeral last September. We did her proud.

    Bingo, I too thought about Jeremy Beadle. Very sad, he raised millions for charity and I don't suppose many people knew that while he was alive.

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    PS. Important to remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life!

    PPs. Nite Nanny Ruby x

  12. At 09:47 PM on 04 Feb 2008, gingembre wrote:

    evening all

    great blog today Christophe, sounds like a top bloke.

    On a course this week, been a bit heavy today (the subject matter) but will be worthwhile it by the end of the week. I've waited 18months to get on it.

    Hope you all had a good weekend, I spent time with the family just loafing around all being together. Eldest daughter is away this week ona school trip to York, miss her already.

    Boohiss to those awful Spainards that were totally out of order toward Lewis, hope they are found, put on their national tv and given what for (very much doubt it tho)
    Can you imagine the punishment had that been in England??? Grrrrr

    Bonnet de douche


  13. At 11:32 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Gary Lane wrote:

    Very wise words Chris, my thoughts are with DB at this difficult time, but as the man says "that is that".

    Your blog words will remain with me for a very long time.

  14. At 11:37 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Helen wrote:

    Dear Chris
    Just thought I'd answer your question today about warm churches.
    It's a general opinion that catholic churches are often warmer than C of E, Methodist etc. This is because they usually have planned services every day anyway. Also they have regular church attendees. So the heating is on - even for a short time - each day. This makes it easier to heat in general. As funerals are not always at times of normal services the boiler timers are not usually set to come on. And it's common for helpers in a church either to not know how to turn it on, or to fear making a short service costly by heating the large space.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the funeral, I have enjoyed a few in my time. People do forget that the funeral is supposed to be a celebration of the person's life. Celebrations aren't always the best parties, impromptu ones are often the best, but not many of us plan to die so they're most often impromtu, it's just that the main guest is only there in spirit!
    Piece of advice - if you know what you would like at your own funeral write it down and leave it with your insurance documents, because someone always looks for them to fund the huge cost of a funeral. If you don't know what your mum would like when the time comes for her own funeral ask her while you can. Everyone has favourite, or hatred of, hymns, readings, etc.
    People struggle to know what to do when planning a funeral because not many of us have much experience of them without the huge effect grief as an added burden.
    I'm not wierd, I just worked in a church for 15 years.

  15. At 11:39 PM on 04 Feb 2008, Gary Lane wrote:

    Very wise words Chris, my thoughts are with DB at this difficult time, but as the man says "that is that".

    Your blog words will remain with me for a very long time.

  16. At 09:19 AM on 05 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    In the hope that the blog is behaving itself today, can I say to Anne G - thank you for the information on conkers - I'm gonna need a huge sack of them ASAP!

    Rosie Roo - I am glad you enjoyed your trip. How right you are about the architecture in Glasgow - some of it is stunning. Next time you are here, try to see the Doulton Gountain at Glasgow Green - it is breathtaking.

    Hope everyone is o.k. 5th February already, it'll soon be June!

    C xx

  17. At 09:32 AM on 05 Feb 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Sounds like a great funeral. I would like my ashes made into fireworks when I finally shuffle off to who knows where. Imagine: good food, booze and a fireworks display to round things off. Sounds good, eh?

    Bingo - YES!! Your own website!! Why haven't you thought of this before?

    Gingembre - you're right. Those racist comments were disgusting. That such behaviour is prevalent in the 21st century astounds me.

    Happy Booze-day one and all.

    Rosie x

  18. At 10:33 AM on 05 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter Christoof, ALL Blog Operatatives &.... DAVE..... Yo Dave!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star ere.

    Debbie - I always find it a little shocking when I hear the news of a well known celebrities who's died.
    Even though I don't know them, or even met them, it still makes you realise life is short.
    I grew up watching Beadles About - one of me favourite shows!!!!
    What worries me is it might be a celeb who's passed away, who you didn't know personally, but it shows were all getting older & one day it will be a relative of ours..... that's why you should treasure every moment of time, heal any riffs that anyone might have with them - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Rosie Roo - Been thinking of getting me own website like some of the other blog dudes ave for a while.
    Might look inter 'ow ter get one. Only probs it would be added stress that I don't need right now. Am tryin' ter write music, commedy, find love..... AND sanity!!!!! Last damn thing I need is me website blowing up every week!!!!!
    But I am considering it - know what am trin' ter say ere!!!!!

    Hazel Love - I agree with you over the Spain incident. It's sad people ave ter find nasty insults just be abusive, they think their clever but just sad fools. I'm sure Lewis 'amilton will not be bothered though - I bet 'e'll just let 'is driving do the talking - which 'e did last year!
    I like ter see Lewis say ter them if yer think yer so clever, you try & set a lap as fast me then - they'd probally spin off within a couple of corners!!!!

    Talkin' of which I still 'aven't put me 2008 predictions on yet. One of which Lewis, i'm 98% SURE 'e will win the F1 Chamionship this year. With a guess of Kimi 2nd, Heiki 3rd, Alonso 4th & Massa 5th.
    Fisi is doing very well too - 'e set 4th fastest time testing in Spain in 'is back of the grid car... only .8 of a sec behind Lewis who was fastest!!!!!!
    I'd guess Fisi will finish a very good 8th in the champioship!

    While am still ere boring you - I read Bernie Ecclestone 'ad a big go at Fisi tellin' 'im it's time ter retire. Fisi wrote a letter to Bernie saying you are the father of F1 so Daddy & then reminding 'im with a sarcastic list of all 'is achievements - thought that was funny & shows Fisi 'as got a good sense of 'umour.
    I've never been keen on Bernie... don't like 'im too businessman like for my liking, like - know what am sayin'!!!!
    FULL DETAILS at www.gpupdate.net - a brilliant website on F1 with everday up to date info.... anyone who inter F1 I strongly recommend you check it out or even Jono Saunders.... loads of F1 latest news there!!!!!!!!!


    PS Gemini PART 1, i'll bang on abit later!!!

    PPS Sorry got carried away again writing!!!!!!

  19. At 11:14 AM on 05 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Re: my post #16 - it's the Doulton Fountain. Haven't a ruddy clue what a Gountain is!!


  20. At 12:18 PM on 05 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings To ALL,

    Bingo Star ere with The Bingo Crystal Ball Of.... The Zodiac!!!!

    Okay let's go..... i'm using terdee a Vanish Ball ere on me Bingo Crystl Ball. Ave 'eard Vanish gets yer whites whiter than white 'cos it also 'elps clears the vision of the other side too or someting like that anyway.
    Okay.... rub, ploish, rub, rub, ploish, rub, ploish..... it's glowing...... I can see two.... am gettin' double vision ere. Not been on the snowballs again.... 'onest! 'old on am getting a pair... ah yes it's The Twins aka Gemini!!!!

    Gemini is the most talkative of all the zodiac signs!
    They are very communicative & love to chat to others. Gems are lively & youthful individuals. (That doesn't mean they vandalise bus shelters - joke).
    They are very mentally active, one of the most in the zodiac & this can make it, sometimes, 'ard for them ter relax.
    They can sufer from nervous tension. But coupled with their talkative nature, being quick off the mark & known for being inquisitive makes gemdudes the life & soul of most parties.
    Always chatty & friendly when socialising. A Gemini is known for being witty too, 'ence they are not normally known for being short of attracting/ 'aving lots of loyal friends.
    They're also known for 'aving two sides & being broadminded, this naturallly allows gems ter normally see both sides of the story (Abit like Phil Collins). Gems are not easily pred... predejuic.. prejudiced!!!!
    As with all signs they 'ave some less positive traits too. Gemini's do tend to get bored/ restless very easily & this can lead ter becoming irritable & impatient - (Calm down ave nearly finished part one). Also loving a good chatter, they can sometimes be a little gossipy.
    Gemini is known for intellect & being very inventive/ creative too. They are versatile & very adaptable to new things too.
    Gem dudes also like education/ learning all about new things!

    PART 2 I'll bang on the later blog but only if PART 1 shows & only if I can keep me sanity 'til 6pm - know what am sayin!!!!


  21. At 12:21 PM on 05 Feb 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Helen, I worked in the funeral business for a while, so I know what you mean!

    There is a statistic, I am positive that this interpretation of it is wildly inaccurate, but it is something along the lines of during our lives we will arrange (or help to arrange) about 4.2 weddings, but only 1.3 (or similar) funerals...that is why folks don't really know what to do...and death is something that they don't want to get involved with...whereas a wedding is usually guaranteed to be a joyous occasion!

    Anyhoo that's that.

    I have had it up to here today. It isn't getting any worse apart from the fact that I have a MASSIVE thunder headache...so if it's gonna be stormy, I hope it brings it on soon!

    I have bought a ticket for the Doulton Gountain, and if it isn't a complete gountain when I get there I am not going to be best pleased, however the conkers do keep the spiders away.

    I also have lions to keep the elephants away

    ...and I must be mistaken...I have been labouring under the misapprehension that there is already a Mrs Bingo...am I incorrect?

  22. At 12:46 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Well fellow Blog fans, it's a beautiful day here again, after terrible heavy rain all night. I am a bit of a grump today, having been woken up three times by my (not so) little man and then kept awake by the rain!

    I'm doing a really boring job a the moment, it's just not something that floats my boat and I'm struggling to focus with it all. It's not particularly challenging, just dull as dishwater. Days like these make me glad that I keep a back-up of my novel on my laptop, so I can add to it, if I want to!

    Bingo - go on, you know you want to! Know what you mean though about finding the time. I'm the same and have decided that the soul-mate search has to stop. It seems the harder I search, the least likely I am to find him and anyway, with so many other things in my life, I wouldn't have the time for him!

    HL - how's the studying going?

    Susan, hope you made it through the snow OK on Friday - I did post a comment to that effect, but it never appeared!

    Clodagh - rugger buggers are a breed apart, aren't they? The ones I know lurch from being incredibly annoying, to extremely charming, in the space of 5 mins - and don't get me started about the 'Skins' they all seem to wear now! (Including my (not so) little man, who's very proud of the way it shows off his six-pack - not sure if that's good in a 10yo - but there again, he is a rugger bugger in the making...)

    Now Chris, as for your excellent Blog of yesterday, I think that life should be celebrated at funerals, not mourned - all seems very Victorian to me. Personally, I'm having a HUGE party when I die - and that's that!

    MfR - thinking of you.

    Gingembre - how's the knee? Liked the pic of your kids too on Facebook!

    Until later friends,

    S xx.

  23. At 12:52 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Dissing Dave wrote:

    What is it about today! Super Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday (whispers) and my Fortieth Birthday!

    To all those who wish to celebrate any of the above, raise a glass at 15:00 whether it be wine, beer, coffee or tea!

    Best wishes to you all!

    Keep up the great work Mr E & the crew.

    DD out

  24. At 01:11 PM on 05 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Me yet again,

    ChrissieS - Don't worry, am always 'itting the wrong letter on the keyboard too..... aswell as the geetarr.
    That's why no band will ave me in them. I'm always playing a 'G' instead of an 'F' - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Maybe yuv just 'ad a stroke of genius & invented a new word either for a giant mountain or a Diana memorial type fountain that's gone wrong!!!!

    Hazel Love - Nee, still single.... but am off ter Ukraine very soon.... ohhhhh yes baby!!!!!!

    It's gonna be... "duzhe pry'yemno, dyakooyoo!!!!"

    And in the words of Borat... "wawawoowaaa!!!!!"



    PS Maybe we all 'ave been on the snowballs terdee!!!!!

  25. At 01:12 PM on 05 Feb 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Helen, I worked in the funeral business for a while, so I know what you mean!

    There is a statistic, I am positive that this interpretation of it is wildly inaccurate, but it is something along the lines of during our lives we will arrange (or help to arrange) about 4.2 weddings, but only 1.3 (or similar) funerals...that is why folks don't really know what to do...and death is something that they don't want to get involved with...whereas a wedding is usually guaranteed to be a joyous occasion!

    Anyhoo that's that.

    I have had it up to here today. It isn't getting any worse apart from the fact that I have a MASSIVE thunder headache...so if it's gonna be stormy, I hope it brings it on soon!

    I have bought a ticket for the Doulton Gountain, and if it isn't a complete gountain when I get there I am not going to be best pleased, however the conkers do keep the spiders away.

    I also have lions to keep the elephants away

    ...and I must be mistaken...I have been labouring under the misapprehension that there is already a Mrs Bingo...am I incorrect?

  26. At 01:19 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Anne G wrote:

    Very Happy Birthday DD. Afraid it will have to be coffee at 3pm but will raise the mug anyway.

    Conkers to you all.

    Anne x

  27. At 01:32 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Happy Birthday Dissing Dave!

    Mr Debbie was faulty (sorry forty) two weeks ago and we had a really good day. Hope yours goes just as well.

    Back later to catch up properly, so much to do, so little time. Trying to get it all done before have to pick little man up at 3.10pm. On my marks........get set............

    Debbie xx

  28. At 01:39 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Candles wrote:

    Bingo Star... you're a star!! Thanks for GemGem part 1, well worth the wait and after 46 years of being one, I'd say you're spot on! Oh & pleeeeeeze get your website up and running!

    DD Happy 40th....It may only be a cup of tea but I'll raise it in your honour at 3 o'clock. Great age! Loved mine!

    Feeling particularly free of worry today, great feeling, no special reason, which makes it even more rewarding....

    Hello everybody!
    C x

  29. At 02:25 PM on 05 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Happy Pancake Choosday yous lot!

    And spare a thought for me will yous. As I speak, Renee is swingin' the fryin' pan in a scene remeniscent of summat you only see at the Highland Games, and has bin up since 6am making the batter with her new Whatsiname with the Thing on it that she saw Ainsley Whatsit usin' on Ready Steady Cook.

    Jaysus I've dropped a right clanger here, I usually make it my business to be safely across the Irish Sea on Pancake Tuesday, leavin' the daughter and nieces to Renee's culinary, if aerodynamically challenged, creations.

    Therefore I'm bracin' meself and eagerly awaiting the daughter's return from work so we can distract Renee by makin Yum Yum noises, and deposit said manhole covers behind the settee until they can safely be placed in bags with the Skull and Crossbones on and transported up to Sellafield.

    Don't think I'm kiddin'. It wouldn't be the first time we'd bin served up such delights as sherry trifle sprinkled with fish food. It's like the Vicar of bloody Dibley in this house.

    Sammie. Good luck with your little Rugger Bugger, bless his little chuchie face, pinch it to death. You'll know he's a fully paid-up member when he starts to drop his trousers for no apparent reason on a regular basis.

    One of our players (who shall be nameless to protect the insane) used to abandon his trousers so regularly that no-one batted an eyelid; and the sight that greeted me as I walked into the Members' Bar after a game some years ago, with himself deep in conversation with the then hubby and four other players and a respected rugby writer about the match, holding his pint and naked as the day he was born, will stay with me forever.

    Naturally I was always careful to look said psychopath full square in the eye whenever we met, and never, EVER shake his hand.

    Ok best be off. There's a funny smell and what sounds like roadworks comin' from the kitchen so I'd best go deal with Fatima bloody Whitbread.


  30. At 03:15 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Sammie wrote:

    DD - in prep for this afternoon - I have poured myself a glass of water - sorry, it's all I can manage, but the thought's there. So...


    The countdown to my next birthday has started, but I don't want them anymore! I've booked the day off work and am trying to decide between having a day of treats or miserly staying in bed, watching DVDs, with a big box of chocs, until 7pm, when I can hit the sparkly stuff (Tizer - naturally)!!!

    HL - Bingo and his girlfriend parted company before Christmas....

    Clodagh - having spent many a night drinking in the 'Members' Bar (lol), I can confirm that looking them in the eye and never shaking hands is great advice! Mind you, not many of the Rugger Buggers I've met have wanted to shake hands....

    On that fruity note...

    S xx.

  31. At 03:24 PM on 05 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    DD - Happy Birthday to You! Hope you are having a lovely day and that you have a lovely evening ahead! Oo-er!

    When I had my 40th birthday, my work colleagues bought me a CD player, which looking back, was roughly the size of Wales! Also, I received Take That's Greatest Hits and Mercury Falling by Sting - still play both CD's on a slightly smaller player.

    Hazel - please let me know what you think of the Gountain - I don't want to pay good money if it's going to be a disappointment. Also, I used the word "anyhoo" today too! Must be catching!

    Back to DD - sorry I missed the drinks at 3pm - but I'm opening the champers as soon as I post this!

    C xx

  32. At 03:25 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Red wrote:


    pancakes at three it is then.....

    Happy B.

    Belated greetngs to Clodagh as well hope Renee's

    arent too 'orrible..

    Wonder if this gets thru....!

    X R

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