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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Tuesday, 5 February 2008

You know yesterday when I told you about the ...

..".that's that," phrase ? Well I got it wrong. I talked to Danny on the telephone last night re the fact that I'd gone home form the funeral service with someone else's coat and during the converstation he reminded me that his dad's favorite phrase was, "well there it is," not the aforementioned, "that's that." D'oh.

Given the chance I will always get it wrong. My memory is so ridiculously short term. I put it down to my days on The Big Breakfast when I had to learn a new script every day and then immediately forget it so there was room for another one the next morning.

So last night my magnificent food regime continued. A can of Bud the second I made it over the doorstep quickly followed by a full tob of humous, which I lurve - no really, I do honest, then a bacon butty, then a whole prok chop - massive, all this topped off with a glass of red and a Magnum. What a laugh. The gym every day means I can do this ! Hurrah.

By the way watched 3.10 Yuma with Russell Crow last night, then Russell left and I watched the another film on my own.

Ha ha.

I love really dull rainy Tuesdays, they're such fun.





  1. At 03:51 PM on 05 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:


    "Well, there it is" is pretty much along the same lines as "that's that" - I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind the mix up!

    My lovely brother, being told by his GP that his cancer was terminal and nothing could be done, said to the GP "so you're saying to me, ma tea's oot?". Which roughly translated means "well, there it is"!

    I tried to post earlier this afternoon, but it was zapped, so can I once again say Happy 40th birthday, Dissing Dave!!

    C xx

  2. At 03:51 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Oh m g Christoph, you are succumbing to the corny one-liners that everyone reaches at some stage in their life - I may be 6 or 7 yrs younger than your good self but I cannot help myself from not coming out with these at every possible stage of my daily life. I think Paul Merton on 20 years of Friday Nights' HIGNFY has something to do with it . .

    Talking of losing memory, what was I saying, o yeah (!)- do another item on best foods for increasing your memory - I forgot the last time . . har-de-har . .

    Happy Tuesday everyone . .

    DtM x

    PS One good thing about extreme memory loss is that you do get to meet new people every day . .

  3. At 03:52 PM on 05 Feb 2008, wrote:


    Is not rainy here. In Scotland, In Wet Ayrshire.


    O M G - How good does it make you feel. Blue Sky, White Clouds... is glorious (well okay - about 2 miles down the coast I can see BIG black clouds, but I'm only concerned with what I can see directly out the window. Is lovely.

    I could go and tap dance outside in the conservatory to make everyone feel as good as me!


  4. At 03:53 PM on 05 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hi Christoph
    Do you think all this magnificent food may be the reason you are finding it hard to sleep?

    I may have a solution - especially for the prok chop!

    I've made a video especially for you on youtube and despite it's title, it is clean, it's called:

    Sleeping with Chris Evans.

    Heather x

  5. At 03:59 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    So what we're none of us perfect...... nice of you to own up publically though.

    Caught some of the programme last night but not all of it - keep up the good work.

    Dissing Dave - happy 40th - you can now do just about anything you like and get away with it (lawfully of course).

    I agree about the funerals - my dad's funeral we did a celebration of life and had music from classic through to the 633 squadron to exit with in the practice session for the music I and vicar were doing pretend aeroplanes in the aisles as it was too tempting to not do and at the funeral it wouldn't have gone down too well.

    Must dash

  6. At 04:02 PM on 05 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Aw Christoff.

    Don't be frettin' over the memory loss. You don't see goldfish worryin' do you.

    Mind. Yesterday I was in one of Manchester's best noncy stores that sounds like Haemorrhage's, checkin' out a new slap for the old boat-race and was regaled by a woman startlingly like Danny La Rue, tellin' me that her brand of moisturiser, 95 quid a pop, contains Fatso Acid, Pent-up Peptides and Microbollocks and thus Refreshes The Skin's Cellular Memory.

    Now look. My skin remembers things it ruddy well shouldn't so I passed on this marvellous opportunity to wake up tomorrow like Jocelyne Wilderbeest and went and bought half a pound of lard instead.

    Speakin' of wildlife. Who saw David Attenborough and 'is pygmy chameleon. Marvellous.

    What day is it.


  7. At 04:20 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    I was just wondering one and all

    Fate. Do you believe in fate? Well I think I do. You see I got three lottery numbers correct on Saturday now thats 50% right. I believe I will be the next lottery millionaire before too long. So come on Bingo, when can I be lucky tooooo. What numbers do you see in your balls.

    Chris, actually I can remember everything except actors names, they becomes what's his name and thingy. Memory is a strange thing.

    Clodagh, Enjoy your pancakes, what you having on them mint sauce?
    Or how about a nice pancake chip butty with curry gravy.

    have fun all


  8. At 04:34 PM on 05 Feb 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Just wondering what a 'prok' chop is...but in the meantime...

    ...as you went home with someone else's coat (is it nicer than yours?) it would have been a case of the other person looking around in the cloakroom, pointing at the incorrect outerwear...and saying...

    ...there it is...

    hope it fits Chris!

  9. At 04:55 PM on 05 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter CLP, ALL Bloggers & Dissing Dave & the other Dave,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP Man - Don't worry about any minor mistakes - It was very nice for you ter write about Fred & dedicate yesterdee's show to 'im.
    We all make minor errors - done it mesen many a time, as Micheal Schumacher often did.
    Aye man.... at least we don't 'it a tyre wall at 184 - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    Mind you don't get paid 120k per week either..... anyway ere's PART 2 of me Gemini astro but first....

    ''OPE YER AVE A VERY APPY BIRTHDEE" ter Dissing Dave!!!!!!!

    Okay Gemini PART 2.......

    Leisure Activities Suited Ter A Typical Gem Operatative :

    Chatting on the phone, socialising, listening ter the radio, watching television - anything ter do with communication. Thet like sports such as tennis, snooker, archery, darts. Learning new languages, public speaking, quizzes, crosswords.
    Also dancing & watching shows appeal to them too.

    Careers Suited Ter The Typical Gemini :

    They are suited ter anything involving selling, dealing with the public, public relations. Careers in the media, journalism, lecturer... anything involved in getting ideas across to others.
    Maybe scientific jobs to or as they are very creative, artists, theatre or as a musician are well suited to!!!! (Suits you sir!!!!) or (Madam.. pc bit).

    Health Problems Linked Ter Gemini :

    Nervous System, 'air, Speech, Shoulders, Lungs, Arms, Fingers & 'ands!

    Famous Female Gemini's :

    Naomi Campbell, Alanis Morissette, Kylie Monogue, Marylin Monroe, Courtney Cox, Venus Williams, Anna Kournikova, Paula Abdul, Joan Collins, Joan Rivers, Elizabeth 'urley, LaToya Jackson, Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, Nicole Kidman & Judy Garland.

    Famous Male Gemini's :

    Morrissey, Mike Myers (Yeah baby..... yeahhhh bayyyby), Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Rupert Everett, Lenny Kravitz, Bob Dylan, Kayne West, MrT (I said MRT.... FOOL!!!!!!!), Bob Monkhouse, Wild Bill 'ickok, Boy George, Prince, Tom Jones (hugghhhhh!!!!), Tommy Chong, Johnny Depp, John F. Kennedy, Noel Gallagher, Tony Curtis & Gene Wilder.

    Celebrity Astro Investigation :

    Interesting the link between Marylin Monroe & JFK!!!!!

    Also Kylie Monogue & Paul McCartney - both seen at Jools 'ollond's 'ootanany do chattin' away together & very friendly..... astro wise they would make a good couple!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!


  10. At 04:58 PM on 05 Feb 2008, hazel love wrote:

    ...as you went home with someone else's coat (is it nicer than yours?) it would have been a case of the other person looking around in the cloakroom, pointing at the incorrect outerwear...and saying...

    ...there it is...

    hope it fits Chris!

    Memory loss. Even nostalgia ain't what it used to be, so there's not much point in merembering an awful lot these days but always get the young man's name and telephone number. Preferably somewhere you're not going to wash it off.

    Pancakes and Plum sauce. Cheeky.

  11. At 05:20 PM on 05 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hi CLP!

    I'm luvin the idea that I can eat what I like after the gym! I'm off to ski-fit tonight so I'll be planning what I can scoff afterwards without reprimand!!!

    Everyone else... good to see you all. Hope you're all keeping well.

    Happy Birthday Dissing Dave 40 today! ! !

    & Booboo

  12. At 05:37 PM on 05 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Yo, had my interview for Age Concern today and been working from home, didn't do much work, spent the day pottering around the house listening to radio 2, damn its a fine station!
    read your blog about fred and had to smile i too went to a similar funeral and the send off was just right, a true celebration of life.
    Have compiled a list for fridays all request, sooooo hard to choose one but wicked to listen to them all.
    Off to felixstowe tomorrow, then taunton, Pembroke and lancaster, there goes my carbon footprint....
    Stay safe.
    M x

  13. At 06:09 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Hannah wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love the show, it really cheers me up when I'm wading through all my student work (yes we do work !!)

    Was listening to your problem about finding na na na la la la songs and I searched for 'La La La lyrics' on google, and came up with quite a few! Would that help continue the fab game for a few more days (at least??!)

    Hope so. Keep up thje good work!

    Hannah, Cambridge

  14. At 06:24 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Don't worry CLP, you weren't that far off x

    Just listening to the show afer making a batch of pancakes for the kids. Sugar and lemon juice for the eldest and banana and ice cream for little man. I tried one again this year, and while I like the idea of pancakes, they always leave me feeling a bit queasy. Strange. Love yorkshire puddings though!

    Eldest love saga update, they broke up last weekend. Exactly a week after I phoned his girlfriend and cleared the air. He spent a day being sick and looking rather pale, but he is fine now. I have since found out that the night that they broke up she stayed around another boys house. Nuff said. But I haven't told my son about this as it would do him no good to know. he will probably find out in time.

    Bingo, not sure if I ever thanked you for your Taurus reading. If not, thanks mate. It was spot on of course! x

    CtD, hope that the job searching is going well for you at last.

    Missy, how are you lovey?

    Everyone else, lots of love
    Debbie xx

  15. At 06:36 PM on 05 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Indeed indeed. Fun starts off Funeral.

    And I've just remembered.

    When one of my friends' father passed away one cold, crisp January some years ago, his funeral service was held in a very old and beautiful church nearby which is on a steep incline and has stone steps leading down to the churchyard.

    Upon arrival at the church, the coffin was borne by my friend and his five brothers, where, atop the aforementioned steps, he uttered the legendary warning to his oppo at the front;

    "Ey up, Jeff. Watch your step. If one of us slips we'll be down 'ere like a six-man bob.

    Hahahaha excellent.


  16. At 06:38 PM on 05 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Why can't i be English? afterall thats what i am, English first then British. Yet when filling out a form today there was no tick box for this, odd.

  17. At 06:48 PM on 05 Feb 2008, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Thanks to everyone for the Birthday greetings!

    Works over! Now it's time to get this party started!!!

    DD out

    PS Apologies I may be late in the morning!!!

  18. At 07:57 PM on 05 Feb 2008, lazykev wrote:

    chris were the same age and couldnt eat what you ate...but i dont go to the gym.....just have a bud and the magnummmmmmmmmm, great show tonight,the glass eye woman,jonny only geting one song again,keep it up

  19. At 08:09 PM on 05 Feb 2008, MfR wrote:

    Chris et al

    So, all is well in Rudgwick.

    We have our funeral to attend on Friday and the way things are panning out, it could be a lively affair. So many people are coming out of the woodwork that we either didn't expect, or didn't even know. His social network expanded way beyond our expectations.

    Good on him.

    I've been trying the Sir Christoff of Lambie Pie method of guaranteed sleep the past few nights and, needless to say, I have had mixed results.

    Last night I went for 'bands with food in their names' (alphabetic, obviously).

    And this is how it went;

    10.38 Easy. 'Aero' smith. Ha, bring on the Zzz's.

    10.39 Pah! Bread! Snooze-time....

    11.21 Umm, Korn? nope, that's 'K', numpty. OK, hang on, this is a doddle. Cream? Nenah Cherry? The Cranberries?

    12.01 D? Hmmm.

    12.47 The wind is howling outside and I am tossing and turning going through Dido, Depeche Mode, Detroit Spinners.....( Detroit Spinners?, what am I thinking?...)

    1.22 Nope. Not a 'D' to be had.

    3.34 I know! (Dairy)LeAnn Rimes! Adjudicator says no.

    5.17 Exhaustion finally gets the better of me.

    6.05 The alarm goes off.

    So, Chris, I can conclude two things. This bloomin' game doesn't work, and, there ain't a band beginning with D with food in their name.

    Peace & love


  20. At 12:41 AM on 06 Feb 2008, wrote:

    You'll be happy to know it's raining cats and dogs here in sunny Australia. There was an absolutely massive thunderclap that scared the buggery out of me this morning! But, as my mum says, 'it's good for the garden'.

    I made pancakes for the family yesterday- yummy, yummy.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  21. At 12:45 AM on 06 Feb 2008, wrote:

    You'll be happy to know it's raining cats and dogs here in sunny Australia. There was an absolutely massive thunderclap that scared the buggery out of me this morning! But, as my mum says, 'it's good for the garden'.

    I made pancakes for the family yesterday- yummy, yummy.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  22. At 10:16 AM on 06 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings CLP & Each Blog Keyboard Caresser,

    Bingo Star ere.

    ChrissieS - I'm very sorry to hear your sad news about your brother's cancer. Hope your ok & your brother will cope with it well.
    You never know sometimes these miracle turnarounds do happen too!

    CLP - What's all this talk of sleeping trouble???
    I'll try & give you a Bingo diagnostics of the situation.
    Yer 'ain't put a giant bet on me predictions of the top 5 F1 positions in this years championship? Wooowww now that would cause a bad nights sleep.... yer'd be thinkn' yes i'll be richer than The Branson if they come 'ome good. THEN yer'd come ter yer senses & think that Bingo's a nutter, A NUTTER.. why did I bang on the wad.... whyyyy????????

    Sometimes I can't sleep due ter jokes & an overactive mind late at night. Only last night a joke popped inter me 'ead.... but I couldn't be bothered ter get up & write it down... the writers sin as it's now gone, forgotten it!

    My only advice is try ter slow down abit & a banana & 'ot chocolate (not the Eroyl Flynn band) the drink ave chemicals in that 'elp yer sleep. Plus lettuce too! Ave a lettuce n' something sandwich for supper... good for any diets too!!!!

    MfR - Now that sounds like a killer of a night. If ever I can't sleep I find yer can only give in & get up for a while, ave a 'ot choc & back ter bed - works treat!

    Debbie - No worries... 'ope yer liked the Taurus astro reading - I try ter keep it balanced mainly ter the positives of each sign with a few negatives just so we can get more in touch with our inner selves, more of an understanding of.... The Astra, sorry Astro, make up!
    Sorry ter 'ear about your son, maybe it'll be for the best, less 'assle for you from 'is girlfriend.

    ALL - I see Sir David Attenborough was on Wrightie's show.... I took a little 'op over ter Annie Mac's blog the other day ter ask Sir David (also on Annie's show) a question about global warming.... 'ope I didn't cause any alarm over there!


  23. At 10:22 AM on 06 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning, now let's see if the blog is working today.

    MfR, I don't suppose Damien Rice counts?

    It's lovely here in this part of Essex today, but that's because I'm at work. Tomorrow, day off with Little Man, it will rain. I have not taken him to school without getting soaked for ages!

    Happy Hump Day guys.

    Debbie x

  24. At 11:49 AM on 06 Feb 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Debbie - Damien Rice - GENIUS! I was racking me brains for ages. Nice one and for E? How about Elvis Parsley? (god - awful joke - sorry!)

    By the by, did the themed-ARF-first-song-choice-for-bloggers thingymabob happen? Or is it a free-for-all?

    Had a lovely pizza last night: aubergine, black olives, capers and spinach with an egg cracked over the top before cooking - sounds vile but it was bloody lovely.

    Rosie x

  25. At 12:29 PM on 06 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Rosie how about for 'E'.......... Eminem?

    Debbie x

    PS. Very strange pizza by the way!

  26. At 12:29 PM on 06 Feb 2008, Elm wrote:

    rosie roo - can you come round and cook for me please - thast the kind of pizza I like!

    lost my grandad yesterday morning and back to work today - have the funeral coming up which I will do a poem in - we plan to do it as a celebration of life coz thats what he would have liked

    Elm x

  27. At 02:11 PM on 06 Feb 2008, Red wrote:

    :( Elm

    What a nice 'celebration of life ' theme developing

    on here on the death of some one close....

    It should spread countrywide........

    X R

  28. At 02:14 PM on 06 Feb 2008, Drew Skinner wrote:

    Chris just what is a tob and is prok anything like pork and dose it taste the same?

  29. At 02:36 PM on 06 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Elm, sorry to hear that. Thinking of you x

    Rosie, what about for 'E'......Eminem?

    Debbie x

    PS. Have already posted but not sure if it's lost in cyberspace!

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