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Chris Evans | 10:09 UK time, Wednesday, 27 August 2008

So we're all in early today because we're all off to the...

...DRIVETIME 2008 Staycation.

My mate has a hot tub. I was sat in it a couple of weeks ago and I thought - I know, let's do the show right here. So I called our ever open-minded exec producer the great Helen from Hull and she said,

"Oooh that'd be fun, I'll ask the powers that be."

One hour later and it was a big WHY THE HECK NOT ?

Ergo tonight we are all in the buff and in the bubbles...

Rehearsing now and then off we all pop around the M25 to Big John's to see if the sun is going to shine on us or not...

How wrinkled will the DJ get ?

What happens when you put a master chef behind the barbie ?

Will Scouting for girls get their kit off ?

Foxy... bikini or swimsuit ?

Johnny... bikini or swimsuit ?

Britain's synchronised swimmers... are they really going to turn up ?

Tune in tonight... the jets and whatever else we can find get turned on at FIVE.





  • Comment number 1.

    Good lord, early doors today!!!

    Can't wait to see you and Johnny in your speedos :-))

    T xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning gang

    Hot tub show sounds great CLP - hope the sun shines and the wrinkles stay away!!

    Real busy here at the mo, so will be back later to catch up with you all. Promise!

    Ctd xxx

    PS: Speedo's for Saunders, all the way!! x

  • Comment number 3.

    Maybe a Borat-style all-in-one for Johnny Saunders?? In pink??

    Oh dear. Distracted again!!


  • Comment number 4.


    I think it's great that no matter how busy you are, you always remember to Blog!

    As for hot tubs - I would rather be horse-whipped naked through the streets of Aberdeen, than sit in a hot tub!

    However, have fun!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Chrissie - you've just raised the blood pressure and pulses of every man who blogs on here hun!!

    Good one!

    x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Just realised Chris was on early!! Rosie and I still on yesterday's blog!!

    Hello again!

    Still trying to delete image of ANY man in speedos, let alone our own Christoph!!! Feeling a bit ill.........worse I guess is a guy with a thong on beach on holiday who is always the one who walks constantly back and forward along the water's edge......once saw the above in red thong!...yeuch!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    Cheryl: Hilarious!! Believe me, if the guys on this blog could actually see me, their blood pressure would be quite unaffected!


  • Comment number 8.

    I'm sure that's so not true Chrissie! xx

    I used to have a Danish boss and he showed us all his holiday snaps once after returning from Greece. Speedos. Tiny. Boss. Wrong. Very.

    Couldn't look him in the eye ever again!!

    C xxxx

  • Comment number 9.

    PS: "tiny" referred to the amount of material making up the Speedos. Not the contents thereof. Euwwwwwwww!!

  • Comment number 10.

    CtD, couldn't look him in the 'eye'???... never heard it called that before....


  • Comment number 11.

    Surely water, bubbles plugs and DJ can't mix??

  • Comment number 12.

    How about people who went on an early summer holiday (19 July to 2 August) and are now left holding the fort alone while everyone else in department on holiday??!!

    No point having a tea break - no one to chat to, bowl of cereal and cuppa soup for lunch which is eaten at desk and having to deal with three times the usual queries.


    Anyone got a home sauna or steam room?

  • Comment number 13.

    However I did get to blog - on my own!

    Every cloud silver lining.

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    Well, I think the show's going to become very interesting from 6 o'clock onwards because hot tubs are pretty soporific and I can't even manage an hour before I have to get out.

    Good luck Chris and the team, hope your white bits don't go too wrinkly!

    MV x

  • Comment number 16.

    By the way, this is the only blog I've ever been on. If this isn't normal, how are they supposed to work? (Serious question!)

    MV x

  • Comment number 17.

    I think everyone should have one blog each and leave itb like that - and our blogs should be full of long interesting information that relate to the above post by CLP!

    As I have never had a sauna or not been into a hot tub I'll keep quiet!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    Sorry guys. I feel that post #14 is yet another personal attack on me.

    Seems you can be amusing to some, and a pain in the a*** to others.


    Cheryl :-(

  • Comment number 19.

    Och Rachel,

    I know what you're saying, but really, life is just too short for this stuff!

    CtD is really just having fun and there's not enough of that around.

    Can't we all play nice? Is that too difficult?

    Yes, the blog has totally changed. But I really do believe that if the original format still applied, everyone would be bored stiff. However, I agree with your sentiments - I do find the "just popping off to put the kettle on" info unnecessary!

    Sometimes it's quite good fun to reply to Chris's blog and then add a wee comment of your own, on another topic completely. I don't think he minds at all and if he does, he just ignores it!!

    Come back, give us some of your chat!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    ooh sauna, not for me. Now steam room, that's another matter, lovely. Hot tub I'm assuming is like a jacuzzi?? If so, will be lovely but not very conducive to work I wouldn't think!! And quite noisy??

    MV - I was on one other blog on a very regular basis a few years ago. The way that one worked, someone would start us off for the day and then everyone could just join in with whatever they wanted to talk about! Very much like this one really...

    T xx

  • Comment number 21.

    ps - my comment was in reposnse to MV about how a blog ought to work and not a comment on this blog - I like to format and if i come to work seeing a load of chatty emails over night I tend to have a speed read of them but you do not have to read each mail!

    Super bp x - trying to dig herself out of a hole!

  • Comment number 22.

    Rachel - or whoever you are.

    I dont know you so shall not make any personal comments unlike you have.

    I for one are glad u are leaving if you dont like it - free world and all that.

    I am fed up to the back teeth of people complaining about this blog. Go away and dont ever read it again if you dont like what has happened to it.

    But no, instead you have to dig and dig and dig and upset the genuinely nice people on here who share a bit of their day with us - what is wrong with u guys?

    Seriously, i have lurked from the beginning and am a relativiely new blogger - but my reason for blogging is to catch up with my `virtual friends` and see whats happening with everyone else.

    I believe that when Chris blogs each day most people have comments regarding his blog and they put them down - then the flow goes from there...sorry but thats how its supposed to work isnt it? otherwise Chris would just write something and then we would all leave one line comments and it would be bl**dy boring!

    I have purposely stayed out of the back stabbing and fighting that has been instigated by certain people over the last few weeks but i couldnt hold it in any longer.

    My apologies to anyone who dislikes this rant but i believe it needed to be said by someone.

    Anyone who doesnt like it - just go away and leave the people who do like it to it....just please stop trying to stir things up - its like being with 8 year olds all the time..

    Right, prob gonna be banished forever for this but i really feel passionately about this situation - its bullying in any other form.

    Thanks for reading

    mSc x

    PS - hate Saunas - LOVE hottubs! x

  • Comment number 23.

    msc - go you! I only am a ba (hons)

  • Comment number 24.

    SBP - i have none - prob would have put it more eloquently if i was more educated! :)


  • Comment number 25.

    mSc - totally agree with you, you put it brilliantly.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    The thing that saddens me most is what will CLP think of all this when he catches up with our posts, as I'm sure he does on a regular basis.

  • Comment number 27.

    I don't think CLP will lose any sleep over it. He lights the blue touch paper every day and then goes and hides behind a bush while we all play (or not as the case may be!).

    He'll be too busy trying to stop his white bits going wrinkly to worry about us.

    MV x

  • Comment number 28.


    we all love your blog and your daily insights.... you get us going off on a tangent and then some!

    PLease dont take any of this `stuff` thats going on and think `shall i stop writing the blog`. The answer is please dont.

    The majority love it and the format and silliness that follows - and of course we all love the show and feel maybe just a little part of it..

    ..thank you in advance.

    mSc and others i hope! x

  • Comment number 29.

    btw _blue_angel_

    "hogger from new" ?

    i've been using this blog since approx nov 2006. so, not there at the beginning as a blogger (although i did lurk, whilst plucking up courage to actually post anything) but surely can't be classed as a newbie after all this time?

  • Comment number 30.

    Well....it's certainly hotting up in this ole hot tub....Phew....

    MsC - well said.

    CtD - see my entry 45 from yest.

    If we're too busy to catch up on all the entries then we don't read. Otherwise, we can write about whatever we please and the way of the world is....you can't please everyone all of the time. So don't stop doing what you do anyone. And rachel I think you should stick around and pop in with whatever you have to say for the day/week whatever.


  • Comment number 31.

    And CLP probably thinks its funny....don't think he gets too uptight about the small stuff.


  • Comment number 32.

    dreamurdream - i saw your post #45 from yesterday. thank you for your very kind words - what a thought: me and BM in our own little radio world!

    do you think BM's wire has fallen out again? she's very quiet today .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon each

    Scooby: well said. Our little 8-yr old is much nicer and has better manners than some!!

    Welcome back Chris. Never tried a hot tub but I do love a steam room. Don't drop your microphone - could be a catastrophe.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 34.

    BM prob collapsed from too much black pudd!!!! She is defo in hol mode....and out enjoying her own little hot tub world somewhere....maybe we'll hear her on the show tonight in her 2 piece....

    Glad to hear your spirit back up CtD...


  • Comment number 35.

    Hot tubs one and all

    Fabulous.. particularly if you put Bubble bath in.
    I'm sure it will make for interesting listening.

    Rachel only thinking about you recently after reading about the Blue Angels in the States. The equilant of our Red Arrows.

    I do agree by the way as I hide with my head over my ears in a cupboard.

    Nice to see you.


  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon all,

    Hot tubs are great - CLP - you do get to do some awesome things in the name of work!!

    Hate to be a killjoy, but I thought you were only meant to stay in them for short lengths of times as they can raise your blood pressure? Or is that just a myth?? Or just if the water's too hot??

    Msc - nicely done. I must admit I lurked for ages and was a little bit scared of posting to start with, kind of afraid that I wouldn't be "accepted by the cool kids" but actually everyone was perfectly lovely and welcoming. And as I'm sure I must have said before, being the wrong side of the atlantic from home, the blog has cheered me up no end on the down-i-miss-home-days, with friendly banter from (mostly) friendly people with some common interests - namely listening to CLP!

    So back to hot tubs..... you guys wanna be careful in that there hot tub - my friend had an embarrassing bikini top related incident when someone put the whirly bubbles machine on......


  • Comment number 37.

    Dragon - am I one of the cool kids? pick me (desperate or what! - I've never been cool before!)

  • Comment number 38.

    Me neither. I was always the loner geeky one at school.

  • Comment number 39.

    i was the ugly ducking at school that turned into the swan at sixth form (different school) - not sure why but probably had something to do with being a late developer and discovering alcohol!

  • Comment number 40.

    oh - and how to I get to type at work - well I am multi-tasking - I am on a phone call and training session at the same time!

  • Comment number 41.

    Rachel - where have you gone? Have you been sent to the naughty corner?!

    Christoph - good to hear you back again and can't wait for tonight's show. I'm trying desperately to get the image of you and Johnny in Speedos (other swimwear is available) out of my mind but I can't - heeelp!!!

    Hope everyone is well and sorry I've not been around for ages. This blog just moves too fast for me these days - by the time I've thought about something to post, it's moved on again !!!! It's still very entertaining though so CtD just keep doing what you're doing, OK?

    Rachel - come back soon?

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 42.

    hey BP - i too am the mistress of multi-tasking. i can also manage my own workload, deciding when i can and cannot afford to blog.

    as said before, i have my own office so do not spend time during my day chatting about last night's tv to colleagues. the blog is like my online office full of people, and i dip in and out when i feel like it - and with a typing speed of 70 wpm it don't take long to post!!



  • Comment number 43.

    For what it's worth...

    I personally doubt if Chris Evans reads what is posted on here as very little of it is pertinent to what he writes in his blog

    It is certainly not the place of anybody who posts on here to tell somebody to go elsewhere because they do not like what they have posted.

    Likewise nobody can dictate what the ambience of the blog is to be. Some want it to be light and fluffy, and others want something a bit more serious. Surely a blend of the two would merely relect real life.

    This place is provided by the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and anyone can post anything as long as it abides by the rules they lay down..

  • Comment number 44.

    What a great show tonight.

    Might have a go at some syncronized swimming in the bath later.

    As for the blog it is all becoming like a Miss Marple Murder Mystery... (why didn't I think of using that nickname!!!).


  • Comment number 45.

    It's like the Marie Celeste of the internet on here tonight.

    Is there some kind of boycott going on ?

    Any more of this and I'll have to get the ouija board out.

  • Comment number 46.

    Chris - looking pretty damn good in the Speedos if you don't mind me saying....

  • Comment number 47.

    The gallery pictures make me green with envy. All those sports cars in one place as well.

    I went to the healthy place and relaxed in the hot tub.

  • Comment number 48.

    What a great idea, an interview from a ! I wonder if Chris Evans has one himself? If so many "normal" people have them, surely he must...

  • Comment number 49.

    Anyone looking at or Swimming pools to add to their home, should look at a . These clever gadgets enable you to swim on the spot for a fraction of the costs of a pool. Plus they are so cheap to run that you can have them hot all year round and your power bill will probably be less than a years' gym membership!


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