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Chris Evans | 14:50 UK time, Thursday, 11 December 2008

Oh yes and no mistake, here's the deal...

... two of our team, i.e. Helen - the boss and Craig - the crackpot, are already in Cyprus, having flown there this morning to sort out tomorrow's ALL REQUEST FORCES SPESH.

Brilliant, can't wait and the rest of the team are staying here to handle things from this end.

But moi is all in between caught up in the middle like. I stay for tonight's show, fly out early in the morn and get there just in time for tomorrow night's show.

ALL GOOD....NO PROBLEM........ HOWEVER........ H O W E V E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's the RADIO 2 staff party tonight. Like the big one, the Christmas Ding Dong, the once a year and that's it thing. Girls with glitter and no partners and a proper mobile disco.

Now, the cats already in Cyprus are gonna have a beer in sympathy, the dudes here are gonna party like there's no shows to do tomorrow, but I have to go home with not so much as a lime stuffed in the top of a bottle.

Of all the days in all of the year.

Course, the naughty little office imps are telling me to go the party anyway but I am saying:
"Get over yourselves St. Trinians, I've got a five hour flight with just me and a dusty old paperback, plus thirty degrees C and hundreds of squaddies waiting for a request at the other end."

Still, one wouldn't hurt, would it?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh lummee Christophe...do me a favour, and wait just a minute to breathe!

    I'm in the middle of organgrinding the staff Christmas party for next Tuesday...and one, just ONE person hasn't said what they want to eat. Just when I thought it'd be safe to go back in the water...

    Anyhoo, I'll have a Marine please

  • Comment number 2.

    i've got drinks tonioght and christmas do tomorrow - so have the same issue as you - cannot drink tonight as I need to be able to cope tomorrow - decsions decsions

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 3.


    ARF - Tarkan "Kiss Kiss" - its been no 1 in Turkey for best part of a decade - a real international party song - even tho you're in Cyprus!

  • Comment number 4.


    GO to the party, have a good time but don't go bonkers!

    Are we still choosing the first song for ARF? If so:

    Wonderful World - Joey Ramone

    Well, it is an international ARF, arfter all!

    Cheryl the Diva xxxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    My suggestion is go to the party, you can always sleep on the plane...

  • Comment number 6.

    I second Mr Bond's suggestion.

    I wish I had lots of parties to go to. We've got a Christmas meal on the 19th at lunchtime, it's hardly going to be a wild time. Never mind, at least I don't have to pay!


  • Comment number 7.

    Go for it CLP.....just don't go mad.

    I'm out for a christmas 'do' tonight, with the new people. In fact no, they aren't new I am. Oh you know what I mean.

    Then out tomorrow with the company that I used to work for, they invite me every year.

    Actually, what am I do sitting here....things to do!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 8.

    Anyway as a tax payer I hope we are not paying for this party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fiver says you go.


  • Comment number 9.

    Howdie smurfette!

    I meant the long ends .... not the short ends!

    x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    I third James suggestion too just don't drink too much and an extra three hours or so kip on the plane should do it!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Right Off to find my other horse - she's around here somewhere, Load her into a Trailer, then take her back home! YEAH! She's been away for over a Year now - went away to stud - had pregnancy, had foal, weaned foal and now HOME!!!!!!

    Ohh! it's going dark so must dash!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Oh forgot to say our Christmas do is tommorow night and I am only going to work a Half day - it will take as long to get ready!

    Dress wise - going to rake through dresses worn at weddings that haven't had an airing for a while!


  • Comment number 13.

    bye dook, good luck finding the horse, hope it's not too dark....

  • Comment number 14.

    Did you get the picture Cheryl, thought maybe you were to polite to comment on them LOL!

    Dook I went shopping for some new things to wear this morning. In and out of the blooming changing rooms so often that I was tempted to run out and change the sizes in my underwear.

    Maybe not ;-)

    Haven't caught up with anything, spent this afternoon at the school watching LM's christmas concert. And watching him pull the tail off Donkey. Oops!

    x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    Debs no worries he's set up for pin the tail on the donkey at the christmas party!


  • Comment number 16.

    Debbie-C...LOL classic xmas concert moment.... hope you caught it on video.....LOL

  • Comment number 17.

    Deb - I emailed you last night. Worried now!

  • Comment number 18.

    Good point Nev.

    007, we weren't allowed to film and were only alllowed to go up to the stage and take photos after the performance not during :-(

    x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    ARF Bela Lougosi's Dead By Bahous

    Not that i'll be able to listen as i'll prob be out of the cab.

    which reminds me Bloggers You WONT have my company tomorrow as i'll be working. And there was me gonna ring in if i wasn't working . . i must say that more often methinks *ggggggggggg*

    Have fun Tomorrow Chris. I don't envy you with the flight an all

    Take it easy folks weather's supposed to be useless tonight n tomorrow morning.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 20.

    I agree with JLF... go to the sleep on the plane , drink as much water as you do pop . stand under the shower for ages and then eat a large brekkie ... sorted .

  • Comment number 21.

    Ah Cheryl just read your post and checked my other email account. I've got one that mostly spam and stuff go to.

    I see what you mean, I was sealing everything! Even Mr Debbie looked worried when I had that brush in my hand hehe.

    I will try another time. I shall be triumphant.

    x x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Debbie-C, Why not?

  • Comment number 23.

    Because you have to get consent from all the parents in the room or something. All to do with undesirables obtaining pics of children.

    At least I think that's what it's all about.

  • Comment number 24.

    debs - what did LM play? Did he have a line?

    anybody else out there with kids - what are they doing ?

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh how ridiculous is that.... so you lose out on recording for child's play.

  • Comment number 26.

    Christoff Lamby Pie you lightweight!

    Get to that party. You can always have a kip en route, then start again at t'other end.

    2 for the pricea 1, hurrah.

    And make it Happy Hour. You know Happy Hour, The More You Drink, The More You Save.


  • Comment number 27.

    He was a shepherd bp. A 'shepherd warming his toes by the fire' I believe to the the correct name of the role. So he tells me. And he had to say 'I'm freezing'

    He is singing in the christmas carol service at our local church tomorrow.

    Yep 007, no pics or recording of the play. Just him standing in front of the camera at the end.

    x x x

  • Comment number 28.

    Go, go, go, go, go!!!!

    Didn't your doctor chum (or someone's doctor chum on radio 2!) say that as long as you drink at least two pints of water before you go to sleep (or catch a flight) you'll avoid the hangover.

    Tis the season to be jolly, tra-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Debbie-C.....wow how sad is that. Nothing to humiliate him with when he brings his first girlfriend home......LOL Joking aside, is that a school decision not to allow filming?

  • Comment number 30.


    This has been creeping in for some time - 10 years ago we could still take photos at littlest 'un's primary school but my friends with younger ones can't. PC paranoia gone mad.

    And as for anyone who isn't digital and wants an innocent snap of their own kids in the bath or paddling pool - which most of us have from our own childhoods I bet - you're likely to get arrested if you take them somewhere to be developed these days.

    I'm all for trying to stop abuse, of course, but innocent people get caught by these blanket catch-all rules.


  • Comment number 31.

    Hello JenEwan!

    Not sure if it's a school thing tbh, want to find out now though.

    x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    True derbyfi. And evidence proves that most abuse is committed by someone in or known to the family somehow.

    But protecting our kids at all costs makes sense.

    This is very serious suddenly isn't it.

  • Comment number 33.

    Wow derbyfi PC gone mad is an understatement........ Okay so now I know what I would do if I was PM...... Give families the opportunity to record their children's activities at school events.

  • Comment number 34.

    i wonder if CtD's been buried under the amount of invoicing she's done today?

  • Comment number 35.

    there was the case of a newsreader being questioned because she had pictures of her kids in the bath and got them developed in boots - who hasn't got pictures of them in the bath at some point?

    i think some common sense needs to be applied to protect the children but not to vilify normal parents

  • Comment number 36.

    Debs its not just your school - its everywhere!! Bonkers - totally bonkers

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Jen - how's the job going?

    RIght, time for me to reveal all ... yes, even in this chilly weather:

    Today we have


    And an elefant bursting out of a pressie like that Noel Tidy-beard ad on Sky at the mo!

    Day off tomorrow gang but will endeavour to keep up the advent momentum.

  • Comment number 38.

    well said bagpuss...... Let common sense prevail!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Steve - cheeky!!! ;-)

    I went to the nativity play of my God Daughter 2 years ago (she was a shiny shiny star!) and there was no photography allowed, BUT the school had it filmed by a "professional" and parents were invited to order their copy of the DVD (all proceeds go to the school, naturally!) for collection when the new term began again in January.

    Talk about cash cow!

    For the record: my best friend (mother of said God Daughter) sat there all sensible whilst me and her mum sat either side of her bawling our eyes out!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    It's the old problem isn't it Debbie - a criminal minority (who aren't usually dealt with harshly enough in my view) get away with their evil ways, often for many years, and so millions of other quite harmless people pay the price.

    You can say the same in a way for car insurance, road tax etc dodgers - they kill and maim others with dangerous driving in unroadworthy vehicles and then get a tiny fine that is less than their insurance would be for one year.

    If I was PM........ I'd make punishments for serious crimes that cause suffering to other people (physical and mental) fit the crime - and life should mean life.

    Sorry all, I'm on my soapbox now.


  • Comment number 41.

    Jen if I had a couple of pints of water on top of what I had been drinking I'd be up every 5 mins for a wee - maybe that's how you avoid the hangover.

    The no photos of kids is common I think - they got around it at the school where the munchins go by getting parental consent at the strat pf the school year for all events etc.


  • Comment number 42.

    Greetings and Salutations from an ever colder Vancouver,

    Ah, the age old dillemma of whether to stay in or go out.

    The soiree: inviting, exciting, fun-filled, rhapsodic, jubilant, festive and booze-fuelled...but...

    The Problem: Having something important to do the next day makes it difficult to join the party with the same unchallenged abandon enjoyed by the other attendees.

    What to do, Mr. Evans, what to do? Could go either way...

    I have been on many a flight around our fair planet, hungover due to an inability to avoid the delightful excess of the night before and it is always painful. These days I tend to avoid that kind of pre-flight excess (next Wednesday is a classic example before my London flight...) but it can be tough...We've all been there.

    Either way, remember this:

    You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.

    Bottoms up.

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 43.

    Who deciced to have the bash on Thursday anyhoooo?

    Stooopid night for a party of such magnitude as the R2 shindig!

    Hiya Dr T ;-)

  • Comment number 44.

    Nev, Agree completely but that probably makes too much sense....LOL

  • Comment number 45.

    bagpuss and Deb - enjoy your evenings ladies!

    you can compare hangovers on here tomrorow!

    and Deb - don't go calling them all smurfs or oompa lompers after to much Lambrini!

  • Comment number 46.

    off to another 2 hour meeting....groan.....

  • Comment number 47.

    CLP- Just Do It!!! You can have a fun time without having to get too sloshed! Sleep on the plane as suggested... after all it's not the Crimbo party every night of the year is it?

    We haven't really got a proper Crimbo party this year as we're all in different places so we have a small Leicester party next Friday and then we're having a New Years party in Andorra!

    Off to the gym in a bit... need to get rid of the excesses of NYC (and there were quite a few!)


  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon each

    Go for it Chris, as Bond says you can always sleep on the plane. A couple won't hurt.

    Bagpuss: Our very smallest one (3) is a cat in his nursery nativity play. Can't remember ever seeing a cat in one before. Am going to see him next Wednesday morning - with trepidation I may add - this is the one who will either be ruler of the world or boss of the mafia! Has thrown contents of his potty (wee, fortunately) all over the telly while it was on and threw my coffee all over the sofa the other week. An angel when he's good and an absolute fiend when he's bad.

    Back later. Off to thrash Cheryl on wordscraper.


  • Comment number 49.

    Anne - the cat thing reminds me of the Lobster in the nativity in Love Actually!


    Thrash away my dear, thrash away!

  • Comment number 50.

    Crumbs Annie - perhaps a good thing you can't video it!!

    Bondy - you in your meeting yet???

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    PS: ARF - Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits.

    Never happen!!!

    Back to wordscraper.


  • Comment number 52.

    Ah, Cheryl the Diva, our dyed-in-the wool Gooner...

    Greetings as ever. Pass the misletoe...;-)

  • Comment number 53.

    Good evening LH1

    Got them all running scared on FB wordscraper folks!!


  • Comment number 54.

    James - it's OK no-one will notice if I sneak in -
    OOOoooops - Tripped - Crash!! bang!! wallop!! - just broke me baby oil all over me pink fluffy handcuffs and black frillies!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

    enjoy your meeting!!!!

  • Comment number 55.


    ARF - Real Thing. Can You Feel The Force

    Or as I would prefer, along with many a priddy laydee on here, and possibly some of the priddy mentaljens - can we feel the forces - pleeease x

    Just thought I'd be topical - without the hazel nuts. (she is y'kno!)


  • Comment number 56.

    Oh, yeah, and Chris -

    As an obligate teetotaler I advise you attend said par-tay, stay of the wobbly stuff and just have a darned good chuckle at everybody elses expense. Take a camera and hold all and sundry to ransom upon your return.

    It works for me, no hangover, no shame, no embarrassment and a heck of a lot of light hearted tut tutting the following day.
    People will believe anything you tell them if they know you were the only sober one there.

    Remember, sober does not mean sombre.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 57.

    Good point MWa!

    I'm often the designated driver and don't mind not drinking but I do get cross when pubs/bars charge mad prices for a small fruit juice and a dash of lemonade or similar from a hosepipe.


  • Comment number 58.

    Ah yes DF,

    Works do last sundy, I was on the j2O, at £3.25 a bottle. So £6.50 a pint!

    Blinkin' blimey.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 59.

    MW,a! & DFi

    I always ask for a pint of iced tap water when I'm out n about and driving . . .drives the pub bonkers. They keep trying to offer me bottled water which i refuse. If they refuse me tap water i go elsewhere. But they tend to just give me what i want without too much hassle. If somewhere tries to tell you that the water isn't drinkable then they are lying as I'm sure that there has to potable (drinkable) water somewhere in the establishment.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 60.


    CtD, that would first lobster in the nativity right?

  • Comment number 61.

    Yay, MW, a! nice one!


    PS - hi everyone!

  • Comment number 62.

    What a grand pair of crackers, MW,a!


  • Comment number 63.

    Ohh, I love a bit of sax!

  • Comment number 64.

    Absolutely James!

    ** standing under the mistletoe now **

  • Comment number 65.

    Heard the crackers but missed the announcement before them when getting dinner out of the oven. Doh!

    Good choices - but to be honest almost anything by the divine Mr Springsteen gets my vote!


  • Comment number 66.

    Evening all HELP!

    A ginger cat has decided to move in with us much to the disgust of our current cat. No matter how many times we chuck him out we find him kipping on the sofa next time we come in the lounge!!!

    how do I get rid of him?

  • Comment number 67.

    Good heavens - radio on and missed them. Bums.

    Was wrestling with Red magazine on-line, trying to get a subscription for daughter as one of her Crimbo pressies.

    Didn't even notice it was the heavenly Brucie.


  • Comment number 68.


    "in the Navy"....

    Cause a lot of them in Cyprus Are!



    Wooofff To The Boy for Passing his Test and the Tooli for scoring 90%

  • Comment number 69.


    I presume you have a cat flap. You may need to upgrade to an infra red one where you programme the collar key to the cat flap. As long as ginger tom doesn't have the same colour key he can't get in.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh yeah, we sell all the stuff for pets mentioned on tonights show.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello all.... have been a bit quiet on the blogging front, have been lurking.

    CLP: re the Christmas party scenario I think you should go, even if you only have the one or two you can still have a laugh at everyone else's drunken antics. At the now infamous staff do 3 christmasses ago at my place of work there was one girl who couldn't drink (doctor's orders) and she dined out for about 3 days afterwards reminding (or informing) her colleagues just what they had got up to.... plus shs ehad no hangover to deal with the next day!

    Debbie/Bondy: re the whole pictures of children's plays etc... I work at a tourist attraction here in Edinburgh and often lead education sessions for primary school aged children. if we want to take photos of any of the events we run we need to get advance permission from the parents of every single child in the group before we can take a single shot. It's a sad state of affairs but a reflection of the society we live in.

    Anyhow on a cheerier note this year's Chrimbo bash is next week, still to decide what to wear... decisions, decisions


  • Comment number 72.

    Hi rosie

    It's not only little people - we have to have signed agreement from older people in order to display their photos in our Annual Report.

    You going on Monday? Hopefully see you there. Fight you for a cuddle with the little'un!


  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Annie am very much hoping to be there!

    And cuddles are a particular speciality of mine!!


  • Comment number 74.

    Bunoes Noches

    Cyprus what a lovely place and actually only 4hrs flying surely!

    Today I wanted to kill somebody.

    My daughters Christmas present was a hairdo. Now it's just about taken me 4 years to get my hair without all those silly layers and fairly long.
    Today however finding myself in the hands of a female hairdresser which is always a bad idea., she cuts the lot off, I'm not sure what style it is supposed to be but I dare say it will take me a year to sort out.

    Thank you Toni and Guy ... don't go there ladies.

  • Comment number 75.



    You shouldn't have paid if it wasn't what you wanted :(

    I don't know why you women don't refuse to pay more often . . .if ya ALL did that then they'd soon get it right . . .EVERYTIME.

    I do feel for you PP

    I've never been in that situation before as for as long as i've been old enough to say what i want i've had number 1's and now get the missus to do it with clippers.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 76.

    Sorry Bsmum, couldn't wait till the weekend. Am writing Christmas cards. Christmas tree lights are twinkling at me and I just had to do it. Je suis desolate (is that how you say it?)

  • Comment number 77.

    hello! anyone in?

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Cheryl, how's you?


  • Comment number 79.

    Tired, and glad I've got tomorrow off!


  • Comment number 80.

    CtD, Lucky you. Although we're supposed to have a big snow storm tonight that will dump upwards of 7 inches of snow...... knowing how accurate the weathermen/women have been this winter, we'll probably 7 mm....LOL We will see, if it's too bad it will be another work at home day......fingers and everything crossed...

  • Comment number 81.

    Good to hear that your weather people are as useless as ours!!! They never get it right. Never ever.

    Meetings all done?

    Day off tomorow but very busy!

  • Comment number 82.

    So wish I had a day off tomorrow, but it will be the usual - out at 7.30, scraping car!!

    Enjoy your lie in Cheryl.


  • Comment number 83.

    Lie in?!?!?! I wish ...
    Housework. Then got appointment at the tax office at 10. Loads of stuff tov do at the post office (Annie - you will get something nice on Saturday morning in the post - enjoy! x), then shopping, need to find something to wear on NYE, hair cut at half twelve - I love my hairdresser: craig-the-wannabe-gansta-rapper-crimper. He's priceless!

    Then when Mr Diva gets in at half four - off to buy our Christmas Tree!

    Busy day all told.

  • Comment number 84.

    CtD, the meeting is finally over. The 2 hour ended up being 3 hours....... coffee is my friend.......

  • Comment number 85.

    Gin Bondy. Gin is my friend. Or wine. Or champagne. Or a pint .....

  • Comment number 86.

    Cheryl, your day sounds fabbie. What?? what?? is arriving on Saturday? Can't stand secrets, they drive me mad!!!!

    You lovely girl. Enjoy your day.


  • Comment number 87.

    Phew Cheryl, makes me tired just thinking about all that!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    I need to clear the decks of chores - busy weekend ahead. Out Saturday pm on the lash with friends for christmas drinks, then decking the halls at Diva Towers on Sunday.

    It's amazing how long it takes to deck the halls of a 2-bed terrace!

    what's everyone else up to?

  • Comment number 89.

    Annie - you'll just have to wait and see. Its nice tho. Well, I think so!

  • Comment number 90.

    There are meetings where I would have welcomed those "friends"....lol

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Rosieposie...... How are things?

  • Comment number 92.

    HI Bond, things are ok thanks, just one more day of work to go then three days off!! A weekend of Christmas shopping, posting cards and hopefully butting the tree up is in store!

    Have just seen the weather forecast for the next few days though and it's not looking good... sleety conditions, yuck!

    How are you?

  • Comment number 93.

    Yeah Rosie. Minus 2 around Edinburgh. I know Bond, not nearly as bad as where you are, but scary anyway.


  • Comment number 94.

    erm that would be putting the tree up, not butting it!

  • Comment number 95.

    rosie - i was quite enjoying the image of you butting the tree!

  • Comment number 96.

    Mr Diva is watching some old Red Dwarf's - they're really funny! I loathed it first time round!

  • Comment number 97.

    could be painful.... all those needles!

  • Comment number 98.

    Rosie, I'm fine thanks. Sounds like you've got a fun weekend planned. We are supposed to get lots of snow, but who knows.......

  • Comment number 99.

    I kinda wish we would get a bit of snow... Edinburgh would look so beautiful under a blanket of the white stuff

  • Comment number 100.

    I'm loving the cat on Red Dwarf. Genius!


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