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Could we book a table for the book people please ?

Chris Evans | 16:06 UK time, Friday, 5 June 2009

Hey you the rock steady crew...

... had a big dinner last night with les grandes fromages from the publishers last night along with the all important buyers.

What's it about ? What's it not about ? Where does it go ? Where doesn't it go ?

All so very interesting. Publishing, I've discovered, is the purest of journeys, it's down to writing it and then selling it. That's it, there are no actors, or producers or set builders or other links in the chain. Sure there are other people involved, hundreds but as far as the words go, they pass stright from the author's brain into that of the reader. It's this that is the beauty and nakedness of writing.

There's no place to hide. If it's any good it's a hit, if it's not - then game over.

So, here's hoping and looking forward to one more sales dinner with the high street boys and girls same time next Thursday.

Brain aching already with more ideas for the next one, but now on with the show my dears. I'm thinking a bit of Elbow to kick off ARF, what do you reckon ?

Have a blast at the weekend you lot, that's what they are for !





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  • Comment number 1.

    You have a blast too CLP. Elbow sounds good to me.


  • Comment number 2.

    First? Moi? Oh, the signs are good. I shall put the lottery on!


  • Comment number 3.

    C'mon you lot! Where are you?


  • Comment number 4.

    Ta pip..............

    need to dash to get washing in...............rain's on its way!


  • Comment number 5.

    CLP....where's u been

    ARF- ELO..Mr Blue Sky...pleeeeaase

    OR Elbow....go on then


  • Comment number 6.

    Rain's already here. We're getting a month's worth in one go! Garden's loving it though. Not sure about DS. He's due to go bell boating on river with Scouts in a couple of hours. Ho hum!


  • Comment number 7.

    5th and 6th Moi....well done Pip

  • Comment number 8.


    ARF- Boys are back in Town LIZZY

    Good one CLP...think about it....go on...be a devil.

    Grandes Fromages indeed you big girls blouse....

  • Comment number 9.

    ...still after a bit of Walking on Sunshine...but I ain't got one of mine played yet, so am only holding out Bob hope...

    Anyhoo, a book about Cheese Christophe? Fort it wuz gonna be an Ortabiograffickal tome???

    El Bow...the famous Spanish violinist

    See you at 5.05 or similar!!!

    Have jolly weekends all, I'm orft now xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Chris - Elbow will do if you're not doing CUBAAAA!

    yoos too have a fabaroony weekend - hey why dont you and tash join us on FNWC - that would be a hoot!


  • Comment number 11.

    ADIOS AMIGOS....TB signing off now, to pub for swift one (tuning in at 5.05 of course)

    FNWC everyone...indulge...sensibly!!??

    TBx out

  • Comment number 12.

    Arfternoon CLP!

    Hope everyone's having a good one! I've not done huge amounts today which has been nice!

    Whatever you open ARF with is always a stunner and all the requests have been fab for today so I'm happy to leave it with you!

    I might just pop in to FNWC tonight depending on whether I start to watch the 10 episodes of 24 I've got sky+'d... often leading to days that seem to go missing. If I don't see you later then have a great weekend...

    & the bump

  • Comment number 13.

    Oo how grand, hope your brains not into meltdown by 5 CLP.

    Had a VERY strange day today, number 1 son is 15 and YES I do still bake his birthday cakes. New oven working wonders - it's a monster sponge!

    Got a squad of 'lads' staying over tonight - big bags under the eyes no doubt tomorrow.

    Just got time to do the 'circuit' with my horsie - need to unwind before I am stressed out.

    Not sure if a bottle of vino is in order or not hey ho, what the L.

    Njoy your weekend one and all.


  • Comment number 14.

    Clp - 'citing, and already thinking about the next one eh? I think you've got guaranteed sales on this ere blog for starters!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Lyndy, I only have those days when no-one is at home and I can veg out and watch the programmes that I've recorded.

    Coffee in one hand , biccies, cake, chocolate (whatever I can find) in the other and I only let the dog out for a P when he's desperate!

    I have to say those days are few and far between

    Hows the 'bump' doing? I got rid of mine 15 years ago today!

    Treasure every second, it goes FAR FAR to quick.


  • Comment number 16.

    CLP--just before I go...yeah, not gone yet....what are the chances of a signed copy of the new book (Bob Hope)?? Just for bloggers, naturally.

    Will be on my xmas list anyway, so will be reading YOUR MIND AND THOUGHTS as they go in to my heed....beauty and nakedness of writing and all that jazz.

    c u xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks for all the congrats - I will keep you posted on my progress. I am on reductil from the GP and that is really helping.

    Baz - sorry about mrs tango! Life is tough friend. Something has gone wrong somewhere though as I don't have a boyfriend to enjoy this new found interest with!!! Any offers - please let me know via my facebook page.....................

  • Comment number 18.

    BLYipE - I'm fortunate enough to have had a suprise week with nothing planned as I should have been in the Bahamas working so I've really made the most of it.

    I've had a day baking, a day in the garden, a day out shopping and caught up on wayward paperwork and today been a bit lazy. Now intending having a nice dinner and vegging out for the evening. The bump is growing nicely and now just making me a bit tired every now and again.

    I shall be treasuring the good, the bad and the indifferent days as I've waited a long time for this.


  • Comment number 19.

    Greetings Ter CLP.... In Particular!!!!! In Fact More So Than Anyone Else Terdee... But Also Greetings Ter ALL Too.... Just A Little Less Then Usual.......

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Sound smost interesting... iz this asign yer thinkin gof wreeting a book yersen.... yer autobiography??????
    Know, sorry now a most good time in ye rlife maybe ter wreet part 1!!!!!!!
    Am wondering whether ter wreet a book Bingo stylee..... only problem.... a can't speell or get me knows and nows wreet.... now what am sayin'!!!!!!!
    As for the ARF.... Elbow..... 'ow appropriate.... ave injured me left elbow... don't now, sorry know 'ow ave done it.... but the joint iz killing me!!!! Might noot be able ter do any gym work on it for a while or a will make it worse!!!!!!
    Elbow.... 'Throw Me Curtains Open' sound slike a great ARF opener ter me!!!!

    No offence mean't ter.... 'ALL' but a feel a ave a BIG 'pologie ter make aimed directly at The CLP, The Tash and INDEED The Noah!!!!!!
    The reason..... well yesterdee a don't now, sorry know, if.... it.... waz just... me but at the start of the 'AWARD' winning Drivetime gig.... a detected in CLP's voice.... a little anger..... a little disgust.... a little........ feeling of being insulted in an insulting manner!!!!!
    Know, sorry now, a may be totally wrong but a just 'ope it ain't ter do with me liking the likeable photo of Micheal Caine and family ter a likeable likeness ter CLP and family..... CLP and The Caine in particular!!!!!!
    Can a just offer BIG 'pologies if CLP, you do find/ feel rage at such a suggested sentimentation/ photo likeable likness!!!!!!
    But in me defence... a just (using the beautiful 'JUST' word a lot terdee - get's yer outta trouble) waz.... ok admitededly in a 'umourous/ mischievious tone but noot making fun of CLP... just light 'eartedly.... liking the likeness of the likeable photo of the likeable Caine ter the likeable CLP!!!!
    And let's face it about the faces in question..... The Caine the face of male film stars.... one of the UK's biggest ever film stars if noot the biggest (noot that a mean overweight/ fat... a mean biggest in.... BIG az in appeared in the biggest films az the lead male.... now, sorry now, that iz BIG without being overweight) film stars, the most charasmatic and INDEED popular/ cool film stars of the 60's/ 70's!!!!!!!!
    And on top of this a mean't CLP looks aloot like The Caine of the 1972 era noot know, sorry now.... aka near 70 odd.... or iz 'e late 60's - no offence ter The Caine!!!! (My goodness if the Caine iz reading this know, sorry now, am gonna be offended 'im whilst trying ter unoffend The CLP!!!!!!)
    But when a say 1972 a don't mean CLP iz in black and white.... soz am getting totally confused know, soorry now..... now what am sayin.... a mean know what am sayin'!!!!!!?@?!!
    Know, now, a could understand if a waz liking CLP ter loooking very like Gorden Brown or Tony Blair..... or INDEED Margaret Thatcher 'im being very offended but surely noot one of the all time british greats of the movies!!!!!!!!
    On top of this in the photo also are a new baby.... ok The Caine's baby iz a girl and Noah iz a boy.... but still at first glance a similar 'appy family with a new born baby like The Evans 'ouse'old!!!!!
    And on top of this..... Shakira aka the wife of The Caine ok Shakira noot like Tash.... but closer ter Shishmanian.... and The Shakira.... with dark 'air, dark eyes and tall and INDEED beautiful..... all.... very again a likeness ter Tash..... see what am getting at know, sorry now!!!!!!!
    A mean if The Caine's wife waz short, fat and blonde with blue eyes and from Sweden and called Aida.... then no similarities ter Tash.... remotely at all - know, sorry now all do yer realise the BIG..... WHATTA COINCIDENCE similarities of the photo that am tryin ter get at aka 'it on the 'ead!!!!!!!
    So all in all CLP. Tash and INDEED Noah...... please except me 'pologies but it waz all mean't az a bIG compliment in light' earted way - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Actually..... what if CLP and family were noot offended at all by me likening of the their likeness ter the likeable photo........ Know, sorry now...... they might be offended wreet know, sorry now, by me BIG 'pologie.... aka me insinuating that CLP and family might noot ave a sense of 'umour or INDEED able ter appreciate the staure of The Caine's standing...... ..... ............. ohhhhh dear this iz getting all too much for me sanity and mind.......

    am totally confused all............ am off for a strong Mocha and a lie down!!!!!!

    Please let 2009 be GOURANGA!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    # 19 - A beautiful number..... especially if yer a 'ot female from Ukraine!!!!!!

    'ope all ave a guten of a weekend..... you deserve it!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Bingo- calm yourself down hon' I'm sure that no offence was taken -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 22.

    Is it just me or has R2 stopped streaming?

    Glad you are well Lindy.


  • Comment number 23.

    Thunder - me too. Says file path is invalid? eh? you what? in english?

    so no CLP for me today then :(


  • Comment number 24.






    lie down!


    Penny xx

  • Comment number 25.

    I've clicked on the lower bandwidth and its on Thunder/Dragon.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Prop - well done!
    good toone

  • Comment number 27.

    Good onya Propacar

    Well done.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Tried that beez - still not working :(


  • Comment number 29.

    And CLP makes his own ARF for the day... not that I'm complaining... I just can't get tired of this track -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 30.

    Oooh sorry Propacar I didn't catch your request... Well done you! -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 31.

    Ello Propacar - Nice choice.... a like this Elbow tune.... very nice the way it gently builds.... an uplifting tune in all areas!!!!!!!

    A don't know if ave told this story before.... in fact a know a ave.... anyway....

    A once took Elbow's advice and threw mine wide whilst noot dressed..... and me curtain pole collapsed.... thus leaving me exposed ter the neighbours...... BE VERY CAREFUL if yer do follow The Elbow's advice!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Crumbs, just got back from Bracknell De la Mer......

    Well done Propa - happy to lose to an Elbow track anytime....looking forward to watching the DVD even more now!

    Bingo, thanks again....and for what it's worth, I think you're worrying too much mate.
    Very full explanantion though....of course!

    Also...thanks Thunder (where've ya been?) MC, Lost Ali (have a great, well earned break), MwK, Dragon and Margot again! Not such a great day but Heyho!

    Hope you all have a Tip Top weekend, may see you later....Hiccup!!


  • Comment number 33.


    lie down

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 34.

    I also need a lie down as I've just posted an ARF on YESTERDAY'S blog, thinking it was Thursday!

    For some reason I completely missed today's post by Chris and am now in a state of total confusion!

    Where are the men in white coats....?

    Jo x

  • Comment number 35.

    ELO - great! My request a few weeks back. Didn't get played then tho'

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 36.

    LOL Bingo - Jaws off of the floor ladies....especially you Beez!

    Can I soppily (sp?) say how nice it was to have all your extra birthday wishes today.
    Haven't stopped this week except to eat, sleep and talk rubbish on here!
    It's given me a real lift.

    It's always lovely to get on here and have a laugh, so thanks, you little bunch of smashers you!



  • Comment number 37.

    Aww Bingo, I didn't know you were a mocha drinker. Pull up a chair my friend!


  • Comment number 38.

    I didn't even think in my wildest imagination Rips what that would look like (fibs).
    Pleased you had a good birthday - hopefully nice meal and vino tonight?

    Right offski - back later - probably quite late - got some internet shopping to sort first (yes shoes).

    Beezer xxxxx

  • Comment number 39.

    You're most welcome Rips, enjoy the rest of your day, with a glass or three!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Pleased you are having a good day.

    Havent had time to blog much recently. Every job I seem to be given is requested by top management who want it sorted the day before yesterday.

    Of course they have to be obeyed (especially in the present climate)

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks for your kind words of comfort ter all but.......
    I think next week when a go ter London, again, ter see my favourite blogger who's name am noot allowed ter mention on the blog...... a might ave ter pay a visit ter R2 HQ ter 'pologise in person ter CLP!!!!!!

    Am feeling like this 'Caine' situation iz getting outta 'and..... leaving me mind..... fryed!!!!!

    Bit like a Mc..... Cain chip!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    A feel like a potatoe 'ead over the situation!!!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Good to have the work though Thunder.
    We've just got very busy and I'm trying very hard not to moan.....I'm probably failing though!

    Nice to hear from you chum.


    Who is legging it now....


  • Comment number 44.

    Yeah it was me

    Thanks CLP that is a lovely early birthday prezzie for me. 21 again tomorrow

    Thanks all

  • Comment number 45.

    Still here, bloody phones....

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow Propa, what a fitting time to win the ARF.

    Hope you have a great Barfday weekend



  • Comment number 46.

    Hope you have a good evening Rips!

    JG x

  • Comment number 47.

    OK - my FNWC has just opened - even though doing a bit of work while I listen to CLP to 7

    just wanted to pop in quickly and say hope the highland blog meet goes really well tomorrow

    if you have only half the fun we had last week in Leeds you will have a great time!!!

    cant wait to see your photos ladies!

    have a blast

  • Comment number 48.

    Well done propacar, 5.05 ALF will never be the same for me anymore as today was the first time i had put in a request ! It went like this... clock watching 4.55 hoping i don't get a phone call (always get a sad person that decides to call 2 minutes to 5 with a query) start to close computer down without boss man noticing grab bag.. mad dash out of office notrills flared elbows out, quick sprint to the car park...all done in 4 minutes just in time for the start!

    oh and Bridge just to let you now i mean know (he's got me doin it know i mean now)!!!! that if you are planning another Saturday night party (last week it was fab) i won't be able to make it this week as seeing Status Quo tomorrow night ....I told you i was an old rocker!!!! 'Til the next one tho'


  • Comment number 49.

    just had my first sip of the ol red ....1 am now officially a member of the FNWC as well.


  • Comment number 50.

    ooops #48... should say ARF (banging head) i was that excited!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi all

    Well, poor Sally Traffic! No Oasis gig tonight, but kept announcing it lol.

    Actually, we had the most almighty storm and downpour, which resulted in LOADS of standing water on all the roads, hence the gridlock, although to be fair, it doesn't take much on the M60!

    Anyway, learnt something new about my car, it doesn't like going through deep puddles on only one side of the car! Does a mad lurch to the side, and the back end gets very squirrelly!

    FNWC also just started here, and not working either, night off tonight, and a really determined attack on cleaning and tidying up tomorrow!

    Ohhh, and so excited about the F1 in Istanbul too!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    who's Alf ?!!!! there i said it before anyone else

  • Comment number 53.

    ooh the sun is shining in Cornwall..it'll be another gorgeous sunset..yeyyyyyy
    Have a fabulous weekend everyone.

  • Comment number 54.

    Loli, wasn't ALF a caroon type character who lived with a family? Strange idea! lol

  • Comment number 55.

    Loli - welcome to FNWC - ALF - lol!

    given up on the work JG - life is too short and theres always tomorrow - ackshually i am working both sat and sun - bums as Annie would stay - still pays the bills and the spends for the Brum meet

    - its official I have decided to go to Brum!

    uh oh........


  • Comment number 56.

    uh oh - as annie would SAY

    blimey not even half way down first glass - no hope!

    I'm putting it down to having been typing since 8 this morning ........


  • Comment number 57.

    Hello and thanks for great welcome yesterday.

    Ref previous blog - the song goes Juile Julie Julie do you love me? Julie Julie Julie do you care? And the answer is yes!!!

    CLP - I believe we all have a book in us - some will be a good read and others... Toilet paper!

    Hope all bloggers having a great Friday.

    How mad are we!

    Ju XX

  • Comment number 58.

    I am supposed to working but I have you open on one tab and do have a glass of vino. Can I join the FNWC pls?

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Cath - course dear! welcome to the madness - trust me it really does get mad as the evening moves on!

    Ju - you joining in FNWC?
    the more the merrier

  • Comment number 60.

    ooh you got me there jg only Alf i ever new lived in Wapping!

  • Comment number 61.

    Debs - been reading Blog so long I need no explanation of FNWC - except I'm on the vodka and coke. I just have to celebrate the end of the week!!! So to answer question will be here until I fall!

    Ju x x

  • Comment number 62.


    Life of Riley great track, if memory (not as good as it was) serves it was the backing track to goal of the month on match of the day.

  • Comment number 63.

    Bingo are you having an ex vice presidential moment with you spelling? Dan Quale had a similar issue with potato!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    thanks Rips

    i feel I am now a fully fledged member


  • Comment number 65.

    Quayle even. Seems it's my problem too!!!

    Ju x

  • Comment number 66.

    I've just ventured out into the garden, between showers! Talk about "storm clouds a-gathering" they are all around us, but directly upwards, still the little white fluffy nice ones!

    I'm so impressed that so many apples have set on my tree this year :) But am losing a load of plants again, even estblished ones....I think my garden is contaminated with something?

    OK, so it being a Friday, have ordered a curry for me and a kebab (YUK!) for him...45 mins apparently:)

    yum yum!

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Mr loli just in I'm on my last dreggs of first glass...just checking tv programmes so might not be fully fledged in the FNWC as want to watch 50 years of Island Records on ´óÏó´«Ã½ 4 tonight but will try and pop in when i can ...right just need a top up!

    Have a lovely evening everyone.

  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon and Evening my friends from an overcast but bright and warm upstate NY. Supposed to be in the 70s today.... well it is, almost. Hope you all had a great day. Just got back from the equipment hand over, so it's onwards and upwards. Thanks again for all your support. It means the world to me. TGIF and I hope you all have a great weekend.

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Bondy, how did it go today? Was thinking of you!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    BONDY......as you can see, you have been part or our discussions during todays shinnagans (spelling not certain)...glad to see you still on planet earth...chin up amigo..


  • Comment number 71.

    Bazza, you probably missed my earlier post on t'other blog...

    Were you thinking of Fantasy Football with Skinner and Baddiel? I loved that!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    Question of Sport...love it!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Evening all! AF coming to you from a very soggy West Yorkshire and for the first time in aaaaaages, I'm wearing my dressing gown cos it's cold!

    Jo (from the last blog) - are you jothelawyer? Or do we have Jo2?

    Rips #36 - aww, you're welcome xoxo

    Thunderclap #40 - welcome to my world! I work for senior management, so am at their beck and call on a daily basis. I look at it as a challenge (well, I more or less have to otherwise I'd be having a hissy fit every verse end!).

    Loli #49 and Cathmel #58 - pull up a chair!

    Debs2 #55 - woo hoo, see you there chicken!

    Bond, glad you got through today xxx

    AF xx

    ps just started glass #2 hee hee. Doubt I'll be here very late, get the feeling it won't take a lot for me to be squiffy this evening...

  • Comment number 74.

    Hiya Everyone,

    Bondy - hope you are ok , join us in a transatlantic glass of what takes your fancy.

    Bottoms up folks it FNWC, just had a beer with my TEA ;-).

    Weather warnings for Cheshire this weekend, what a difference to last weekend.

    Cant decide whether to run tongiht ho hum.....

    Hiya JG , we had thunder just after 4pm ;-((

    MC xx

  • Comment number 75.


    sorry did see your comment, had to depart from work so never had chance to update....but, sorry to say, NO...skinner & co were in the eve, this was Sat 12-1.00 or maybe 2.00 so anyone who likes footie would know asap...twas footie catch up and then talk about games that afternoon...wish I never started this now.

    PLEASE tell me what was the 1st ARF?????

  • Comment number 76.

    Hiya I thought I'd just pop in to FNWC and see who's around.
    I've had a small nappette and now am waiting for oven to heat up and this storm... (which is defo on it's way looking at the very murky grey sky) to start up.
    I can look forward to an evening of Booboo barking at the thunder and wanting to jump on my lap!

  • Comment number 77.

    OH MY GOD - just listening again, as I missed the first part of the show and didn't want to come in in the middle. I HAVE BEEN WONDERING ABOUT THIS SONG FOR AAAAGES! Sorry for the shouting, but I'm excited.

    Throw those curtains wide indeed.

    HappyAF x

  • Comment number 78.

    Hey Lyndy...tell me, one of your comments to Sir CLp mentioned you might see him later...do I take it you are a local near a public house that CLP might own?? Sorry if being totally ignorant...wait as I cringe with embarrassment big time...cos everyone else knows...??

  • Comment number 79.

    AF not as excited as me, my heart has never beaten so fast before.

    I couldn't believe he chose mine ARF


    PS Tango it was Elbow One day like this

  • Comment number 80.

    My first FNWC and on my second glass of red.

    Hope it wasn't too awful Bondy - we were all thinking of you.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi. Just briefly dropping in to FNWC with a cola (the one beginning with P although others are available). Staying on the soft stuff as (a) on meds that don't mix with alcohol and (b) DS currently bell-boating the River Nidd with the Scouts and it's tanking down. Looks like I'll be on taxi duty in ten mins.

    Anyways, good to hear from you Bondy.

    I know what you mean about the dressing gown AF. Can't wait to get mine on.

    Could do with a big mug of hot chocolate and one of Lyndy's muffins.


  • Comment number 82.

    Sorry - meant to say well done PC - great choice.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Baz... I must have written something misleading in a previous post as I actually live in the heart of the country and no-where near our Christoph of the Lambie Pie variety or indeed any of his watering houses. My humble apologies if I may have led anyone to beleive other wise... -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi Pip- I did save a few muffins for me & Mum to have with a cuppa tomorrow morning so I'm sure I could spare you one.

    I might just make myself a hot choccie!


  • Comment number 85.

    JG - old car was a nightmare on one sided puddles hopefully new one ok - has traction control!! May be finding out looking at weather forecast for here tomorrow!!

    Debs - coming to Brum - Brilliant !!!! You went far too early in Leeds !!!!! Good she's coming Flower - A???? We obviously haven't got three heads and an axe!!!

    Bondy - Yay - FNWC We are all rooting for you hon. Onwards and upwards or even back to blighty???? If you check - as Bazz says we were thinking about you today.

    Hi "fruity Cathmel" MC & Lyndy.

    Had the black sky earlier - chucked it down - now sort of murky but drying out.

    Just off to eat - back in a bit - one glass down - few to go!!!

    Beezer xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi PC PIP and Darce too

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Awww, fanks Lyndy. Hold on to it, I'll get it from you when I get back in.


  • Comment number 88.

    Baz - its me, Pen and MJF that live near 2 of CLP'S watering holes. They are both very different but both very good. He must have been down to them today ( or his Mum's ) as my son saw him in the local supermarket. .Anybody live near his Cardiff one?

    Darce x

  • Comment number 89.

    PC gotta admit it was going Elbows way from stage 1...good onya...feels cool ay getting your way with CLP..if you knwim

    Bondy boy...seriously our hearts are with you and the Darce...that kinda sh#t aint good man...

  • Comment number 90.

    Hi JG, TB, AF, MC, Darce, Pip and everyone else.

    Day went okay. It's done, it's over. I just need to get on with it...... Hope you all had a great Friday. I raise my glass to each and everyone of you..... CHEERS!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    Work things completed.

    Earphones in and music on so I can't hear kids.

    Just finishing first glass of vino - lovely *sighs & smiles*

    What you guys up to over the w/e?

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi Beez, I could feel all the positive waves from here.... you guys are great!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Beezer, Pip and Lyndy.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 94.

    Don't forget it's the England game on Saturday and there's probably a British Lions game on at the weekend too. All great stuff.... as long as the both win of course.....

  • Comment number 95.

    Darce...thanks for the update, get the pic now, where...roughly are we talkin' as am in east sx and know that CLP has been close to my area so cannot be too far away...know that he moved last yr obviously....

  • Comment number 96.

    Hello everyone,

    So glad its Friday, had a busy busy week - am always on the go .

    Not impressed with the weather , wanted to top my tan up .

    Cheers , who wants another drink, i'll nip to the bar , write it all down for me or i'll forget what you asked for .....

    MC xx

  • Comment number 97.

    JLFB007 you da man..!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Cheers Bondy - well done its over!

    Thanks Baz - worst for Bondy I think but lets hope there's good things out there.

    Hi fruity Cath!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 99.

    Darce, sorry you're going through tough times too...... I'll join you with a pint, what's on tap tonight?

    Baz, oh contraire, I think it's all of you that are, da man, or da woman....hmmmm that just doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean right?

  • Comment number 100.

    R we all watching stenders? lol


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