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Noah and I needed to smell of...

Chris Evans | 11:04 UK time, Tuesday, 25 August 2009

...petrol for a little while today instead of sick and pooh, so we went for a quick spin during my tea break time around half ten this morning.

He loves being in the cars as long as I take his apple juice with us for when we stop in Windsor Great Park for a drink and a think.


He has started to make all manner of noises, most of which make himself laugh. But when he laughs because the other noise stops he wonders where it's gone and becomes anxious for a while until something happens to remind him to make the original noise again... So cute. He is the best therapy ever.

Just got another whiff of one hour old banana and honey sick again. Need to get back on the road and open up those windows.

Clp 2009 X.


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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Chris you always make me smile


  • Comment number 3.

    Little Noah is a very lucky boy indeed.

    Enjoy those little laughs & teasure everyone. Guarenteed to lift anyone's mood

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Copied from last blog..behind again as per!

    Morning each..

    Headache gone..thank goodness! No more mixing for me!

    Deevs.... BIG hugs today..glad Tues is proving to be a better day!

    and TB..afternoon sounds like heaven..can be there in 4 hours if you need an extra bod!

    Seza, buy the red shoes! Its compulsory to have a pair of red heels if you are a blogger!

    Everyone else.. big hellos! Hope everyone who is off is having a lovely week..3 weeks to work and counting!

    Back later.. thats a promise not a threat!

    mSc x

    PS - How did the mods let you lot stay on last night..brilliant! x

  • Comment number 5.

    That pics is soooooo gorgeous CLP! Thought Noah was driving for a minute til i adjusted my specs! My nephew is now 4 and a half and still making us smile each day with something new or a new quirk.. kids really are the best way of cheering you up!

    Right.. stone to grind..

    mSc x

    PS - Seza, mess on FB for you!

  • Comment number 6.

    CLP...lucky boy indeedee....what fun....I remember those days of sick smells....fond memoires...make the most of it CLP....it don't last for too long ya know.

    Scoobs...c u later on then....


  • Comment number 7.

    Dyous know what Christoff. Am exactly the same meself with my baby daughter. Delightful. Gets me up every mornin', dribblin', makin' funny noises and laffin' at herself, especially when said funny noises don't come from the talkin' end. Oh the happy memories I have of her trappin' me beneath the bedclothes before emitting one of her charming smells.

    I have told her, however, that at 29 and with a large boyfriend and a PhD it's time all that stopped. Cute as it may be.

    I'm with yous, mate.


  • Comment number 8.

    TB - dont be teasing me! LOVE karting.. a chipped front tooth and far too many bruises in the past should indicate how competitive i am!

    And thinking of your ways... Hazel..big hugs, take it steady and get the badger retrained to look after you..hope you start to be on the up again soon.. x

    mSc x

  • Comment number 9.

    Clodgah.. please send out warnings before you post..snuck on here and now all ive got is a `what you larfing at?!`.. i cant explain!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 10.

    BTW Christoff. Am LOVING the pic of Noah in what looks like charge of the motor. Sweet or what.

    And it reminds me of the Left-hand drive car I followed along the N6 to Galway, with its diminutive driver and a large Alsatian in the passenger seat. One of the funniest sights I've ever had the great fortune to witness.

    In fact, it always makes me titter when I see a police DOG VAN. One a these days I'm goin' to rush up and make a citizen's arrest on the bobby therein, on the grounds he's obviously hijacked it from its Alsatian owner.


  • Comment number 11.

    Just 'ad a quick lurk az am running late.....

    But CLP just 'ad ter comment on the photo..... BIG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!!@!

    Ter me The Noah looooks like 'e's looooking ahead and thinking..... 'who's that NUTTER standing in front of the DANN IT car on a dee when it's noot even sunny.... in the words of Dave Grohl.... 'it's times like these'.... a wish a could drive and run that nutter with the camera over!!!!!!! NYA!!!!' 'Now where's me next DAMN IT rusk???????'

    Actually seriously CLP..... a notice a left 'and drive car.... A take it Noah iz yer overtaking looook out.... when a clear opportunity oppotunes itself.... Noah shouts..... "NOW!!!!!!'
    And when an opportunity iz noot oppotune.... 'e shouts "NOOT KNOW!!!!!!" Sorry mean't "NOW!!!" That's me noot Noah!!!!! Although a waz talkin' about Noah!!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    What a beautiful pic and thanks Clodah I need something to laugh about today after the appaling result at Anfield last night, even HD didn't help.


  • Comment number 13.

    #11 - 'alf of twenty two - I like this!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    PS CLP - Noot another WHITE Ferrari???????????

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi mSc

    Will read fb when I get home, can't access from work.

    Best baby sick memory (& this could earn me my first trip to the modders mat) after feeding Babe while sitting in bed, he brought quite a bit back straight into my OH's ear as he lay sleeping beside us! Never seen him wake up so quick.

    Happy Days!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 16.

    He just looks so cute!!!

    Sorry I haven't been around a lot, the Togs convention was superb and I am slowly recovering. I have noticed on my facebook that there a huge number of TOGs and Bloggs.... I do hope we all get together at Longleat.

    Hells x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Aggghhhh! I remember those beautiful days even though it was 18 years ago. Unfortunately the whiff of smells I get from my baby now seem to revolve around overpowering deodrant/aftershave, hormones and booze. Think I would rather have the hour long smell of honey and bananas. Enjoy every minute Chistos.

  • Comment number 18.


    Chris - lovely photo.....
    My boy now thinks he can drive (at 21 months) mind you, when we stop somewhere he wants to get in the front, then sits there making driving noises, flicking switches and usually turning the radio on and off!
    Oh and he's worked out the central locking buttons on the key fob.....if you press lock twice the car beeps.........hours of fun!!

    We're well passed the siyhase, but have moved on to the wiping snot and messy face on legs, arms, shoulders.......don't think I keep anything clean for for than 5 mins!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    that should be sicky phase btw!


  • Comment number 20.

    Your blogs crack me up so much. I'm sure there's going to be plenty of fun and laughter as Noah grows up. Good times

    Looking forward to your book

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chris , Lovely picture of Noah , made me smile.lucky boy.
    think he s going to be just like his Dad car crazy.
    love to all .x

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi & Bye Guys.

    Am just off to my other site to see a lady who thinks her bungalow has been decorated while she was out shopping. She doesn't know who did it or how they got in but she just wants me to see it.

    Hopefully I'll be back later on, if I'm not send out the rescue party!

    Seza xx

    PS wigh someone would do that to my house!!

  • Comment number 23.


    I have just had a bouquet of flowers delivered to work - thank you soooooo much Bridge!! Yes, you have reduced me to tears, but tears of happiness at your kindness and thoughtfulness.

    Totally taken aback, gob-smacked, and wearing a huge smile, as per your instructions!!

    First drinks are on me in Brizzle!!!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Deev, am just back on my Ryvitas !! Hope you are ok today xx

    Can't make Barry Manilow,as i will be flying back from my hollibobs.Would have been fun though.

    Chrissie, you made me laugh about the Osmonds !! , you know i will fight you for Donny ;-)))

    Overcast but warm today , way toooo busy for my liking ,

    MC x

  • Comment number 25.

    One of the many expenses of parenthood they don't tell you about - driving around in your car for ages because it's the only time the little angels drop off to sleep!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Right, am back. Composure regained .....

    Baby sick - ewwwwww!!! In fact, any form of bodily fluids not pertaining to me - nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My squeamishness was one major factor to the decider not to pro-create. That and the fact that I love shoes and handbags so much .... sorry for my honesty.

    But as said before, I love love love being an auntie and a God Mother!!

    CLP - fast forward 18 years and you have your very own "Mini Me Cheauffeur" there for when you and Tash need a lift home from the pub!


  • Comment number 27.

    I was just wondering, which one of you smells of sick, and which one of poo?

    Apparently, according to Dum and Mad, the only time I didn't fall asleep as a bubba was in the car. But then, if you had experienced my dads driving, you would understand why.

    Proms info, for those interested, on CLP Bloggers.


  • Comment number 28.

    Hello all... what a cute photo of Noah! Looks like he's turning into a petrol head just like his daddy. The first time my parents took me to visit my grandma in Scotland, I was nicely strapped into my car seat ready for the long drive from Liverpool, only to end up red face and in a right old strop a little while later cause I was trying to escape!

    Hope all is well on this Tuesday lunchtime, it's gorgeous day here in the 'burgh so I'm off to enjoy it!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Chris, bloggers and blogettes

    Ahhh what a cute ickle chap that Noah is. He looks so cool sat there. 'Elf and saferty note - (no, I'm not a jobs worth, but seeing as ickle humans are very precious cargo) - should the little chap's seat be facing backwards and not forward?

    Grey and overcast here in Norfamps, with a few spits and spots in the air.

    Good to read that you are back on good form today Deev. You were soooo lucky not to be on naughty mat last nite. And as for Clodagh...bad 'fluence on us all me thinks, makes me LOL all the time. Flowers eh? What a boost for the ego. Remember to flaunt them in front of Mr D tonight with mischief written all over your face.....that'll learn him! Have a great night tonight. Look forward to hearing all about it.

    Baby sick ewwww. Those were the days when you couldn't wear anything nice and new without covering yourself in plastic to avoid it, therefore wearing anything nice and new was totally pointless! Banana's are the worst ever!!!

    Bondy - glad to hear the job is going well for you despite the commute.

    Hello to everyone else complete with hugs to anyone who needs one.

    Back in a bit.

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 30.

    LOL Steffi - now there's food for thought!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Go on.....you know you want to!


  • Comment number 32.

    And I will!!!

    I've just had a visitor ..... Seza bin here! She's lovely!! We had a huge hug and a chat and now she knows I'm not a mad axe-wielding kinda bird!

    Thanks Seza - that was sooooo thoughtful of you: I need some drinking straws now so I can play blow football across my desk with them!! ;-)

    Yous lot on here are bloody marvellous!


  • Comment number 33.

    Deev, I presume you are talking about maltesers? Thats not the way to eat them.

    Tip your head back, balance said chocolatey treat on pursed lips, blow to lift said chocolatey treat in the air, then catch in mouth. Fun, and no need for special props!

    You're all gonna do it now aint ya!!!


  • Comment number 34.

    Hehehehe ... I knew there was a reason I luv ya Maz!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Just catching up!

    Chris, what a great photograph of Noah - he is getting so big. Err, I think Steffi is correct, Noah's car seat should probably be facing backwards - and in the back seat. (I know, a Ferrari does not have a back seat!). Yep, all these rules and regs are a real pain!

    When MsS was about 6 years old, and we were parked, she would sit behind the wheel and pretend she was a taxi driver, taking us to the airport and we would say things like "we used to have a wee girl, but she's all grown up now, so we're off on holiday"! We would all roar with laughter and then MsS would get all serious and say ..... "you're not really going on holiday, are you?"!! Could cry just thinking about it!

    Cheryl #23: how absolutely lovely of Bridge. You can just tell from this blog what a thoughtful person she is. Enjoy your flowers, they are from a special friend and it doesn't get much better than that.

    MC: Couldn't we just both SHARE Donny? Seems like a sensible compromise - and I just know he would love us both! I mean, of course, in a platonic way - he's very happily married ... blah blah!

    C x

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh bless Bridge and Seza.. hope to meet you both one day.. x

    And Maltesers..MW`a, gonna have to go get a packet now (one of those big ones..NEVER enough in the small ones!) and try that..could be fun. Esp as when you`ve caught said sweet you then have to keep it in your mouth and suck off all the chocolate before eating the crispy bit (so to speak!). Second thoughts..small packet or i`ll be here til 9 o'clock Friday night!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 37.

    D'ya know wot? This place is smashing.......

    You know you gotta have friends
    The feelings oh so strong
    You gotta to have friends
    To make that day last long

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Chrissie - aren't The Osmonds Mormons? And don't they have many wives? Or is that another religion????

    Just a thought .....

    And yes, this place is fab and very very friendly! And I love it!


  • Comment number 39.

    Cheryl: how lovely that your day is turning out so well. Did Seza just show up as a surprise? If so, nice one!

    And yes, the Osmonds are Mormons but they are not allowed more than one wife - this was the case about 100 years ago, and there are still "sects" who do this (why would any man want with more than one wife ....?). But the Mormons of today are married to one person only, and get this - it is for eternity ..... even after death, they are still married.

    Told you I was an Osmonds geek!

    C xx

  • Comment number 40.

    OMG!! Imagine not being able to get rid of 'im, even in death ....!!!

    Maybe I was thinking of The Monies ..?

    I had no idea Seza was going to come here - hence the element of surprise. I have to say, she gives a wonderful hug!

    Yes, today is turning out betterererer than yesterdeeee and I've still got Debs The Giggler for supper, so to speak!


  • Comment number 41.

    Hi all

    Am happy to report I am safely back home

    Diva sorry to say no decorating fairies to share, only fairies that my lady was away with (if that sentence makes sense!) Glad to be of service today. Lunch = v good idea.

    Will chat later

    Seza x

  • Comment number 42.

    My sprogs are 15, and 18 (next week) and I still miss the smell of baby sick on my shoulder.


  • Comment number 43.


    With a Dad like you he's bound to always have a smile on his face.

    Well heading off to Abi Dhabi tomorrow for a week see you guys when I get back. Not sure what to make of Abu Dhabi so any advice would be great even down to the currency they use.




  • Comment number 44.

    Got my 'elf & safertee hat on this afternoon....yawn! Up to my neck in safety data sheets. It's amazing how hazardous everyday cleaning fluids and office stuff is. Did you know that the white stuff you use to cover up mistakes beginning with T, should be kept in a Steel Chemical Cabinet cos it's so flammable!!

    Also, screen wash concentrate - deadly stuff. I know alot of this H&S rigmarole is common sense, but a home audit from time to time is not a bad idea either, speshly when we've got ickle one's and oldun's around.

    So now, there's a big pile of stuff in the middle of our warehouse which is either a) out of date b) no longer useful or c) so b****y dangerous it MUST go!

    Onwards and upwards.

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Ah NO Steffi.

    You mean to tell me that when Damian painted that stuff on 'is teeth before auditionin' for Ireland's Got Talent, and gettin' in such a lather he had to go outside for a fag, the reason the tent blew up wasn't down to Tinkerbell the fire-eatin' fairy he was stood next to?

    Wait til I see him, what an eejit.


    PS. Adam. Haven't done Abby Dabby but have done Dubai. Ergo my advice is keep your hand on your ha'penny and don't drink the Guinness.


  • Comment number 46.

    Back again

    Glad to here I've passed the Bloggers Hug Test!


  • Comment number 47.

    Hehe! You sure did Seza!!

    Well you wonderful lot, I'm orf to meet Debs in a mo ... will give all your love!

    Ads - say howdie to Fred Flintstone for me in Abu Dhabu Doobeee!

    Best advise I;ve ever been given:-

    Work to live, not the other way round!

    Stay safe (in hi-viz vests??)


  • Comment number 48.

    Best advice?

    You can always add some more but you can't take it out!


  • Comment number 49.

    Hello....anyone about??

  • Comment number 50.

    Little chap looks right at home... Chris on your wages couldn't you afford a new motor?

  • Comment number 51.

    OK.....whats happenin here...soooo quiet.....is there anyone there????? Give me a sign...


  • Comment number 52.

    Hello !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 53.


    I'm here.

    Is v quiet

    Is everyone out having fun?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Beezer

    Thanks for your help today. all worked very well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Baza and Seza. Back from a brill day off - need to plug my tanker of wrinkle cream in tonight - grinning !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 56.

    You are welcome Sez. Knew she would be pleased to see you. Just wish I had been closer to join the hug!!!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 57.

    What you been up to Beezer to have such a big smile on your face?


  • Comment number 58.

    Meet up - Lunch - and a good old slob about this afternoon. Shame I was stuck on motorway on way back but for once - couldn't have cared a flip!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Think you were there in spirit Beez

    Hey, Seza & Baza & Beeza, oh my


  • Comment number 60.

    Just thought we should all be re-named !!!Suits dont it?

    Beeza xx

    Blimey I used to be Beesmum - what happened to that!!

  • Comment number 61.

    Have always been intrigued, who is B?


  • Comment number 62.

    Seza - originally way back in the middle ages I was Biggles mum. Biggles is my dog.

    Beeza xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Ah. Funny where we all get these strange names from.

    There are still people who call my OH Swedish from back when he had a CB


  • Comment number 64.

    Thats good Seza......Beez...nice slob out ....sounds good to me....

    Now relaxing after sons bday afternoon...what fun....seeing them all gocarting round trying to beat each other....vert F1 I must say...spleshlishy when my son span off with 2 laps to go wen he as winning...DOH!!!!

    Vino tinto relaxed now......tea and choc next.....oh so tired....why...am only 41.....thats spring chicken territory aint it??

    And relax.....


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi, have had a lazy day, followed by a nice walk along the coast path and a pizza! JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Seza....so where did Swedish come from??? Sorry if I'm being thick..x

  • Comment number 67.

    Apologies if I disappear, only one in three posts seems to get through!

  • Comment number 68.

    JG...got 65 and 67..so no problem....????

  • Comment number 69.

    Hiya all !!!!!

    been very busy lately with work and things!!!

    hows everyone?

    soo pleased with the ashes!!

    any aussies sorry!!!

    love Billie xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Baz, you had to ask

    At the time he was a chef & apparently got quite enthusiastic & had sticky out hair so was nickmamed Swedish Chef after the muppet (Not arguing here lol)


  • Comment number 71.

    Baza - bad bad - tired ? Not allowed!!! Been on the go for some of the day! and as you know a lot lot older than you!!! Just about to join you in the vino though!

    CB Seza????? Oh MY !!! that takes me back!

    Hi JG - you hol sounds brilliant. Wish I could join you! Although I get away I have to man the phones so not qute the same!!!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Can I say quickly CB was before he met me.

    JG Hols sound lovely. Hows doggy enjoying the sea?


  • Comment number 73.

    Just had a message from Deeva - had a lovely evening with Debs - she will tell you so wont nick her thunder but as always when any of us meet up - loadsa laughs.

    What a happy blog we are A ??

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Yes, we're having a great time! Just chilling really. Sometimes when I've text a post in and send it just disappears!

  • Comment number 75.

    Cant think what to do with jakeygirl. Jakeygirla a bit long!!! jaygia? nah !
    On a post card please !!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Seza, he went in the sea yesterday, not swimming, just chasing the waves!

  • Comment number 77.

    If JG was at school with boy1 she'd end up as Jazza!!

    think she'd be better staying as JG


  • Comment number 78.

    Beez, JG's just fine! LOL

  • Comment number 79.

    Love it when they do that.

    Many moons ago we used to have a dog who went potty looking for snowballs after you'd thrown them into the snow


  • Comment number 80.

    hows you Seza?

    and Jakey? and B-smum?

  • Comment number 81.

    I fine thank you Billie, Hows you?


  • Comment number 82.

    im absolutley exhausted!!!!!!!

    work been veryhard and hot too!!!

    not gonna moan hope you are good?

  • Comment number 83.

    I'm fine thanks Billie, hope you get some rest.

  • Comment number 84.

    Hiya Billie - been on dark side for a mo! and texts etc etc!
    JG good I reckon.
    Love to watch the different reactions with dogs and beaches/waves. Always good for a laugh!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    i wish got work tommorow too!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    I've only seen Finlay swim once, out into a lake after some ducks! He won't go out of his depth in the sea, and we tend to keep him on his long lead or we'd never get him out!

  • Comment number 87.

    What about you JG, been for a dip?


  • Comment number 88.

    JG - we have one of those mile long training leads! Let Biggs off once and it was going dark before he condescended to come back to us!!! Never again!!! Decided to make friends with everyone on the beach before dragging his paws back to us!!! Saying that - he could be half way to Ireland before the lead pulls him to a halt!!!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Definately not Seza!

    Beez, I think his lead is 10 meters

  • Comment number 90.

    Got one from our trainer JG - bit of a bum to untangle but the one we use is 50 meters long and we both try and run to extend - well he is a bonkers spaniel!!!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    aww no fair !!! i love the sea!!!!!!

    id be down there all day if we lived near!!!!

    when on hols used to love walking by the sea at night in porthcawl!!!
    ahhhh!!!!!! hear it now!!!!

    all we got is stinky concrete cows!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    I don't normally live that close to the sea Billie, just on hols! Mr JG watching something noisy on tv

  • Comment number 93.

    My my......you girls .....c'mon this is ahhhhhhh boring now.....Yeah yeah...my Tango hates water.....despite daughters best efforts to get him submerged in the salty sea....but he won't have it luv him...

    Is there no talk of conjugal rights tonight??? Oh no, forgot, no deevs or clodagh tonight....lol!!!!

    Just put a bid on ebay....BUT me a real newbie to it, so no idea what I'm doin....done the paypal thingy...all ready to give money to some cyberperson/robber and receive nuffink.....or is that just me being synical????? Any tips girls.....do I leave my bid to last minute etc??? HELP!!!


  • Comment number 94.

    ok !!!! silly billie getting nixed up!!! must be my brain frazzled!!!

    would love a holiday!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Am off now folks.

    Whatever you are doing tomorrow, work or holibobs, hope you all have a lovely time

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hey nonny nonny,

    Had fab day at Warwick Castle, even had my photo taken with Henry VIII and his 6 wives! Self obviously the seventh, but preferably in Jonathan Rhys-Meyers phase, roll on Friday...

    A x

  • Comment number 97.

    Billie - Porthcawl - Yikes - fair bit of my mis-spent yoof spent there!!!Not the sea proper though - need the Atlantic breakers in Cornwall for keeping you awake. Don't start me!! Praps I'll do a book too!!! erm - praps not!!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Bazza - you want censored - how about .......... erm - where do I start!!

    ha ha - need to load dishwasher this child of the sixties!!! Oh Boy did you lot miss out!!!! You were minus 20 yrs of age Baz!!
    Off to kitchen grinning again !!!

    Back inabit

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Boleyn - Warwick Castle - spitting distance and yet never been ther - hanging head in shame!
    D/washer calls!

    Beeza xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Actually, hate being cold and wet, makes me think of swimming lessons in old Victorian baths circa 1976,


    A x


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