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GQ awards last night - the usual maelstrom of madness, I was there to...

Chris Evans | 10:11 UK time, Wednesday, 9 September 2009

...dish out an award to an old pal - Sir Clement Freud's son Matthew.

Met him when we were both starting off and skint in a basement in 1989. He was working for Viz magazine, I was producing his sister Emma's radio show. Many rivers of water have passed under the bridge since for the both of us. It's all in the book!

I was sitting next to the chef Marcus Wareing and his charming wife Jane. Marcus also won a gong last night as well as designing the menu for the evening. Sitting next to the chef who put on the spread - no pressure then. Did I eat every morsel? Of course I did, not difficult as it was absolutely bloomin' gorgeous - especially the fish pie.

Back to the real world before midnight. Drove myself home. No booze at the do's - it's the new way forward - all the fun and none of the fallout.

This morning Noah introduced me to his new book about the zoo. I have never seen pages so thick and rip proof. I swear this book could survive a nuclear strike.

Right now where did I put that hammer? I think it's in the fridge.




P.S. 124 days and counting ....



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  • Comment number 1.

    Oo OO I an first??


  • Comment number 2.


    Just been catching up after being away..

    Good news on the move Chris, I love you and Tel so will be sad to see him go, but it'll be lovely to wake up to you....

    Happy birthday MfR for today..

    Baggy - the welsh lovespoon is a lovely tradition...my first C word pressie of t'other was a little silver lovespoon necklace (I never take it off!) and then when I was pregnant he had a friend carve me one which is now hanging on the wall..

    right, work!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    Excuse me being a newbie on the blog, but I just wanted to wish Clp all the very best for the breakfast show. I've been a fan for many years and think this is no more than you fully deserve!
    It will be a shame to no longer have the joy of Drivetime to cheer me up on the way home, but I'm really looking forward to waking up with Christophe.........
    Congrats and good luck. I know you'll be brilliant!

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning boggers,

    124 days.....soooo excited, that will just fly past!

    And also exciting is waiting for your book CLP! It's all happening.

    I got accepted onto a University course yesterday. So it's all happening for me too.

    Have a good one all.


  • Comment number 5.

    Yo, Christoph (lemoney-lambie-Pie)

    Firstly , many congrats

    - only back from Tuscany on Saturday there - a wedding in San Giamiangno - unbelivably beautiful - but came home - what happened - no luggage - aggghhhh . . . any advice???

    Great to hear the news - Hells Bells must be writing in ecstacy at the thought . . .

    Thing have changed for you at the GQ awards, eh? I remember the press reports of ye olden hey days.(My gorgeous girlfriend's best friend works for Matthew - you might have bumped into him somewhere - he's from this side of the Irish Sea . . a gentleman, I'm told . .)

    Anyway, glad you're up with the lark on this fine fine morn - this is the first sunny morning we've had here in over a week and a half . . brings life back to the soul . . .

    Luv to all . .

    Hump day everyone . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 6.


    Please can you clarify how a book is Rips proof?? And why would Rips need proofing from a book?!??!

    Luv ya Rips!! xx

    And Marcus Wareing - get you!!! I sooooo wanna go to his restaurant. He is so under-stated and deeply intense. Lovely man by the looks of it.

    What'd he cook!?!??? Do tell .....

    Jovial, from previous blog ..... hell yeh!!! ;-)

    Deevski Spice
    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Obviously I meant hello BLOGGERS!! in no 4.....not suggesting that anyone on here is a bogger???!!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all,

    Lol Deev - Rips proof - very funny!!! Hope you are feeling better today x

    Well done dreamer - what course is it?

    Hi to Boleyn from yesterday - its great when you hear or see something which reminds you that you are doing something that you love.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Christoff

    I don't want to be a COG, can I be an EGGNOG instead?

    Evans' Goodtime Girl, Not an Old Git (yet!)

    Looking forward to the new brekkie show, but can you keep the noise down until I'm at least on my second cup of tea of the morning

    Tina B x

  • Comment number 10.

    LOL Tina_Biscuit - can I be an EGGNOG too!?!?

    x x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Oooh, good morning, I think I'd like to be an Eggnog too please!!

    Dreamer - congrats, what course will you be doing?

    Hi everyone else.

    And CLP - the book may be rip-proof but I bet Noah manages to chew through it!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Spookily I think the fuss over Terry retiring has actually been LESS than I might have expected. I thought that 80-90 % of listeners would have gone absolutely ballistic, but it seems a more measured response than that.

    Indeed a goodly proportion seem glad that Wogan is calling it a day, so that he can get out at the top - what seems to be interesting is that some are cheer-leading for others such as Ken Bruce or Zoe Ball.

    So stick with it - and don't get drawn into too many comments - a dignified silence like that of Arlene Phillips is best. I remember the great Matt cartoon in the Telegraph about the fuss when Radio 4 wanted to drop their excellent 'UK Theme' from the start of the broadcasting day.

    The cartoon featured two 'desert island' types in a wasteland surrounding the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and one says to the other "We dropped the UK Theme and actually the world DID come to an end!"

  • Comment number 13.

    EGGNOG - me too please!!!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Thanks Darce and Sparkly...going for English Lit and Psychology!!! Will be analysing all these blogs...!

    Not sure about EGGNOG, not much of a good time girl anymore! Like CLP, have had my days of not remembering getting home or where I am..!! Happier at home with family and dog, few glasses of wine and in the winter added bonus of a log fire! But not sure of an acronym, will need to give it too much thought!

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning again all !!

    Oi!! Jovial - from previous blog - now washed dressed and had head blasted off with new hairdryer !!!thats apart from receiving a parcel from postie,(far more reliable than couriers!!) taking half a dozen work phone calls, feeding the dog, one load of washing on line - another load in .......

    Christoph - Marcus A? full run down on the eats if you please.

    Blimey dreamer - gonna have to watch what we say now !! I'll save you a bit of time - I'm bonkers !!!! (but lovely with it ;) )

    Now to deal with the notes from the phone calls
    Offski - Laters

    Beezer xx too old to be an eggnog:(

  • Comment number 16.

    Yep, I concur. Beezer is bonkers.



  • Comment number 17.

    EGGNOG here!
    mornings alls - and yes Beez is bonkers but only in a good way!

    Deevs - Wibble?

    CLP - Fish pie - yum yum, and glad you had a good time. Re books and little scrummy Noah - you should read him all manner of things to get his brain around 'words' and if you havent already got it you must get 'hatch egg hatch' Fabulous touchy feely book - one of my GD well worn favorites

    right - off to buy tyres - boring!

  • Comment number 18.

    ps Beez - course you're not too old - just old enough.....

  • Comment number 19.

    Yes Debs, Wibble!

    And hey nonny nonny to you!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Christoper,

    Congratulations on the move, although I am genuinely gutted. I live an hour commute away from work and your drive time show has made the commute bearable over the past 3 years. I start work at 8 so I will only get to hear a mere 30mins of your breakfast show... I'm really going to miss the banter! Maybe I should get a new job :-)

    Keep on Truckin!!


  • Comment number 21.

    lordBeddGelert: There was never any chance of Terry Wogan's listeners going "ballistic" over the news. For those of who listen to Terry, and indeed who follow his media interviews, he has been preparing us for a very long time. The timing is perfect for him (not us unfortunately!) and for him to leave at the very top of his game is incredibly clever.

    Chris will make the Breakfast Show his own - he's completely confident of what he's doing.

    As someone else said here, it's "only entertainment" but it is amazing how it has struck such a cord with so many of us!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all

    Christoph, more importantly Noah's book no doubt is wipe clean!!

    Happy Birthday MfR x

    Well done Dreamer x

    Pen xx

    wibbly wobbly woo!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Art'noon all. Just thought i would pop in briefly. Ginge good luck to you. I believe it is easier to Rip-proof something that to protect from an attack from a diva! DD

  • Comment number 24.

    Why are you wibbling Deev?

    Just had a visitor so not struck a blow work wise yet !! ooops - gonna burn the midnight oil - work work work.

    #18 tee he he he !!! like it Debs

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Dissing - I'll rip you in Naaaaaaaaaaaaarch for that one!

    No Black Adder fans on here then, wibble?!?!

    Well, I'm a bit of a gutted ickle Deevs now. 4 stores, zero iPods in stock, so sitting here with bottom lip jutting out having a mean old sulk.

    Prod me at half five.


  • Comment number 26.

    I wasn't sure about you taking over drive time, but now I think its brill. I will miss Terry in the morning, but I am looking forward to January when you take over. I am delighted for you. And I am sure you will be just as good as Terry. I for one am looking forward to being a COG. Why are people so negative? I wish they would give you a chance!

    well done and congratulations - you will be superb - although I will miss you on my drive home.

  • Comment number 27.

    Blackadder goes Forth, pants on head, pencils up nostrils......
    Deev, what a bummer about ipod, have you tried Argoose for delivery?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 28.


    The man in the last shop I went into said there's a new model due out and info on their website. So, just looked at website and nada. Then rang Apple and they can tell me nothing, ma'am, until the announcement later today.

    So to make me feel better I just sent Rips a rood text!


  • Comment number 29.

    what a good idea Deev!

  • Comment number 30.

    You never know Mr Chris and one and all where life takes you.

    It could be mad it could be sad
    but let's remember it's not all bad.
    Something lurks within those walls
    That says to me
    Life is not bad at all.


  • Comment number 31.

    Hi CLP and all....back again....feeling much better fanks for those who cared...you know who you are!!!

    Can I be a CYG then....to young to be a COG.....can't be an EGGNOG!!!?????

    CLP.. smart move on the no drinkin front....so no embarrassin' pics of the new Breakfast show host.....you know, that cheeky ginger chappy that everyone's talking aboot at the mo'?????

    Deevs.....booooo on the ipod front....I was just as excited as you were..


  • Comment number 32.

    Just for a larf....anyone remember this advert.....?

    Way down deep in the middle of the Congo,
    A hippo took an apricot, a guava and a mango.
    He stuck it with the others, and he danced a dainty tango.
    The rhino said, "I know, we'll call it Um Bongo"
    Um Bongo, Um Bongo, They drink it in the Congo.
    The python picked the passion fruit, the marmoset the mandarin.
    The parrot painted packets, that the whole caboodle landed in.
    So when it comes to sun and fun and goodness in the jungle,
    They all prefer the sunny funny one they call Um Bongo!


  • Comment number 33.

    "as he entered the world naked and screaming surrounded by women in nurses uniforms he thought to himself........wouldn't be a bad way to go either!"

    Thought this would be the opening line to my book should I ever write one!

    What about you lot?


  • Comment number 34.


    The Um Bongo thing is sooooooooooooooooo Russell Brand!


  • Comment number 35.

    remember that ad well Baz!

  • Comment number 36.

    Retro thing going on at worch today.....question....can you still get Club biscuits anywhere........'If you like a lotta chocolate on ya biscuit...???'


  • Comment number 37.

    still have Club's in our local Sainsbury's

  • Comment number 38.

    Tiggs...thanks for that....must have a look next time I visit Sainso's...will have to buy some for the crew here.....which was best, orange ones or those raisin ones???? Can't remember.


  • Comment number 39.

    retro question -

    does anybody know if you can still buy 'adidas kick' trainers?
    The black ones with the 3 white stripes, very plain, big hit in the 80's
    Not on the official website although something similar is on there


  • Comment number 40.

    KW.....I know what you mean....I saw some recently, but not sure where....I must have had 2 or 3 pairs when I was a bit younger...

    Might have been JJB or SportsDirect...somewhere like that...you must be able to find somewhere on t'internet..


  • Comment number 41.


    found them in white, not so easy to get the original b&w ones though.

    think I may have just spotted them (although they're now 4x the price - haha)

    Can't beat the classics


  • Comment number 42.

    Mint, by far the best!

  • Comment number 43.

    Tango, I always preferred the raisin ones.

    Gingembre, try trainerstation on t'interweb! Mr JG has got stuff from them in the past, and they seemed ok apparently.

    Wibble back at ya Deev!

    JG x

  • Comment number 44.

    KW I may have seen them in a dream one night after spending, what seemed like an afternoon in JJB getting trainers and f/ball boots for my son...haha


    Tigg, I'm with JG...raisins all the way....or peraps not...??

  • Comment number 45.

    Tango: sorry I did not offer my best wishes on your recent not-feeling-well thingy! Glad to see you back!

    Club biscuits: haven't thought about them in years - they were just the best, especially the orange ones - though I was very partial to a Club Milk too!

    Tiggy: I will have to check them out!


  • Comment number 46.

    On the subject of ads, when my youngest was ickle she loved the ads so much we made a video of just ads, kept her quiet for hours on end. Saved on buying toys! lol

    Me, can't stand them, automatically mute every time, even better record programme and skip through. That's why I prefer ´óÏó´«Ã½!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Well PPP.....that says a lot about me....coz I luv adverts, spleshly seeing old ones that remind me of me younger days....

    Just do the Shake'n'Vak......and put the freshness back.....


  • Comment number 48.


    Pen, I'm with you on the advert thing, we Sky+ just about everything and watch later so that we can skip them. Sorry Tango but most of today's ones are just awful although I do agree that some of the older ones were very good and entertaining.


  • Comment number 49.

    Baz, I agree, the old ones were the best and some certainly had a catchy tune to them, which made you sit up and watch, but nowadays they all seem so technical and boring. It's probably my age!!

    Pen xx (I'm a secret lemonade drinker, r wh***s, r wh***s!!)

  • Comment number 50.

    Gail, I gotta get into the sky+ thing...we use it but only now and then and there are just sooooo many good programmes on these days, there aint enuff hours in the day.....unless you're between jobs that is...


    PS all adverts on Sky are cr*p.....all insurance related or claims related....so with you on that one, and in general todays are no where near as good as the oldies....apart from that one where the bloke hangs up his new flat screen TV and starts doing excercises and it falls off the wall....haha

  • Comment number 51.

    Pen/Dozy, I'm with you can't stand the modern day ads, half of them I have no idea what they are advertising as they are so obscure! Perhaps it's my age?!? Also, now that I'm on my soap box. Why do you need couples to advertise everything, some of us are single (and happy that way) but 90% (perhaps a slight exaggeration)of adverts always include a happy couple - gets my goat!

    I think I'm in the raisin Club Biscuit camp. Talking of cholocate bars has anyone had the new chunky kitkat caramel - yum yum, to die for IMHO!


  • Comment number 52.

    AliB, bought some this morning, saw an advert in the paper!!!! Have resisted thus far, might have to hide them from a certain Mr P. I will choose my moment to devour and enjoy!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 53.

    oooh, food ...

    Has anyone ever done this with a twix - sounds disgusting but believe me, it SO works. Bite both ends off and then suck up your tea through one end till it comes all the way through. Then eat the twix. It's a bit messy but DIVINE!!!!!

    Baz, I love adverts too. used to love the Hamlet ones the best, that bloke sitting in the photo booth when the chair kept slipping and then his wig fell off ... ha ha ha ha


    Back to work.

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    We must see different things in adverts that wind us up. My complaint is that they rarely seem to show a man (Apart from the six pack Adonis in deodorant ads). Many seem to imply that Mum has to handle everything herself. I would rant more but I would be moderated!

  • Comment number 55.

    That sounds GROSS. I suppose I will have to try it ;-)

  • Comment number 56.


    It is funny how we notice different things, but I have to agree about woman advertising a lot of things - some adverts are very sexist.

    Will also have to give the Twix thing a try...hee hee.


  • Comment number 57.

    Tins......what kinda deranged person invented that trick???? That's just sick!!!!

    Must try it!


  • Comment number 58.

    Hiya all

    Liking the twix thing does it work with coffee as well!!

    Though Deev of course not Baldricks special Capuccino me thinks


    Ps sky+ brill to get through all the ads, especially as they all seem to be about selling your gold.

  • Comment number 59.

    Tins, me late father, who smoked Hamlets (FYI that's not what killed him) loved those ads too.....Happiness Is a Cigar called Hamlet...remember the ones with the customized mini with the huge wheels?

    The power of advertising ay??


  • Comment number 60.

    Propa, I'm sure it would work with coffee too.

    Believe me my friends, your twix-eating will never be the same again!!

    I'm out of the office tomorrow so will have to catch up with twix reports on Friday when I'm back.

    Happy rest of hump day all

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Alwight The Breakfast Dude And ALL Blog.... Dudes.....

    Bingo Star ere......

    Just a VERY quick one terdee az busy wreeting me latest CV for me latest railway job application.... which goot me thinking >>>>

    Why when yer wreet yer 'curriculum vitae' does it all 'ave ter be in correct and perfect english grammar (ave a spelt grammar grammarlee correectly???) except the bit that's in Latin aka the 'cirriculum vitae'?????????

    Wonder if in Latin times did the lats wreet all of their job applications in latin except the top bit of which they put in english az 'Career 'istory Info'??????

    Just wondering.... back ter trying ter sell meself.......


  • Comment number 62.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww YES!

    Lady Boss Gone. Invoicing Done. Quotes Done. Shoes Off.

    There is a God!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi - I'm a newbie to the forum (although have 'lurked' for a while!). Couldn't resist joining in with some of the current discussions. In brief:
    1 - wish CLP all the best, of course! I'm lucky enough to work from home for the last year or so, so have been able to listen most nights - will just have to get up that little bit earlier in future.
    2 - Had hoped for Richard Allinson for drive time, but read up Alex Lester after he got a name check earlier, and he looks promising
    3 - I would pay good money to get rid of SK. The most irritating woman on air?
    4 - has to be orange clubs

  • Comment number 64.

    Welcome LuckyLass.....to what is known as the mad blog!

    I like you already, Allinson would be good,agree re SK (we are not alone..trust me) and orange club biscuits works for me too...

    Next you'll be saying you liked watching TFI Friday, Don't forget your TB and The Big Breakfast....?


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi All

    How's everyone doing today?

    I've had a great day. Met my colleagues today, we all work alone & only see each other once a month, the host did chicken & chips for lunch tho so am stuffed now.

    Also, I managed to find a top in a charity shop for a 70s dinner party I'm going to at the weekend.

    All in all a good day

    Hey Baz hope you feeling better.

    Welcome Lucky Lass. alex Lester is good & said he would make an announcement about his show on Monday. Hope he is going to stay on later til Chris takes over. Could also manage without SK now.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hello all...

    Day off from work today (not sickie days like the last two but a legit day off!) Car booked in for its MOT next week, fingers crossed Milly gets a clean bill of health!

    Am off to make a coffee and pecan cake now, back later. Happy hump day everyone!


    PS Agree with the above re Alex Lester, though I am usually still in the land of nod when he's on, and Orange Clubs!

  • Comment number 67.

    OMG - methinks that we could all get along
    Richard Allinson check
    SK check
    TFI etc check
    even Alex Lester (the little I have heard of him when SK doesn't turn up)

    The only thing I don't like is orange club - dark chocolate or mint were always my favourites (not worth falling out over though)

    As I said yesterday - I am a long time lurker but I am going to try posting a bit more.

    A xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Glad to know that I'm not alone! At least she isn't a drive time candidate - God and the DG couldn't be so cruel! And 2 out of 3 ain't bad - big yes to TFI Friday and Don't forget your toothbrush, but was never a TV in the morning person, would never have switched it off :)

  • Comment number 69.

    BTW Raisin Clubs Deffo

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Mint or raisin lovely, but please no orange clubs


  • Comment number 71.

    Ey up.

    Chris, was it the board version of Dear Zoo? I love that book!

    Tinsel, long time no tiddlypom, are you still in love? And that twix thing sounds downright disgusting, bleugggh.

    Deevles, my favourite BA quote is "Needs must when the devil vomits in yer kettle." Now here's a first time confession. I think there were moments in Blackadder 2 when Rowan Atkinson was kind of, in a strange way, a bit sort of sexy! And yet Mr Bean, no chance, never. I think its all the doublet and hosiery, and the dangerous daaaaaaarkness of his character.

    A x

    PS Orange clubs, though I do like to nibble an occasional penguin.

    PPS Welcome newbies and hello all else.

  • Comment number 72.

    Alloooooooo all, how are we all today? Hmmm gotta be mint clubs for me. Anyone tried them Wispa Gold - had one today omg gorgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Thought I saw ice cream club bics the other day but can't find them now. Were they just a figment of my imagination?

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 74.

    I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet

    They sent me an elephant

    he was tooooooooooooo big.

    See what you've started here Chris.

    Love that book.

    Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 75.

    So I sent him back.

    I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.
    They sent me a giraffe.
    He was tooooooooooooo...

    Hands up if you can guess.

  • Comment number 76.

    OOoo I know I know


  • Comment number 77.

    Humph not telling you then. I'm off to resd it quietly ALL BY MYSELF and I'm not telling anyone what happens in the end. And Seza, you don't tell them either.

    A x

  • Comment number 78.

    Soz Sez I thought you'd gone.

    Go on then...

  • Comment number 79.

    Gotta dash, tara.

    A x

  • Comment number 80.

    He was toooo tall

    So I sent him back

    I wrote to the zo to send me a pet
    They sent me a monkey
    He was toooooooooooooooooooooooo?

    I'm going to cook dinner.
    Back later to see if who knows answer

    Seza xxxxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Afternoon you nutty peeps!
    Kiddie book from son's baby days was 'Can't you sleep little bear' lovely.

    Can't say I was a club fan, more of a Blue Riband girl myself. Now if iy came to 'messin abaht' with yer choc bar a la Twix idea, the it was Bar Six for me. Take off the top of each finger (came awat dead easy), then eat the hazelnutty mush, then eat the bottom of the finger!

    Adverts - loved the beer one (not sure which brand) where Griff Rhys Jones was added to old B&W film clips. and the one for marshmallows? where the tag line was 'everyones a fluffy one' It was the cute little voice.

    Back later after drama group rehearsal.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx :o)

  • Comment number 82.

    Oooooo Crumps, what are you in? Didn't know you were a thesp. I see you're a wafer person, we're very anti-wafer chez nous, got to be crunchy in some other way eg biscuity. And I love those Martin Wardel (sp?) bear books too "Said bear, just getting to the interesting bit in his book".

    Sez. Jumpy!

    Now, what was wong with the camel? Boleynteen1 used to do a good impression of that camel.

    Orf to the shorps.

    A x

  • Comment number 83.

    Will it be Chips or Jacket Spuds?

    Will it be Salad or Frozen Peas?

    Will it be Mushrooms, Fried Onion Rings?

    You'll have to wait and see!

    Hope its Chips, Its Chips,

    We hope its Chips ,its Chips.

    Oops, maybe a bit too much sun today, been ASLEEP, yes Beez, asleep on my trampoline!

    Have had what seems to be like a very long blog meet, started on Friday, meeting Bids off the train at Taunton, finally getting to meet all the Brizzle Laydees Sat/Sunday, back to Bids for Sunday evening and now back in Zummerzet and zonked!

    Saw the Ad thingy that you have all been talking about and had to add my fave one.

    Off to find the after sun, back soon.


    Not having Chips tho!

  • Comment number 84.

    They sent me a camel
    He was tooooo grumpy

    So I sent him back

    I wrote the zoo to send me a pet
    They sent me a snake (I think)
    He was toooooooo ?????

    Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 85.

    I must say Chris great show tonight.

    Then I always love Radio 2 especially Sara Kennedy wow one cool lady and such style.

  • Comment number 86.

    Evening all old and new

    Now I happen to have 2 chocolate club biscuits in one of my cupboards so first come first served says I xx

  • Comment number 87.

    BTW they are not a patch on the olden days ones - what is it with these manufacturers and their 'new improved recipes'?

    So saying love that chunky caramel thingy.

    Think if we are EGGNOG it should be Evans Gorgeous Gals/or Gezzers so as not to discriminate?

  • Comment number 88.

    Quick list of noises as i am sitting in my back garden.....

    Waves lapping in.

    Geese flying over.

    Steam train tooting and Puff, puff, puffing.

    Goldfinches chattering away.

    Tummy rumbling...eww!

    Off to the kitchen.


  • Comment number 89.

    Sez - scary!!!!

    But what about the lion.

    He was too.....

    (Pssst, I think we're the only ones playing)

    SusanB, re. the biscuits; I would say me me me but I'm just about to have my tea so will let someone else go before me.

    Toodly pip.

    A x

  • Comment number 90.

    Fierce I think.

    Are we at the end yet? That is my favourite. If they don't want play, they don't know what they're missing.

    Am loving the fact that CLP will discover the only way to destroy that book is to read it for 50 miliion times! lol

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Im going on a bear hunt!

    MTF.x LOL.xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    flying visit - deev - got myself a 120GB pod at weekend but had to search for one!

  • Comment number 93.

    Come to a meadow.

    Can't go over it, can't go under it
    Have to go............

    Can I do the end of Dear Zoo yet? Can I? Can I?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    this may get morderated - Tins - when you said about soemthing with a Twix I had a completely different picture!

  • Comment number 95.

    and i had something else to say but its gone!

    think i might have lost whatever it I had!

  • Comment number 96.

    Waaahhh! I don't know that book! My favourite was Chicken Licken!!

    I have a sad doggy here, he wants to play outside, but it's too dark and cold now! And he's just got told off by Mr JG for bringing "Squeaky toy" indoors whilst the footie is on!!

    Might have to put laptop down to give him a cuddle, but maybe not! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 97.

    Baggy, that's what getting married does to you lol!

    How's the new job going?

  • Comment number 98.

    its okay - just all new- cant wait til I'm settled in

  • Comment number 99.

    Where are all the drunks tonight?

    Only joking of course this is a great track of Desomod Carrington's show.

  • Comment number 100.

    Hmmphh!! Now have a doggie sprawled over my legs and fast asleep...he's getting heavy already! Might get Mr JG to take a pic at half-time!

    Oh, and he's stopping me reaching my glass of wine!


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