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Hey don't watch that - watch this - it's the Scouse Sarah's nightmare desk show

Chris Evans | 22:08 UK time, Wednesday, 23 September 2009


Is there a more messy desk than this in Britain?

Sarah is the loveliest, bestest person you could ever hope to work with, she never stops, but she's so busy looking after the rest of us - she is neglecting her own house.

Let's look at that desk one more time !


Here's what I'm going to do. I promise I am going to go into work early tomorrow and help her for once.

There will be photographic evidence to follow - maybe within the day.




P.s. All Request awaits your opening tunes.


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  • Comment number 1.

    OMG I don't know how anyone can work like that. Please help her sort it out for everyones sake. Tidy desk equals tidy mind.

  • Comment number 2.

    Haha - now I feel much better!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hells Bells And Heavens To Betsy ..... I swear I will never, ever, ever moan about my desk again ever. Never.

    In fact, I'm a bit funny about my desk. I know if anyone has sat in my chair, used my PC in my absence etc, and woe betide should ANYONE put something on my desk in the wrong place ....... shallow waters indeed!

    And on the subject of desks: who is it that sneaks in and puts all your paperclips in a long paperclip chain so that when you want 1 paperclip you actually get about 2 dozen of the bloomin' things? Eh? Is it YOU?!?!

    And breathe .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 4.


    That's Amore - Dean Martin


    Ta very muchly


  • Comment number 5.


    thank you CLP for making me feel so much better about my sideboard/piano - at least my piles are tidy piles of stuff!

    Right - today is going to be a cleansing day - gym then tidying the piles....


  • Comment number 6.

    D'you know what? I thought my kids rooms were in a mess. No hope for any of us then.

    Scouse Sarah must be a varitable genius to produce such a fantastic show from such chaos.

    CLP Make sure you don't tidy all her stuff so she can't find anything. I see a nasty attack of the "well, i put it somewhere safe" coming on.

    Seza xxx

    PS are we meant to be looking to see if the 2nd pic has changed? You know, those games where you look at something for 30seconds then someone takes something away & you have to work out what? I think we could be stuck if we are meant to be memorising everything on the desk. My memorie's not that good!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all

    Good lord Christoph, don't think Sarah will be best pleased you've shown the blog peeps the state of her desk. But, yes, that's bad! I'm the exact opposite, always had a tidy desk and god help anyone who interferred in my absence!! Once I spent hours looking for something in my in-tray and finally found out it had been taken by a colleague without telling me, cos 'she was only trying to help' She never did it again!!!!

    Cracking day here today, long may it last. Don't like these dark evenings!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 8.

    CLP, Scouse Sarah has stunned me into silence... *deep breath* WOW!!

    Deev, it's me hehe.

    Debs - sideboard/piano? Is this a piano that doubles as a sideboard, or two separate bits of furniture? And if the former, why don't you play???

    MTF (from last blog), a mile = 1,609m (according to G00gle) so woo hoo, I can swim more than a mile *happy Flower*

    AF xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Good morning, good morning, good morning . . .

    I am always extremely suspicious on untidy desks . . .who the heck are they trying to kid . . an uncluttered desk is an uncluttered mind . . .mmmmm . . .

    oh, and by the way, young dj - what the heck are you doing at work at 10PM, of an evening . . ???!!!

    Should Mrs E start asking questions . . .!!!!

    DtM x

  • Comment number 10.


    Funky town - Pseudo Echo

  • Comment number 11.

    OH MY WORD.......

    But they do say that a messy desk is a sign of genius!..........

    Debs, so you have the piles of stuff laying around as well huh? Mine is on top of the printer, and it works well, until I need to scan of photcopy anything.........

    And once I've had my 'clear up' mood, I can't find anything!!!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Lovelies - wall to wall blue here - must put some washing on (as well as doing everything else!!)

    I was going to take a pic of my desk and then looked again - erm Christoph - perhaps when you have finished with Sarah's you can pop your goodself over here? Why do I print out e-mails???? Do I really need 4 shoe catalogues (yes) - filing - must do filing !! Oh my! what a mess!!

    Will have a think about ARF

    I'VE THUNK .............

    She works Hard For The Money *** Donna Summer

    Ta muchly CLP

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Woo hoo Ebbw - I'm a genius !!! (don't think so somehow!!)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Beezer - do you work here then? I've never seen such a vast waste of paper in my life, and given my previous employment as a Recycling Education bod, it hurts .... big time! I've tried to change them - honest I have, but nope, all needs printing off. In duplicate. Sometimes triplicate. Only to be lost in the ether and yep, you guessed it, printed again ....!

    And oh how upset they were when the stationery suppliers stopped doing quills ....

    My desk highlights include funny things emailed to me by certain peeps off this ere blog (post-it note, need I say more ....!?), a tiny berfday cake from someone special, pics of my cat, a Bhudda, a witch and other funky lovely things. And some work sometimes too!


    Found out the key to cheering ones-self up ..... had a Rat-Pat kind of CD on earlier and on came Liza Minelli giving it All That Jazz (from Chicago). Needless to say high-kicks and jazz hands are now the order of the day in this ere chaotic island called bedlam.

    That's Amore!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    My desk is very miminalmist as I have to keep it tidy - set a good example - so I try and keep paperwork to a minimum and get everything filed and I have calender of JD (for the dates), photo in nice frame of mr bp and a wooden abacus that was a present from someone

  • Comment number 16.

    I feel like I should take a picture of my own desk just to join in the fun lol. There are bits of paper but it's not quite as bad as Sally's lol

  • Comment number 17.


    Coooool! You have a Jack Daniels calendar! Can I get a Bombay Sapphire one?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    you know I mean johnny depp - but yes possibly a bombay sapphire calender is your secret blogger present this year :-)

  • Comment number 19.

    I stand correceted AF, soz, just remember GD had to swim 64 lengths of the pool in under an hour when she was six to get her mile badge.

    Would like to see her do it now,ahem!!

    I am sitting at a desk this morning filling in forms for college for 15yr old. Not a happy fairy, wanna be out there, where the sun is shining :(

    Must crack on, It cost me half an hour to find a pen!

    Oooh and I made the mistake of looking under sons bed in search for pen.

    Guess what he is doing right now!!!



  • Comment number 20.

    Chris you should film the tidying of Sarah's nightmare desk and sell it to a TV company! Don’t laugh it’s been done before, like 60 Minute Makeover, with that stupid, talentless girl Claire Sweeney, where they redecorate 4 rooms for a surprised homeowner or resident. Whoopee! Or, How Clean Is Your House with Kim and Aggie, it’s the residence mind that needs the help; from a psychologist! Exactly who watches this trash?

    Now I feel better.

    mj x

  • Comment number 21.

    Oh yes, ARF

    Bat out of Hell

    Meat Loaf


    'Spose we've gotta compete with young Baz. BTW where is he?

    Pen xx (Not, btw, under MTF sons bed!)

  • Comment number 22.

    AF - good on you with the swim more than a mile club! re sideboard/piano - it is a piano - covered with currently - bills, CDs, a new iron in a box, a new wireless router in a box, cushion covers, blister plasters, a cookbook, a take that programme and I could go on!!!! That is why I dont play - I'd have to take it all off and put it on the ironing board.

    Then I couldnt iron, so I'd have to take it all off and put it on the table, then we couldnt eat - so I'd have to put it BACK on the piano - simples!

    BUT - will tidy later (that has been on my to do list for months!)

    right - JIM - watch out - I'm coming in!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning lovelies.

    Deev, whoever does your paperclips also uses the last staple in my stapler. Drives me mad!!

    I have some bamboo on my desk with a grow your own toyboy perched in it. I think he's past his best though!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Pee ess MTF - also got pens on the piano - nip over if you need one!

  • Comment number 25.

    LOLOLOL!! Pen, you never wanna go there!!!!!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Morning Chris. How does she find anything what a mess.
    Lovely warm sunny day here in Bedfordshire.It s out to the veggie patch
    for me. Watched the video of you all being cracked, YUK!!!!
    lov to all.xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Seza - I thought that about the 2 pics - even flicked back and had a look!!

    Debs - the top of your piano sounds like the whole of my house at the moment - only I've run out of spaces to move anything onto!

    Who's got Bazza tied up then to stop him putting in an ARF???

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 28.

    MTF, I can imagine. I've got girls and they weren't any better. But look at them now - take your shoes off, wipe your feet. You have to laugh, it's all part and parcel of growing up!

    Hi Darce, at least it's giving you other things to think of xxx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.


    Day's getting better. Have had Choccie Marble Cake & Carrot Cake & raised £88.00 for Macmillan to help people who are really having a bad time.

    Will go home later & see if my shouty hissy fit has had any effect

    TB has been very quiet this week. Is this the effect of having too many ARF's played, spontaneous vanishing from the blog? Not sure what I'm going to choose this week, will have to think again when I've had more cake

    Thought the radio had broken then, strange screechy noise, but it's ok, it's only Kate Bush. It'll stop in a minute.


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    LOL Seza - don't diss The Bush. She's a legend!

    and I'm off .....

    wow wow wow wow I'm not in the bush da da da da .... oh oh babooshka babooshaka yi yi

    now look wot u dun!

    Deevs, listening to Billy Joel
    x x x x

  • Comment number 31.

    So have to hit the pause button on my car radio if kate Bush comes on,sorry for any fans, but she is never going to be on my ARF!!

    Bedsitter Soft Cell.

    Not got a cat in wotnots chance but hey ho!!


  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs oooeeerrr re above comment, still every one to their own Soz!!

    Wheres old Ranty Pants this fine morning??


  • Comment number 33.

    LOL Deevs, Just had image of you doing Liza Minelli styleee JAZZ hands to Ms Bush

    MTF glad I not alone. x

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Phew, Seza,LOL.xx

  • Comment number 35.

    MTF - I'm here - still ranting - check out #12

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 36.

    How do I type in a scouse accent? Just spoken to a very nice man who says he is finally going to put my tax code right !!! Yeh - right!!! Batten down the hatches shoe shops next month - I may be on my way - big time!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 37.


    Calm down, calm down, alreet kidda, lah!


  • Comment number 38.

    Checkout # 12 in which supermarche Beez??

    Decided that something to get everything jiggling is needed for ARF..

    SO, ARF A Little Respect------ Erasure.

    Will be jiggling at Brizzle Airport if it comes on.

    I thank You.


  • Comment number 39.

    Oh *sad face* my desk is really boring! I have a porcelain cat (Hello Kitty style) and a paperweight with an image of my niece and nephew set into it in air bubbles (sorry, it's quite hard to explain!). Oh, and a box of tissues...

    Deev, SBP, if you find a Bombay Sapphire calendar, will you let me know?

    MTF, you're such a good mummy, filling in forms for your boy :-)

    MJ, have you borrowed Beez's ranty pants?

    Seza, glad things are better after cake. And well done on raising money, that's brilliant!

    Kate Bush, wailing banshee woman. MTF, I change the station!

    Hi Beez, forget the ranting, think about shoooooeeeessss!

    AF x

    AF x

  • Comment number 40.

    CAKE........Mad dash to cooker, very clean cooker>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 41.

    ARF request

    The Killers - Somebody told me

  • Comment number 42.

    Wot's that Meatloaf song that starts with the talky bit? You know, he's asking questions & a rather excited sounding youg lady (who I always picture in a bodice, ripped) answers?

    Can't remember which one it is but think I moght like that for ARF.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    I'd like Girls on Film by Duran Duran for ARF please!

  • Comment number 44.






  • Comment number 45.


    ARF - Never can tell by Chuck Berry please - so's we can all do the wiggle dance - even in the car!

    Ta muchly in advance

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh Debs, I love that song, good choice!! Are you sure you'll be able to wiggle though, after today's activities??

    AF x

  • Comment number 47.

    seza - do you mean paradise by the dashboard light?

    Deev - sorry, they only do personalised lables, gift boxes and thongs for bombaby sap - I did try :-)

  • Comment number 48.

    AF swimming, Debs at gym, Deev walking - I'm having the vapours here.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 49.


    I think you mean You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth - always makes me smile when Mr Meat goes "I bet you say that to all the boys"


    Can I have the ranty pants next please ..... living on the edge in an aerosmith styleeee!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    I'm afraid that is a very familiar sight. I don't have a desk as such but I have a dinig room table and, worse, a carboot with all my stuff in. I am a nightmare with my work stuff and Boleynteen2 is exactly the same. If a tidy desk is a tidy mind then I should be sectioned immediately.

    Must try harder.

    Haven't caught up yet, but remember from yesterday:

    Alright Flower, thank you, you inspired me to buy a bag of revels and I played "guess what's in the middle". all by myself. I thought of you when I found the biggest chocolate raisin ever, it was the size of a golf ball, well, a grape.

    Seza, Boleynteen2 had one of those moneyboxes, it used to speak to you when you came into the room. I think it ended up being thrown. Literally.

    Lovely sunshine here in Warwickshire, it has it's hat on for sure.

    A x

  • Comment number 51.

    Shocking. I meant its not it's.

  • Comment number 52.

    You can get a bombay sapphire thong???????????

  • Comment number 53.

    tins - you want the address?

  • Comment number 54.

    Nah, you're alright Baggy. Thongs aint my thang. just amazed they make such things!!! I've led a very sheltered life!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 55.

    That looks a little like my desk on a bad day - changing the subject - you had someone on yesterday talking about Leonardo Da Vinci theories - I missed the end of the Interview - has he got a book out then - it sounded really interesting - can someone help? Love the show very much - although I will miss Tel - I'm sure you are going to make up for that in January - this is my first Blog entry ever......... probably should have thought of something a little more dynamic to say but hey I shall learn along the way! xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Deevs, That's it!! SBP not sure I know that one.

    SBP Thongs for Bombay Sapphire??? Mind Boggling here

    Scary Robot Money Box Came from Science Museum for any one wanting to avoid or acquire

    So, my ARF is You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth by Mr Meat Loaf. pleeeeeese


    Seza xxxxxx

    ps chuck the headache tabs this way if you still have them Deevs. Ta muchly

  • Comment number 57.

    Beez #48, well at least you're doing something too! Am toying with the idea of the gym after work tonight, but exercise 3 nights in a row might be overdoing it a bit hehe.

    Boleyngirl #50, you're quite welcome! It's a game I shall be playing too on Friday night. Oooh, might buy some red wine to go with *lightbulb - low energy of course - plinking on above head*

    SBP, is a man thong. In that, you buy it for your man, then need to drink a bottle of Bombay Sapphire to be attracted to him??

    AF x

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Raomi58 and welcome. Have a look at yesterday's blog - piccie of CLP's bedside table, the book that guy was talking about is on it!

    don't feel you have to be dynamic, look, we've been talking about chocolate and thongs!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello Raomi.

    Tins, with you on the thongs!

    ARF "This day should last forever" by Ocean Colour Scene.

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    Bombay Sapphire Thongs

    I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon all,

    Grey , different shades of , is the way it is here today. Driving me nuts, so please could someone waft a bit of blue over ??

    JG, sympathy ... i have the most annoying member of the team in the office with me today, just the two of us ALL day , and tomorrow tooooo.
    Good job I am too tired to be bothered , or else it could get very messy in here ,

    MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon all

    Just demolishing yet another bowl of salad for lunch....rabbit ears and teeth will be evident soon me thinks with all this lettuce. Maybe that's why I want to sleep during the afternoons - lettuce is soporific according the Beatrix Potter!

    Hope everyone is well, fit (must be with all the exercise going on) and happy with life.

    Revels - love 'em....orange one's are the bestest.
    Maltesers - only ever from the fridge

    Confession time: any clutter or anything out of place gets right up me clank! Am a bit more relaxed about things these days although much beloved will tell you otherwise.

    Kate Bush - t'was me muvver's nick name for me at one time cos me 'air was a bit wayward like. She's great tho despite being a wailing wanny!

    Must catch up....back in a bit.

    Steffi xxx

    P.S. Tango - where are you? The harem is missing you!

  • Comment number 63.

  • Comment number 64.

    Stewartapple # 63

    Speechless eh?!?! THe strong silent type .....


  • Comment number 65.


    LOL !! come on Stewart .... we are waiting ...... xx

  • Comment number 66.

    If only more fellas were that quiet eh MC!?!?

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    Well I'm new to all this, so here goes.....

    A R F

    All or Nothing - Small Faces

    There, that was easy.

  • Comment number 68.

    Gracious, thats a horrible desk! Hope its all pristine and sparkly now.

    ARF - The Bluebells, Young At Heart.

    Hope you are having a lovely sunny Thursday.

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi everyone,

    I can't really what the fuss is about re the desk, it looks like mine!

    Beautiful day in sunny Bournemouth, I had to wash the windows to let the sun in ... now I've got the worst hayfever I've had all year, typical!

    ARF - Barcelona - Freddie Mercury with Montserrat Caballe

    Have a lovely afternoon

    MB xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon Peeps,

    An absolute cracking the flagstones day in my bit of Kent - Beautiful and long may it continue, sorry to those where it's not so good I'll send some your way.

    Chris, I have come over all funny looking at that desk and immediately want to tidy it. Unfortunately I am a bit OCD on tidiness and know where everything is and notice immediately if it's out of place (Deev perhaps it's a Leo thing?) In fact I have been known on many an occassion to get up off the sofa and move the curtains a bit as they were not quite hanging to my liking - I know, I know!!! There is a word my friends call me but I am not sure I can put it on here without being moderated! My desk is left tidy every night and I get cross if someone leans on it and leaves a sweaty hand mark - It's OK I'll get my coat ;)

    Well done to all those who have been to the gym or swam a mile or more - most impressed. I did walk to work today and according to my pedometer I have done 7660 steps and walked 3.5 miles!

    Another mad morning at the church, so have now come to this job for a rest.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hello everyone,
    that's really great MB (69) I was just thinking Freddie but more on the lines of Who wants to live forever, I suppose thats a bit grim for Friday home time driving though.

  • Comment number 72.

    Never be the first one to cast a stone unless you can honestly say you haven't got a 'Monica' cupboard at home!

    Anyway, ARF - Train in Vain - The Clash. Great upbeat song for a Friday night home. Plus, we'll be listening to you from a Jacuzzi somewhere in Yorkshire - taking the portable so we don't miss one spiffing minute!

  • Comment number 73.

    Ali - I'm with you in the 'curtains hanging right' club - also sweaty hands on anything - especially in a hand shake - urgh - thank goodness for squirty hand cleanser!

    AF - the ONLY thing i may be able to do tomorrow is the Pulp Fiction wiggle! (on my office chair!!)


  • Comment number 74.

    Sorry for the delay

    Afternoon chris
    what's needed son is give Sarah a big cuddle

    Then get a black bag ?
    Then clp take the lovely Sarah down to the great cafe

    Near the office for the Friday specails

    In their this morning 4 nice cup of rosie lee

    anyway what A lovely day in London town

    Fridays smash song marvin Gaye come get this from the album lets get it on

    Best wishes to all the bloggers

    Clp have a great show

    Best wishes Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 75.

    LOL Debs - Glad it's not just me xx

  • Comment number 76.

    We have just made coffee and have pinched the office dogs fig rolls, she's asleep and hasn't even heard the packet wrapper - shame no excuse yet to get out into the sun with her for a "walk" !

  • Comment number 77.

    Oh that makes me feel so much better about the state of organised chaos I'm usually operating in!!

    No room for being particular about your desk here though . . .the current boss wanders in and out all day long, bring new jobs that he just leaves on whatever surface is nearest, then coming back in to take them back again and moving every other piece of paper in the process of finding them. I was wondering why my piles of work appeared to be moving around until I caught him taking apart a carefully organised mountain of photocopying!

    Deevs - this office is very much like yours, EVERYTHING is printed out and done on paper. I'm a girl who tries to do everything on computer if possible, so am finding the triplicate copies of things that could (at most) be done on one sheet of paper very hard.


  • Comment number 78.

    OMG what a desk! Makes mine look really tidy!

    Just seen the story about Nick Knowles helping mother & baby from a car accident - when oh when is he going to come & rescue me.....!!??!!

    Hi to all the usual peeps and any newbies

    AS x

  • Comment number 79.

    I have 17 lots of meeting arrangements on the go, and my head is about to explode - AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

    Phew, sorry, just had to get that out.

    AF x

  • Comment number 80.

    Peter staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy, Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Kathleen.

    He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whisky bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful.

    Managing not to yell, Peter sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his bum cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Elastoplast and began putting an Elastoplast as best he could on each place he saw blood.

    He then hid the now almost empty Elastoplast box and shuffled and stumbled his way to bed.

    In the morning, Peter woke up with searing pain in both his head and bum and Kathleen staring at him from across the room.

    She said, "You were drunk again last night weren't you?"

    Peter said, "Why do you say such a mean thing?"

    "Well," Kathleen said, "it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but mostly ..... it's all those Elastoplast stuck on the hall mirror."

    Daisy x

    ARF - Special Brew - Bad Manners please!

    PS Gingembre - no need for thanks, sorry I could not manage a bit more. Hope all goes well this weekend, you and your family are in my prayers.

  • Comment number 81.

    Morning/afternoon all,

    If the ranty pants are still going round, can I borrow them? am back to job hunting and it's doing my head in. grrrrrrrrr.

    ok rant over. passing the ranty pants on to the next person in line....

    That desk is pretty bad, but I have a feeling my side table might be worse. *guiltily sidles up to and looks at the pile of junk*

    On the plus side, the cat has forgiven me for her bath. She was pretty good and only hissed once, but before I could wrap her up in a towel she did the full body shake and both me and him got covered! oh well, at least she isn't oily anymore!

    ARF - Blur, Charmless man.


  • Comment number 82.

    Hi everyone, just checking in! Work is busy, which is playing havoc with my blogging!

    Daisy: you are on top form these days - loved that joke!

    Dragon: you and Mr Dragon were so brave with the "cat bath"! And your wee cat behaved so well -it was only natural for her to do the full body shake - that's how I feel when I have had my hair cut, and there's hair all over my face!

    Chris: love the photographs of Sarah's desk! Don't move a thing - I am sure she knows where everything is!

    Hope Thursday is being good to all!

    C xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Great joke Daisy, made me chuckle

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 84.

    YO CLP..... YO ALL.........

    Bingo Star ere.........

    Just a SHORT one terdee az am dead busy doing a 15 'our plus dee........

    CLP - Tell Scouse Sarah that desk iz mad mayhem!!!!!!!!!!
    But am 90% sure a can guess 'er star sign.... noot just 'cos of the desk but other clues..... pisces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - 'ello ter all who writted ter me yesterdee.... soz ave noot 'ad time ter reply.... but az a way of saying thanks.... ere's a SHORT joke >>>

    Robbers mugged a midget...... ploice said they don't know 'ow anyone could stoooop so low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

    PS Ave goot me Gig blog ready.... just been so busy writting me boook and other stuff.... i'll bang it on termozza... promise!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS...... soz forgotten.......

    Oh I yeah.... ARF - Sea Shell Estuary by The Cult!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz mean't She Sells Sanctuary.... by The Cult.... am under alotta pressure... just glad a didn't get me luu aka 'L' in Cult mixed up with the letter before mmmuuu aka 'M'!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Soz meant the letter after 'M' noot before.... told yer am under pressure!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Afternoon each

    Dont have a desk as i flick between 3 locations but there`s a corner of my kitchen that looks like that..well there was til this morning anyway! Needed my card bit of my driving licence to get insured tomorrow and couldnt find the flaming thing anywhere! SO, tidied up the pile, shredded, searched the house, looked back in the first place i looked and there it was...much to the GM`s amusement! He is of the Deev/AliB persuasion and knows where everything is at a moments notice...aaarrrggghh! I am SO not a typical Virgo!

    Maltesers are yummy..but Revels are better..anyone who doesnt like the raisin ones but likes the coffee wants needs their head examining tho.. hee hee...

    Down to 10 Wispa Golds now..but joy of joys..the local shop has started stockingthem..got a poster on the door and everything!

    Right..food of some description to sort for tonight then early night ready for a mad weekend..

    See you all monday sometime..take it steady everyone!

    mSc x

    PS- Ginge..good luck with the run hon..be thinking of you. x

  • Comment number 87.

    Good afternoon all! I'm sat sitting here at home, giving the Deev a damn good thrashing ............. at Scrabble! Thought I'd just pop in and say Hi!
    Busy doing the washing after our long short break to Jersey. Had a cracking time, superb weather, good food, etc.

    I feel the need, the need for Level 42 Something about you for the ARF!

    Aaaaaaaaalllwwaaaaaaysss! Fooooooooooreever and a Daaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!
    Sorry dropped off into Bon Jovi for a mo.

    DD out

  • Comment number 88.

    Frilly knickers!!! - sorry just wondering if James was lurking..........

    Good one Daisy !!
    I'll join you Chrissie in the mad at work. I'll be back here again tonight I spect :(
    Dragon - you made it in one piece then - did you find out how she got oily in the first place? I'll have those ranty pants back please.

    Hi Pen & Bings

    Right - that's my 10 min catch up !! back later - nose - grindstone

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Mention frilly knickers and as if by magic ...Hi Dissing - see ya next week...

    Scoobs - my shop wot stocks all new choc now has a huge crate full of Mars dark choc limited edition. Just thought I'd let you know!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 90.

    PS..Nice on on the gym Debs and well done FLower on the swimming..was loving it then had my tattoo and havent been back since. In fact we have just cancelled our gym membership as we are just not using it..but you guys have made me want to go back...aaarrgghh, i cant be feeling well! x

  • Comment number 91.

    Beeezzzz....no,no,no! THats just cruel! hee hee.. hope the ranty pants worked for you and you are calming down!

    DD..break sounds fab..always wanted to go to Jersey..

    Right,really must shut this down...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 92.

    Beez, Frilly knickers, Bombay Sapphire Thongs and pants conversations, and you're surprised that I arrive!!! See you in ten days or so, and don't forget my hug! LOL

    DD out

  • Comment number 93.


    I am cream crackered! Not even had a lunch break today been sooooooo busy!

    Dissing - go easy Tiger!

    Tomorrow I really will sort out the restaurant etc for the Naaaaaaaaaaaaaarch blog meet. Was gonna do it today but that's just the way it is ..... some things will never change.

    Oooh, where's Bruce Hornsby come from!?!?!

    Tonight, cold showers and Piers Morgan. But NOT at the same time!

    That's Amore!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Deevs, Where are we meeting up in Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarch! 'cos I might try to catch up with some old buds earlier on the morning!

  • Comment number 95.

    Afternoon each

    That desk is a million times worse than your bedside table Chris. The girl certainly needs a cleaner.


  • Comment number 96.


    I thought we could all spend the art'noon in the boozer attached to the hotel we're all staying in, then stagger to the 'talian for dinner in the eve. need to make a few phone calls tomorrow so keep your peepers peeled!


  • Comment number 97.

    Ok, caught up and yes, you're all mad as a box of frogs, as usual.

    Back later lovely people.


  • Comment number 98.

    Mad panic - just realised I hadn't done my elh order for tomorrow. Done now !! phew ...

    Beezer xx

    Yes - should have known Dissing - (saving up a hug for you).

  • Comment number 99.

    Brace yoursen Dissing - nobody, but nobody huggles like a Beezer!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 100.

    OH MAN - did you see what he did there - he played my ARF - so today is official - I got my ART played - whoo hoo!!!!


    PS - AF - was able to wiggle OK!!!!!


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