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Up with the lark and the wind this morn

Chris Evans | 10:10 UK time, Thursday, 3 September 2009

Noah was already gurgling hello when I walked past his room at six o'clock so I....

...went in and scooped him up for a bit more me and him and trollo time (the word for empty loo roll we learn). Important to get my Noah fix today as I won't see him till early early Saturday morning when I get back from Blackpool.

You know when something just sneaks up on you - well Tash's Mum gets married today so have to leave home suited and booted in a couple of hours and then that's it - I'm away till Saturday.

Have to have a meeting tonight after work - wish I could tell you what about and with whom but you'll find out soon enough - anyway I thought it would be more sensible to travel up North in the dead of night, than battle with the crazy Friday traffic wondering whether we're going to get there or not.

Hopefully should arrive around 2 a.m. Get some sleep, go for a walk on the beach and then head home straight after ye olde show tomorrow. If we can get back before midnight then we are going to celebrate with a small can of beer.

So that's my loopy life for another 48 hours, enjoy yours.




P.S. Need a record to kick off All Request - bear in mind, we will be at the top of the tower, On Top Of The World - looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find... Trah lah, lah, lah, lah.


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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Whoo hoo - enjoy Blackpool Chris - many happy childhood memories from there!

  • Comment number 3.

    Pee ess - just spent a good and very enjoyable hour reading and giggling at all the childhood tales and memories - been there, done that with most of them too

    loving your work you lovely lot!

  • Comment number 4.

    Christophe hunny buns

    Has my Carpenters thang got into ya heeed? Oh dear, I do apologise! Altho it would appear great minds think alike, thinking as I have been for an ARF toon involving height, towers, beaches etc.

    So, Blackpool All the fun of the fair .....

    ARF -

    Helter Skelter - The Beatles

    You know it makes sense!!

    Much love

    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning All. Still blowing a howling gale here in west wales but would you believe - no rain - so far anyway!!!!! We have sun - that will be because we are travelling back this afternoon.

    Christoph - loads of bloggers travelling too this week-end. Bristol here we come!
    Lock up your men.(joking of course). ;o)

    Have a good one all - back later.

    Beezer xx

    ps sorry Thunder - you can get off norty step - I'll come and rub the circulation back in to your bum!

  • Comment number 6.

    Oh Yes - good luck and happy day to Tash's mum and her man.
    Big hugs.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 7.


    The mood I'm in, it'll be more a case of Hide The Gin Bottles!!!!


  • Comment number 8.

    Chris hope you have a great time in Blackpool and i am sure you will be missed by Noah and the Mrs hope the wedding goes well and your meeting tonight goes as you want it to then you might be able to tell us what it is all about

  • Comment number 9.

    HI CLP and all......

    Busy w/e then Christophe......hope the weddin's fun and all goes to plan....safe trip to Blackpool.

    Deevsta...re ARF...no way can you have a Beatles chown....that just aint on....think of another please...


  • Comment number 10.

    Deev I'll be happy if they don't run out of pink fizz. Seems to happen wherever we go!!
    Gin !!? recovered from your hangover then?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 11.

    It wasn't pretty!!

  • Comment number 12.

    If Tango is banning The Beatles, can I have .....

    She's So High - Blur



  • Comment number 13.

    ARF**Roxette- Joy Ride


  • Comment number 14.

    ARF- Blur- Song 2 ....Shirley more appropriate Deevsta.......???


  • Comment number 15.

    Morning all!

    CLP, you drive safely!! Hmmmmm, interesting meeting eh???? hmmmmm.....

    Have a fabbo time at the Bristol meet all of you.

    Where did all that pants rain come from last night?????? Nearly got washed off the road on the way home!
    T xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Howaya Christoff my little pickle on a stick.

    I'd say in honour a that ricketty lift, it has to be Jackie Wilson's (Your love is liftin' me) Higher and Higher, hurrah.

    Good luck wit that glass platform. And wear the tight jeans, you don't want 'em all seein' your knickers.


  • Comment number 17.

    Am reminded of the flyin' lesson I had when the GD and the 2 nieces were small. From Blackpool airport, whizzin' around the tower, all I could see in the back were 3 sets a pigtails bobbin' up an' down an' shriekin' with fun.

    Ere. I never booked me 3rd lesson. Whoa Christoff, I'll see yous in Blackpool. I'll be the one buzzin' yous an' wavin' furiously from the cockpit. In This Season's Must-Have flyin' helmet, of course.


  • Comment number 18.

    Chris - in honour of yous being high up in the windy wild north and the chaos that will be Bristol on Saturday

    ARF - Kenny Loggins Danger Zone

    You'll never know what you can do
    Until you get it up as high as you can go
    Out along the edges
    Always where I burn to be
    The further on the edge
    The hotter the intensity

    Highway to the Danger Zonnnnnnnnnnnnne!

    Ta muchly

  • Comment number 19.

    Gordon Bennett its thursday already,you can,t be a good wedding Christoff.
    I hope all the bloggers off to Bristol have a great week-end, Wish I could go, I will be at the pool meet though.
    ARF Come fly with me, old blue eyes.

  • Comment number 20.

    Above should read beat, more speed less haste , I think ?

  • Comment number 21.

    Debs...good choice....may the best blogger win...!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Ah yes Debs top choice. Oo Top choice. See what I did there, har har.

    I love that toon. Mind you. This is Blackpool Tower. A bit sexy for Blackpool Tower I reckon. We need summat a bit more camp and kitsch, you know, that reminds you of Hylda Baker, Kiss Me Quick hats and pickled eggs. And chasin' your knickers up the front in a changin' tent.


  • Comment number 23.

    ARF - (Your love keeps lifting me) higher and higher - Jackie Wilson. It's been in my head all week since they sung it (fabulously) on the choir programme with Gareth Malone.

  • Comment number 24.

    Clodagh...OK....'I've got a lovelly bunch of coconuts'...hows that for kitsch and camp????

    Or anything by Chaz and Dave....


  • Comment number 25.

    Clodagh now got Hylda Baker and wotsisname singing You're the One that I Want going through my head now !!! Medicate in my direction!!!

    Beezer xx

    I'm not here! - just packing puter away - honest!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning CLP et al

    What a busy boy you're gonna be in the next couple of days. Hope the wedding goes well.

    Now all this talk about a meeting, I've heard on the jungle drums that there's going to be musical chairs at Radio 2 come next March, just hope you're not included and that you're staying right where you are!!!


    Sky High


    Thank you

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Now Baz. Now yous is just bein' silly. Pull yourself together yous awful eejit.


    I've got a luvverly bunch a coconuts,
    Here they are a-standin' in a row,
    Big ones, small ones, some as big as your 'ead,
    Give 'em a twist, a flick a the wrist,
    That's what the showman said,
    Oh I've got a luvverly bunch a coconuts,
    Every ball you throw will make you rich,
    Here comes me wife,
    The idol of me life,
    Singin' Roll a bowl a ball, a penny a pitch.

    Lalalalalalalalala Ooo am right back at me Uncle Norman and Aunty Florrie's Christmas night parties, the DDF Eric strugglin' to keep control of the Categories singin' game, men v. women, when no matter whether Eric roared, "Rivers!" or "Transport, Uncle Norman's hand would shoot up and he'd start off with the above. And everybody joined in. And Eric's blood pressure became the chief source of entertainment thereafter.

    Happy days.

    Mind, I'll be singin' that all day now. Wait thile I see you Baz you eejit.


  • Comment number 28.


    "If you're filled with infection..."



  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Chris Have a good time in Blackpool, Yes halfway to the danger zone
    thats got to me first.looking forward to the show.
    Oh i hope your not going anywhere in March.Please tell us your staying put.Expect Noah will miss cuddles with his Dad.
    Your looking good on the cover of the book. love to all.xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Blackpool Tower....

    Famous for its circus.

    So, here goes.

    ARF. The Circus. Erasure.

    One day, just one day, it will be mine just you wait and see Baz!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Eureka moment a la Deevskiville .....

    ARF (scrub all the above CLP!!) - it has to be ....



    Love from
    Cheryl The Diva, Divaville
    x x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    Deev of COURSE.

    Ballroom Blitz. D'Oh why didn't I thinka that.

    Yous the winner, hands down.


  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon Peeps!

    Chris - think my life is exact opposite to yours at the mo.........we're sitting here waiting for the boss to get back from a meeting that could determine the future of this lots jobs.........so have been stuffing our faces instead!!

    Too full!!

    And too tired - the boy had a nightmare last night and then refused to get back into his bed, so had to sleep with me!


  • Comment number 34.

    Clodagh, I thang yous!! x x x

    Now, Women's Minute. I think I have the ultimate "things you do to make poeple think you've lost the plot"

    Y'know every month I customise my office calendar, well September, ladies and gentlemen, is officially Barry Manilow month! I scoured google images this morn and now have Lord Bazza, King Of The Copacabana smiling at me for the next 27 days or so!

    Could It Be Magic?? Yes, it bloomin' well can!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 35.


  • Comment number 36.

    Greetings Ter CLP And ALL....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Yer noot trying ter follow in the footsteps of that crayyyyyzzzzeeeeeeee but genius bloke who keeps climbing up the worlds tallest buildings??????
    Aka the real living 'Spiderman' aka frinchman Alain Roberts!!!!!!
    Ave watched a few programmes on 'im and 'e just defies belief!!!!!!!!
    A 'ear 'e's just been arreasted again after climbing the Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpa.... insane but amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PS CLP - At least at the toppa Blackpool.... yer won't need ter raise yer trabsmitter much.... just a strong lazzie band ter fix it onter the side and you'll be beaming ter the UK and beyond!!!!!
    Just make sure it's a VERY strong lazzie band.... az we're getting the back end of the 'urricane from America... gonna be MEGA windee up the tower - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - On the mad Fridee traffic that a nickname 'Demolition Derby Dee' as it's the dee when if yer gonna come across an accident or the motorway get's closed, always seems ter be on a Fridee!!!!
    A think as the traffic builds as so many are trying ter get 'ome finish work and fast it creates a tension on the roads and thus what with people rushing more coupled with this tension makes accidents more likely ter 'appen thus making the situation 400% worse - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    But az a very expereinced driver and in particular driving north up the M6 on a Fridee.... it doesn't start getting VERY busy until about 2pm-ish!!!!
    Normally Fridee morning it's noot busy at all.... aslong as yer don't get an early motorway closure that sometimes 'appens... in which a always mutter ter mesen in me mind (a don't talk ter mesen... silent muttering) a say "looooks like they're DDD bashers are starting early terdee!!!"

    PPPPS CLP - Yesterdee... on the used BOG ROLL TUBE TOYS!!!!!!!!..... INDEED when a waz at school we used ter make all sorts outta bog rolls!!!!
    Paint 'em.... papppper masheeee them... errrrr use a telescopes... you name it!!!!! And didn't do me any 'arm.... looook where ave ended up!!! A failed train driver and demented CLP blogger!!!!!
    In fact on a similar note.... me cats, they seem ter like better a simple ball of rolled up newspaper than a fancy toy from the pet shop!!!!!!!!
    INDEED what ave written about life and music.... the simpler... the better it is.... maybe this is the secret of life and why in the world as adults we make such a mess of things!!!!!
    Keep it simple..... as ultimately maybe we are all just simple 'uman beings trying ter be what we are noot - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Talkin' of railways.... BAD NEWS..... just received noticfication the other dee.... didn't get the cleaning job a applied for on the railway!!!! Just don't know why am never successful with the railway!!!
    Been trying ter get on for ten years now!!!! Mystery??????
    When ever a travel on trains the staff although pleasant and proffessional they don't look like they 'ave the intelligence of doctors or the looooks of air 'ostessess... So ter me, it tells me yuv noot gotta be perfect ter get on the railway.... so why do I never get on???????
    I'm noot perfect but a am intelligent, 'ard working and VERY reliable and polite and calm and 'elpful!!!!!!
    All that's needed ter make a good employee on the railway!!!!
    (by the way 'ope this doesn't sound self pitying... noot mean't ter be.... i'll change it ter ANGRY.... it's mean't ter sound ANGRY.... AHHHHHHH why don't a ever getta damn job on the railway???? Is it 'cos ter be a train driver it's the one thing a really dream of and will make me love work, just love going inter work every dee... love life.... love everything... but unfortunately in this life yer noot mean't ter be totally 'appy so yer can't get what yer want??????
    Actually yer noot mean't ter ever get angry as a train driver.... mean't ter be of a calm and level 'eaded at all times personality... so just in case any railway aych R .... are... reading this.... i'll change it back ter self pitying.... noot angry at all..... just sad about noot getting me dream!!!!!!)

    The GOOD NEWS though.... just been accepted onter the GCSE Maths course a waz aving a BIG moan about noot being accepted on a few weeks back!!!!!
    So maybe some extra qualifications are the key ter a place on the railway!!!!
    Either that or maybe a might ave ter move ter London.... getta feeling more railway jobs there and easier ter get on az the pay ter cost of living ratio iz bigger.... 'ence less wanter work on the railway in London aka the recruitment crudentials are lowered, thus 'elping an unwanted employee like me ter become.... errrr wanted!!!!!! Might be wrong though!!!!!

    B-s Mum - Yes all most interesting on the F1 and the Schuey/ Fisi/ Ferrari!!!! just 'ope Fisi don't go ter Ferrari... gotta strong feeling'e's gonna win 'is 'ome GP in a ForceIndia in a few weeks!!!!!

    Chezza - Yes a do get abit excited over the GP!!!!!!! and especailly when me fellow born on the exactly same dee driver does brilliantly!!!!!!!!!!

    ChrissieS - Soz noot replied for a while... busy writing me book and been in London but thanks for yer kind words earlier in the week!!!! (or was it last week know, sorry now????) Either way... thanks Chrissie!!!!!!!

    PPPPPPS CLP - Az it's a special ARF ave decided ter throw alotta reccommendations yer way..... - 'ow about either 60ft Tall by The Dead Weather (the weather's gonna be blowin' bad), (plus a wreckon yer'll about 300ft tall noot 60) or Big Bill Broonzy and Long Tall Mama or Elvis Presley and Long Tall Sally (az in Sally B!!!! She iz fairly tall - mean't az a compliment Sal!!!) or Bad Religeon and Skyscraper (great tune!!!) or AC/DC Don't Stop At The Top or finally The Style Council and Shout To The Top!!!!

    In fact my fav choice..... Style Council and Shout To The Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Or yer could just play either the Faulty Towers theme or The Top Of The Pops theme tune or yer could add them inter the show anyway!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPPPPPPPPS CLP - Still racking me brain over The Will Pigeon show and a agree the word 'pigeon' iz a good cheeky 'umourous name for the show but struggling ter find something that goes with it!!!!
    A few more 'Power To The Pigeon' az in the tune 'Power To The People' or Peckham Pedigree Pidgeon' but abit dull and Only Fools And 'orse rip off name... but me 'personal' fav..... Personal Pigeon!!!!!!!!!
    Sounds ok.... could imagine that becoming a well known show name off everyone's tongue... bit like 'Don't forgeet Yer Toothbrush!!!!'
    Also... why noot ave a slot dedicated ter all Carolines were the Caroline tune by Neil Sadarker iz played while lots of Carolines and the whole studio audioence all do a funny dance!!!!!!
    The next week yer could play 'Oh Carolina' by Shaggy and 'ave all doing a mad reggae booggie.... then the next week Caroline by Neil Diamond!!!!!!!!
    Just a though butta could see it working well!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Finally am noot one ter broadcast me private life publically.... but az a goot 'blog moderated' a good ten dees ago.... a feel a should putta copy of me e-mail a sent ter the blog ploice 'pologising for me misdemeaners...... so a will on termozzas blog!!!!!

    GOURANGA 09!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Woooo a long one terdee.... maybe give CLP somit ter read on the way ter Blackpool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Ahhhh what am a like... should be writing me boook!!!!!

    Butta just like writing on CLP's blog and joining in with all that's 'appening on the blog... well some of it anyway!!!!!

    Struggle ter keep up with all on the blog!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 38.


    That was indeed a long one. Off to lie down in a dark room now ....!!


  • Comment number 39.

    I am in the fortunate situation of not having to prove that I have lost the plot!

    But if there is one thing that is probably a bit of a give away,despite the clothes line thing ( I have things that arms go through on one side of the clothes prop and things that legs go through on the other side )IS, when I am spotted out on my mole hill hunt!

    Yup the neighbours say, barking mad!


  • Comment number 40.

    Ah Deev let me tell yous.

    Womans' Minute.

    I wash me hair with horse shampoo. Oh yes. Gallop Tail And Mane Shampoo And Conditioner.

    And me hair is luvly and clean and shiny.

    Am a bit addicted to carrots an' sugar lumps, like.. but yous should see me clear them fences at Glastonbury.


  • Comment number 41.

    Bless yous Bingo yous awful eejit. Get writin', mate.

    If I can do it, so can you!!


  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoonickles folks,

    Sooo windy today, my barnet is all blustered .

    Just fighting my "easy peel " orange , but its certainly putting up a good fight. Off to hose down my keyboard.

    Hope everyone is A Ok .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Clodagh, can recommend 'Extra Tail' for keeping the flies at bay.


  • Comment number 44.

    Why thankyou kindly MTF.

    Do I put it on me head or in me nosebag?


  • Comment number 45.

    Deev, I'll get you later for pinchin' my ARF!!
    However, 2nd choice Up the Ladder to the Roof, Supremes.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 46.


    Walk away from the fruitage. Pick up the Marmite crisps ......


  • Comment number 47.

    Chezza - Yes INDEED it 'as been said ter me many a time 'that's along one!!!!' Talkin' trains and blogs of course before ther blog ploice attack me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Clodagh - Blimey... so yuv done it.... a didn't now, sorry know, yer worked on the railway!!!!!!!!!
    BIG CONGRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can yer give me any advice on me application forms?????????


  • Comment number 48.

    PS ALL - A nearly forgoot ter tell about me exciting news.....

    Me great auntie 'as recently 'it the magic one 'undred aka 100, and she's 'ad a letter from 'er majesty!!!!!!!!!@!!@!@!!!@@!!@!@!

  • Comment number 49.


    Have just cleaned my scuzzy keyboard, 'tis now snow white and gleaming.
    Need to wear my sunglasses now.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Oooh no, Bingo, haven't finished yet, I've way to go!!

    It is, actually, more tricky than you think and it takes a lot of discipline, which, given my somewhat chaotic life, is difficult. But yes, I'm well into it. It keeps morphing into another form, so I'm sort of splitting it into two, one a kind of autobiographical one, and the other a collection of stories and general silliness. Hence CL Recycled.

    Anyway, I shall keep at it, am somewhat astonished by the positive reaction when I floated the idea, and have been given sound advice and direction by several people who know what they're doing. So seize the day.. am finally grasping ideas above my status.


  • Comment number 51.

    Worked on the railway, Bingo? Hahahahahahaha where the Sam Hill did THAT come from? Hohoho ey tell yous what though. Ave always wanted to ride one a them toboggany things that yous push up and down on the railway track. How are yous fixed?

    Can meet yous at Lime St., 6am?


  • Comment number 52.

    Clodagh...who you callin an eejit.....???? LOL


  • Comment number 53.

    Hahaaha bless you Baz. YOU. Yous is a marvellous awful eejit and don't you forget it. C'mere while I give yous a slap. Hurrah!


  • Comment number 54.

    We are getting well and truly battered here in Zummerzet, whats it like elsewhere??

    Visibility almost zilch due to monsoon style rain!


  • Comment number 55.

    Ouch!!!!! That hurt Clodagh....x

  • Comment number 56.

    To live without my music

    Would be impossible to do

    In this world of troubles

    My music pulls me through.

    ARF:::::::::Music was my first love:::John Miles wasnt it?

    Mobile Tooth Fairy, to give you my full title, thank you.xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    MTF...sounds like you now have what we had last night...Sussex was battered by SHONKY weather last night, major style...


  • Comment number 58.

    SHONKSVILLE here as well last night Baz and judging by the wind direction, we are getting it first, so looks like the rest of the country eastwards from here is going to get it next.Brace yourselves.


  • Comment number 59.

    Hello Everyone

    Have just survived very windy shopping trip with Boy1. Bank account on life support tho. If I stop feeding him, will he stop growing so I don't have to buy him more clothes?

    ARF - I had a brainwave but I'd forgotten the whole Blackpool Tower thing so it doesn't fit with the general flow but here goes any way

    My ARF is In These Shoes by Kirsty Macoll in honour of the bloggers congregating in Bristol, killer heels & Pink fizz all round and me for my birthday for which i have gawjuss shoes too.

    Happy weekend everyone

    Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    MTF-Doh!!!! Must have got my easters mixed up with my sowesters!!!!!

    So it's coming my way now.....am now bracing ones elf!!!


  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon Lovely People,

    Been a mad busy morning, doing really c**p jobs down at the church, including cleaning two BBQs from our BBQ on Sunday. Not a good job to do in the wind as the ash kept blowing over me! Sometimes I do think I have MUG tattoed on my forehead!!

    I've caught up on your blogs and loved all the memories of childhood games. MC I think you and me might have been separated at birth as I played all the games you did. The first computer game I played was called Little Brick Out and I remember my Dad bringing home an office computer at Christmas time for us to play it on. With my Rubiks Cube I used to pull it apart and put it back together correctly so I looked clever ;)

    Chris, have a wonderful time in Blackpool and I hope the wedding went well today. I hope the wind drops a bit before you get to the top of the tower or else take some motion sickness tablets!!

    Oh well best get on, in the office on my own the next couple of days so looked forward to you lot keeping me company.


  • Comment number 62.

    Baz, twill soon be Easter, cream egg anyone?

    Seza, wont be on blog on saturday, so............

    Have a 'Wonderful Birthday' and a great 'I dont feel like dancing' time in those shoes.

    MTF.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,phew, 40 I think.

    Now why wont I be on blog on saturday, goes off scratching head!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Thank you MTF

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Baz yous big Jessie. It was only a tap.

    Yous must play on the wing. For one a the Big Soft Southern Jessie teams.


  • Comment number 65.

    Seza.....is it the big four oh...no....?


  • Comment number 66.

    Oooh, I'm with Seza on the ARF! I always pretend Im doing karaoke when that comes on the radio - right down to doing a dance during the music-y bits!! (and yes, that is a technical term!)

    Happy b'day for the weekend anyway Seza.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Clodagh.....yep a tap alright.....one of those metal ones you find stuck on some sinks!!!!


  • Comment number 68.

    A great big 4 oh..yes....

    Is also Parents in laws 50 wedding anniversary same day.

    General celebrations all round then.

    Seza x

  • Comment number 69.

    And MTF. It's a bit gusty up 'ere in Wigan as well.

    So say one for me shortly won't yous, am off with the GD to Chester so will be tacklin' the Thelwall Viaduct in her soft-top. So if we get our top blown off atop said bridge we'll be arrivin' at our destination like a couple a busted sofas.

    I know. I'll get the rainhoods out. If I tie 'em with a nice tight knot they'll keep the velcro rollers in a treat. Sorted.


  • Comment number 70.

    Don't be daft, Baz. It's only a flesh wound..


  • Comment number 71.

    Happy Biffday Seza.....it's true what they say about when life starts ya know???

    Sounds like a truly great w/e...is that sans enfants too??????


  • Comment number 72.

    Yes indeed hoppy birdie Seza, dorty forty hurrah!!

    Just a minute.

    Baz that got me right in the eye. That's cheatin'.


  • Comment number 73.


    Happy Birthday for this weekend. Life truly does begin at 40, and then in 12 months' time, you will be forty-onederful, like wot me and AliB is!!!

    Sit back and let the others take the strain! We will drink to your health, wealth and happiness in Brizzo!!


  • Comment number 74.

    Clodagh...wowee was that a direct hit then???? Goona getcha again in a min'.

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi chris
    safe travel my freind love to the bride & groom hope it's a smashing day love to your family
    chris sorry I haven't blogged of late .
    We were on hols @ st Ives & sunny sandbanks pasted your work last night ? What's the news . Anyway chris down @ mum & dads in felpham . Lifes good anyway chris take care on route hi to the team kind regards

    Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 76.

    Here Here Deev, We is 40-onderful xx

    Happy Birthday Seza, if my 'puter decides to work at the weekend I will blog again to wish you many happy felicitations xx

    Isn't it Obarmarama's Birthday today (sorry not sure I spelt that right) anyways - HAPPY BRITHDAY xxx


  • Comment number 77.


    Right Baz yous has done it now. Yous are goin'ta look soft on your back.

    Comin' ready or not yous big soft Jessie.


  • Comment number 78.

    MC.....if I stop hating you, can you come and clean my keyboard toooo...it's become a health hazard!!!!!!

    BTW....go on..tell me.....when is it you're off.....is it this w/e?????

    Jealous TBx

  • Comment number 79.

    How about

    ARF - Is this the way to Amarillo?

    Peter Kay / Blackpool Tower? C'mon, you know it makes sense.

    Belter of a song too, always gets me singin' me socks off!

    Thank you


  • Comment number 80.

    Nice one Beany....I know what you're on about....but does it make sense??? Not sure....yeah it does...


  • Comment number 81.

    Hello Again

    Thank you for all the burpday felicicicictations.

    This weekend will be avec beaucoup of enfants, mine, neices, nephews, friends, general hangers on etc

    Last weekend, different story. Mr Seza & I Sneaked off to London for a whole weekend in the city sans rugrats. Bliss.Pics on FB For anyone who isn't bored of them.

    Don't know if is Obamama birthday today. Did you see brill pic of him today in Express i think. he's working at desk in oval office & daughter is hiding behind sofa watching him.

    Was Freddie Mercury's birthday on saturday! Illustrious company or what?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Clodagh.......oi.....no kickin' the ankles....that's proppa girl tictacs....

    Where's me cattapulto?.....you betta duck....quack....


  • Comment number 83.

    Happy Bday Freddie.....

    Seza, saw that pic in the Telegraph....similar to JFK's.....

    Knew there was one w/e you sans rugrats...


  • Comment number 84.

    Deev, I'm still 41 for a couple of months, can I be onederful too?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Not wanting to be a kill-joy, but I thought the fun of radio was that you could be anyone, anywhere with anything so long as you had a microphone. So why the long trip upto Blackpool? Or perhaps I just don`t get it - could be!

    Been lurking, I think I`ve cracked the drink thing, basically I just got fed up with it, and `it` is bleeding me dry of precious cash.

    I see they are now taking money for the bio at Amazon. But will it answer all my questions, like, your first Fer`, what`s that like? I`ve visited Maranello`s over the years, (main UK Ferrari dealer) to drool over the showroom, but I have never sat in a Fer`, not one, I think I would be allowed to, but I don`t, it`s a respectful type of thing.

    arf: The Eagles, Take It To The Limit

    mj x

  • Comment number 86.


    Have just looked at the post & realised Mr Seza has a letter from Safety Camera Unit!

    Is this what I think it is?

    Am I going to have a very unhappy Mr Seza when he gets home?

    Worried Seza xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Tiggs - yes!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    fanks Deev
    Tiggs (also forty-onederful) xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Mr Seza has been flashed? Hi Deevski

  • Comment number 90.

    "I can't give you anything.... but my love!"

    My Daddy's favourite song!!! In weepy tears as I type!!!

    Thank you CLP!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    Not sure, MTV, waiting for him to open letter.

    Will let you know

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Aww Lyndy - happy memory tears I hope?

    GD been depressed and in tears all day in anticipation of going to new school tomorrow where she doesnt know anyone.

    We went out for lunch and then to see the Time Travellers Wife - both of us in tears!

    Still - I am managing her expectations - I've told her that if indeed her life is PANTS (not the exact word she used obv) then it can only get better!

    Oh dear - teenagers hey!

    thirsty thursday anyone!

  • Comment number 93.

    Lovely to meet you, Tash and Noah today. Enjoy Blackpool!

  • Comment number 94.

    Awww Debs thanks... they were happy tears even though they were a bit of a tug on the heart strings but Dad loved the Sylistics.

    I really feel for your GD as I remember being soooo anxious before I moved from middle school to high school and thinking it would be horrific. It's the anticipation that's the worst thing. I'm sure once she's there she'll be fine.

    Ok one sleep to go and I'm off to Vie va Espania!

    Luv ya'll

    Lyndyloo & El Bumpo

    (Booboo has gone to Grandma's for a long weekend of being spoiled).

  • Comment number 95.

    Debs I`d join you for a drink but I`m officialy on the wagon, for now! You have a drink and enjoy it. GD will wonder after her first day at school what all the worry and tears where all about. Good luck to her.

    mj x

  • Comment number 96.





  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks Lyndy and MTV - I know - but you cant say that - they dont believe you - she will survive - heck she survived 1st day at primary - and she's got 12 years on that!

    Deevs/Beez - please check your email re-what you said it is on FB - I have SLAVED!!!! over a map on how to get from one location totother on Saturday LOL! (and sent it obv!)

    MTF - dont have your email - send me a message and I'll get it to you too.

    So in my view we have 3 landing parties - me, crumps, beez @ 12ish; Deevs, Lin, Darcy, Tiggs 1ish and MTF & Bridge 3ish

    Anyone else I've missed?????

    Cant wait - 2 more sleeps!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Phew...................... sort of!!

    Mr Seza opened the letter & it did indeed say his car had been caught speeding.

    The thing is it was snapped in West Lothian and he was at work darn Essex at the time. He's going to ring in the morning (can only ring between 9-3) so hopefully can get sorted quite easily - I hope!!

    Am getting a bit paranoid as he had problem with credit card last month. Am going to watch all the accounts etc very carefully for a while.

    Relieved Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hello MTV - great to see you back on the blog and good luck with your current endeavour. You could always join in with a fizzy water - thats my beverage of choice when driving or being a good gal.

    Seza - phew! That's a relief.

    Debs - map received, you organised person you!! Have we all got sticky labels with our names on, and have we got to stand up and do a 4 minute "This Is Me" type thingmyjig??

    Luv yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Bingles - will you STOP SHOUTING!!! we can hear you loud and clear dear!

    Lyndy - have a ball!!!

    Mr Deev cooked a lovely chilli tonight. Good job its not the blog meet tomorrow tho as it was mighty strong of garlic!!!

    Anyone heard from The Legend That Is Beezer? Let's hope she's not stuck on the M5 or wheerever it is she lives!

    Back in a bit



  • Comment number 100.

    Oh and on all things old, as per the show (not you Beez!)

    1. I did all my typing exams on a cast iron Imperial type-writer. Kids today have it soooooo easy!!!! (retreating as we speak ...)

    2. The first time I saw a fax machine (in 1987 at my first job) I was speechless at its sheer brilliance! Never mind that the writing on the roll of paper used to fade after about 2 weeks so docs faxed and put in a file often turned into balck bits of paper!

    3. Grandstand on Saturday tea-times and the final score golf-ball typing, where you could even see the typos!! No pressure in that job ....!

    Halcyon dayz!

    x x x


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