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6.55 a.m. Thursday morning

Chris Evans | 07:50 UK time, Thursday, 3 December 2009

In the car on the way to play tennis against or with - I'm not quite sure, Pat Rafter and King Goran. I have done many crazy things but this is right up there with them.

A. I can't play tennis.

B. It's dark, it's cold and most of the rest of Blighty is tucked up in bed.

So, should be interesting - probably more for them than for us.

Now, other matters, haven't read your posts for a couple of days and I feel there may be some party panic going on, will get on to that today.

So I'm off to the tennis, then I'll check out your posts, then I'm gonna go Christmas shopping, then I'm gonna do the show and then I'm gonna host the staff Christmas quiz. THEN I'M GONNA HAVE A PINT - just the one mind.

And finally - All Request Friday needs you too! Post your song suggestions for our opening track below





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  • Comment number 1.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Good luck with the tennis, if in doubt swing early and close your eyes when big Goran is serving!!!!!!
    There has been some party panic on here, but what wil be will be, those lucky enough to go will have a ball I'm sure, they're are a lot of crossed fingers 'on blog' at the mo'

    Dilemma today - #1 son's sch trip and lil' daughter's playschool overlap so I will have one whole hour alone, so far have thought of around 100 things I could do!!!???

    Have the greatest of days mon petit fleurs

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 2.

    OOoooOOoooooh, haven't been first for an age x

  • Comment number 3.

    Goo morning Chris ,

    I should say that you will deserve that pint when you eventually get to it .

    Dry at the moment here ,but has been raining as usual.Not cold though

    Hope everyone has a good day and Deev looking forward to the next installment of the tree .

    Brdge .xxx.

  • Comment number 4.

    By the crin Christoff. Yous'll be disappearin' up your own drainpipe at this rate, 'ave a nice cuppa, sweetheart.

    Any road up. Don't be showin' off to ME. Tennis? Pfff. I'm just after spendin' a lively day clearin' up after my spectacular 2-man bobsleigh feat in the bath wit Renee, after she set up the ideal conditions usin' half a pint a Swarfega an' some olbas oil. We came in at the tap end, not exactly in record time but with the full 6 points for style and Artistic Interpretation.



  • Comment number 5.

    By the way. If yous are thinkin' of performin' any similar feats with the feisty Minnie, make sure she has the colander on the head. Renee has the hat at the jaunty angle this mornin', to disguise the comedy egg on the head.

    She doesn't want to wear it, like; is proud as punch of the evidence of her head-butt to the bath; it's me insistin'. I did NOT welt 'er wit me rollin' pin and shall not hesitate to sue any wags like the brother-outlaw who point out I do have a spectacular back-hand.

    Well, as soon as my solicitor is out the Priory wit the splints removed, that is.


  • Comment number 6.

    Greetings Of The Season CLP & ALL.....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Up bright & early again, at least yer body clock will be well ready for when yer start the Breakfast Gig!!!!!!!!!!
    Az for tennis, a loved playing it at school.... on eof me best sports being tall a could get aroound the court fast.... noot that a waz good az in very good just ok good!!!!!!!!

    Take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS At the Liverpool blog meet, a few bloggers asked can't a ever only do a one line blog, a said one dee a would...... so..............

  • Comment number 7.


  • Comment number 8.

    'ope all ave a really nice dee, no seriously a really do!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Good morning all.

    Hope youur tennis players turned up Chris.

    Thirsty thursday, what better excuse for a pint.

    Have to say, I was in stitches the other day after the whisky "sampling".

    Sal, did really well, we could all hear you giggling in the background.

    Well the rain hsn't let up here, I dont know when I will ever get out into the garden, all the daffs are pushing their way through, yet all the marigolds are still in full bloom.

    I am still picking ripe tomatoes too, what a strange climate eh?

    We are very lucky here to have a full display of daffs in bloom in time for Christmas, it adds a lovely splash of colour on these dark and gloomy days.

    BTW, it starts getting lighter again in 19 days time, hurrah.

    Deevs, hope the dentist appointment was trouble free.

    Too early for an ARF ?

    Lets give it a go anyway.

    Twilight --- ELO, such a great song, you hardly ever hear it played.

    Maybe its not on the playlist, but I love it.


  • Comment number 10.

    Party panic....a common problem at this time of year I feel.
    Good luck with the tennis Christoff, I played it once, most enjoyable but I still prefer two wheels ;-)

    2nd date last night, success! For the first time in this recent flurry of dating activity I might be on for...wait for it....a 3rd date, woohoo! Well chuffed me.


  • Comment number 11.

    Wow what a busy boy you are today Mr Evans! Hope it all runs to plan and that the pint is ready and waiting for you at the appointed time. No doubt you'll have some corkers to tell tonight after your exploits on the tennis court.

    Happy Thursday xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    By the way-keep meaning to ask. Do you still have those fab Union Jack shoes that I saw you wearing at the airport on a way to or from a ski trip many many moons ago??!!

  • Comment number 13.


    Where do you get all your energy from?
    Checking out posts before Christmas shopping - like your priorities there.
    You will need that pint after all that lot but you will enjoy it all the more.
    And no more cricketing references today - it kind of spun out of control yesterday...


  • Comment number 14.

    Bingo - #7 - genius!


  • Comment number 15.

    Like your new name Nic!


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning All
    Hope all well... tennis in this weather thats more hardcore than footie, think stay in the warmth
    D x xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Morning Team blog!

    Good luck with the Tennis Chris, a game which never fails to be harder to play than it looks.
    Rather you than me Sir!
    Thanks for mentioning the party anxiety, you may not have eased it but at least we know it's in hand.
    The fact that you haven't read posts also explains why my attempt at Jingle Bells hasn't been recorded by you and Sal and stuck on eyetoons in an attempt to spoil Terry and Aled's Christmas.
    Yep - that'll be it.

    Gingembre - go with the powernap option.

    Clodagh - hope the old bird doesn't give you too much stick. x

    JG - well done, a mere formality for someone of your Capabilities, I'm sure. x

    Nic - hope all went swimmingly in the exam.

    Deev - Tweet tweet x

    Haze - love your pomes, proper clever! x

    Everyone else - behave, and If you can't behave - for goodness sake stay away from Cheryl!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Actually that's a fair point. Yous wouldn't get ME out in the frilly tennis knickers in this weather, oh no.

    Watch them chilblains, CLP. An' wear the salopettes.


  • Comment number 19.

    Good Morning Chris and the Lovely Peeps of The Blog,

    Thirsty Thursday - Hooray! Chris, enjoy the tennis, sounds like fun and also the quiz. Ask them this - how many sheep went into the Ark?

    It's been raining all night, so very wet in my part of Kent this morning. There are music exams in the church today, so I've got my ear plugs at the ready!!

    Clodagh - Glad that Reene is OK, must have been a bit worrying though. Give her my love, not that she has a clue who I am, but I bet if I passed her in the street I would know straight away who she was xx

    Have a good one.


  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all!
    Bingo - A Classic. But I tell you it was on the line, Chalk flew up!

    Chris don't upset the Goran, with his serve you could easily end up with a couple of big bouncers. if you get my drift!

    Fingers crossed for tix, could be another impromptu blog meet for Chris' blog squad if we're really lucky.

    DD out

  • Comment number 21.

    Ali, how many ??


  • Comment number 22.


  • Comment number 23.

    MTF - I'm going to keep you all guessing for a little longer!

  • Comment number 24.


    Bit like my rock bun challenge frem yesterdays post!


  • Comment number 25.

    Oh and havent got new specs yet, still wearing the armless ones wedged on with a clothes peg!

    Cant smell a thing.


  • Comment number 26.


    I haven't played tennis in an age. In fact I haven't played tennis ever, I play the similar version of you hit the ball at me and I'll go and fetch it from the other side of the court, then I'll hit the ball at you then I'll go and fetch it from the net. Not a particularly exciting game, but still gets you fit. But ping pong in the living room at Christmas without the table but with about 12 people all with a bat - now that I am good at. Its basic self perforation, so something like that.

    Hazel, you were wrong about question 11. Not Argentina, but Norway! And we came 3rd.

    From last.

    Better luck next week.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 27.

    I reckon one - plus a ram?

    Couldn't decide just now whether to hav a good old english brekkie or be a tad continental so I went fo a fried egg in a pitta
    - delicious (pinch of salt and tommy K too!)

    Rips, lovin your idea and in case I forgot to mention before it was great to meet you


  • Comment number 28.

    For those out there with kids my son received this from his uncle and I've never seen him smile so beautifully when he watched it



  • Comment number 29.

    UP with the lark eh Christophe? Good for you, the best part of the day.

    Good luck with the tennis - should be a laugh (particularly for the pro's!!) Enjoy your pint later on - not long now and you could actually make it two cos you won't have to keep your head for Drivetime!!

    Have a great day everyone. xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Day 3 in the Big Brother fridge and I'm as relaxed as can be.

    Which is very unusual for this point in the month, as I'm sure fellow number crunchers will testify. Maybe having endured, sorry, enjoyed, several shortened deadlines this year has paid dividends and having a sensible amount of time this month means I can afford to put my feet on the desk, light a large Cuban cigar, and thumb through next years holiday brochures.

    Well, not quite, but you know what I mean.

    And on another bright note, it has finally stopped raining. For the moment, at least.

    Happy day one and all.

    Peace + love


    PS May impair ability to operate machinery.

  • Comment number 31.


    Thousands, as all the animals stood in a crowd waiting to be picked, Noah stood at the head of the ark saying

    'I'll take ewe, and ewe, and ewe, and ewe..........'


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 32.

    As, yes I know 'head' of the ark isn't right, but my nortycal terminology isn't really all that hot.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 33.


    Why did I /have I turned in to Researcher14138757?
    I noticed JG on last night's posts was Researcher something or other number too. Are we being watched?


  • Comment number 34.

    Confused.com - why are user names changing? Researcher? Matt?


    Firsty, an apology. To Karen Carpenter. She must be mighty dizzy now. From spinning in her grave this morning. Mainly due to my appalling singalongaCarpenters on the way here this morning.

    And yes we've just begun .......

    I'm in a reet good mood today. I was a big brave girl at the dentist, telling him I hate him beforehand, then offering to have his children when he said "lovely teeth, see you in 9 months".

    And after a scale a polish, please wear your sunnies if I happen to smile in your direction as yous will indeed be blinded!

    THEN ... get this campers .... I go on Twitter to find that our very own chief Blogmeister CLP had replied to one of my early morning tweets. And yes, I am now grinning like an eejity person in eejit land.

    Close to you .......

    Chris - looking forward to hearing how many sets you beat Goran and PAt by ...!

    Are we ARFing btw?!?!

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning gorgeous leader and gorgeous blog peeps

    MTF - round 2 with my dentist today now he is gorgeous (have you guessed my word of the day yet). Not such a deep filling today so I hope have stopped dribbling in time for tea.

    Clodagh - frilly knickers indeed - it is not you posing for the candid tennis poster then??

    CLP - I have similar experiences - you wind up in situations where you think how in the name of all that is holy did I end up agreeing to this?? Good luck anyway - if your tennis is not perfect I would go for some comedy tennis - everything exagerated if you get me?

    Deeva - my guess for the advent calendar is um errrr um - an angel

    Fingers crossed for bloggers tickets!

    Love C

  • Comment number 36.

    4 guesses thus far for window #3.

    My name is "you" !

    Nearly banana time.


  • Comment number 37.

    Rips - Pass mark was 60 out of 75 and I got 64, so passed the mock but doesn't count until the real thing next Wednesday. Revising required methinks...

    Nic AKA Researcher14138757 apparently

  • Comment number 38.

    Ali, bless you, Renee sends you a big smile back. Unless she's just electrocuted 'erself again, stickin' a knife in the toaster, hang on... no, it's a grin.

    Hahaha, no really, she says thankyou sweetheart.. and thanks to everybody who sends a hug. To anybody. It doesn't matter a jot that we don't know each other; we should smile at each other more often. Few things are more healing and comforting than a smile. Even from a stranger. And, I don't care how grumpy and truculent I'm feeling; if I clock that Cow&Gate advert (other baby foods available) wit the laffin' babies, my spirits are lifted right up. I defy anyone with the saddest, hardest heart not to titter when that comes on.

    And Cat. Ah NO, rumbled. That was the day I washed said knickers in Ajax, they weren't 'alf scratchy.


  • Comment number 39.

    Deeeeeeeeeeeeva - have just seen your tweet from the big man!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Nowt wrose than scratchy drawers!

    Cat - Griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinning!

    Minxy One, Apparently

  • Comment number 41.

    Oooh, now Cathmel has got her name shortened.

    If you are going to shorten mine, can I please have Fairy rather than Tooth!

    Ta, calendar guess for today, Deevs, lets stick with Robin please.


  • Comment number 42.


    It would appear I have new relatives, sharing my surname. Now, I don't know which one of you I married, nor which one I gave birth to. Or is it that I am the love child of Cheryl Apparently and Nic Apparently??

    We should go on Jeremy Kyle to work this one out!

    MW, Apparently.

  • Comment number 43.

    mine now says I'm signed in as Tiggs xx!

  • Comment number 44.

    Testing testing testing ...
    Still D x

  • Comment number 45.

    Am I still CtD, or You?

  • Comment number 46.

    This is a larf innit!

    What am I coming up as cos I only see me as 'you'!!


  • Comment number 47.


    Yous is MobileRoothFairy


  • Comment number 48.

    CTD as normal.x

  • Comment number 49.

    Mw a! - Good answer, made me chuckle.

    I'll put you all out of your misery, everyone thinks the animals went in two by two and most of them did, the unclean ones. The clean ones went in, in seven's. If you don't believe me you can read it in Genesis chapter 7 verses 2-3 - here endeth the lesson for today. Arrrrrmmmeeeennn

    Nice one Deev, all that stalking has paid off ...hee hee ;) Please can I have a bell for today's calendar.

    Clodagh, I love that Cow & Gate advert, makes me grin everytime.


  • Comment number 50.

    I don't want to be you, I want to be me!

    DD out

  • Comment number 51.

    Strewth where did Rooth come from??


  • Comment number 52.

    Morning each

    CLP..tennis?! at this time in a morning?! in this weather?! Wish i could be a fly on the wall/pitch/ground/whatever its called! Have fun!

    Clodagh, caught your mention of Renee on STW this am..glad she doing ok but made me laugh out loud at your descriptions! Bless her!

    JG and Nic aka researchers etc!..well done on the passing of things!

    Bids..hope grandson feeling bit better!

    Deevs..saw it! Was dead chuffed for you!

    And Ali..how many sheeps?

    Not much to report here today..feelling very boring! But my TV/Mother/Computer are all ok so i feel blessed!

    mSc x

    PS - MTF..my guess is Dec 2008?!

    PPS- Advent... the Stig..well thats what was in mine this morning anyway!

  • Comment number 53.

    OK..so im` behind as usual..story of my life! Will have a look at the Ali..

    Off to make a brew.... with assorted biscuits purchased esp yesterday!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 54.

    above the blog, before the commentations it says you are currently signed in as......

  • Comment number 55.

    Weird things going on...the blog was closed for maintenance early this morning when I tried to get on, so maybe they have done summat to it...

    I hadn't noticed I'd turned into a Researcher, as it still said "You".

    Anyhows, morning all!

    Hope Renee is feeling better Clodagh.

    Now tennis, I was made to "play" it at school, after having walked up a huge hill through the cemetary to the sports field (Rips may know where), and not once did any of the teachers even bother to tell us the rules. So we'd pretty much spend an hour retrieving tennis balls from the far edges of said sports field, whilst one of the girls who could hit the ball really hard, launched them as far as she could!

    Ah, those were the days!

    Hopefully your game will be better CLP and will also be indoors!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    Oh, I'm a researcher again - what fun!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    JG let us know what you find out? lol

    DD out

  • Comment number 58.

    First I am "researcher" then "you". It's like watching a game of tennis..

    Confused of Cannock

  • Comment number 59.

    Now you're back to plain auld NicRolastic!


  • Comment number 60.

    Tiggs xx - I am currently signed in as .

    Perhaps I should start researching punctuation?

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    Well mine says MobileToothFairy, phew!

    Scoobs, way out.


  • Comment number 62.

    MTF - I was carrying on Bad Splelling Wednosday and Rooth was a typo on my part.

    To be fair, I am pwetty excited today!


    x x x

  • Comment number 63.

    I think I ought to start looking for something to wear on 23rd, just in case. Then if I'm not one of the lucky ones, I can always wear whatever I buy over Christmas.

    Whatever it is, it has to go with boots ....


  • Comment number 64.

    Earlier or later MTF?!

    Lemon puff currently being consumed..if i cant breathe in 5 minutes please send for the paramedics..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 65.

    Way, way, way, way, earlier Scoobs!

    Lemon puffs, how simply divine dahling.


  • Comment number 66.

    The ones with the crispy butter coating too MTF!

    Right..going for January 2008 as winter is when rock buns should be made (and eaten for that matter!)

    Deevs... HAS to go with those boots ..i am still coveting them!

    Can anyone tell i`m having a CBA day already...?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 67.

    Not even warm sorry Scoobs.

    MTF, also in a CBA mood today.

    Ok, maybe after I have cleaned bunnikins houses out, then CBA for the rest of the morning. Hurrah.


  • Comment number 68.

    Scoobs - not "those" boots. They ar pretty speshal ain't they!?!?!


  • Comment number 69.

    Oooo did someone say lemon puff?

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh I am not a researcher - just cat aka thecatmel


  • Comment number 71.


  • Comment number 72.

    Not just any lemon puff oh no.

    Lemon Puffs with a crispy butter coating, not Crawfords then Scoobs?


  • Comment number 73.

    Morning Chris.Good luck with the tennis.
    loving the Christmas Jumper,your looking good.
    Have a fun day !!!!!!! love to all.x

  • Comment number 74.

    IN that case Deevs...can i borrow em?! hee hee..!

    And MTF..c`mon, i`m trying me best! Give me a clue!

    Cat..please feel free to have one..although ensure you have a supply of liquid (water/gin/wine or even tea!) to hand to combat the coughing fit they always bring on!

    mSc x

    PS - Gingembre..what are you dong with the hour?!
    PPS- Rips..hows the tummy?

  • Comment number 75.

    Jacobs..MTF... and yummy too..although i think i should stop now i`m on my 3rd!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning All - blue sky trying it's best to peep through but not really getting there.
    Christoph best of luck with the tennis - better you than me. I'd skip straight to the pint.

    How's this for bribery then? Mr B says I should apply for the party tickets and he will drive me there - BUT - not in my car or his but a fancy sports car he has seen !! Second big BUT - wants me to go halves on the purchase. Erm - that will be No then.

    Laters smiley peeps
    Nearly 2010 yee harrrr

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Packet, thats just greedy.LOL.


  • Comment number 78.

    Who's going to London on saturday morning then...?

    Nic, whoever I am now

  • Comment number 79.

    peas - Tummy any better Rips poppet?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Yup..seems 3 my limit MTF!

    Beez...oohh..what is it?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 81.


    I am. After I've had me nails done, natch. Pourquoi?


  • Comment number 82.

    Who ever I am - I can confirm that the good people of Windsor are extremely polite.
    I have just walked the length of the high St carryIng a Wii fit plus box that I left the other day by mistake.
    The shop had no bags so it was on clear view to all and not one person laughed until I'd walked past.
    The ultimate irony being that this is for the svelte CMM for Christmas. Not the fella carrying said box and doing an involuntary full on truffle shuffle whilst marching up the hill.

    Ho hum!



  • Comment number 83.

    Scoobs - some mitsubishi import job - not seen it but I have a feeling I will. Garage owner a buddy of his............sigh....

    btw - Clodagh that baby ad always makes me smile too - more ads like that the world would be a happy place - Oh yes and the Famous erm whisky bird adverts which are usually shown this time of year - love 'em.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Morning all

    Good luck with the tennis Christoph, if you're playing against King Goran and Pat Rafter, then enjoy, the odds are, you ain't gonna win!! lol

    Look forward to seeing you on the tv trailer then Deev.

    Nice and bright here at the mo.

    MTF - 2006?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 85.

    What tv trailer? Have I missed sumfin? Highly likely, being in my own little world ....

    Get this ..... She Devil leaving at lunchtime to go crimmy shopping. I only hope that my yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw and subsequent cartwheeling round this ere office didn'y give the game away too much!

    Hehehehehehehehe. Let the real minxiness commence!


  • Comment number 86.


    Very sorry for my tardyness this morning. I was actually here earlier but this is the first time I got past the border guards to log in.

    First question, did Chris change the blog? There is now a bit about appearing in a TV ad for Breakfast show that I'm sure was not there when I looked earlier. Or maybe it was me not reading it properly first time?

    Clodagh, glad to hear Renees ok this morning. My poor oldies at work are dropping like flies at the moment. Soon I'll have more in hospital than safe in their homes!

    Deev, Good Girl for letting the nice dentist look at your teeth. Did you get a special sticker? And will you not be wearing the beee-yooo-tii-ful dress you brought for Promendading in to the party?

    And a big hello to everyone else, whoever you are being this morning!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Wondered what the h*ll Nic was on about and have just reread the blog...Seza, `its not you`! It definately wasnt there earlier!

    Damn and blast that i dont live closer to Londinium..always wanted to be on telly!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 88.

    Aha! Thanks Seza, yes cheeky sneaky CLP has amended his earlier blog.

    To clarify: not going to London for CLP reasons (sadly) but a pre-planned trip to drag Mr Deevs round the West End "shiny things" shops (Seza - I'm good at that, as you know!), then ending up in Hyde Park, after dark, in the Winter Wonderland thingy.

    As for the dress, was thinking more Goth/Drama Queen than prams in the pork get-up.

    Hey ho.

    Happy Deevs with shiny teeths
    x x x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Morning everybody

    Hope the tennis went well Chris - I'm sure you all had a good laugh however it went. Glad you're not going to keep us all in suspense for much longer over the big party panic.

    Reading the blog is fun today with all these new names - thought it was my one-eyed vision for awhile!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 90.

    Pen, you are bordering on 'very close'.

    Yup, Chris has deffo, updated the blog.

    Doesn't this just get more and more exciting, cant wait to see some of you Starring in it.


  • Comment number 91.

    Ah, I didn't see earlier post, and when Deev said she was going to London, I just assumed! Gwon Deev flash them your shiny white smile.

    Advent calendar, mistletoe - again, gotta appear sometime.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Meant to say well done Rusty - date no 3 on the horizon, sounds promising!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 93.

    Perhaps we are all taking it in turns to be Researcher.

    Rips, I hope you are betterer
    Deev, I can see the teeth shining from here and dont mention the boots again. I told you before, its bad for my health
    Clodagh, thanks once more for making me smile
    Ginge, Thanks for the Santa link. Absolutely brilliant

    Fingers crossed for 23rd

    Hope all are well.

  • Comment number 94.

    Forgot the advent calendar
    A "C" word Tree

    Bah humbug
    Eberbeezer xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    MTF- sticking with my winter theme.... Dec 2005?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 96.

    You're on fire Scoobs!!


  • Comment number 97.

    MTF - now which way do I go, ok then 2007?

    Hi Darce, nice to 'see' you x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 98.

    is that pacific enough MTF?! or do you need a date?! if so then 23rd Dec 2005! And WHY did they not eat your profferings?!

    Also meant to say to KW, Santa thing brill.. thanks for posting!

    mSc x

    PS- Beez, you got to go for a ride in it at least!

  • Comment number 99.

    Oh, forgot the advent calendar guess as well - a candle please

    JG x (aka .)

  • Comment number 100.

    Did anyone see the jungle last night? The cream tea episode, hilarious!!!

    Pen xx


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