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If It Moves And You Can Sleep In It - It's Cool

Chris Evans | 09:51 UK time, Friday, 23 April 2010

Trailer tents, caravan pods, roof tents, awnings, yurts and now floating caravans. I love 'em all. They have dominated the texts and e mails this week, and quite rightly so.

I have owned two Land Rovers and unwisely dispensed with both of them. Had I known roof tents were an option - with snazzy access ladders - I would never have let either of them go.

In other news - one in eight people who now make fifty will go on to be a hundred or more. Er - not me though, I can assure you. If this hayfever persists like it is this year, I may not even make next week. Quick - somebody tell Richard Allinson to stand by.

Shorts out and legs out everyone - that's what sunny days are for now, come on !





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning peeps
    Gorgeous day to be alive on planet Earth again, long may they last
    Laters folks

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello, am I first

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Lambie Pies

    I'd love to go on a camping holiday in one of those luxury yurts - they look fab! But having once investigated, it would really be cheaper (more cost-effective?) to have 2 weeks all-inclusive in Turkey ......!

    Why is it so expensive to holiday in this country?

    Have a grand weekend - Nic's taking me to my first ever proper cricket match on Sunday (ok, so I saw Glamorgan play at Mumbles eons ago but it rained all day). We're off to Worcester, complete with cool box and a bottle of Factor 15, and a brolly, book, sunnies and smiles.

    Muchos amore!


    peeeees: skeleton bob? really ...?????

  • Comment number 4.

    Only stayed in a caravan twice. Not anymore as I like a bit of comfort now. Weather lovely again in West Sessex - hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Deevs, hope things soon go your way as you have tried so hard.

  • Comment number 5.

    Alwightie Christoof Lad..... Alwightie ALL Bloggerooooons....

    Bingo Star ere....

    Christoof - Yer wreet 'If It Moves & Yer Can Sleep In It - It's Coool!!!!!'
    Does that include a aych gee vee truck.... or INDEED a 'ospital bed in intensive care.... az they both fit inter the above category!!!!!!
    'ope am noot getting too gory talkin' of intensive care.... but CLP if yer 'ay fever does get alot worse yer could end up on one of the above beds.... but ter me that wouldn't be coool!!!!!!
    Mind you would be nice all the attention from all the female nurses most of which will be pisceans... all ter do with astrology!!!!!!!! (most nurses are pisceans... 100% TRUE!!!!!)

    Ave been sufferening mesen know, sorry now, for five weeks with a bad virus... and depsite trying ter kick it with all that a should ter kick it... it just will noot go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maybe ave gotta bitta 'ay fever too!!!!!
    Maybe it's the start of me 25 cycle that yer mentioned this morn CLP on the show!!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Talkin' of astro... ave made a BIG error!!!!!!!!!!
    Chrisitne Blakely.... she's noot a capricorn butta aqaurian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A tell yer a read she waz a capricorn.... in a newspaper.... one of thos e'oroscope thingy... wish they would get their facts correeect!!!!!!!
    It says 'er wikipedia bit she iz born beginning of Feb.... so an aq noot a cap!!!!!!
    She looooks very cap ter though!!!!!!
    Maybe wikipedia iz incorreeeeect???????????????

    Anyway just thought a would put that straight.... even though am noot sure if the newspaper iz correeect or the wikipedia!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP, maybe yer could ask 'er ter clear up this situation!!!!!!
    Anyway.... if she's an aq.... good match with The Lampard.... if she's a cap.... noot a good match!!!!!!!!!!! Asto wise of course!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all.

    There was an article about glamping on the mayo show the other day.

    They mentioned a company that specialise in this,so I googled it!!!

    I am now going to check out 2 weeks in Turkey Deevs.

    Talk about an arm and a leg, its a tent for goodness sakes. How Much???

    Feather down farm might get to you to it.

    Right off to the garden, bit of a late start, but then I was up late nattering on here to Marjie.

    See some of you, after 10 tonight.

    Wishing you all a carefree Friday, that would be nice wouldn't it.


  • Comment number 7.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 8.

    CLP - I too am really suffering with hayfever - I share your pain!

    OK - if you insist, legs out this weekend - best go and de-fuzz and paint brown so as not to scare anyone!

    Right proper sitting outside the pub weather tomorrow me thinks :-)


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: you poor wee soul with the hayfever - sounds really awful, and I sympathise with everyone who suffers from it.

    Re: caravans - have stayed in two. First one - lap of luxury. Second one was so filthy and horrendous, I had to send MrS away with our baby daughter for three hours while I cleaned the place from top bottom! Not my idea of a holiday, to say the least. When we got home a week later, the lady who owned the caravan phoned me - so embarrassed - and thanked for me cleaning it!

    I was a wee sick bunny yesterday and had to stay off work - awww! Better now, but haven't caught up with the blog, so I hope everyone is ok.

    MTF: "carefree" what a wonderful word!

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.


    It's not until you've spent two weeks in a caravan in Tenby that you realise how big a seagulls feet are.

  • Comment number 11.


    I have just read at Bloomberg.com that european stockmarkets are bouyant this morning due to the fact that Volvo Cars & Trucks has suprised analysts after they forcast a $8million loss for this quarter but in fact Volvo has just announced a $231million dollor profit!

    This would happen in Sweden!

    Good Day!

  • Comment number 12.

    Yes Chrissie isn't it.

    Thats what I am aiming to be this weekend.

    Lets see how well I do!!

    Barney, I have seagulls tap dancing on my roof early every morning.

    What a racket they make. even more so on a caravan.

    Love, love , love Tenby.


  • Comment number 13.


    Mods removed my posting, so I'll try again.

    You know the local paper in the city with the impenetrable Ring Road (rhymes with Bulver Crampton) - the `Speeding Train' and `luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity'? (other local newsgathering organisations are available). They have a vacancy for a PA to the Advertising Manager on their Jobs page of their website.

    Which I'm not allowed to post the link to, apparently. Oh well...

  • Comment number 14.

    Same pub Debs?

    Twas lovely.


  • Comment number 15.

    Morning again all. Not for me ta Christoph - caravans tents - no way.

    Rolled my trousers up at the mini meet last week-end and frightened everyone to bits with white legs. Might have another go this week-end.

    Deevs Nic - you are passing my door - pop in but 'scuse the mess. Most of my mis-spent youth was spent at Worcester cricket ground and Somerset and Edgbaston and Devon and Cornwall and ............. :)

    Sorry you were a poorly girl Chrissie - hope you are feeling better today.

    What you been saying UC ?

    Debs - just let me know which pub.......

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Keeping meanin gter write on the blog in case any are interested.....

    The music that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ are using both on Radio 2 & ´óÏó´«Ã½ TV for the election.... man do a love it... really gets under me skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love the sort of calm laid back but powerful sound... then the laid back percussion come sin at EXACTLY the correeect moment a feel!!!!!!!!

    It very much reminds me abit of U2 & their mega tune 'Magnificent'!!!!!!

    It's goot ;ints of it in there!!!!!!
    Just wondering waz this music specially mad efor the beeb or iz it taken from something??????
    Would really love ter know az a love this tune!!!!!!!
    Only thing that annoys me yer only get about 7 seconds of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.


  • Comment number 18.

    This DAMN virus ave goot iz 'atleechna!!!!!' noot!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Noot thatta want sympathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    UC - you cant say W'ha**ton Exp*ss and St*r ??? How strange...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 21.


    You're wonderful! I've applied for it and will buy you a cheeky pint if it comes to anything (I've actually done a similar role in a past life for the Display Ad Manager in Colchester!)

    Thank you.

    Chrissie - sorry you were poorly, and hope you're back fighting fit for the weekend.

    Deevs, chuckling at seagulls feet!


  • Comment number 22.


    Eight minutes it took 'em to mod me. Eight minutes!

    S'not fair. Next Thursday, Mary, Mungo and Midge'll be given an hour and a half to bicker about whatever they b****y well like on national telly, while muggins here is actually trying to DO something about getting people back to work by telling 'em where the jobs are and I'M the one that gets censored.

    Vote for me. Won't do you any good, but at least I'll be honest about it.

  • Comment number 23.

    Beez and MTF - yup very self same pub - you are welcome to join me again!

    UC - that was nice of you - Go Deevs!

    right back in a bit

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Beez and Cheryl: thank you, yes I am more or less back to normal ... whatever that is! Just a wee tummy bug, but I am better now.

    Carl: yep, those modders were on the case very quickly, but you and Cheryl have foiled them! Also, Carl, I would definitely vote for you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    You tell 'em Unc.C Humph indeed. I'll vote for you.

    Oh my! Debs - I am very tempted ...............

    Get in there Deevs - how quick are you - applied already!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Gotta be quick Beezles, no point in hanging around.

    Vote For UC!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    UC has my vote too!

    Glad you are feeling better Chrissie - cant have one of the "scottish lot" poorly! Drink some rosé - that'll have you on top form again before you know it!

    Beezles - you know you want to......


  • Comment number 28.

    A Very Good Morning to you Cristoph and Ladies & Gentlemen.

    I had some very memorable caravan holidays as a child, picking mushrooms, talking to cows and horses in fields, etc. Also sitting in caravan with rain lashing at the windows. In fact, I'm now having thoughts of booking. Far better than sitting in an airport feeling stressed.

    Don't worry about the hayfever Chris, I have oxygen on it's way.


  • Comment number 29.

    Right then, let's have a few of your best policies Uncle Carl. I'm a floating voter here in the key marginal seat of Bulver Crampton and I'm open to persuasion.

    PS Beez - re QT last night - did you get the impression that Ann Leslie had been sitting watching the debate with Sarah Kennedy before the broadcast? Know what am saying?

  • Comment number 30.

    LOL Obama - I said something similar to Nic re QT last night, although not with SK connection, more like "she's been on the sauce, surely ..."!

  • Comment number 31.

    Exactly Deevs. Here, wouldn't it be amazing if you get the job that UC has put you on to? Two major life events brought about by the blog! I think we'll have to start choosing your lottery numbers as well.

    I think UC must be adding the finishing touches to his manifesto . . .


  • Comment number 32.

    That auld Christophe Lambie Pie has got a lot to answer for! Fortunately, all good!!


  • Comment number 33.


    Firstly, following on from the point you've made earlier, I would scrap this nonsense on a series of televised debates. Instead, the leaders of each party should be made to have a `drink-off' - this would then decide the order of questioning when a `franker' debate takes place in the kebab house afterwards.

    Secondly I would ban the practice of election posters that complain how bad the other parties are - tell us what you're going to do instead. If I want to listen to public whinging, I'll find a bus stop full of pensioners and pass round a copy of the Daily Wail (other national news-gathering organisations are avaialble).

    Thirdly - and this is a new policy based on what's happening in this office as I post this - I would jail anyone who sets the mobile phone up with the most irritating ringtone they could possibly find and then leave it switched on on their desk while they go down the pub. Even better, I would tie their hands behind their back, place their phone in front of them and give their number to every cold-calling sales department I could think of.

    Fourthly, I would make chocolate tax-exempt on medical grounds. I would make up the shortfall by introducing a new tax on income earned by pointless celebrities who sell exclusive stories to even more pointless magazines about how they're getting over their relationship heartbreak by thinking about the cash they're earning banging on about it. This tax will increase exponentially depending on how many `relationship heartbreak' stories the celebrity in question has sold.

    Finally, I would lift the restriction on Bingo being pre-modded. This country is being denied a national treasure and that must not be allowed to continue.

    Vote for the Collective for Real Advancement Party. Let's talk C.R.A.P.!

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Everybody Peeps,

    Been out the loop for a bit - Easter hols, busy when I got back to work and busy in the evenings. I've managed some lurking but have missed you all.

    Deevs, I can't believe you've not been snapped up yet. Fingers crossed for UC's suggestion. I hope you enjoy the cricket - I'd love to go to a cricket match, what a lovely relaxing way to spend the afternoon, very civilised.

    UC - I'll vote for you - not worried about your manifesto - can't be any worse than the others; in fact I'm sure they'll be laced with your humour which will make them even better.

    MCW - I heard you mentioned on Simon Mayo's show yesterday - fab.

    I had a mention on Richard Allinson's show on Tuesday afty. I missed it but it was for my sister and she heard it which was most important. I listened again last night and heard it - oh isn't it exciting. The receptionist at younger gorgeous boy's school shouted across the playground to tell me she'd heard it too. Not so much 15 minutes of fame, more 15 seconds but I'm really chuffed as was my sister. Aw Richard Allinson is a wee sweetie isn't he?

    I'm not keen on camping but had two lovely holidays during the May half term in a static caravan in France with my ex and the elder gorgeous boy. The weather was fab which made it enjoyable and each morning we were woken by the magpies tap dancing across the roof.

    Bingo - I hope you get rid of the virus soon but it does sound a bit like hayfever. Have you had it checked out at the doc's?

    Anyway, I'm on my lunch break. don't normally work Fridays but I was off Monday this week. Next Friday seems like miles away :(

    Not sure if my legs will make it out or not, it's doubtful.

    Have fabby weekend.


  • Comment number 35.

    LOL UC - I knew you'd come up trumps. I'm happy to pass on your C.R.A.P. message to everyone I meet.


  • Comment number 36.

    I think there's a potential for Uncle Carl Recruitment!

    My ringtone is the sexy boots song by U2 ...... what else could it be!?!?


  • Comment number 37.

    Uncle Carl, that is absolutely brilliant. You have my vote and my pledge to canvass the good people of this town day and night on your behalf until the election (except when Cash In The Attic is on, I'm afraid). I'll let them know that if they vote for you, they are guaranteed five years of your party and that there won't be any power-sharing deals struck up with that Society of Hardworking Independent Traditionalist lot.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hello everyone, what a beautiful day!

    Don't normally check in this early but was inspired to recount a caravanning tale from my past.

    Have always camped from the age of 6 months, but in 1969 my parents purchased their 1st of many subsequent caravans. One year my grandad came on holiday with us and had to sleep in the awning as with 4 kids there was no room inside.
    We were awoken in the early hours of one morning by howls of laughter emanating from the awning. Upon investigation, we discovered grandad lying on his sunlounger bed with his head on the ground and his feet in the air, totally unable to right himself. It transpired that he had got up for a call of nature and upon returning to bed had misjudged the position of said bed, the leg collapsed and he ended up nearly comleting a backward somersault! Bless him.
    We enjoyed our holidays immensely, and my father still uses it on a regular basis.

    Enjoy your day,

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 39.


  • Comment number 40.

    Your poor grandad Lin. It's good when you get a laugh like that tho' isn't it. When you say your father still uses it on a regular basis are you talking about the caravan, the awning or the bed that tipped your grandad up?


  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks for the support. Cloud News are currently updating their poll figures to show that at the moment I'm leading with approximately 100% of the vote. However, I cannot accuse my opponents of not being honest and above board on their policies without being honest on my own, and I fear a collapse of Devon Loch proportions when I unveil my proposals on the two biggest issues - crime and immigration.

    I shall be appointing a new Crime Czar when I get into power - Barry `Bang and the dirt is gone' Scott. His first task will be to arm the police force with bottles of his product with which they will be able to clean up the streets of Britain with minimum effort - `see how easily I got this armed robber to drop his weapon with just a couple of squirts into his eyes'.

    As for immigration, I shall remove the current Borders Agencies and replace them with teams of nightclub bouncers, who will then apply admittance based on a) capacity and b) whether they like the look of the immigrant or not. This may not resolve the problem of cheap foreign labour in the short term, but I suspect people will care less when they arrange for a plumber to visit and a blond Eastern European girl in her early twenties turns up.
    Deportation will also become a much more streamlined process as illegal immigrants will first be asked politely to leave and then thrown over the white cliffs of Dover directly into the channel should they refuse to accede to that request.

    Must go - I just received a call from someone to ask if I'm going to be campaigning this afternoon as they have a box of eggs that's past their sell-by date. I thought mothers were supposed to support their sons.... :-)

  • Comment number 42.

    UC - you'll get me chucked out of work for behaving inappropriately. I'm laughing my head off here, tears streaming down my face. I love your policies, more please, more!!!


  • Comment number 43.


    You've certainly got my vote.

    At last someone who speaks sense and not a load of bo**oc*s like the rest.

    VOTE C.R.A.P. and put the Great back into Britain!


  • Comment number 44.

    MK - that's a great motto for the C.R.A.P. party.
    Gailyb (GB)

  • Comment number 45.


    You're dead right, you do post a load of C.R.A.P.

  • Comment number 46.

    Uncle Carl

    You've got my vote - your going to storm it.

    When I've stopped laughing, I'll put the word around and drum up some more suppporters for you. Have you had any banners made yet that I can put up round the village?

    Darce x

  • Comment number 47.

    Or even you're

  • Comment number 48.

    Home time at last - hope to see you all later.


  • Comment number 49.

    Wooohoooo its Friday!

    The sun is shining and all is well!

    Have had several caravan hols in this country - good fun if the weather is kind, not so much fun if pouring with rain! Camping - not done for many years, last time was camping in the Peak District in April when a huge storm in the night ripped the tent!! Needless to say I woke up and demanded to be taken home :)

    Worcester Cricket ground - my dads home ground! He was once asked to play professionally for Worcestershire but my grandad told him he had to get a proper job!


    AS x

  • Comment number 50.

    Cheers Barney - can I put you down as a maybe? :-)

    Well, must be off - I need to come up with a few more C.R.A.P. ideas. We don't currently have a policy on Trident, which is a worry as how we're going to fend off the threat of nuclear attack with a packet of chewing gum is completely beyond me.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Comment number 51.

    Uncle Carl - excellent stuff. Thanks for cheering up my afternoon.

    Enjoy the sunshine everyone. Happy St. George's day. (Incidentally, I saw a suggestion on Twitter that we have a new patron saint of Great Britain - the Doctor. What a brilliant idea).


  • Comment number 52.

    Wish it was time for me to go home Gaily !! :)

    Agree with every single policy so far U Carl so you still get my vote.

    Barmy - just what I thought too - pie eyed !!

    Best get a wiggle on - the work is increasing not decreasing - why does it do that on a Friday?

    Hi and bye AS

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Beez - hope you've got that wiggle on!!

    Gail - holiday with your ex, very civilised!

    Uncle Carl - love the C.R.A.P!

    AS x

  • Comment number 54.

    #49 - lol AS!!

    As a trainee at Arsenal FC, Martin Keown lodged with my nan and grandad. Grandad, a lifelong Spurs fan (born and bred in Tottenham) repeatedly told Martin "you'll never make it in the top flight son, you're too soft"


    Just got back from ELH and all stocked up with picnic nicesties for Sunday. Upon my return - an email waiting for me for a PR job on the outskirts of Brum - that's cheered me up a bit!

    Nic and I are off to see Under Milkwood by Dylan Thomas in Brum tonight and it finishes really early, which means ...... pub time!!! Huzzah!!!!



  • Comment number 55.

    Just having a tea break - wiggle having a temporary break - work still piling up - Oh Joy !

    Deevs did that flippin book for one of my exams - scarred me for life!

    You'll love the cricket ground - right next to the river with the cathedral just t'other side of the water. Not too good in the autumn/winter and a couple of summers ago - always floods. Don't forget, if you've got time - pop in on your way to or from - I will have the ironing board up and ready :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Deevs - Martin Keown is completely lost on me but assume he is a good player??

    Love buying picnic food - trouble is I always seem to buy too much cos I want a bit of everything :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 57.

    Afternoon peeps
    What a fab day - glorious!
    UC - wiping the tears of mirth from my eyes. You are truly wasted in whatever job it is that pays the bills.
    Original humour that just makes me laugh out loud. Vote C.R.A.P!!!

    Deevs - enjoy Under Milkwood and remember that Llareggub reversed will tell you how much our current political parties know about running the country!!

    Crumpy, off into the garden with a book and a cuppa xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Afternoon all

    Uncle Carl, you've got my vote.

    Don't get much free time at the moment, but had a day off yesterday.
    Spent three hours at hairdressers, new haircut, highlights and head massage, it was lovely. Then hit the shops, bought four pairs of new shoes Beez, a new handbag and lots of clothes. In the evening Mr CSN took me out to dinner at favourite restaurant.

    Daughter is still recovering from the birth, high blood pressure still a problem at the moment. Emma is still the perfect baby and is doing fine.
    Other daughter's baby is due tomorrow, hope it comes before she moves house next friday.

    Hope you are all ok.


  • Comment number 59.

    I'm so passionately on Lyn's side of the shorts debate - I've been woolly cardiganing it all day despite the glorious sunshine. I don't even know why. Love the show, Chris, Moira and the gang - keep it up!


  • Comment number 60.

    Oh what would I do without t'interwebb???

    Hello everybody from t'other side of the world i.e. Shanghai!!

    OOOOOh a sweetheart on SM now......

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 61.


    Chris, Have just seen your pic on the website all ready for your Lords experience!

    Talk about smile! Never you mind your wonky teeth, that smile is enough to cheer anyone up!

    My memories of cricket are being taken around when I was little and my Dad used to play for the village team. The cricket pitch often had a play park nearby or a field to run around on or, most impressively, Audley End house in the back-ground.

    A bottle of pop with a straw in the pub garden afterwards.- Panda Pops! Remember them?

    Those long summer evenings that seemed to go on for ever, friends to play with, tired journeys home. Nostalgia indeed.

    Well done Jonny though, talk about a dream come true, has he come down to earth yet?

    It is a beautiful evening up darn Essex, a start to a weekend where I hope we can all put what is troubling us aside for a few hours and enjoy our lives and our loved ones.

    Is FNWC open yet?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 62.

    It should be Seza - its 1.45 am here.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Chris what about a first for the UK? I have friends who are taking glamping to a whole different level! They are building 4 French and 4 Dutch Roulottes in a beautiful meadow below the Eildon Hills in the Scottish Borders!
    Website still in progress but check out the holding page www.roulotteretreat.com.
    Worth a visit to see a first?

  • Comment number 64.

    MTD That's better than "5 o'clock somewhere!" Are you up late because you've been partying?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Sort of Seza.. had a few anyway......

    The only thing is - I have to go to sleep now, so I am going to miss the true FNWC....... :-( I've even tried to get into ARF.... - I got through to R2 but they didn't phone me back.............

    Oh well, I might try again when I am back in blighty......

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Evening All. Curry on the bubble - just half way down my large glass of red so yes Seza fnwc on its way. Until Ashes to Ashes of course - when all goes quiet!

    CSN wowee 4 pairs of shoes!!plus - and a pamper day too - good for you. Fingers crossed for the next one due.

    Hiya Shanghai correspondent. Hope you are making the most of your extended hols.

    Just off to look at Fiona D's link.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 67.

    MTD. You and Boy2! He wanted them to play Yellow Submarine but they didn't phone him back either!

    Sleep Well, I bet you can't wait to be back home. x

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Nite nite all.

    mtd ffb xxx (yes I'm up late again Beez.....)

  • Comment number 69.

    Beez, Best I go catch up!

    Back in a mo!

  • Comment number 70.

    Nice Fiona but not for me. Reminds me of years ago - somehow or other half a dozen trams were parked in a field by a river close to where I am living at the moment, two joined together with a wee garden and picket fence to keep the animals in the field out.
    My auntie/uncle bought one and used to spend loads of time there. Good for them but at the time I suffered from hayfever and used to spend most of my time with my head in the water butt !!! Had nice soft (very long) hair though from the rainwater.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 71.

    MTD - extended holiday yes but up far too late again!!! Hope you get a lie in tomorrow.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Hello all, has Ashes to Ashes started then?? Just having a quick bit of a catch up.

    Uncle Carl, have you given up being a novelist in favour of politics then? Marvellous policies - so would your followers be C.R.A.P.P.E.R.S then...

    Deev, fingers still crossed on the job front but at least the temp work is coming in. Lovely to see you and Nic getting out and about on a weekend too x

    MTD, hope you manage to get home soon. Well, if you want to!!

    Crumpy, you still out in the garden love?

    AF xx

  • Comment number 73.

    AF, Ashes to ashes on at 9pm

    you ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Well I never - just been waylaid doing something else - pop back here and AF appears!! How you doing chuck?

    Must admit - did wonder if Crumpy fallen asleep in the garden - she'll need a cardi by now!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Aha, hi Seza, just thought it was a bit quiet tonight - is there a pre-Ashes preparation ritual??

    Doing ok thanks, it's been a long week but for once I'm not falling asleep in the chair, so I thought I'd take advantage. Looking forward to (hopefully) a nice weekend in the sunshine!

    Everything alright with you - are you skiving from ironing duty??

    AF xx

  • Comment number 76.

    AF, I am thinking very hard about doing the ironing!

    I feel you shoudln't rush these things!


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Beez, thought I'd lost you to Gene! All good thanks, bright weekend looming and possible good stuff on the horizon. How are you getting on?

    Seza, completely agree, you should give it due consideration...


    AF xx

  • Comment number 78.

    You know you are having one of those days when......

    You get home (early for once) to find son has sat and gone through your favourite (37 years old) deckchair.

    You then go to drain the roast chicken only for it to have one last bid for freedom and skids across the kitchen floor, necessitating moppage of said floor.

    You get out the mop and bucket, scalding water and flash at the ready AND, you put all your weight behind wringing the mop out and said mop handle snaps in two and you end up in a heap,sitting on the kitchen floor, soaking up the chicken juices and mop water.

    Do I have a valid reason for opening a tin of Scrumpy jack?

    Dinner is on hold for the time being!!

    MTF, slightly soggy but surprisingly unhurt!

  • Comment number 79.

    Sorry, Hi everyone,


  • Comment number 80.

    Beez, have you seen Paxo is on ´óÏó´«Ã½1 now?

    MTF, I'm not really ROFL honest!! Hope you've got that SJ open now!


  • Comment number 81.

    I have Seza, now going to rinse the chicken off. Dont think anyone will notice.

    Back soon to catch up on all your posts.xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Ooo AF - good stuff - need more info hon!!! Citing stuff?

    MTF - just wash it under the tap and serve - ignore the floor - sort that later....

    Seza - the ironing lark -takes so much thinking about doesn't it?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Seza - Paxo would involve more than just shouting at the telly! Daren't watch otherwise - no tv left to devour Ashes at 9 !

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Beez, I really don't want to do anything hasty. Am not sure the combination of the Gene Genie and something hot and steamy is a good idea!

    MTF, just make sure you don't end up rinsing the chicken in the SJ!


  • Comment number 85.

    Sez - the only thing you can mix with gene genie is a glass of wine!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Oh no MTF, poor you! Beez is right though, quick rinse and it'll be fine :-)

  • Comment number 87.

    Am all set then Beez!

    Fire up the Quattro!


  • Comment number 88.

    Hi folks, I'm home!!

    It's a long story, but we decided to have a good day out and about and then head home, rather than do all the packing up and rush to be out by 10am in the morning!

    MTF, sorry I had to laugh! Just be thankful you don't have a dog! Finlay would have been running around the garden with it!

    Fotgot about Ashes...maybe he will too, and we can leave it to record? Nah, I doubt it!

    I have really missed being able to blog properly, I lost count of how many messages I lost in the ether! I need a new phone!

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    Hi JG, Have you had a good time? Weather looks like it's been great for you


  • Comment number 90.

    Nearly there Seza.

    Good to see you back safe and sound JG. Must admit - sorry MTF but I'm still giggling too!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Is it wrong of me to be REALLY annoyed that Mr Seza has just gone for a shower and is now lounging in his PJ's meaning I HAVE to go get the boys later!!!!!!!

    9.30 they finish and they're never out on time!


  • Comment number 92.

    Seza, for the Lakes, the weather has been fantastic!! We've had a brilliant time, and it was my idea to come home tonight...will explain later!

    He has remembered Ashes, although has now paused it to get some cheese - this is the guy with a stomach upset...Men!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    Hello peeps, happy Friday one and all (though it's not Friday in my world)

    Not been camping since I was about 14 and did Guide camp two summers running... no toilets, no running water, cooking on a campfire (once we'd been to collect firewood). Think that epxerience put me off for ages but I'd be tempted to give it another bash, not necessarily under canvas mind, caravanning would be fun.

    Glad you had a fab holiday JG and that you had great weather. All this talk about how nice it's been/is going to be over the weekend is giving me the right hump... it's been freezing and raining all day here in the 'burgh!


  • Comment number 94.

    Rosie, why is Friday not Friday? Confused - that's me!

    I've only been camping once, when I was at middle school. What do I remember of it? Rain and sodden grass, rivulets running down the inside of the tent, my friend having an asthma attack in the middle of the night...

    And as for caravanning, done that once too with the family when I was a young 'un. Three days in North Wales. Was supposed to be a week but it hammered down the whole time, we were in a field in the middle of nowhere and it was miserable.

    Give me a 5 star hotel any day of the week (no really, someone please give me a 5 star hotel - just one room would do!!).

    AF x

  • Comment number 95.

    Hiya Flower, I often work weekends, so am in work tomorrow and then off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. So theoretically, tomorrow is Friday, even though it's Saturday, and Wedenesday will be my Monday!!


  • Comment number 96.

    Oh, that's a nice weekend - a day with everyone else and then two days when things are quieter. Not sure if I could get used to working on a Saturday though, there's something morally wrong with it (in my head anyway!!). So, happy Thursday Rosie!

    Kate, welcome home sweetheart - have you put a wash on yet hehe.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 97.

    I don't mind working Saturdays, Flower, but I hate it when I have to get up early on a Sunday morning and head into work, when I know that the rest of the world is fast asleep and having a lie in!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Not yet Flower, we're going to tackle that tomorrow!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 99.

    Evening Peeps,

    Just want to clear something up Auntie Sandy. My ex wasn't my ex when we holidayed in France - I'm not that civilised. Before my ex was my ex we climbed Lochnagar and camped overnight in Ballater. I didn't sleep at all well and could hardly get up in the morning my body had seized up so I've never been camping again. The one high spot of that exped apart from the fish and chips with loads of salt and vinegar was seeing Billy Connolly walking along Ballater High Street. I didn't speak, but smiled broadly.

    JG - glad you had a good hols. I bet you'll get all the washing up to date tomorrow and there'll be a nice health pile of ironing to tackle on Sunday evening.

    MTF - are you stuck in Shanghai because of the icelandic volcano?

    CSN - I hope your daughter's bp sorts itself out soon. glad the new arrival is doing well. fingers crossed for your other daughter.


  • Comment number 100.

    Right then, sat here with a cheese sarnie ;)

    All else have eaten and gone to bed!!

    Nice to see you back JG.x

    Hi, Flower, Rosie and Beez.

    Seza, another Mums taxi run, dont you have a rota?

    Have I missed anyone?

    If so, sorry, its been one of those days, again!

    The kitchen floor is gleaming now.

    2 new items on shopping list, a mop and a new deckchair. I am going to make sure that I cant restore the deckchair first though, 37 years isnt that old is it. Now where did I put that receipt?



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