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Simply The Best

Chris Evans | 11:10 UK time, Monday, 26 April 2010

Father Brian D'Arcy, literally the nicest man in the world. A force for good and no doubting that.

I believe him, I trust him and I like him. Enthusiasm can often be mistaken for ego, but not in Brian's case. He is a servant of his faith one hundred percent, but never lets himself get in the way of what he is trying to get across.

What do I sound like? How do I come across? Did I do ok?

None of these thoughts worry him, so he is left free to get on with his message. Too much thought can hijack the moment, and the lag it causes can be heard/seen by the audience.

Learn, practice, prepare and then let it all go and see what happens - trust your industry but only if you really mean it.

They will always know if you don't.


This is Father Brian D'Arcy and Legs Lynn (she is mid-report here!)





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  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CLP and Everyone.

    How I agree Chris. Too much thinking about will it offend some? will they like me? etc. can stop us from being ourselves. As they say "you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

    PS My stepfather was a vicar, such a kind, warm gentleman.

    Hope everyone's well.


  • Comment number 3.

    Stopped and listened to Father Brian this morning Christoph - good one - and couldn't believe when you said Lynn posed for a photo when she was doing her traffic report - didn't miss a beat - smarty pants!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 4.

    OOh suns out, and so am I!

    Happy Monday to you all.

    Marjie, are you a tad excited??


  • Comment number 5.


    Would have looked silly if I hadn't made it!


  • Comment number 6.

    MTF, from previous blog, I've had the pineapple ones from Jamie's supermarket

    Tiggs xx
    Now I shall read today's!

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning CLP and fellow bloggers

    I agree Chris - sometimes we spend too much time wondering and not enough time doing - me I am doing this wondering if anyone from work is watching knowing that i am not doing what I am supposed to be doing, I wonder if they will say anything......

    not here - really!

  • Comment number 8.

    I have done just that Marjie on a few occasions.

    In fact being so slow at typing and with this 20 second delay thing that they introduced, I have ended up way down the list instead of being number 1. Still, its all a bit of fun isn't it.x

    Thanks Tiggs, will take coolbox as nearest sainsbugs is 22 miles away.

    Blue sky here folks.


  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Debs, not here, or not all there either.LOL.

    Your secrets safe with us.


  • Comment number 10.

    Legging it to the garden right now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning Chris

    I'm getting a bit paranoind about "being myself" - I am myself at every job interview and keep getting rejected! Snot fair is it? But then if I am not myself, and I get the job, I'd have to carry on not being myself for as long as I remain in the employ of the person who employed me whilst not being myself. Everyone tells me to be myself but I'm not sure being myself is doing myself any favours at the mo.

    Now my head hurts.


  • Comment number 12.


    I am never myself at a job interview - I am the person the employee wants me to be and then when in the role I slowly bring my personality to the workplace.

    After all they probably don't need to know I'm a motorbike, music loving, baggy pusscat all at once!

  • Comment number 13.


    You must carry on being yourself until you find the people who are sensible enough to appreciate you.

    Don't become what you're not just to satisfy them.

    Beginning to sound like 'dear marje' now!


  • Comment number 14.

    Sorry Baggy, but I tend to agree with Marjie. If they don't want the true 'me', then they are not good enough for me to work for.

    Thanks Marjie ..... giz a job!


  • Comment number 15.

    Deev - fair enough - I was just letting you know how I got jobs, shallow maybe but it works!

  • Comment number 16.

    I'm on the fence a bit here (damned uncomfortable it is too!). I think you should be yourself, but sometimes you can be too much yourself - maybe striking a balance between what the employer is looking for, and who you are, is the key? But then also, I'm a firm believer in chemistry - if you have an interview with the person you'd be working for/with, is that chemistry there?

    In all other circumstances, I think be yourself. If people don't like that, then you're better off without them.

    Missed Father D'Arcy unfortunately CLP, but it must be wonderful to have such strong conviction and faith in something...

    AF (who is a happy bunny today, despite it being Monday!) xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Baggy - I have to know that when I go for a job, I like them as much as they like me. So far, I've had nothing other than positive feedback post-interview but there is always a "but" at the end - usually a stronger candidate with experience within the industry in which the vacancy sits, or those pesky internal candidates!

    I'd hate to land a job and then find because of my not being true at interview stage I was out of my depth and in over my head.

    Working on an application now, which quite frankly, I'm amazed to have got past first base. Maybe I should stop under-estimating myself!


  • Comment number 18.

    As I see it most people adopt a number of personae for the various areas of their lives.

    This does not mean compromising your 'real self' but subtly changing to reflect the situation.

    If you are unwilling to adopt the persona required by an employer for a specific type of job you must either accept that it will be very difficult to find employment or start looking for a job where the required persona matches your 'real self'.

  • Comment number 19.

    As a recruiter - my main advice to people is to be a "reserved" version of yourself - so let who you are shine through in a positive friendly way, but not in a mad over the top way! AND always be well polished - first impressions DO count - despite what anyone says! Shiney shoes, teeth and hair!

    Deevs - dont take this the wrong way either - I'm not in anyway suggesting you are mad and over the top at an interview - its just my general advice when I get asked! AND you are ALWAYS well polished - that we defo know! :-)


  • Comment number 20.

    I think one of the main obstacles I'm up against with my current situ is my lack of experience from a manufacturing background. Almost all of the interviews I have had have been for large, corporate manufacturing companies whereas my background for the last 4 years has been small family-owned firms (when I was temping there were more people in one drinks round than on the entire payroll at my Coooooolchester job!), and prior to that, 4 years in Local Government, which is a law unto itself!

    Someone will snap me up soon, I am sure!


  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.

    Ohhhhh so, so, so close te r#22 just by chance!!!!!!!

    PS Soz if me blog terdee iz a bit long...... DAMN IT... yer see worrying about what people think of me blog again!!!!!!


  • Comment number 23.

    Deevs - course they will! And jolly glad they will be with you :-)

    eyh up - bingos going to be happy with #22!

    back in a bit!

  • Comment number 24.

    PS Marjie K - The 'One's' on #1.... iz that cos CLP 'as goot the One gig?????

    PS CLP/ ALL - A spend too much teem wondering about me music/ singing abilities than just doing!!!!!!

    Mind you aving said that.... a did try the doing when it came ter getting a job at R2 & a failed!!!!!!

    So different angles of loooking at it!!!!!!

    Soz am getting confused know, sorry now.... know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Bingo, it would appear, that your long blog isn't destined to be long after all :(


  • Comment number 26.

    Ello ALL....

    Ave noot gotta clue why me #21 broke the 'ouse rules!!!!!!

    It waz full of niceties, no swearing...

    Will try ter break it up ter find out which bits are noot acceptable!!!!!

    Must admit really annoying too az am very busy at work but took the time on me break ter blog.... then it gets removed for no apparent reason!!!!!

    First bit:

  • Comment number 27.

    Ello CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star ere...... coming to yer from Tesco's of Ramsbottom Lancs... 100% TRUE!!!!!

    Lot ter say terdee.....


    Just been unloading me truck at the above & a waz trying ter get a 'eavy wheeled pallett out of a gap in the back of me truck.... aving a sense of 'umour a waz sort of crouched nearly on the floor trying ter pull it from the bottom of the pallett.... with me sort of Jim Carrey.... scrunched up face of agony loook & making noises of agony whilst pulling.... a turned arooound & the bloke at the store 'elping me unload waz loooking at me in a trance with a frozen look of 'orror!!!!!!!!
    When a said am only joking.... 'e laughed and said 'e thought a waz in pain!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
    Just thought a would share that funny moment with all!!!!! LOL!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 29.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 30.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 31.


    PS GailyBevs - Nice ter meet yersen & David last week!!!!!
    Thanks for the cold advice/ possible 'ay fever.... been ter doc & ave been penned some penacillin ter give it good damn kicking!!!!!!!
    'opefully once & for all a will be rid of me sneeezing, coughing, blowing me nose & INDEED sore throat..... AHHHHH...... AHHHHHHH..... AHH.................... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......... AHHHHHHHHHCCCCCHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHH!@!@!@!@!!!!!!@!!@@!!


  • Comment number 32.

    Its a double hat trick, that I am going to have to catch up on later.

    Off to work now, hope everyone has a good afternoon.


  • Comment number 33.

    Ok all just broekn me blog #21 inter the sections of 'APPINESS & MISERY ter try & identify the offending bit which caused the rest ter get moderated by the blog ploice!!!!!!!!

    Actually az a waz breakin' it down.... good line in a song that 'ONE, ONE, ONE TWO THREE..... "BREAKIN' IT DOWN!!!!!!!!"

    A like that.... would sound great in a tune!!!!

    Any way.... a think it waz me VERY, VERY long sneeze that accidently may ave took me blog aka literature off the edge of the blog & ultimately caused it ter get taken off the blog.... LITERALLY removing me litarature!!!!!

    Blog ploice.... a can't 'elp getting a nasty cold.... blame all the nutters on the London Underground who keep sneezing all over the place.... a now, sorry know, that's where a goot it!!!!!!


  • Comment number 34.

    Ahhhhh it's all too much for mind!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am gonna ave ter come ter see the blog ploice at R2 ter discuss where am going wrong!!!!!!!!

    Maybe take 'em out for a drink..... 100% SERIOUS ter discuss the blog situation!!!!!!!!

    A met one of the blog ploice at the O2 MEGA Drivetime Farewell Gig & she seemed VERY nice!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Ello Debs.... Ello MTF!!!!!!

    It's ALL gone wrong MTF & Debs!!!!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Yes Bingo.

    The ones at #one are,indeed, the The One Show song.

    Now it's in my head for the rest of the day, damn it!


  • Comment number 37.

    bingo - careful about who you call the nutters on the underground - I was a nutter lsaat friday as I had a migraine and had to get home - so curled up on the seat on the tube and rocked gently to myself trying not to be sick!

  • Comment number 38.

    PS - also got nearly hit by a woman in a car on the way to the hospital yesterday (said I wasnt well) but hubby didnt beep in case she was also on way to hospital and she was!

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Bingo, Would love to take the credit for giving you advice on your cold but Gail (dozymac) and Gailybevs are 2 different people, me being Dozymac, aka Gail, but anyway, it was nice to meet you too.



  • Comment number 40.

    Oh dear Bingo - tis all going 'ay-wire for you buddy!

  • Comment number 41.

    Cheryl, remember back in 2008 when I thought that I would never get a job? It's all part of life's rich tapestry. For as long as you don't give up hope you are closer to getting that job each day.

    I love my job. Just hope that when/if my circumstances change it won't impact too much on my hours.


    ps: LM this morning was asking me where the hairy lizards come from......took the whole journey to school to discover that he was referring to Bearded Dragons! Bless him.

  • Comment number 42.

    Haven't really got anything to say today so hello & goodbye from me!

    AS x

  • Comment number 43.


    At least you were all going to the right place LOL

    Sorry about my sense of humour


  • Comment number 44.

    Debbie - great to "see" you, and thank you. We've got to have a catch up at some point soon. Hope things continue to go in the right direction for you.

    C x xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Ello ALL....

    Don't understand at all why me blogs 28 ter 30 are being VERY closely looked at by the blog ploice!!!!

    #28 - Is nice talk about Father Brain above & 'ow a enjoyed listening ter what 'e said about 'ow relationships/ people can be very difficult ter understand/ complicated!!!!

    #29 - Is a rant about me finding out me wages at work are VERY short & v'ow VERY annoyed a am about it!!!!!

    #30 - Iz about Marjie K - 'ow a 'eard 'er mention on Tuesdee 20th on the listen again, she 'ad 'er Golden Oldie played & a mention by Moira & CLP.... and 'ow they talked about 'ow she knew MEGA famous people in Liverpool just before they became MEGA famous!!!!!!!

    ALL nice chat & noot nasty!!!!!!

    Debs - It 'as all gone wrong!!!!!!

    Super Baggy - You being a cap will be one of the nice tub travellers.... am talkin' about the ones who sneeze all over the place without thought for others!!!!!
    A always put me 'and of 'ankerchief over me mouth before sneezing.... or keep me eyes open az it stops yer sneezing!!!!!!
    Impossible ter sneeze with yer eyes open!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!

    xxx & 'ugs ter all!!!!!!

    Peace & love ter all!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 46.

    Dozymac - Soz for getting yer mixed up with Gail even though yer are Gail but noot the Gailybevs!!!!!!

    All a can for me reason iz ave met yer & yer are anything but Dozy!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am the dozy one for gettin' yer mixed up with the Gail that yer noot.... yersen being the Gail who's noot the other Gail!!!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    PS A suppose Gailybevs isn't a Gail butta Beverley.... who lives in a most windy area of the UK!!!!!!!!

    Off for ter rest me 'ead!!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    At leas ton the brightside.... The Dow Jones iz presently up 45!!!!!!!!

    16,000 ere we come.... then a can get me TVR Cerbera, Ferrari 355 or 360 & me 'ouse back thatta lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If the Dow goes ter 20,000.... a could enter the 2013 British Touring Car Championship az a privateer.... just 'ope the Mayans are wrong about Dec 2012!!!!!!!

    Just be my luck the world ends just az am getting things sorted!!!!!!


  • Comment number 49.


    What ave a said wrong know, sorry now?????

    AYE???? A????????

  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon campers,

    CLP, what a nice blog you wrote today all about Fr D'Arcy... I have to confess to missing this morning's PFT as I was on the way to the docs am sure it was great.

    Interesting discussion earlier about being yourself at interviews... I would agree that you have to be a measured version of yourself, obviously if you're going to be working closely with one particular person, eg in a PA capacity, they need to know if the chemistry will be right (and so do you!). Thinking about it I definitely have a work persona and my non work persona though.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend...


  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon All,

    Bingo - you have been busy...
    A chap I spoke to at an agency I went to see on Friday said for the kind of jobs I am looking for it's 10% experience and qualifications and 90% personality and fit. I don't think that being anything other than yourself is really sustainable in anything you (unless you are an actor, of course...)


  • Comment number 52.

    Afternoon each - made it back from the Ooter Hebrides in one piece, although it was touch and go at times.

    Chris, a timely message indeed - have just been asked to give a presentation for a National charity. I hate doing things like that, get scared and tongue-tied. The only time it worked was when I really wanted to get some important information across and practised for days - crossing out, adding things, reading it aloud etc. And it worked - it wasn't about me, it was about informing professionals of the dearth of services for people with Dementia and their Carers.

    I'm going to say yes, and I'll remember your comments when I'm preparing for it.


  • Comment number 53.

    Good afternoon bloggers and blogettes plus lurkers.

    I know long time no blog. I blame the laptop and reading on the mobile takes some doing when you lot all blog loads.

    Nice to see some familiar names are still around. I'd FB but it doesn't seem to want to play this afternoon.

    Chris I miss your morning chat as I don't get into the car until 10am at present. But I do read the blog entry whenever I can but no comment from mobile.

    Pip pip must dash there's volleyball training to prep for.

    Phoenix who lives in dorset but comes from over the border in somerset (allegedly!)

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi All
    This is my first post but I had to add to the comments about Fr Brian. He used to do a piece similar to PFT on a late night radio show in Ireland way back in the 80's. On one occasion he had to deal with a caller that broke down on air and he handled the situation with great compassion and respect - since then I have been a fan.

    The man is truly one in a million.


  • Comment number 55.

    Nic Man - Sounds like a job az a politician!!!!!!!
    No wonder the UK iz in a BIG mess if it's 10% experience/ qualifications!!!!!!

    Good luck with the job 'unting!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - Just 'eard for the second teem terdee on R2 the brand new tune by the bloke who makes music in 'is bedroom at neet az 'e iz an insomniac... beter known az 'Owl City!!!!!!'

    Love 'is new tune 'Umbrella Beach!!!!!!' Az a love Fire Flies!!!!!

    New tune iz MEGA!!!!!!

    'ope R2 will be playing it alot.... a tell it's a vloume wreet up jobbie.... be great ter dance to in a club!!!!!
    Sort of 90's euro mega mix meets abitta 2 Unlimited.... sort of bitta Pet Shop Boys!!!!!!!!

    Show's what yer can do playing with synthesizers in yer bedroom!!!!!!



    PS Nic, just thought can't yer go self employed in accountacy??????
    Would ave thought yer would be in demand!!!!!!

    PS Thinking of yer too Chezza..... keep looking & yer will find the right job soon!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Phew - can I go home yet? What a rubbish day!

    Welcome back Annie - pleased you are in one piece.
    Good to see you on here Phoenix - very long time no blog
    PP welcome - good to have new folk on here.

    AS - I have just remembered two pairs of my shoes arrived - was in such a rush put them by the side of the sofa and haven't even tried them on. Will see if they fit and put a pic on fb later. ( managed to take one of the tarpaulin full of files that Biggs cocked his leg on !)!!

    Pasta - I need pasta - or would it be the wine whilst I am cooking the pasta .

    Laters smiley peeps.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Beez, have a teeny pressie from an island I can't remember the name of for you. It was a 'saw this and thought of you' moment.

    I'm cooking salmon and may have a small glass of chards with it.


  • Comment number 58.

    Think it might be because you mentioned a name, Bingo.

    I would say it now, it's 100% true, but I would probably be modded too.


  • Comment number 59.

    Oh, there you are Bingo, back from the moddies.

    Hope you had a good time in Glasgow. I did phone, but rather later than I'd intended because of no signal on the islands. xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi folks, and wb Somerset/Dorset Phoenix!

    And welcome to Paddy too, please stick around, we don't bite (often);)

    Bingo, missed your long post, and got the rest, keep going lad!

    On the subject of interviews, I do the dress subtlely, be a bit more less me, and then let the real me come out gradually....it's always worked, but then I'm in a technical job and most interviews I've been for have asked me loads of techy qu's and are not that bothered about the person! Although that was 10 years ago!!

    Actually had one guy say he didn't care about my qualifications, he'd ask me techy stuff to make sure I hadn't cheated in the exams!! He hadn't even taken them himself!! I was offered the job, but turned it down - idiot (to put it politely)!

    Anyhow, better get some food together... having that 6 mushroom extravaganza again tonight!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    JG that made me giggle!!
    Love mushrooms - what are you doing?

    Bingo - been a busy boy today!! Bet the modders have gone down the pub for a well earned drink - or have they stopped modding you?

    Right - post posted, paper bill paid, (ouch), phone call called:))x - bol sauce on the bubble, aparagus washed and ready to go, shoes tried on - fit and photo taken - will put on fb later, glass of red poured. Cheers smiley folk.

    You got me a prezzie? - Thank you Annie- wouldn't by any chance have "humbug" written on it would it?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 62.

    You'll have to wait and see Beez. Forgot to get envelope today.

  • Comment number 63.

    Just put photies on FB of the Ooter Hebrides. Kirstie was flying her kite on a beach in Barra and got a tick in her leg. She phoned me when home to say that it had dropped off - probably in my car before I dropped her off.



  • Comment number 64.

    Citing Annie.
    Just been checking your pics- they are lovely.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Beez, I was going to microwave the 6 mushroom stroganoff thingy, but it took a sour turn when Mum rang, although still safely in the fridge!

    So as an attempt at looking like I'm cooking tea, I have a tomato pasta bake and cheese to go in, but have just been caught out :(

    Oh well!!

    JG x (who likes a late "tea"!

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi all

    Three rings -

    Arrived back about 30 minutes ago - post opened (bills, bills and election things.......), decent cup of tea made (can never get one anywhere else (not even China......).

    Off to catch up on today's blog and look at t'other side.

    If I am still awake, I'll be back later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    MTD woo hoo - welcome back!!! Might see you later

    Intrigued JG 6 mushroom stroganoff ? Supermarko ready thing?

    Right off to eat - back later.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Well done MTD, go and sleep now!!

    ELH Beez, although only seen it at the local one so far...ready to be zapped with some spinach and stuff, but lovely!!

    Birds have been trying to land at Mr JG's food post on our sad looking apple tree, but Finlay scaed them off, got him in and then the magpies turned up :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all,

    MTD welcome home . hope the jet lag dosent play havoc for too long.

    Well its been a rubbish day. Started off with loads of bird muck on my car this am. Thought it was supposed to be "muck for luck" , but it wasnt , and roughly translates into crap for a crap day !

    Anyway, i have kept smiling,but only just !

    Right , off for a run, what can go wrong with that , dont wish me"" break a leg "!

    Love MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Forgot to say to Mr JG "thanks for getting the ash off my car", he was home for 20 mins, and just managed a shower before he was out again :(

    Seems like I'll see him tomorrow night now!

    MC, you be careful now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi JG, thanks !

    Well, i have had the most lovely end to the most unlovely day. Out on my little jogette , i trotted down the side of the ship canal. The sun was setting , the moon was rising and the birdsong was magnificent. The tweeting was just so uplifting, and the town noise seemed to fade away . These last few weeks, the birdsong has seemed better than ever. Aint nature great , but not at 4am ;-)

    MC xx

  • Comment number 72.

    That's true MC, I had an awful night's sleep, and just as I was dropping pff, got the dawn chorus!

    If you're running again, I'l pop round in the car with Finlay! ;)

    No, only joking, he's not himself at the moment, and not up to even walking far :( Grumpy, rather then ill though, so nothing to worry about, as he's back to eating properly again!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi JG.

    ohh give Finlay a cuddle for me, dont like to hear of animals not up to par.
    The birds were all trying to out do each other tonight. I have to make sure the bedroom window is shut at the moment as i have a habit of waking at 4ish, and once i tune in i cant get back to sleep.

    Right, am off to bed,

    Take care , we must meet up again soon.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 74.


    MTD. Woo hoo!! Bet your own front door (and kettle!) never looked so good. Look forward to hearing your travellers tales when you've recovered

    JG & MC, know what you mean about the birdies, noisy little things, esp when you realise that all they are tweeting about is making new baby birdies!

    Hope everyone else is ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Isn't it a lovely moon tonight.

    Up at work, all the lab pups have gone except for the little black one that is staying.

    She was sat under my bosses feet today all curled up, I swear she was sobbing :(

    All the other pups have gone on to new homes, her life is pretty much the same as she has ever known except...

    All her brothers and sisters/ play mates have gone, I am filling up.

    She was sighing very loudly, it was very upsetting!

    She has still got her Mum and Dad but....


  • Comment number 76.

    I guess we all need a friend.

    She will have probably got over it in a day or two, wheras I will still be fretting for her, losing her little playmates!


  • Comment number 77.

    Aww MTF, I was just heading off and saw that!

    She'll be fine, she's where she's always known with her Mum and Dad! You should feel for the folk trying to settle in a new puppy in a new house....and I'm sure they'll be fine as well, given time ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Hiya Guys .....

    heyy im back now ... just kept off the blog and mainly the internet for a while cept fb on me break .. tutherwise no ......

    aww MTF .. poor pup ... get her or him a teddybear for company in the basket ..

    you will be ok ....

    hope e eryone else is great .......

    oh and i will put up a better piccie of me when i get one suitable ....

    okies .......

    Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Aww MTF, poor little pup. You'll need to give her lots of extra cuddles!

    night all

    See you tomorrow

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Thanks JG.xx

    It was just so pitiful seeing her there, they only went yesterday!

    I am a wreck, I cant bear to see unhappy animals!

    The new pups will be getting lots of attention, and the new owners, lots of pooper scooping!

    There are now 12 new kittens up there, that'll be the next laod of pics.


  • Comment number 81.

    MTF, the moon is spectacular - floating in the clouds up here in Fife. xx

  • Comment number 82.

    You are all right and thanks.xx

    Anne,I still love the fact that you and I can step outside our doors, opposite ends of the country and see the same image in the sky.

    It sort of makes us feel closer somehow.


  • Comment number 83.

    Aw bless MTF. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Has work settled down for you now Billie, I hope so.


  • Comment number 85.

    In fact I swear I can smell cigarette smoke, would that be you having a quick puff Annie?


  • Comment number 86.

    MTF - No tis me!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 87.

    MTF, you've done it again, I've often thought that!

    Anyway, Grumpy Finlay needs to go out, actually he's missing Mr JG tonight, but he's OK, and will be allowed a snuggle on the bed tonight, until and when Mr JG gets home!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Will be me now as well!!

    I'm gone.... LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    yes it has finally ... thanks MTF .... XXXXX

    been a few crazy months for some reason or other ... finally some peace ...

    now i can work on me ... getting my weight to a level im happy with .....

    never gonna be as skinny as my 17 year old daughter .. size 8 .. .. humf , did not get that from me .....


    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 90.

    MTF, how very dare you!!!! Well, maybe. Me and Beez at the patio doors looking at the moon!


  • Comment number 91.

    LOL all of you.

    Night JG.

    Cheer up Finlay.


  • Comment number 92.

    MTF - when I went to pick Biggs up - all his sisters came bounding over to me and he stayed in the rather large basket gnawing on a massive marrow bone.
    Not a peep on my lap in car on way back except when car computer went beep - one quick jump and wimper then snuggled back in to blanket and promptly went to sleep!
    Been as laid back ever since!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Just off to empty bins - re-cycling stuff tomorrow!!! Load d/washer and pour another glass of red - 1 hour to curfew!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 94.

    We love recycling, we go every Sunday to the local recycling centre, formerly known as the dump!!

    There is a home for practically everything, and the guys that run it, get good bonusses for the higher percentage that is recycled, so dont you be turning up with a bag of household rubbish!!

    Oh no, they will humiliate you by opening it up there and then and make you take each item off to its proper place.

    The result here is that we put half a bag of rubbish out a week instead of what used to be about 6 bags!

    Not bad for a family of five eh?

    MTF, the future is looking green.xx

  • Comment number 95.

    We have 3 bins here for our recycling - grey, brown and blue.


  • Comment number 96.

    In every garden!

  • Comment number 97.

    hey thats funny .. our bins and re-cycling gets done tommorow too ...

    sure you not live in my neck of woods ????

    we have green bin for our food and garden waste , a little caddy for the kitchen for the small stuff to empty in green bin and the pink sacks for paper and glass stuff .. horrid job ... "phew holds nose in disgust"...

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    We get the recycling van here once a fortnight. No boxes, you have to put out your own and they come about 7 in the morning.

    The noise off the bottles being thrown into the back of the truck is deafening!

    I wasn't going to have a drink tonight, but as Beez has mentioned one, I have just found my bottle of Scrumpy Jack that Tiggs gave ne for my birthday, so am going to sit and enjoy that.

    Cheers Tiggs, thank you.xx


  • Comment number 99.

    And of course, I have a compost heap!!


  • Comment number 100.

    One hundred!


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