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Smiles Better

Chris Evans | 10:16 UK time, Tuesday, 20 April 2010

You gotta smile. It's really important. Not all the time but as often as you can.

I see the same bloke every day on his way to work, and I swear a smile is the furthest thing from his mind. His jaws appear locked with the gritty determination of grumpiness. What a waste of energy.

I have a wonky jaw and rubbish yellow teeth, but I still love a smile. I dream of a full set of perfectly formed gnashers that have that steely blue tinge to them because the are so dazzlingly white, but I'm happy to make do with what I've got.

Oh and let's not forget how alluring a lovely pair of pink gums can be to an unsuspecting admirer.

Your mouth is the spring from which your spirit flows out, so look after it, enjoy it and if you feel it appropriate to do so, why not share some of your mouth with a friend.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris,

    So agree - smiles are infectious and make everybody feel so much better.

    Plus this lovely weather hepls too!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - you have a fab infectious smile and a great laugh - I can vouch for that!

    not here really

  • Comment number 3.

    Goodness - No 1 - where is everybody?!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hey CLP, thats no way to talk about Marky Mark in the morning !!!!
    Im sure he cheers up by home time ?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi CLP,

    I couldn't agree with you more, I always have a smile for everyone, in fact they are always making fun of me at work because they say I must be mad because I am smiling and happy all the time, but I don't care because I would much rather be that way than a grumpy sod!



    p.s. Chrissie/Mary/Bingo - I will be joining you this afternoon for a little refreshment, my train arrives at Central Station at 3pm so will be with you shortly after that - looking forward to it!

  • Comment number 6.

    Oh Christopher that could be my mantra, I SO agree.

    I make a point of smilin' at people whenever possible. It's healing, it's defusing, it's uplifting.. and can be disarming.

    I was watching Billie last noght on Graham Norton, and only thinking what a spectacularly warm and beautiful smile she has, bless her.

    And as one wise aul bird once said, regarding using good humour and wit in many difficult professional situations:-

    She who laughs, lasts.


  • Comment number 7.

    Aww... haven't been on here for ages and what a lovely post to come back to Mr Evans.

    I smile all the time. Even when I don't feel like it. It really does you good you know.

    Loving the sunshine, don't care how cold it is. Love it.

    Loads going on for me at the moment, not necessarily bad, well maybe a bit but definately scary. Trying to be brave you see....wish me luck!

    Will try to pop back later, but if I can't.....have a brilliant day!


  • Comment number 8.

    And PS. Christoff.

    Wonky jaw? Yellow teeth? Sure I'VE never noticed THAT....

    You, my friend, have the most gorgeous, dazzling smile I've ever seen.

    And I don't care who knows it.


  • Comment number 9.

    Beep beep beep beep

    Hells bells: Christoph, I have the President on the line
    Big Chief CLP: Patch him through, honeybun
    CLP: Good morning Mr. President. I鈥檓 on Air Force One 鈥 I should be pulling into Dulles at 0800 hours
    Barack Obama: That鈥檚 good news Chris. My country will be in-debted to you.
    CLP: Mr. President, can I confide in you?
    BO: Confide away, my little raven-haired confidant
    CLP: How long do you think I will be staying in your county? It鈥檚 just that I鈥檝e a little morning routine back home in Blighty 鈥 I wouldn鈥檛 want to let anyone down. And besides, I think I鈥檝e FORGOTTEN MY TOOTHBRUSH!
    BO: It won鈥檛 take long 鈥 you鈥檒l be back before you know it. Why was that last bit in capital letters?
    CLP: I could explain but it would take too long 鈥 cultural references and all that . . .
    BO: Try me
    CLP: No
    BO: Fair enough.

    Beep beep beep beep

  • Comment number 10.

    My motto exactly Christoph

    Keep smiling :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Yes Chris , Clodagh is right - your smile makes everybody want to smile, its a great smile.

    Happy Birthday Hells Bells x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    Sending positive vibes right now Deev.

    Happy Birthday Hellen bach

    Beez :) xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Positive vibes on the way to Deevs from me too

    Happy birthday Hellen, have a great day!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Good Morning Christoph and everybody.

    Happy Birthday Hell's Bells.

    CLP Oh how I agree, a smile is infectous and really makes such a difference to people's moods. Having said that, there are some occasions where a smile would be inappropriate i.e. undertakers, bailliffs or when receiving bills.

    Today I am smiling at everyone as I've had my golden oldie played, thank you!

    Bye for now.


  • Comment number 16.


    I totally agree, and you make me smile everyday!

    Just a quick hello from me, sorry I haven't had the chance to catch up.

    Cheryl - Good luck for today!

    Happy Birthday Helen Bach.

    Gail - you have a gorgeous smile! So pleased you can make it this afteroon, see you there.

    Off to get ready for mini meet with Chrissie, Gail and Bingo!

    Take care all, enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 17.

    ...or if yous are tryin' to get the toast outa the toaster wit a wet knife, Marjie.

    A Gary Gilmour smile never looks 'appy to me.


  • Comment number 18.

    We have lots to smile about in this lovely weather. Mother nature is sorting out all our ozone layer.

  • Comment number 19.

    And I know one particular woman who uses, on regular occasions, the sarcastic smile. You know the one. Turned down at the edges an' usually accompanied by some incendiary comment.

    A proper smile comes from the eyes.

    The sort of unsmilin' smile you get from a friend's eyes in inappropriate or perilous circumstances. You know it when you see it. The GD has unbelievably lovely smiley eyes, you'd know she was titterin' if se was robbin' the post-office. Unmistakeable.


  • Comment number 20.

    Clodagh, I've a lovely vision of your daughter in the local post office, eyes sparkling through the slit in the balaclava haha.

    Think you're right CLP, a smile lifts your day. And if you're smiled at by an attractive someone, even better :-)

    Have a lovely time at the mini-meet today all.

    Off to practice my smile!!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 21.

    I made a man smile the other day - I accidently kicked him on the tube - it was busy - and I looked up to apologise and said sorry and he smiled at me.

    would have been really pleased but he looked a bit special and that he was dressed by his mum :-)

  • Comment number 22.

    Too right Clodagh.
    And I wouldn't find the Jack Nicholson "here's Johnny" smile too welcoming either!


  • Comment number 23.


    I agree you can't beat a lovely smile. I always try and answer the phone with a smile, you can tell if someone else does.

    Nice and sunny again in Kent, if not a little chilly. Lots of white fluffy clouds in the sky but I've yet to see a vapour trail! I'm of on hols three weeks tomorrow do you think it might be back to normal by then?

    Clodaugh, Good to see you back xx

    Seza, Hugs to you xx

    Matt, Forgot to say yesterday well done on the marathon, although you did confuse me as I thought it was the London Marathon and wondered why it wasn't on the telly....doh!

    Happy Mini Meet to those in Glasgow this afternoon xx

    Deev, Everything is crossed xx

    On my own in the office today as one colleague is 'up London and my YTS boy is stuck in Majorcia. He rang me all panicked as he couldn't get home, I think he was worried that he wouldn't get paid. Told him not to stress, he would get paid, and we'll see him when we see him. He said the first flight he has been given is the 27th April!! Come on God stop this volcano NOW!!

    Happy Tuesday

  • Comment number 24.

    Smiling is good, so here is a big smile from me to you :)

    Have been told I have lovely smile so I do try and use it and a Gail says better to be happy than grumpy!

    Boozy - hilarious and well done!

    Debbie - don't be scared by the changes, embrace them with open arms and think of the good things that will come!

    MK - a good start to your day!

    Beez - indeed, it makes people wonder what you have been up to!

    As x

    AF - hope you have perefected your smile!

  • Comment number 25.

    # 24, AF it should read perfected!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Now ali - if I were told that I would get paid for being stuck on holiday then I would love it!!

    Me and him were planning (well me actually and since before christmas) to go to Rome next month but not actually booked it - and now we might not go becuae of all the problems :-(

  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all

    What a happy uplifting blog this is this morning. ;)

    Welcome back clodagh, your tales as always are something special!

    Hope all has gone well for you Deev's, given the no of people rooting for you, it should be a doddle.

    Gorgeous blue sky here as well, which is also good for the soul.

    Smile - it confuses people!

    Happy Tuesday everyone!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi all

    I have a question for Bingo - if anybody at the mini meet can ask him I would be grateful.

    I have met a trucker in the hotel here and he is fascinated by my notebook - his question is can he use a bluetooth connection and voice activation on a notebook in his truck cab?

    Have a lovely time mini meeters.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Howaya Suzie, Ali, Andy and all, and thanks. It's great to be back, if not for long.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello Everyone,

    Reading all your posts has made me smile.

    Mcw x :0)

  • Comment number 31.

    Greetings Ter Christoof & ALL From Up North Ter ALL Bonnie Bloggeroons鈥

    Bingo Star ere鈥. Coming to yer from the most nice Wick ter Inverness railway line!!!! (a wrote this yesterdee so terdee am noot in Wick but pretend it waz yesterdee az terdee am posting yesterde's update terdee!!!!!
    Terdee's update a will post termozza noot terdee!!!!!!

    Forstly... CLP - A smile more than most... a wonder why most adults seem never ter smile unless they are drunk!!!!!!
    Maybe am just more childlike than most.... maybe am just lucky thatta can loook at the world with a younger attitude & noot let life's stresses get ter me!!!!!
    CLP a agree with all yer wreet above!!!!!
    Although being a capricorn... like it says in astro boook... uz capricorns can appear a little too serious at teems!!!!
    A am guilty of this someteems... az yer might ave noticed this with Tash being a capricorn & if she iz a typical capricorn!!!!!
    The one good thing about uz caps... az we get older... we actually lighten up & get younger az a think all astro signed dudes should... loook at the world through the eyes of a child... and suddenly life tastes sweeter!!!!!!!
    Az me rail trip updates suggest!!!!!
    'ow many teems do adults sit on a train & noot even notice anything outside the window!!!!

    Bingo Star鈥檚 BIG Rail Trip Dee 4 Update:

    So terdee ave decided ter travel az far north az iz possibly possible in the British Isles鈥 on the 180mile twisting single line form Inverness ter Thurso & Wick - Thurso being the furthest north station in the UK!!!!
    The last teem, and the first teem, a waz up ere waz when a waz 15, 22 years ago!!!!
    When a goot inter the Guiness Book Of Records & won the BR Young Super tRaveller Of TheYear award one of the prizes waz a free first class rail ticket anywhere of me choice for two people!!!!
    So did a choooze ter go from Liverpool ter Crewe??鈥 Nahh!!!
    Liverpool ter鈥. London???@?鈥 Nahhh!!!!!!!
    Ok鈥 Liverpool ter鈥. South London???@? Nahhh!!!!!!
    A chose me journey ter be Liverpool ter Liverpool!!!!!! Via London, Penzance (the furthest south station in the UK), Birmingham, Glasgow, Inverness, Thurso & Aberdeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!!!!!@!!@!!
    So much鈥 they struggled ter wree tall that on the special ticket!!!!!!!
    Ave told yer before on the blgo av enever done anything by 鈥檃lves!!!!
    And who did a drag along鈥 me mother鈥 who it nearly killed!!!!!

    When a used ter travel on the railways az a 鈥榦bby a wasn鈥檛 a train spotter but one thing a used ter do waz draw a line over a map of the UK rail network that a 鈥榓d travelled on鈥 try ter cover every line in the UK!!!!
    A did most but the Kyle Of Lochalsh a never goot ter do - until yesterdee鈥 and last teem a missed the bit from Georgmas Junction ter Wick until terdee!!!! (they used ter split the train at Georgmas - one bit ter Thurso the other ter Wick!!!)
    A remember last teem a came up ere鈥 it used ter be a loco 鈥榓uled train with 8 carriages!!!!
    鈥榓uled by a class26 diesel loco nicknamed Scottie Dogs鈥 az they were smaller than the bigger mainline diesels & noisy & mainly worked the scenic single line sof Scotland!!!!!
    Yer used ter ave a nice 6 seat compartment complete with a sliding window so yer could put yer 鈥榚ad out & take in the full view of the beautiful landscape & 鈥檈ar the monstrous roar of the locomotive echoing over the valleys!!!!!
    Nowadees all yer get iz a two carriage diesel sprinter, ok it鈥檚 comfy & of nice ambience, complete with at seat trolley service鈥 but no passion blog friends鈥 no passion!!!!!
    A did order a few drinks from the trolley dolly!!!!!
    She said would yer like anything off the trolley???@?
    A said 鈥淚 (Scottish I az in eye), a wee would, off the trolley iz wreet up my street!!!!鈥
    She said 鈥淚, no bother鈥 iz there anything you would yer like then??鈥
    A said with a smile 鈥渋f a can ave anything鈥 could a ave you then ????鈥
    She laughed and said 鈥測ou are off yer trolley!!!!!鈥
    A ended up with just a 鈥檕t chocolate!!!!! Noot over me 鈥檈ad thankfully!!!!!

    Last teem a waz up ere a remember it waz very wet鈥 in fact a 鈥榓d ter keep closing the sliding windows ter stop the persistant rain from getting in the compartmentation鈥 and the windows were steaming up it waz so cold outside but warm inside the carriage!!!!
    A don鈥檛 now, sorry know, why but a struggle ter remember most of the journey last teem except the boring bit over the baron moors鈥 don鈥檛 know why!!!!!
    But do remember the charismatic bit when yer leave Inverness & 鈥榰g the estuary complete with towering oil rigs parked up waiting ter be dragged out ter sea!!!!!!

    Terdee the journey although noot az amazing az yesterdee & at 4.5 鈥榦urs long each way鈥 it iz still spectacular鈥 in fact maybe am sort of spoilt after yesterdee amazing journey!!!!!
    Terdee the clickty clack of the still original 50 year plus old track winds it鈥檚 way through some beautiful valleys then 鈥檜gs the coast line before climbing over the bleak peat & bog moors ter the chilly small towns of Thurso & Wick!!!!!
    In fact the only problem鈥 a don鈥檛 now, sorry know, which side of the train ter loook out of az the view iz so amazing on either side of the trian鈥. Left, right, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left鈥 am feeling dizzy all!!!!!
    The amount of wildlife up ere iz interesting鈥 ave seen rabbits, many sheep & playful leaping lambs ter many large birds of prey!!!! Yer see so many maybe 鈥榓wks or falcons up ere roaming the 鈥榠lls or just sititng on telegraph poles!!!!!
    Also saw some strange looking animals up in the moors - looked like small deer but black with white underbelly!!!!
    Plus saw some 鈥榠ghland stsags leaping ove rth efence after straying onter the line and some what look like 鈥榠ghland cattle鈥 loook like 鈥榰ge bulls but brown with thick coars & 鈥榰ge 鈥榦rns!!!!!!

    All in all a really wonderful trip鈥 and terdee鈥檚 return ticket鈥. Only 21 quid - bargain for 360 miles or 9 鈥榦urs of rail travel!!!!!!
    And ave managed ter travel first class terdee for a standard class fare!!!!
    A made an observation yesterdee鈥 on the Kyle train part of the train iz first class yet yer can鈥檛 buy first class tickets鈥 so a realised they must use these trains for other routes鈥 but az yer can鈥檛 buy first ter Kyle Of Lochalsh & terdee鈥檚 trip鈥 yer can sit in first!!!!! NNYYAAAA!!!!!!!!!@!!@!!!!

    Last teem a waz up ere one memory that 鈥榓z stuck with me鈥 we arrived back at Inverness & changed train for the Aberdeen train, also a similar loco 鈥榓uled train!!!!!!
    A remember we bought some fish 鈥榥 chips & they were the best tasting fish 鈥榥 chips ave ever 鈥榓d鈥 a can still nearly taste them know, sorry now!!!!!
    A remember sitting in our compartment鈥 cold 鈥榚avy rain on the windows鈥 waiting for the train ter leave Inverness station鈥 eating fish 鈥榥 chips鈥.

    Know, now where iz that chippy in Inverness???????


  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon All,

    I have seen one plane flying at high altitiude this morning,I bet everyone on there was smiling for sure.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 33.


    I'd be scared to be on the first plane, my face would be ash-en.


  • Comment number 34.

    Good one Marjie - ash - en !! mind you, reckon I would be a tad nervous being the first one up there.

    Well the dust has arrived - my car is covered - bit late to take the "whites" washing off the line now !!!

    Nice update on the trip Bingo - you should be with our girls in Glasgow about now?

    Had a few hilarious texts from Annie last night on a "*@@@** boat in extremely rough sea" on her way to Stornoway with her mad friend. Having a fag, watching the waves with nothing but water around her she eventually sent me a - land ahoy thank God - text - followed by who's mad idea was this !!! Having met Annie's mad friend in Glasgow, I dare say she will have a few tales to tell.

    Thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel with all this work but it was just another darn train coming - oh well - onwards upwards and keep smiling :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh dear - I broke the blog. Hey ho - if no-one around - better spend a few minutes looking at shoes on the internet............ :))

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hey Beez

    I was just about to blog "Where is everybody?" It's been very quiet on here the past few days. Are they up to something that we don't know about, or haven't been invited too??

    Happy shoe shopping.


  • Comment number 37.

    beesmum - blog seems to have slowly petered out recently - is there any new blood out there that what to join in?

    what about people who used to join in - please come back -

    I know I left but I can't lurk if there is nothing to read!

  • Comment number 38.

    'Lo everybody

    I was just thinking the blog had been a bit busier today than it has been of late

    Baggy, Is good to see you back, even if it isn't everyday. Will you go for a UK break instead of rome now?

    Hope those bloggers meeting up today have a great time

    Off to cook early tea today. Mr Seza off to see a man about a violin!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Don't go too far - I know it is my bedtime now but I need something to read and comment on when I get up again.

    Look forward to reading everybody in the morning (later tonight for all of you....)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi, I'm lurking, but have a poor signal for posting. Having a great time though,and some pics on the other side! JG x

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh look - you have all appeared now and I've gone and spent a fortune on shoes again - totally impractical ones too :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Bingo your trip sounds fun, hope you have agood time in Glasgow with the laydeez!

    Laydeez - have a good time with Bingo ;)

    JG - liked the pic on other side of hubby & Finlay!

    MTD - any update on your journey home? Still the beginning of May?

    Beez - get on with your work!!

    Have spent an hour looking at houses near Coventry - each one I like gets dismissed by GGfor some reason or another! I mean, does it matter the house backs on to an industrial estate - it looks nice!! Think this could be a job for Phil & Kirstie, hang on just make it Phil and I'll be a happy lady :)

    Off to the theatre this evening to see FaceMan (Dirk???) from the A Team (loved the show) play Inspector Columbo - will I be able to guess whodunnit??!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 43.

    Baggy I think the problem is that now there are too many alternatives to the blog; possibly people are finding Twitter more instantaneous, I do feel CLP himself loves his Twitter. But as long as this 'ere blog is here, I'll probably dip in and out.

    The GD is threatenin' to bodily drag me down to the phone shop to fix me up with a raspberry so I can be a fully-fledged Twit; me, I'm just concerned I'll hack into Barack O'Bama's downstairs toilet or walk under the Luas whilst am Twittin'.

    As for Faceache; to be perfectly frank I can't be @**ed with it; it's all too complicated what with this thread an' that club, and I lose the will to live, plus am nervous about who's lookin', or who I've ignored. As I said, last time I Wrote on a Wall, Aunty Dot nearly flayed me alive an' I was all day wit the Swarfega.

    But time an' technology moves on, and so must we... just am exercisin' my right to choose. That's all.

    An' of course, am still here because I love yous lot. A kinder, sweeter gang of eejits you'll not find this side a the Irish Sea.


  • Comment number 44.

    Beez - pics needed of new shoes!! x

  • Comment number 45.

    Beez, I bought 6 pairs of shoes on Sunday but not sure I've got this right - none of them are for me!

    Did get a nice bag though!

    AS think i need Phil and Kirsty first - this house business will send me grey!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 46.

    OK AS - will do - will let you know when they arrive. I need to go to a party (or a wedding) for the one pair though !!! Can I stop work now :) ??

    Good luck with the house hunting - presume you can't move in with him as a temporary measure...Enjoy the theatre tonight.

    Just had a text from Gail
    "Hi from Glasgow from Gail, David, Mary, Bingo and Chrissie"
    a proper mini meet going on there

    Clodagh, - funny that - one of the bloggers said a wee while ago they preferred fb to the blog! I wouldn't dare start to twitter - I'd get no work done at all and I try not to look at fb until the evening.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 47.

    That's just wrong Seza - very very wrong !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Right - off to take the post to see if I get proposed to again - tee hee !! See you all later hopefully.

    Beez xx

    mutter mutter
    6 pairs and none for Seza - wrong wrong wrong :)

  • Comment number 49.

    Don't know why but I have a feeling Beez thinks Seza has done something wrong?

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Oh dear Chris..........

    How did it feel to wake up this morning with the realisation that you have now taken three peoples job's in as many years? JW was very graceful but hinted at his disgust in his book. TW is too much of a gent to say anything. But God bless Adrian for being less than diplomatic.

    You can't be everywhere Chris, and not everyone wants you everywhere anyway. This is just too much.

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh No, i think I've traumatised (sp?) Beez!

    Quick, I think I need to buy some new shoes to help her over the shock!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Evening gang!

    Thank for all the messages on FB and on here with the good luck vibes. So, I did my best, answered all the questions, asked some questions, engaged, nodded a lot, made the right noises (I think!) so now it's just that horrible waiting game. I have to say that the setting for the interview was one of the most impressive I have ever seen in my life. And I promise to reveal all as and when I can.

    Also been to 2 recruitment agencies in Brum this pm so feel tired and weary tonight. Why do interviews at recruitment agencies make you feel like a felon? Questions, questions, questions, hours of your time and then nada by way of results. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Right then, off for a nice steamy shower to scrub The Cityness off me.

    Normal service will resume tomorrow.


    PS: Happy Birthday Hellen! x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello Christos

    We're all entitled to our opinions - but I think that TW actually retired of his own free will - and if I'm correct JW (but not sure...)didn't want to continue 5 days per week after his illness and AC didn't lose his job - but decided to go after his working week was reduced from 5 to 4 days - but obviously has other things lined up... in my book that's not "taking" jobs off people - just making the most of his opportunities - after all - it's the 大象传媒's decision who actually replaces situations that are vacant - and I am quite sure, that as a large corporation, they have equal opportunity policy and procedures...

    Just expressing my own opinion...

    ... and welcome

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening peeps, hope you're all ok, wonder if the Glasgow mini meet is still in full swing? It's been sunny but freezing here in the 'burgh and there was even a few flakes of what looked suspiciously like snow!!!

    Loving the positive vibe of the blog today CLP, don't they say it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown?

    Glad the interview seemed to go ok Deevs, keeping everything crossed for you!

    Ali B you weren't the only one who thought that Matt was running the London Marathon!! I don't feel quite so foolish now...

    I'm also following CLP on Twitter, but don't really post much on there myself, I am officially addicted to FB though...

    Hi to everyone else I've not mentioned and who may still be lurking!


  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Rosie, Shall I ask how your house buying is going?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 56.


    It doesn't take much common sense to know that Chris is offered these jobs when they become vacant as he is the right man for the job.

    He has the charisma and fun personality which attracts the viewers and listeners, also the energy to do more than one job.

    Watch what will happen to Friday's hour long One Show and then you will understand.


  • Comment number 57.

    Hi Seza, it seems to be going according to plan, just waiting to hear back from my solicitor to say when I need to go and sign various bits and bobs (all of which I'm bound not to understand!!!).

    How is the house selling going? Any more viewings?


  • Comment number 58.

    Rosie, Glad to hear you're getting on well. We've had a few more viewings but not much else. We'll keep trying though!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 59.


    Mr Chiles has not done too badly for himself. He is going to be ITV's main football anchorman, starting off with the World Cup in South Africa. Nice work if you can get it.

    The main learning point for you, however, is that you never, ever criticise Chris Evans on this blog.

    Doing so will bring down the awesome wrath of the CLP Bloggers who will rip you to shreds for even suggesting that Chris Evans is not only the most talented man in the world, at everything, but also the most handsome, funniest and nicest person ever to walk the earth.

    You have been warned.

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all,

    Barney LOL ;-)


  • Comment number 61.

    Scarey bunch of huggers!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Should I have dropped the E in scarey?


  • Comment number 63.

    And another thing to make me smile: all UK airports reopening 2200 tonight (tweeted by CLP and confirmed on the 大象传媒 website)! So hopefully people stranded overseas can start to head homewards, hope the volcano behaves itself for the next few weeks so I can get to Sweden for my 30th...

    Lol Barney, think you make a fair point about AC though...


  • Comment number 64.

    There will be a lot less of me on here over the next few months, not for any other reason than I have got a lot of garden to tend and that is my real passion.

    Winter months drag by, and the recent weather must have held lots of gardeners back. So maybe some other bloggers are busy out there too.

    I cant blog while working, for obvious reasons, but will be rushing back to share anything new that I might see on my nature watch.

    Tiggs... latest swan update is, that Mr Swan is now sitting a few feet way from the nest, so any close up shots might involve the zoom, for matters of self preservation!!

    Camera is on charge for tomorrow, as I think cygnets should appear any day.

    Right, suggestions please. We are picking our new family car up on 1st of May. Mr Mobs fancies a couple of days to get away from it all and give the car an outing, to get used to it.

    So, as we live in the West Country, we would like to head in a slightly different direction. It is a Bank holiday (a silly one really as you cant go too far as back to work on tuesday) so I know it will be busy.

    What has everyone got planned for the B/H?


  • Comment number 65.

    MTF, We haven't got anything planned yet.

    What do you fancy doing?

    Did you hear about the swan attacking rowers on the river Cam?


  • Comment number 66.


    Well said - how very dare he!


  • Comment number 67.

    Getting away from it all Seza, maybe a B/H isnt the time to do it!

    No, I didnt hear about that, but birds do get a bit protective this time of the year.

    Have loved your CDWM updates, we talked about it on Saturday at mini meet and all agreed what a lovely family thing to do.

    Am I right in thinking that you didn't win ? ;)


  • Comment number 68.

    Evening all.

    Not got a lot to tell you but I have managed to catch up with the blog on the way home tonight. Enjoyed reading Bingo's travel diaries. I must make that journey some day. Thanks for sharing.

    Lovely to see you pop in AF. I've missed you!

    I've started making something of the garden. As you know I moved in with Mr Pip last August. He'd been in the house for 3 years prior to that. We were in the garden at the weekend and one of the old dears out the back peered over the fence and said 'it's good to see you doing something with the garden - the fella who used to live there never bothered!' - I could have wet myself with laughter!

    Right I'm off. It's been a long week - London yesterday, Leeds today, Manchester tomorrow and Lincoln on Thursday! Looking forward to a day at home on Friday.

    Night all!


  • Comment number 69.

    No MTF, I didn't win ;-) How could I when I know everyone's likes & dislikes and cook so much!

    Think it was much better that one of the boys won.

    There's always next time!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Pretty sure I'll be working the next B/H weekend, but then I have the second half of may and the first week of June off... not going away in June but fingers crossed will be moving and settling into my new home....

    Not sure where to suggest for a B/H mini getaway MTF, as you say maybe not the best time to go away... think you'd better avoid anywhere that involves negotiating a motorway!


  • Comment number 71.

    Coo Pip, you are getting about. Take care.


  • Comment number 72.

    Hope you get suitably rewarded Rosie for working.

    Seza you were just doing what Mums do.x

    Mine are 17 and 19 this year and I still turn over their H/M cards to see how much they cost ;)


  • Comment number 73.

    MTF It was a pleasure.

    Just waiting to see who is the first to offer to cook next time!

    Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Night Seza.x

  • Comment number 75.

    Evening All -
    Christos yes Barney is right - you will be boiled alive and eaten here!! Just kidding - everyone is entitled to opinion and good you put here to make your point. Years ago I used to turn CLP off - so over the top not my thing at the time but now - totally different - loving the energy put over in a different way.

    Just off to load d/w - will catch up more in a bit but yes Seza - big trauma - go buy shoes for you.....

    Beez xxx
    mutter mutter...
    not right ... just not right....6 pairs .... not right.........

  • Comment number 76.

    You only have 2 feet, you only need one pair!

    Its a bit like cars, you can only drive one at a time!

    Now then Christos and Barney, stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    My comment will cause much more wrath than anything you have previously posted!!

    In fact, I may well go into hiding right now.

    Crumpy, if I dont get back here...

    Have a lovely Birthday.


  • Comment number 77.


    Careful, your comment regarding cars could be construed as a criticism of CLP, and we all know where that leads, don't we?

  • Comment number 78.

    A double entendre perchance Barney!

    MTF. Living life on a knife edge!!

  • Comment number 79.

    Caught up just about!!

    First off - Deevs - was thinking about you and had to put something here - just at 11 ish and blow me down with a feather duster - got number 13 - my lucky number!

    #53 Suzie totally agree - but we think alike anyway!!!

    Rosie - yup more muscles to frown than smile. Hope the move is soon signed up. Much more sensible the way you do that stuff in Scotland.

    Still all crossed for you too Seza - lovely house - perhaps the spring will bring in a few more serious movers. I would buy it!!

    MTF - you know you burn the midnight oil in the summer - even though you have been working in the garden!! Watch those swans if dad has moved in close - they get really agressive when wee ones about to appear! Hence the rowers plight - just keep clear - rowers - don't do anything drastic - right now it is his water space - swans mate for life.
    Oh yes and 2 cars are sometimes useful - warning light on Mr B's car - garage no idea but could do with checking - offered mine (yikes) but no -not been in it - driven it - daren't go near it!! I may have to do the client appointment tomorrow!! Yay........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Mind you Barney - if I had a garage full of Ferraris ---- eeny meeny miny mo.............
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Just poping in the blog ter add ter whatta said before ter CLP's 'Smile' blog terdee.....

    CLP - Ave 'ad teem ter think about the problem yer experience with this un-smilin gbloke every morning... it goot me thinking......

    'ow do yer manage ter see 'im if yer being whisked/ chaufuered in & out of London either in yer low down ter the road Ferrari.... or yer BIG Phantom Menace, sorry Rolls Royce Phantom???????????

    It goot me thinking.... also why do yer see this un'appy bloke every morning???????

    Then it 'it me & 'it me BIG CLP...... obviously 'e must be a BIG fan of yours.... yer see 'im every morning so 'e must be following yer... a mean who else iz on the road at 6am.... and a think the reason for 'im being un'appy.... 'e iz trying ter get yer DAMN IT 'graph signed EVERY single DAMN IT morning but 'e fails!!!!!!!!

    Know, sorry now that would make my sparkling white knashers invisable ter the world!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS Also ter add te rme earlier commentations... Janet Street-Porter... now there's a capricorn who waz never afraid ter share 'er mouth in more ways than one!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 82.

    PS Just wanted ter add ter 'elen Bach..... bit late in the dee... but just noticed it's yer birthdee.... can a wish yer.....

    'APPY BIRTHDEE GREETINGS IN ALL AREAS POSSIBLY POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!!!!!@!!!!!

    Nite again!!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Phew, think that Beez missed the shoe comment!


  • Comment number 84.

    Forget Ferraris - I'll keep my yellow Lamborghini!


  • Comment number 85.

    Nope MTF didn't miss only 2 feet but - hot and bothered - flip flops - smart - courts - evening out - killers - evening in - erm...........fill in the blanks as appropriate :)
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 86.

    And your incy wincy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini Marjie?


  • Comment number 87.

    Fair comment Beez, my feet do prefer flip flops.xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Blimey Bingo - you are still sober after an afternoon/evening with the Glasgow girls? I wouldn't have been capable of finding my laptop - let alone typing on it!! Well done you!!

    MarjieK - get rid of it - yellow a bad colour for cars!!

    Really going now.. Night night smiley peeps

    Keep smiling xc

    Beez xx

    ... 6 pairs.....sigh......

  • Comment number 89.

    Woo hoo getting as bad as Bingo - wishing Deev luck and hitting the posts with my lucky number 13 and now I get the ultimate Chinese good number 8 x 2 !!

    Night night again

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.


    I've managed to finally pop in this week and stumbled across some controversy.
    I read up as far as I needed to, to read the wholly inaccurate attack on Chris.
    Fear not Barney...I won't attack, you've taught me that not every moaning old git on here is necessarily out to attack Chris.

    I would say though, that even if you take the points made by ChristoAndros as fact. Those that made the decisions to chuck out the old and replace with Chris, made the right decisions and were very soon vindicated. Listener figures up in both cases despite the predictions by Chris' biggest fans (me included).
    The were also correct (in my humble opinion) in how they dealt with the poor old d.j's that Chris muscled out.
    Both JW and TW's shows are far superior to anything they have done before (again, imho) and make R2 destination listening on a Sunday in a way that very few other broadcasters have managed.

    There you go, I'm back and talking as much effluent as ever......

    In other news - Just knocked down our old lean to in preparation for the extension that we have planned for nearly three years now.
    Lord knows how we'll pay for it, but where there's a will and all that!

    We are also taking the boys to play at Twickenham on Saturday, so if you are watching the Wasps v Bath game, look out for some seven year olds doing their best impression of headless chickens at half time :)

    Hope that every single one of you are tip top and will now skulk away to catch up on about four days worth of missed posts!
    Well - maybe tomorrow


    Ooh - Happy Birthday Crumps xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Left my itzy bitzy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini with Fred MTF.

    No back seat in Lamborghini.


  • Comment number 92.

    Lucky Fred Marjie.

    And well done on correction of words, I just knew it didn't look right, but it sort of went with Lamborghini.

    Early start so must pop off now.

    BTW, who is Fred?


  • Comment number 93.

    I think I might have had spiders on my mind!

  • Comment number 94.

    Seven Little Girls Sitting In The Back Seat, Kissing And A-Hugging With Fred. Got my songs confused MTF.

    Must be time for my bed.

    Night All.


  • Comment number 95.

    LOL, Marjie, what a pair we are.

    Night night.


  • Comment number 96.

    Moments like these....


  • Comment number 97.

    Priceless Indeed MTF

    May be laughing all night


  • Comment number 98.

    Noooo, Marjie, you must get some sleep!

    Me too, night night.


  • Comment number 99.

    Or shall we bust the 100 mark?

  • Comment number 100.

    Why not!

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