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Somedays Sometimes...

Chris Evans | 10:10 UK time, Thursday, 22 April 2010

Just the best mood in work today. Yes the sun is shining, yes it's Thursday but there's something else going on. I have no idea what it is but it's definitely there.

Just been taken through latest website stats. All doubled or more. Thanks everyone! They peaked with the arrival on planet earth of one Noah Nicholas Martin Evans. He had over a million hits, bless him.

Loved the caravan, roof tent, trailer tent stuff this morning - more tomorrow please. . .

. . . I go home to edit now. I will be in my hovel till 5 p.m. If you see my wife in the meantime, please give her my love.





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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLPP - not had a chance to listen this am - so will wait eagerly for it to be on listen again,

    glad your stats are up! oo er missus!

    Right off to catch up


  • Comment number 3.

    Hmmm CLPP - comon you lot - what could CLPs extra P be! LOL

  • Comment number 4.


    Well, we do our best don't you know...

    Talkin' of the website, that gymnastics video is a right tonic. If laughter is our natural medicine, check that out. Cure a wooden leg, that would.

    Mind you. A word to the wise. Don't watch it whilst eatin' peanuts unless yous are in the company of somebody fully au fait wit the Heimlich Manoeuvre.


  • Comment number 5.

    Chris, lovely day here again. if I see your wife I will pass message on. See you got in first Bingo - glad you enjoyed your rail holiday - are you still with your girlfriend.

  • Comment number 6.

    ...An' as for the awnin' stories; don't get me started......most of my childhood memories involve caravan awnin's in some way or other, jayzus..

    Off to Liverpool, see yous later.


  • Comment number 7.

    CLP - Gotta feeling terdee iz feeeling godd az it's the #22 dee of the month!!!!!
    This could be the reason!!!!

    Az for seeing tash... never ave CLP... neve rave or INDEED Noah!!!!!!
    Where do yer wreckon a might bump inter them..... Selfridges or down the golf range 'itting a few down the middle???????????????????

    Talkin' of #22.... still noot put me full Oulton Park race report from Oulton Park over the bank 'olidee weekend!!!!!!
    A made some VERY interesting observations.... spotted a new F1 star of the future.... and interesting observations regarding car #22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A will ban git on soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Comment number 8.

    I have a question to make you think

    we recieved a letter for the previous occupier (we have been in out house for nearly 4 years), so I crossed it not at this address and popped in box in London, 2 days later its come back to us!

    What do I do?

  • Comment number 9.

    Hallo,Wie Geht's?

    LOL Bingo & Debs.

    Of course Noah is up there Chris, he's so cute, reminds me of mine at that age. Enjoy before he starts asking for his own Ferrari.

    Gotta to go to Iceland, (not Eyjafjallajokull)



  • Comment number 10.

    My car is in for a service today so my Mum gave me a lift into work. She had your show on this morning so were discussing caravans and folding tents. My friends from church have a folding tent and my aunt and uncle used to have a trailer tent.

    We have a tent when we go camping :)

  • Comment number 11.


    As Elvis said "Return to Sender, Address Unknown aha"


  • Comment number 12.

    CLP, Glad everything is OK with you. Show is great.

    Throw it away if there is no return to sender address. You can hardly open it to find out who it is from can you.
    We still get phone calls here from the likes of British Gas (Other gas companies are available) for the couple who lived here before us. We move here in 1995!

    Best wishes to all.
    Thunder - A survivor of "ladies wot lunch"

  • Comment number 13.

    you did didnt you!

    And very nice it was to have you there


  • Comment number 14.

    PS CLP - 'pologies ter CLP, the blog ploice & ALL Bloggies... Serious speelling errors there... well space errors.... when a say well space errors a don't well placed errors... although some might say even though they are noot well placed actually they are well placed az they read different things ter what they are meant ter read & could actually be seen az funny even though they are noot meant ter be funny even though they are funny... if yerv gotta sense of 'umour that iz otherwise what iz fuuny ter some even though they were noot meant ter be funny but are funny might noot be funny!!!!!
    A meant ter say 'never ave' noot 'neve rave' & 'bang it' noot 'ban git' az in ban the old gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 15.

    LOL Thunder, we still get phone calls from some friends of our previous homeowners.

    We moved here in 1998, so maybe their freindship wasn't up to much eh!

    When I used to reply, that they had moved 2,3 or maybe 4 years ago,it didn't seem too bad, but now, when I have to say they moved out over 12 years ago, I feel a bit awkward!

    Luckily they only moved next door, but then is the next problem! If they havent heard from one another fo so long, do I pass their new details on ?

    What I normally do is take their number and ask if I can pass it on and leave it for my neighbours to decide.

    Morning all, thats my 5 minute break over, back to the digging.

    Its starting to look good. My petunias are in full bloom, lovely .

    Lots of butterflies around for April.

    Cheerio for now.


  • Comment number 16.

    Must admit a do feeel extra MAD terdee!!!!!!!

    CLP iz correeect there iz something in the air terdee.... maybe we all ave been weaned off aviation fuel fumes.... and know, sorry, now all the aircraft are airbourne again pumping out their pollution.... it's making uz feeel.... MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@@!@!@!@!@!!!
    (PS A love the smell of aviation fuel when yer near an airport... man a wish a could ave been a pilot... it's noot just the noise... the thrust... being up in the clouds all dee... but the smell of the fuel... LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact am feeeling so extra MAD terdee..... a wish a 'ad ave gotta job working @ R2.... terdee iz the kind of dee a would feeel like doing something crayzeee like returning from me lunch break in a electric wheel chair complete with left leg in a plaster cast.... even though there's nowt wrong with me!!!!!
    Imagine the sympathy a would get from all... but the praise from The Shennan (R2 Main Man)... for returning ter work so fast after breaking a leg!!!!!!!!
    A would just shrug me shoulders and say.... well they say in showbizz.... 'break a leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


  • Comment number 17.

    Hi and bye Debs, missed you all week.xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi MTF - well you know, cant be on here when I'm up darn essex - got a new boss to impress!

    Not really working today - just a few initial phone interviews so can potter around catching up on here!

    Right off to sort some lunch out.....


  • Comment number 19.

    Morning - or rather afternoon all. Don't know about a good day Christoph - everything I touch is going haywire.

    elh is broken and wont accept my card payment - technical difficulties apparently so I thought rightyho get some work done - erm - started to but now got to re-boot the whole darn thing - not fired up correctly, so not recognising printer/scanner/anything at all in fact. Oh Joy !!

    At least the sun is shining and I am happy :)

    See you later smiley peeps

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 20.

    PS ALL - Me #16... if a did end up in front of R2 boss The Shennan az meantioned above... in a plaster cast.... it could bring new meaning ter.... crawling ter the boss.... LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS Bob Shennan from the Wirral... 100% TRUE... a believe!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon everyone. I hope this evening's debate is better than last week. I was sorely disappointed when Compo, Foggy and Cleggy didn't slide down a Yorkshire hill in a tin bath like they usually do.

    Barmy. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    my job advert for what i need but will never get:

    Needed: one gopher - must speak French and German and be able to talk to Americans without wanting to rip their heads off. Must understand that everything needs to be done yesterday and that evenings and weekends are a chance to work at home rather in the office. Pay is minimal but you get as much tea and coffee as you like. You must always smile, be happy and ready to help, even when you are knee deep in lots of other things. Your time is not important and is there to be wasted by as many people as possible

    Any applicants?

  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon each!

    Long time no blog, need about 35 hrs in the day at the moment but have been keepig up with all your shenanigans!

    Deevs..rubbish, them not you! If you could get further North without needing oxygen i`d give you a job tomorrow! Others have said it better but keep smiling x

    Deebee..sorry to hear about your loss x

    Matt, well done on the run -great to hear you enjoyed it!

    Crumpy - belated greetings for yesterday! x

    mtd - good luck with the return journey..enjoy the rest of your break!

    Oh, so much more to say and no time but just wanted to say heelllloooo...and that you lot are keeping me sane..and that takes some doing i tell you!

    Take care all..

    mSc x

    PS - thanks to Pen?/GR and JG who suggested hotels for Goodwood, i did of course mean the Festival of Speed in July,not the Revival in Sept got all me dates/names mixed up..no change there!

  • Comment number 24.


    Beez - have a cuppa, cigarette,and deep breath then if no joy with computer then s@d it for the day!

    Baggy - thanks but no thanks! The home and weekend working really puts me off :)

    Debs - hope the new boss is worth impressing.

    MTF - are they trailing petunias? Lovely flower although I always forget to dead head mine!

    AS (who despite it being a lovely sunny day is blooming cold!) x

  • Comment number 25.

    #22 Baggy - sounds like a job spec for the average PA role, but I object to being called a gopher!


  • Comment number 26.

    Hi everyone

    Been to Lichfield this morning to see another agency. I think I'm now on every agency's books within a 25 mile radius! Something's gotta happen soon or else I'll be tempted to throw myself out of the dining window, head first onto the patio 6 inches below .....

    Oh, and I've falled in love with Lichfield. Tis beautiful!

    Have also emailed every ex boss from the the last 12 years asking if they would be so kind as to provide a brief testimonial for me to include within my CV.

    Other than that, the sun is out and it's curried lamb shanks for 'us tea here at ChezNic.

    Himself is orf to the gym this arvo so I shall mainly be catching up with Desperate Housewives, willing the phone to ring.

    As you were .....



  • Comment number 27.

    gophers are cute and cuddily

    I am more a man Friday

  • Comment number 28.

    A man Friday? I want my man seven days a week!


  • Comment number 29.

    I'm lucky if I get that at the moment :-(

    Sorry - will take it off blog and back into my head!

  • Comment number 30.

    PS - is it wrong to want to walk out of work and hit the pub?

  • Comment number 31.

    AS - my computer now working but elh still don't want my card payment. Still having technical problems. I can see me shopping this week-end -grrrr always spend too much in waitr@se.

    Baggy - I would be ideal for that job - don't speak French or German, would happily rip their heads off, I'd be delighted to take work home - leave on laptop and pick up next day totally untouched, and can easily put off to tomorrow what should have been done today. One drawback - I'd have to smile :)

    Helllooo Scoobs :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Last one to the bar's a sissy ......


  • Comment number 33.

    ha ha ha ha ha !! the machines are fighting back!!

    elh switchboard now jammed with calls and the tech guys are still working on the problem - yeh right - and don't you hate it when they talk on the phone and when they can't think of anything to say - go tsk tsk tsk tsk - that stupid hissing sound - what are you ? a train? - grrrrrrr.

    So - go on to another site to process some stuff - "unfortunately an error has occurred whilst processing your request and the system is unavailable"

    I'd go and do some ironing but the iron would probably explode.

    I'm laughing now - hysterically...c'mon Baggy, Deevs - Pub right now

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 34.


    It's georgeous out there if not a tad chilly.

    Baggy, That job sounds more exciting that then one I had to do this morning - clean the church - as well as what I normally have to do there on a Thursday morning. The cleaner is in the USofA, so looks like I might have to do it next week as well, as she is stuck there for a bit longer.

    Scoobs, Good to see you xx Sorry you are up to your eyes in it xx

    Chris, I go camping every year with 30+ teenagers and we are all under canvas a well. I used to borrow the ministers caravan, but one year I couldn't and found that actually there was more room in a tent! Strange but 100% true!

    A Happy Thirsty Thursday to everyone else.


  • Comment number 35.

    Girls count me in for the pub! Am just heading out the door now!

    Beez - apparently according to the Daily Mail website McAffee has a problem, not sure that helps you but thought I'd share that nugget of useless info with you!

    Hiya Scoobs :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 36.

    Ali - my ideal assistant has to empty the dishwasher on occassion and make me tea on demand - but I only ask every couple of weeks!

  • Comment number 37.


    I make an excellent cuppa, even if I do say so myself :)


  • Comment number 38.

    Ali - your hired - now I just need a budget, permission to hire you, a new table/ chair etc

  • Comment number 39.

    it would really help if the person I hired knew more about international accounting then I do (that wouldn't be hard) and loved doing payroll and invoicing (deev - thats probably you out!)

  • Comment number 40.

    AS - I hope he is worth impressing too! that'll be me in or out of a job depending! Us freelancers are only as good as our last task.....

    Right - where's the pub - its thirsty thursday so I'm on my way!!!


  • Comment number 41.

    I ahve already ordered a large glass of chilled rose to be waiting at the door with the man I love (and luckily thats the man I married) for when I get home.

  • Comment number 42.

    Good for you Baggy - hope its a very large glass of rose! I'm sure Mr Bag will there with a hug and kiss to blow your stressful day away :)

    Debs, fingers crossed! best make the next task a belter :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 43.

    sorry - thanks everyone for the messages

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - patronizing (delibrate misspelling) American just said I was right - I asked if I could have that in writing!

  • Comment number 44.

    OOOOhhhh I just composed a perfectly logical post which I managed to delete and I can't remember what I said.

    the main jist is that it is 11.25 pm here in Shanghai and I have had a few red wines.....

    anyhooo. Can I do the gopher job Baggy? the only caveat is that I do not do the commuting thing so I have to work from home.....

    What is it with the late night disco music being played now??? It's only 4.30 there!!!!!!

    Stuck in China.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    AS - will keep trying!

    So, excited of Bristol here - got 2 days out planned for June, Portsmouth and Leeds - whoo hoo! and just to let everyone know, I've ordered the weather so make sure you have sunscreen on! Comon everyone, get on line and get booked up, my ticket from bris to portsmouth was £22 return - 100% TRUE!

    At this rate, I'll be turning into Bingo!

    Baggy - enjoy your rose!

    mtd - what news of coming home?

    everyone else, have a nice evening and catch you tomorrow


  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Debs

    Still here until star wars day at the moment......

    waiting to hear if we can get back any earlier. never mind tho we are having a good time and making new friends.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    In fact I have just thought - the cost of my train to Portsmouth and back is less than the cost of a taxi from my house 6 miles into Bristol - also 100% TRUE!


  • Comment number 48.

    I'm bored!

  • Comment number 49.

    Aww Deevs

    Wanna play I spy?????

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs - I need inspiration for dins tonight - meat got to come out of freezer - got lamb chops, steak, mince, gammon steaks, chicken breast, and some fish too.

    Beez xx

    elh finally accepted my payment - woo hoo and aviva let me on to their site too - whoopee doo!!

  • Comment number 51.

    mtd - Nic's "mini-me" challenged me to a game of ispy recently whilst Nic was getting fuel. I said he could go first, and he yelled at me "I spy with my little eye something beginning with ....... red!"

    Hmmm. Different!

    Beez - don't you defrost meat during the day? I'm not a fan of defrosting in the microwave.

    We've got indian spiced lamb shanks tonight - they cooked them on This Morning yesterday and I could almost smell them coming thru the tellybox! They take about 3 hours so off to start those in a minute.

    Failing that, how about chicken breasts stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon. Delish!

    Working day almost over so I guess I can stop glaring at my mobile and obsessing over my Hotmail account.

    Deevs x

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi Beez

    If it is for tonight, it is prob too late to take out of freezer. so I'd recommend Pizza or chinky... if Mr Beez would accept that.........

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Deev - I'm a terror for defrosting everything last minute in the microwave - mainly because I may fancy something for supper/tea/dinner in the morning and don't fancy it when evening comes around.

    Fancy the chicken breasts - what sort of cheese?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 54.

    MTD - had one take away this week - don't like to have more than one.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 55.

    It works well with philly with garlic and herbs, or mozarella. then when you cut into the chicken breasts the cheesey bit is all creamy runny and very very hot. and the bacon you wrap it in helps if its smoked bacon. i've done it once for nic and he was bowled over (stuffed chicken breasts woman ...!)

    i went to a fab butchers this morning - it's a local farm shop. got the shanks for tonight, some hand-made smoked bacon and leek sausages for tomorrow and a lovely bit of brisket to be slow-cooked on saturday.

    sorry for no caps - cba to hit the shift key!


  • Comment number 56.

    Oh dear - nowhere near a microwave or cooker.... what a shame.....

    btw what did begin with red???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    lol mtd - it was the sign of the petrol garage. never done ispy in colours before - you should try it! x

  • Comment number 58.

    Excellent Deevs - can pick up the cheese on my way back from the post and got some of my butchers lovely bacon.

    Just done a deal - tee hee! - Mr B's car not well and took to garage this afternoon - they have lent him a wee colt - the car type not the horse. Can't cope with manual cars so he's left it for me to drive and gone off to MIL's in mine - but - after all my gadding about last week-end - mine on vapours - wonder how much petrol he will put in - told him it was empty just as he was driving off.... :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    D'ya know what, I filled the Micra up earlier before invading Lichfield. For the first time ever it went over the £40 mark.

    I was horrified!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Deevs - I have a tanker following mine.....

    The day just gets better - may get a free tank of petrol and two pairs of the shoes I ordered have arrived.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Way to go Beez! I'm still waiting for the Racing Grannies I ordered the other day. Hoping they're here by Saturday when the little fella arrives.

    Off to do something amazing with lamb shanks. Back later when they're cooking.


  • Comment number 62.

    Off to do a bit of double declutching, take the post and make a phone call.

    Laters smiley peeps :)

    Beez xx

    mtd - hope you have gone to bed now - it's late !!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks for keeping up Beez - I'm still here at the moment 12.45 am.....

    The OH has gone out for a ciggie so I am listening to SM....

    Just got an email from the boss - seems to think that coz the news says that everything is OK - we can get back ...... Still on for star wars day at the moment.............

    OOOOOOh Scouting for Girls - O2 memories..................

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Will post this in bits. Deev, don't give up hun, you'll get something you love! Baggy, enjoy your wine! Oh and please don't mention fuel costs, Mr JG's audi is very thirsty on winding lanes, and petrol even dearer in the sticks!

  • Comment number 65.

    Anyhow, we're having a great time. Really couldn't have hoped for better weather! It's been warmer today as well. Sat in the garden now watching the birds and drinking wine! Catch you all soon! JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Deevs - you should really change tack and get a job as a cookery summat!!!

    and racing grannies? Do we need photos on t'other side - is it legal???

    And Beezles - or anyone - what is double de-clutching? eh??? (puzzled look)

    right on the tea note - off to make bacon, leeks and pasta in a cheese sauce - and hide from the man who has come round to sell me cheaper electricity - told him I was the cleaner earlier - now he is back - help!

    hiding debs

  • Comment number 67.

    Debs - you must have heard of double de clutching - not something that youngsters like you or I would have had to do .... (soorrry Beez).

    Had tea ages ago - now 1.15 am.... just letting OH get to sleep before I start snoring. Nice to listen to SM tho...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.


    Us VAV's appear to have disappeared from the Beeb radar... If there are at least 10 of us in this hotel there must be many more around the world...

    Keep us there please.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Right, shanks gently simmering in a spicy, coconutty saucey mixture. They smell divine - just gotta wait until 8.30 to taste them .......

    Debs, I like the idea of being a cookery summat or other. Menu planner? Private caterer for ladies wot lunch but don't like cooking? Or I could just sit here watching daytime quiz shows eating biscuits? Maybe not.

    Racing Grannies: check out IWOOT dot com. Last weekend Nic's ickle mini-me "invented" a game called Granny Hockey, and then proceeded to have me and his dad in fits as he showed us how grannies would shuffle around the pitch waving their walking sticks in the air, and then striking the ball with their sticks. Bless him - he was doubled up with the giggles. So, I've ordered 2 clockwork Racing Grannies in the hope they're here by Saturday when little man arrives at the door. They are wind-up toys that race each other, complete withi zimmer frames. Genius!

    Almost as good as ispy with colours!


  • Comment number 70.

    LOL Deevs - that is a classic image.....

    Oh well time for bed tonight.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    nitey nite mtd. sweet dreams x

  • Comment number 72.

    My eyes are watering watching The One Show .... a bunionectomy!?!?



  • Comment number 73.

    Hello Everyone

    How are you?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh bloody hell! I'm sorry modders but please let me swear for once. Pretty please? I thought not having Sky I wouldn't have to watch the three stooges. It's on flippin freeview!!!
    Just in case I am modded will continue seperately.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 75.

    This is worse than me yelling at QT - I've already smacked fish face with a wet kipper. Please - nooooooooooo!! so far - same result as the last one with dave making ground and that's all I'll say.

    Deev - yummy yummy yummy and the smoked bacon made it. Toss up between picking up the mozza or philly with chives so went for the philly with chives and put a stack of garlic in it. Did my version of dauphy spuds with it. Dread to think how many calories I have consumed but well tasty. Thank you xxxx

    MTD - late one tonight naughty girl!!

    Hi Seza - fine thank you - how about you?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Lol Beez I've got it on too... is it just me or is GB just resorting to attacking the other two rather than putting forward much in the way of policy???


    PS Hello everyone!!

  • Comment number 77.

    I'm fine thanks Beez, Am avoiding the terrible trio and watching NCIS instead!

    Have made something like that chicken before, very yummy!

    Still haven't got any shoes!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Not a bunnyectomy, as I first read it!



  • Comment number 79.


    My telly is emitting a funny smell again, did it same time last week ?
    What a coincidence.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 80.

    MC, tried to comment on fb posting?


  • Comment number 81.

    Me too, MTF! I was a bit worried!

    Going to turn this off to go sort washing out

    Sleep Well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi MTF , is on not working? cant "see " you .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Got it in one Rosie.. same old ... only Nick has said after 13 years.... even the dog has started barking at him!!!

    Seza - have had 2 pairs delivered today - you can try on if you want to???
    Never been in to stuffing tomatoes and the like before now but that stuffed chicken - yum - well worth the sticky fingers and mess I made!!

    LOL MTF and MC!!!

    Does this mean I can now watch outnumbered? - have they done? - thank goodness for that! shurrup gb - you wrecked it all and you've just lost it.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    MC, are you doing duck impressions?


  • Comment number 85.

    Hello Chris and all…

    Yes… I have adopted (?) my real name and dropped the boozy and Suzie… just plain old Suzanne now… well – it’s been with me everyday for the past (ahem) years… so why not here…

    You’re right Chris – today promised to be lovely… and it lived up to it!

    Not surprised that the web stats had a huge surge when little Noah was born - like any new baby, his arrival was anticipated by many, and you were so wonderfully inclusive in sharing this special event with us all…

    Regarding camping, caravan, tent, mobile homes – and backpacking… encountered elements of them all during my travels - except the roof tent – slept on a few roofs though – but that’s another story! You know, I always dreaded these holidays, but they all turned out to be experiences that I will never forget.

    Good luck for the One Show… you’ll win them over kiddo!

    Suz xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Has fb broken MTF ? Just off to check. Probably all making comments about this flippin programme.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 87.

    MTF, no i'm sat on my sofa typing to you . You've got me confuzzled now .I'm a chocolate fountain !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Ok well TV survived the "debate"... but only just!!!


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Suzie xx Must admit never done the tent thing - did the caravan thing once - never again. Think I was the original Princess and the Pea!! Like my comfort..
    Talking about video - must watch the cricket after Outnumbered.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.

    We have ahd a post saying you like putting 2 pringles in your mouth and pretend to be a duck, I went to like it and comment, but it had no comment.

    Bit odd, wasn't sure if it might be another of those virusses doing the rounds.xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Theres another similar one with Cathmel now!


  • Comment number 92.

    Rosie - take big yoga breaths -I have!
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Beez... yes - agreed - generally it's the "P" that's the problem when camping!!!

    Suz xx

  • Comment number 94.

    My point exactly Suz !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    MTF, I did see it on someone elses profile and noticed that i couldnt comment , dont know how it got on my profile, Have deleted it in case its a sign that the yellow van people are on their way ..... again !

    Am off to lock the doors and hide under the duvet.

    Happy Friday folks, i need a Candy Man fix ...

    MC xx

  • Comment number 96.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 97.

    I know I have a virus... hope it's not my fault!

  • Comment number 98.

    What's happened? Must admit - I delete most farm/etc stuff since being told how to and if anything pops up to say - allow or join - cancel straight away!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Beez... seems there is a virus doing the rounds on FB...

  • Comment number 100.

    Ok, I have had comment removed at my request for using a personal name.

    If you see a post with just LIKE and no comment option, it is likely that the person linked to it didn't put it there.

    Just ignore it.

    I put LIKE on the one I saw and now my puter keeps crashing. I hope my antivirus is doing what its paid to do hence the shut down. I seem to be getting back here eventually.



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