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Journalist In The Car - Beware Or Not.

Chris Evans | 11:27 UK time, Monday, 18 October 2010

The man's name Cole Moreton - freelance writer for The Mail - Live magazine.

I was gonna do the the interview at Radio 2. But it just seemed too small and too something else - I'm not quite sure exactly - just not right today for a long and meaningful "chat".

This bloke used to be in radio, or has at least dabbled, and seems to be "on side". Not that this matters, but it is merely an observation that one makes upon first meeting a print interviewer.

Anyway, from the bustling West End, we now find ourselves parked up outside the "F" garage in Egham. We're risking the stereotypical, me at super car garage, but the fact is I come here to see my mate Morgs for a coffee every Monday, whilst Tash takes Noah swimming.

So, here we go and I'll let you know.





  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    Mange Tout CLP!

    Beware the Daily Mail hack - they're a dangerous breed. Just ask auld Rusty Brand ....! ;-)

    Thanks for the weekend Tweet, which as you will see, has resulted in a new blog user name ..... but same auld Deevs!

    Lovin' your work.


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all!!!!

    I'm working at Wexham Park today so not far from Egham - luckily I am not a stalker - lol

    C x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hope the interview goes well CLP.

    Forgot to say on my last post that I bought "the book" at Wickerman's store on Friday, have looked at the photos but haven't started reading yet, something to look forward to.

    Oh and my claim to fame, Calum Kennedy used to live near us and I used to look after his 2 shetland ponies when I was in my early teens, so spent a lot of time at his house where he lived with his 5 daughters. Now let's see how many of you even know who Calum Kennedy is (or was I should say).

  • Comment number 5.

    Good Morning CLP.

    You're in a tricky situation there Chris, I think you should have gone swimming with Tash and Noah. But then, they might have come after with you with the long lens.

    Be very careful what you say as they tend to add or delete words to their advantage.

    It might be better to have a look around the garage.

    MM x

  • Comment number 6.

    Deevs, I had to have physio for months after seeing a chiropractor.

    Marjie, hope you get your neck sorted out soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon Christoff,

    I was in the heady delights of London town over the weekend for the first of two stag weekends in a month - the second being my own, Bristol-bound in 4 weeks time . . .

    Anyway, pre-departure, I was engrossed in the Fruitcake tomb, and by God, wasn't it the fastest time I have read from a book in a long while . . .could not put it down. Cover to cover was about 4 hours, give or take a cuppa or two - the best read since last year - thank you very much . . .

    Good luck for the Live interview - hope there'll be some details on the GTO,

    have a great week,

    Dtm x

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all!

    Mr Chrisoph-Lambie-Pie-Evans, I, too, got your latest book on Friday and, being an impatiant book worm and a bit of a speed reader, have finished it!

    You are indeed a very lucky man in all senses of the word.

    Lucky to be here for a start!

    Lucky also to have blessed with a nature that makes you work to get yourself into a better situation

    Lucky indeed to have ended up in the hands of some obviously saintly women who seem to be what you need to keep on the right tracks! Tash and Hels Bells, we salute you!!

    Can't wait to see what happens next!

    Hope you're going to be around when some of us arrive at R2 to answer phones for CIN again this and that you'll be able to pop in and say hello!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All,

    Chris your book came via the river people on Saturday, and I have spent the weekend thoroughly enjoying every word. A lot of it was read whilst in the bath, so if I have increased my wrinkle count it is all your fault! Long may you continue on the Radio 2 Breakfast Show.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: hope the interview goes well - it does make me very annoyed when journalists do not give a fair account of what was actually said at the interview. They tend to put their own "slant" on it which is not always accurate, to say the least!

    Lovely to have Moira back - though Selina did a really great job.

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well.

    CSN: lovely to see you back.

    Gail: I do indeed remember Calum Kennedy with great fondness. His daughters were all beautiful - I wanted my hair to look like Fiona's!

    JG: Happy Birthday! Hope you have a really lovely day. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Thanks Chrissie, nice to be back.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Good to see you went to the right place for your book hope you enjoy
    Have been lurking for a while now and reading some of the strange posts coming from the OWL strange person really knows how to upset this blog
    will hopefully be able to join FNWC

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon Niceness Ter CLP & All Blog Pals...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A most good idea, kill two birds with one stone as they say... whilst driving from A ter B... give an interview!!!!!!
    Only question.... If yer in yer Ferrari F40... then the journalist might not be able ter 'eaqr yer correctly & yer could find the finished article in the rag is not actually what yer said!!!!!!
    If yer in yer Rolls Royce Phantom Menace.... then all should be most nice!!!!!!

    A look forward ter reading what yer said!!!!!!

    Ok all... Part 3 of me story... A will bang it on next....

  • Comment number 14.

    Part 3:

    Daylight arrived & at 8am I decided to leave my apartment & find a church.
    I thought this is the only way I could get through this now.
    To pray so hard for Lena & her critically ill father & her family. Also to pray for the happiness that all my life has eluded me.
    I walked through the park opposite my apartment, heading for a church i'd seen.
    People were walking to work, workers cleaning the leaves off the immaculately kept tree lined paths in the park & another beautiful sunny day was building.
    But nothing mattered to me except to find peace of mind.
    I found the church & decided to go into the grounds, the door was open and I went in.
    There was a few people in there... I sat in a quiet corner & decided to think & pray.
    It was the first time I had been to pray in a church for years.
    I sat there & something just took over me.
    I just couldn't keep my emotions together... the tears started rolling down my face as thoughts raced through my mind.
    Yet another failed romance... it's one too many... my heart felt totally destroyed this time.
    Maybe I should be harder, stronger... Men shouldn't cry they say. But when you are a sensitive, have a real heart... it gets ripped apart more easily.
    I just can't help the way I am... I am me & that's it!
    I sat there trying to hide my tears, trying to be discreet.
    Priests arrived & soon a morning church service was under way.
    This was luck... 8.30am on a Wednesday & I got there simply by chance as a service was starting.
    Maybe in Ukraine they have a church service every morning 鈥 it's a way of life for many here I wondered.
    I didn't have a clue what was going on... it was all in Russian. There was chanting which sounded like Latin but must be some kind of ancient Russian & readings in Russian.
    Then people started to be blessed.
    Memories came back to me of the last time I was blessed was when I was 6 or 7 by my grandfather who was a vicar.
    I've always felt this did something to me. Kind of installed a purity/ goodness into my soul as a child.
    Maybe this is what I need again to get my life/ soul back on track. I've tried everything else to find my happiness, maybe I need the help of god I thought.
    Next thing a small, friendly, elderly Ukrainian lady encouraged me to go up to be blessed... I didn't know what she was saying... I apologised & said i'm English.
    She smiled but could she the pain in my eyes... She again encouraged me to go for a blessing.
    I got up & waited for my turn... watching what the people in front were doing.
    When it was my turn I knelt on the floor & put my hands on the pulpet as i'd seen others do.
    The priest asked me something in Russian... I presume he was asking what I need help with or what are my concerns in life.
    I replied i'm sorry i'm English & speak very little Russian.
    It's then he realised I was English... he looked at me in horror... in embaressment... not knowing what to say!
    Although it was serious it was partly very amusing the amazed look of horror on the priests face!
    He quickly placed the cloth on my head, as he'd done with the other people & started to bless me in Russian!
    I just stayed very still, calm & quietly let him bless me.
    Then I returned to the area where i'd been sitting.
    Suddenly I started to feel stronger... something came over me!
    My emotions became under control & I felt a inner strength developing!
    I stayed for a further half an hour but the service kept going on... but people were coming & going while it was on. It was different to anything i'd seen in the Church Of England.
    I sat there thinking.
    Suddenly it came into my mind. I always let relationships slip away so easily. I always just accept it if a woman says goodbye.
    This time I thought I can not accept this. After all the great times we spent together over the first half of my visit to Kherson.
    No... this time I have to fight to save our relationship... Something told me go & find Lena!!
    I left & thought I have to see Lena now.
    I decided as her home apartment is near, on the same main road as the church in fact, I will go to see her in person.
    I walked the 20 minutes to her home.
    I knocked on her door but no answer. So I phoned her.
    After telling her i'd come to see her, she told me she is not home but agreed to meet me later at my apartment for a chat.

    I decided to buy some flowers on my way back to my apartment for our later meeting.
    I bought 15 red roses as I knew red was her favourite colour & that she liked roses.
    Buying them was crazy as the flower lady couldn't understand my English & I had to ask her to make up the flowers all via my phrase book & in my crazy Russian.
    The Ukrainian people are so nice & friendly with the ladies at the adjacent flower stalls came to watch this Englishman buying flowers.
    They all looked amused & were smiling at me.
    I went back to my apartment & tried to get some sleep after my sleepless night.

    Later Lena arrived, she looked so beautiful again. This time in a Russian cream suit with gold edges, her hair & make up immaculate as always. She told me she had been to the hospital were her mother had been all night & now she was off to a job interview to register with an agency for a better paid job than the one she has.
    Again cynics will say so all this is leading to her asking me for money - this never happened.
    We talked about things, but she didn't have long as she had her job interview. I gave her the flowers & her eyes lit up... she smiled & looked overwhelmed.
    I told her I understand your life has been thrown upside down now but can we try & save our friendship. I will wait for her until things improve if that's what it takes.
    She agreed but told me she's not sure if she can ever come to England as her life as totally changed.
    Lena told me she joined the marriage agency over a year ago before she knew her father was ill & now that she knows he will die... everything has changed.
    I tried to persuade her to keep in touch... if we are made for each other & mean't to be together then we can overcome anything that life throws at us.
    She agreed & we swapped e-mail addresses.
    She asked for a hug... We stood up & I put my arms around her... We embraced.
    She wouldn't let go of me... she held me tightly... so I held her tight.
    We just stood there holding each other for over a minute... trying to hold back the tears.
    When I pulled away... she had tears in her eyes.
    She joked... she can't ruin her mascara for her interview!
    She held me again & we kissed.
    She said she has to go.
    I suddenly thought... wait a moment I told her. I went to get my wallet.
    I said I'd like to help a bit financially. But she wouldn't take my money.
    I wanted to give her the 500 dollors I took as emergency cash... It's only 320 pound... I can earn that in a few days at work as a truck driver... I gave it to her... But she wouldn't take it.
    I forced it into her hand but she became annoyed & refused to take it.
    I can't accept this... 鈥減lease鈥 she said handing it back to me.
    We kissed again... there was a brief silence... she had tears in her eyes.
    I showed her to the door... we embraced tightly again in the doorway.... we held hands as she went... letting go with a smile... she looked upset but smiling at the same time!
    Off she went & I closed the door.

    I went back into the lounge... sat quietly!
    Something told me be positive.... This time I have to fight to keep this relationship alive.... But then something just told me - I will never see her again.... Next thing the tears started to roll down my face again!
    I knew it was going to be yet another long night in the apartment.

    Part 4 Ter follow on the next blog ;)

  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo, Was thinking about you at the weekend and wondering when the next part of your story would appear. I so hope that whatever the last past of this story is, it is good for you

    Nice to see lots of bloggers here today

    CSN, hope your family are all well

    Diva, ouch to the soreness- only time I had that it went away when boy2 was born so can't hlep much I'm afraid!

    Dozy, I don't know! Who he?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Today :-

    I am bored, and have spent most of the morning deleting e-mails out of my sent box. I have also played "count the hours till home time " with myself .Its only Monday, and something tells me its gonna be a long week.

    Happy birthday JG !

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon all you bloggers and schloggers,

    I hope the interview goes well CLP! I am sure you have been at this interview lark long enough to released fro hospital ove the weeke ndlook after yourself.....even from the Daily Mail! LOL

    Just an update really, my daughter was released from hospital with the baby still safe in her tummy. Only 6 weeks to go!

    Happy Birthday JG! I did not realise that your birthday and my wedding aniversary clashed! 24 years today for me and Mrs NSBUn this year. xx

    Keep smiling

    the NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 18.

    Seza - he was a Scottish singer, I think he was quite big in the 70's.


  • Comment number 19.


    Good news about your daughter, i hope she continues to make good progress.
    Best wishes
    MC xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Seza, family are good, thank you. Hope all is well with you and your family too.

    Keith, glad your daughter and baby are ok. Hope you have a lovely anniversary.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Christoff, hope the interview went well, I look forward to reading it.

    Loved today's show and the 'welcome home' for Moira.

    JG, Happy Birthday x

    NSBU, Happy Anniversary to you both. So glad mum and baby are ok x

    Thunderclap, Happy Anniverary to you both, also x

    Brrrr, winter draws on, but we do have the sun, for now!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 22.

    How remiss of me;

    A big hello to everyone else.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello again,

    I was just looking back through the posts as I couldn't remember who had the problem with the neighbour's cat, when I noticed JG's news, so sorry to hear that, you know we are all here for you, I know how painful it is, having been there myself, back to the cat problem, how about a water pistol, one of our cats goes up to our neighbour's and torments their cat, we provided them with a water pistol to blast Smartie whenever they see him up there, it's got to be worth a try.



  • Comment number 24.

    Hello, I have just crawled out from under the duvet, am experiencing a lurgification which makes movement a great effort.

    Just really popped in to wish JG a fabulous birthday xx

    Good news from Keith, you must be so relieved.

    Dozymac, by coincidence it was my cat problem. The trouble is we have no idea who he belongs to, and he can't half move quickly once he's been rumbled. Once he actually ran a complete circuit of the kitchen WALLS - cartoon style, before crashing out of the catflap, I saw it with my own eyes. We've tried water but not through a pistol - we'll have to invest in one, ta.

    Back to my pit.

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    Boleyngirl - we were getting our house re-roofed and I was so scared that one of my cats would disappear in the worker's vans that I shut them in for the week, I felt sorry for them and bought a harness to take them out for walks, when we put the harness on Minstrel he did exactly what you described above, we just stood there watching him with our mouths open, then fell about the floor laughing, I can still picture him yet, not so funny for you though considering it is the horrible neighbouring cat.



  • Comment number 26.

    hiya everyone - thanks for all the good wishes, still full of cold but I tried my best


  • Comment number 27.


    and my names Baggy le puss chat and I'm unemployed!

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon each

    JG - Happy Birthday lovely..hope you have a glass of something cold later to enjoy! xx

    Baggy..sure you did great, we`re all fingers crossed I`m sure, and you know how good we all are at that!

    Yoohoo to everyone else too....MC, am with you on the `is it really only Monday` countdown?! Did a car boot sale for the 2nd week running... getting up at 5am on a Sunday is just wrong! (although its not 4am Dozy - bless your man!) But made some spends for Christmas so worth it i suppose.

    Deevs...CHIRO! Try it once and if you dont like it then try something else...not for everyone but even though it hurts like h*ll when its being done it keeps me going! Hope the swimming helps..

    Lastly, Ali, please can I have a copy of your journal too please?would love to read about your experiences. And hope today wasnt too traumatic to the system!

    Right, kettle on....!

    mSc x

    PS - My name is Scoobs and I do eyes...or at least I do glasses and manage people who do eyes..!

    PPS - Liverpool..one of the best days out I`ve had.. lovely memories of a great day, fabulous taxi tour and some brilliant pics.. Strawberry Fields forever..x

  • Comment number 29.

    Scoobs - I can't listen to Penny Lane in the same way since that day!

    Baggy - well done you. Did they say how long it would be before they let you know? Now, get snuggled down on the sofa with those puddytats and a duvet and get yourself betterererer.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi all

    Thanks for all the birthday (and other) wishes, I've been stuck in the office all day :( Boo Hiss!!

    Congratulations to Thunder and Keith too xx

    Well I'm about to head home to make a birthday cake for myself, so that I can bring it in the office for this lot to scoff tomorrow!

    Will catch you later all being well!

    JG x

    PS Baggy, I'm sure you did your best, fingers crossed!

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi all, just popping in to see how your days going .

    Baggy ,pleased that you think it went well ,It's just a question of waitng now.

    JG ,Happy Birthday ,hope that everyone is spoiling you .

    Keith And c/o,happy anniversary to both of you .

    Thunder and c/o,Happy anniversary to both of you also .

    Just having a nice quiet relaxing day here .

    Take care .Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs..I know..its the Eleanor Rigby graveyard thats makes me smile...started to rain and of course Beez and both in totally unsuitable heels and sinking quickly... brilliant!

    And how very remiss of me..

    Keith and Thunder..best wishes to both you and your wives! x

    JG - chuck us some of that cake over here ..i shall make lemon buns in your honour, although the chances of them making to you uneaten are slim to none...

    mSc x

    PS - Susan..what car did you `nearly` buy? Need to know information! x

  • Comment number 33.


    Heavens to Betsy: what a long day this has been! I suppose it didn't help that I was awake at 3.30am, coughing without end. Large glug of the ever-faithful (but truly horrendous) Pulmo Bailly, and then I managed to go back to sleep until 6.10am. Got up then to have my shower and was downstairs, ready to hear the lovely Moira at 6.30. However, it's all starting to take its toll now, and I can't wait to get home!

    Bingo: still following your story, and I am praying for a happy ending. xx

    Mr & Mrs Keith, and Mr & Mrs Thunder: hope you are all having a lovely day, and have a pleasant evening planned!

    Scoobs: yes, our meet in Liverpool was absolutely wonderful. It was like meeting a whole host of movie stars! I have some fantastic memories of that trip, and I really am hoping for a return Liverpool meet in 2011!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Wotcha Chrissie... Liverpool 2011 sounds like a plan! And hope cough goes quickly...I am currently on my fourth week already of my `winter cough` ..and am already proper fed up with it! Docs on Wed to see if she has any suggestions this year (inhaler helped last year) so we shall see! Hope you get some rest tonight.. x

    Right you lovely lot... almost home time (early one today) so will bade you farewell and burger off til tomorrow..

    take care all.,..

    mSc x

    PS - Was going to say how much i am looking forward to this weeks FNWC.. and then have just been reminded by the GM that we are actually out on Friday with friends at a Dusty Springfield tribute night... heaven help me! I may be along later! x

  • Comment number 35.

    Scoobs: How I LOVE the term "wotcha!". Hope the Doc comes up with some help - four weeks of coughing must be a nightmare! And, deffo, after the Dusty Springfield thingy, you must get along to FNWC - sure to be a few latecomers, I would think!

    boleyngirl: I noticed you were saying earlier you are struggling with the lurgy too: take care, stay nice and warm!

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.


    JakeyGirl & Chrissie - Am living in 'ope for a 'appy ending but a don't know what the end of the story is as it's real life & am still living it!!!!!!

    PS Me book will go more into detail than the bits ave put on 'ere!!!!

    There's so much more 'appened to me during me week.... weird things like when I got off the train... the taxi driver couldn't understand me... so he took me to a waiter in a restaurant who could speak English!!!!!

    Then later that night... my first date with Lena was in the very same restaurant with the very same waiter there!!!!!!

    This si in a city of 350,000 inhabitants.... whatta the chances of that???
    Freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS JakeyGirl - 'ope yer 'aving a really nice birthday...... HAPPY BIRTHDEE TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!


  • Comment number 37.

    Bingo: truth is always stranger than fiction! "Of all the gin joints, in all the world ... she walked in to mine". Or words to that effect!

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Well, I know what I mean!

    Have a nice evening everyone - released at last!

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.


    Well I survived my first full day back at work, just about. I am now planning an early retirement or I'm on the look out for a rich man to keep me ;)

    Baggy, Gald it went OK, keeping fingers crossed for you.

    To all those with the lurgy - get better soon xxx

    JG, A Very Happy Birthday to You xxxx

    Scoobs, Thanks for your post it reminded me to book an eye test xx

    Now I don't want to diss Mo Stu, but give me Selina any day. How many times did Mo Stu use the word "delicious" completely out of context this morning. She doesn't seem to be able to speak unless she's reading a piece of paper or autocue - sorry feel free to ignore this but I needed to get it off my chest! Other than that I loved the show.

    Chris, I hope your interview went well, let's hope they print the truth!

    Just made Nigella's spagetti and marmite dish and it was lovely.

    Over and out

    P.S. I've made a note of those who would like to read about my adventure and will email soon.

  • Comment number 40.

    Ali B: First day's back are horrid aren't they, but soon, no doubt, it'll feel like you've never been away.

    I'm just wondering if I have the energy (after yet another long day at the grindstone) to carry on the de-cluttering I started at the weekend. There's several piles of stuff to be sorted lurking under the bed. Perhaps I should do something about them, then I might have some (temporary) space to put some other stuff...

    Hugs to those in need and get well soon wishes to those suffering currently


  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all,

    I would like to thank you for all of the best wishes to me and erindoors. After all of these years it can sometimes seem just to be another day. However I did have a huge bouquet of flowers delivered to her so I am in credit in the good books. Lol She for her part has just cooked a splendid meal for me. Tonight I am off out to rehearsals for our pantomime so back to normal. Next Saturday is her birthday so I have booked a very nice restaurant and will push the boat out. ;-)

    Daughter is doing fine, she finishes work in two weeks. Exciting becoming a Granddad for the first time! ;-)

    Thanks again


  • Comment number 42.

    Well, who knew I'd managed to throw so many magazines under the bed?! Anyway, operating the "if not used for at least a year, never going to again" policy they are now residing in the recycling bin, which is thankfully due for emptying on Wednesday morning. Best remember to put it out now hadn't I?! Although shifting it might be interesting, since it's a tad fuller than normal, although I'm sure if I try I can cram a bit more in there...

    Still a bit more under the bed to sort out, but I thought I'd take pity on my knees for a few moments and come up for air. Feels quite therapeutic to be ditching stuff and making space, but I've had to laugh at some of the things I've found...

    One thing I found in with a load of old pay slips is a business card of someone I must've seen in a bank once. Not quite sure when, but the name has jumped out at me and made me laugh at the small world we live in, since the card is that of one of the gang I now go for my Sunday walks with!

    I also must've had one of those day by day rip off a page a day calendars once with funny and inspiring comments on it, since there are several pages of it tucked in with the pay slips. It obviously started off well as I've found 4 February pages, and a March, then nothing until 2 Augusts and an October. Maybe I'll find more if I keep looking.

    In the meantime, thought for Friday Feb 2nd (in our mystery year): "Love thy neighbour as thyself, but choose your neighbourhood"


  • Comment number 43.


    What a lovely husband you are. When Mr CSN became a granddad for the first time he was very emotional.

    Ali B, glad your first day back at work went ok.

    Hi Oz, hugs back to you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Evening all,

    Oz, just how big is your "under the bed " space ? You seem to have been finding stuff for days !! LOL.

    AliB, glad you got through your first day back, it'll soon be Friday ;-)

    Keith, keep us posted re your daughter please .

    Cold, wet and generally wintery - yuk.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 45.

    The book is still unopened.......but it's calling me.......

    Happy Birthday/anniversary to all those celebrating today.

    Hope the interview went well today Baggy - fingers crossed for you.

    I should be writing an application form myself, I'm not losing my job, or hate it, but I don't want to work full time - I'd like a more time with my little monster!!

    Right.........application time!


  • Comment number 46.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Well, not such a good day, but am fed up with hiding what's going...

    So, it's out there on FB, and going to struggle to get to work tomorrow!! Ooops!

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    MC: Today is the first time I've tackled under the bed (for at least 3 years judging by the stuff I'm finding). The weekend shredding and sorting was of other stuff which I dumped on the bed to sort through.

    Anyway, I'm calling it quits on the sorting and ditching stuff tonight, my knees and back are telling me it's bedtime, so once I've cleared it off I'll get in (and the remaining 2 boxes of stuff can get a sort through another night). Found some more shredding (what a surprise!) to do, and my 6th form leavers book thing (some very old embarrassing pics in there), some NVQ certificates I'd forgotten about (I've an NVQ 2 in using Microsoft products it would seem, and also in Warehousing).

    Not found any more calendar pages yet, but there is time! Monday Feb 12th stated "the time to relax is when you don't have time for it" how true.


  • Comment number 49.


    Thinking of you, take care.

    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    JG: we're all here if you need us, you know that. I like MC's idea for a belated birthday tea for you :)


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Oz, fancy you finding qualifications you didnt know you had , that has really made me laugh.

    JG xxxxx , dont worry, we can eat out ............ i wasnt suggesting i would cook .


  • Comment number 52.

    MC: I do vaguely recall squashing evening classes at college into my schedule to do the computery one. Warehousing one must have been part of my work at the time though as I really don't recall doing that. Certificates have my name spelt wrong on though, do you think it's worth keeping them?!

    Tuesday 13th Feb: "remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent" I guess this one struck a cord as for quite a while I didn't like my current occupation purely because of my "line manager" who liked making me feel 2" tall. She still does on occasions, but she's a lot better towards me now, think I must've earnt her respect by sticking all her abuse out. She has said on more than one occasion that bullies only bully because they are jealous, guess she must've been jealous of me then.


  • Comment number 53.

    One hour Jazzercise = minty bubbly hot choc & some banana bread!

    Was it worth it I wonder?

    OZ, Keep going with the sorting, once you get into the swing of it nothing will be safe!!

    I am very proud that I have actually managed to keep under my bed clear since we moved!!! Not sure how long it will last though

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Seza: that's the idea, I need to downsize, and the odds are that the only "spare" storage I have will be under the bed in my next home, so I'm trying to get rid of as much as possible, so that stuff can fit under the bed in the absence of a loft or garage.

    Friday Feb 23rd: "There is more stupidity than Hydrogen in the universe and it has a longer shelf life" Don't we all know it ;)


  • Comment number 55.

    Congratulations on book 2, Chris.

    Like the first, it's a compelling, amusing and easy read; I wept with you over the chapter about your break-up with Billie, and yet they were tears of optimism that such love and deep loyalty can endure through changing circumstances. That was poignant and beautiful. Bless you.


  • Comment number 56.

    I've got my head buried deep into my copy too.

    Hope everyone is honky dory and looking forward to a brand new shiny ( wet shiny here!) Tuesday.

    Also off to find the meaning behind honky dory!!



  • Comment number 57.

    Maybe 'hunky dory!'

  • Comment number 58.

    morning all

    JG - hugs to you

    Alib - I would like your journal too please

    Ozgirl - fancy coming round here and helping me? I have a husband who is a hoarder and the mess is taking over the house, I reckon if we tackle it while he is at work he'll never miss it! Although he did menation sticking his original transformer toys (circa 1980) on a internet beased marketplace the other day so thats not all bad. The problem is although I now have time to sort the house at I hvae to be slient during the day as hes asleep, which is no fun at all. tomorrow hes at Uni all day si I can break open the big guns and do a lot of sorting out!

    Day three of the cold, I'm bored of feeling rubbish now :-(


  • Comment number 59.

    I'm liking honky dory ......

    Morning peeps!


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all. Hope everyone's OK.

    I haven't bought the book yet. I daren't. I have so much to do before moving house next week and if I had the book anywhere near me that would be it. The removal men would have to carry me out in the armchair still reading it. I'm going to work hard for the next couple of weeks, get the move done then lock myself away for a day with our lovely Fruitcake, bless him.

    Have a good day everyone. It'll be Halloween, bonfire night and the X Factor final before we know it. Following on from last year's success at the X Factor final fancy dress party when we knocked them bandy dressed as Jedward, I'm wondering whether I can get away with Wagner this year. Will need to borrow a chest wig. Rips . . . ?

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning All,

    What a fabulous interview this morning, Chris. Forty five minutes of pure joy. What a talented and interesting guy Julian Lennon is in his own right.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning All,

    A bright, but cold, sunny day in Kent, my car temperature said it was 8.5 which is a bit warmer than yesterday at 5.5! But a lot colder than what I've been used to at 35 degrees!!

    Now can I just moan about tights! I've put a pair on this morning for the first time since probably May and I hate it. They are not comfortable and my feet are sore from wearing shoes with a little heal when I've been used to wearing flatties for months and now my heals are rubbing...moan...moan....moan. Still by the end of the week I should be used to it, the joys of being a woman!

    Ozgirl, Well done on the decluttering I am most impressed xx

    Seza, I am impressed with you as well exercising on a Monday night and why not treat yourself with a hot chocolate and cake xx :)

    Oh well I best get on the 186 emails won't answer themselves!


  • Comment number 63.

    Good morning everyone from a sunny but cold Ayrshire, when I left for work this morning it was 3 degrees and my windscreen was covered in ice!

    Last night when I got home from work we had a power cut, someone near us had JCB'd through the power cable so everyone was off, didn't come back on till about 8.30 so we had to go to the chinese for our dinner (bums eh), we do have a wood burning stove in the living room and an oil fired rayburn in the kitchen but, guess who hasn't ordered any oil yet, so that's where I am going today straight from work to order 1200 litres, then at least we can be warm and cook dinner by candlelight.

    Heard CLP mention grit/salt today on the show, we bag salt at work for a company and there have been hundreds of tonnes of bagged rock salt going to Lidl stores (and other places too but they had a huge contract with Lidl) up and down the country for weeks now so I think they are going to be prepared this year.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 64.


    Knee high boots all the way .... and SOCKS!!

    Tights. Not so called for nothing. Bleugh!!!

    Back later.


  • Comment number 65.

    Tights are the work of the devil. FACT.

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi everyone:

    Not a lot to report, but just checking in!

    Gail: I take it, it's going to be a while before your electricity is restored? Bums, indeed! And what a relief about the rock salt - I intend to buy a ton of it - apparently this winter is going to be worse than last year's. HOW is that possible?!

    AliB: I would very much like to read your journal too. How do I get my email to you?

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Good morning blogettes

    Cold and chucking it down near Chester.

    Tights are not the work of the devil ............. as one who endured suspenders and stockings for several years as a teenager. Tights were heaven after them..... FACT

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning each

    Also enjoyed listening to Julian Lennon this morning and esp happy they played Saltwater..i love that track. Noone ever said i have any musical taste!

    5degrees and cold but bright and sunny here this morning...winter coat and sunglasses on..works for me!

    Gail - what a nightmare having to go to the Chinese for dinner..how DID you cope?! Hope `leccy restored soon!

    Now, tights...i LOVE tights! Am I in the minority here? Love the colder days drawing in so I can raid my drawers of colours and patterns and varying thicknesses...winter skirts come out and job done. Please someone back me up here?!

    Barmy..good luck with the move... now get packing and i shall think of you whilst on my day off tomorrow when I`m sat reading Fruitcake... this is after the washing, ironing, cleaning etc tho so it could be about 9pm!

    right..back to it..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 69.

    NEW BLOG! (haven`t said that in AGES!)

    mSc x

  • Comment number 70.

    Greetings bloggers and Blurkers

    Tights? Hate 'em - agree with Deevs..... knee high boots & socks for me!

    Mind you, stockings at the right time are good .... ahem! xx

    PS Sunny & not too cold in Norfolk

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