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When Colds Come Back.

Chris Evans | 11:55 UK time, Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Cold arrived Saturday morning - unannounced. Cheeky blighter. It bedded in and took up residence in my head the whole of Sunday. No take away curry that evening - that is serious my friends.

Yesterday the cold acts like its had enough of me, and is moving out of town. Ha ha! I think - just a 24 hour job then. And then whaddya know, it's back bigger and snottier than ever, and refusing to budge.

My nostrils feel like blocked drainpipes and my eyes look like they've been scrubbed with a raw onion. As for my nose, how come something as soft as tissue can have the abrasive effect of a sanding machine ?

Day Nurse!!!

See you tomorrow and for heaven sakes - load yourself up with any Pharmaceutical shield that will stop you getting rained on by this particular germ cloud. S'not worth it.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Poor Christoph - Are you sure it's not Man Flu...LOL.

    Seriously though, I hope you are back fighting fit very soon. Perhaps you need another day in bed?


  • Comment number 2.


    Quick one again, if only because my fingers are so cold, typing hurts!

    CLP - you should have taken the curry route. Go up a couple of heat settings on your normal choice and sweat the thing out of you. Works wonders.

    P.S. What's behind the Advent Calendar door today?

    Steeleye Span.

  • Comment number 3.

    Poor you CLP, I know exactly how you feel, I had the same thing last week, it's horrid!



  • Comment number 4.

    Sorry to hear that Big Fella,

    My one tip - Kleenex tissues with Balm (I think).
    They really work and stop the agony that comes with repeatedly wiping your schnozz.

    Hope it clears up asap.


    Trust me, I'm a Ducter.....


  • Comment number 5.

    Rips, is it wrong that I did laugh out loud at your joke - it's the little things.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hope it's soon better. keep away from Tash and Noah.

  • Comment number 7.

    Inc, I advised CLP just that very same thing on Sunday evening via the medium of Tweeta! I said go for a Vinda and blast the blighter germs away from ya heed.

    And Steelye Span in an Advent Calendar? Are you sure guv'nor?! They may be All Around My Hat but in an Advent Calendar ...........?

    AliB - if I had a pound for every time Rips has posted the "Trust me, I'm a ducter" line I'd have about £3.46 by now (the .46 stems from a long-gone FNWC when he got as far as the "trust me I'm" and then disappeared into the ether after too much Peroni!

    Rips- ya know ya luvs me! x

    My boss is full of cold at the mo. She's out on site visits today and was planning on coming back to the office this afternoon. I've advised her to get the visits done and go home, find a duvet and stay under it. We did the care and concern route but in the end I showed my true colours and said I don't want to catch her germs as I've got a lot on next week and can't afford to be poorly ick in the run-up to (or over) Christmas.

    Yes, I'm all heart, me!


  • Comment number 8.

    Inc? Shall we start with Unc .....x

  • Comment number 9.

    Ah, but as you said, Christoff, you dinnae sound even half as bad as Steve Wright!! Hope you have stocked up on all the medication you can throw down your throat! I even ended up getting Voltarol (other painkillers are available) for hubby which meant between that, paracetemol & ibuprofen meant he could take something every couple of hours!

    And I'm telling you laddie ... a quality toddy at bedtime! Trust me, I'm a Highlander!! ;)

    Stay warm and get well soon, Blogmeister!



    Having a down day today so probably won't make it back to catch up with you loverly bloggers and blogettes. Have asked Beesmum to give Eilidh Beth HUMOUNGOUS hugs from me, but missing Eilidh so badly today. Thank you again for your amazing love, care and support you amazing bloggers and blogettes. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    I either spoke to soon or one of you knew I'd get sick.

    I went to bed last night with a sore throat but thought it would clear. I got up this morning I looked like death warmed up and my throat was killing me. Got straight back in bed and texted my manager - no chance of me working today. I wouldn't be able to speak to anyone.

    So then I slept for 3 hours so now I am commenting here from my sick bed. Which of you cursed me lol.

  • Comment number 11.

    hi everyone

    finally a got a lunch break wher I don't have to do anything so have caught up a little with whats being going on.

    request from the weekend for those not seen it - my hubby wants to do me a 30th birthday playlist of songs from people that make them think of me, if you ahve a song that makes you think of me pls let me know and it we have it, it will be added

    deev - funilly enoough we don't own angles :-)

    Christmas is getting me a bit down this year, have decided not to have a tree and to play it as low key as possible, roll on the new year

    Baggy xxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Yo Christoof Man, Yo ALL Blog Ops...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Am VERY sorry ter 'ear yer cold is still in full swing!!!!!!
    Ave avoided a cold, despite all around me getting them, as going ter Ukraine & getting one there biult up me emunity crudentials!!!!!!!
    Remember CLP... If yer too ill for the Breakfast Gig... Forgeet The Madley... Am ere for yer CLP... Am 'ere for yer!!!!!!!
    Am sure me & 'ells Bells would get on most friendly when chosing The Playlist... most friendly!!!!!!!!

    We could open me first stand in show with 'Reaching Out' by the band 'Snot!!!!'
    It's fast tune ter wake up the UK at 6.33!!!!!!!!!!

    Am glad ter 'elp CLP!!!!!!!!

    Ok... onter some VERY important words terdee... All a will say is if ever a went ter see a shrink... A 'ope 'e is like this >>>>


  • Comment number 13.

    Deevs - if I ever start my own company, I'll call it Unc. Inc. Thanks for the tip!

    Talking of tips...I can no longer feel the ones on the end of the fingers of my left hand and the right one is catching it apace. Where's a Ducter when you need one?

  • Comment number 14.

    Hello Chris.

    I agree with Uncle_Carl Chris.

    I read on your twitter page that you could hardly stay in bed all day and then get up and have your Sunday curry. But that's exactly what you should have done. I had a curry last night and it cleared my nostrils so much that I thought of you.

    As well as curry every night you must keep warm at all times (maybe a drop of brandy) and no snowball fights or tobogganing.

    Hot baths too (now that your boiler's AOK)

    If after all this the cold continues see a doctor for some antibiotics (given as a last resort)

    MM x

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Ali - that doesn't speak well of you! Thanks though x

    Deev - Why I oughta!!! How dare you besmirch my good character on this here blog.
    I am more than capable of doing that myself - and if I've told you once, I've told you twice....If you don't laugh at my jokes first time, I'm gonna keep coming back until you do x

    Hannah - Get well soon x


    Winter draws on....


  • Comment number 16.

    Hey Unc,

    Sit on it!

    Your hand, that is....



  • Comment number 17.

    Baggy, I've been a bit down too (as posted on previous blog earlier this morning). I hope you perk up soon - any idea why you feel like you do? I know exactly what my "issues" are, so I working to address them - lovely long chat with my best friend this morning when I was alone in the office really helped!

    And I pity Nic for having to put up with me at the moment to be honest.

    As for Angles, I don't own it either. But I can email you an MP3 of Angels instead! ;-)


  • Comment number 18.

    hey rips - for the first time in months we share the blog at the same time, how are you? xxx

    get well all those that need it, had a bad cold last week, still a snot bunny according to mr bp :-(

  • Comment number 19.

    deev - i do know but not ready to discuss with blog yet until we (me and mr bp) know whats going to happen,

    I couldn't possibly accept a copy of angels from you, it may break down my laptop with the awfulness of it ;-)

  • Comment number 20.

    Baggy - if you want to talk, you have my number. And I promise not to burst into a chorus of Angels!

    Take care sweetheart.


  • Comment number 21.

    Hey SuperBeep.....

    I'm struggling through, keeping my chins up and letting the busterds get me down - or something like that.

    Not good to hear that you're feeling down. Best of luck with whatever is happening.
    Really hope it's nothing to do with the job - how's that going?
    I might be a little more office bound in the run up to Christmas, so, just because London Breakfasts are out of the picture. I am quite close by and could do a rural one.
    Take care x

    Deevs - Nic has my sympathy most of the time....Ya know ya luvs me ;0) x



  • Comment number 22.

    Hello ,

    Deevs, sorry , i seem to have gone all random in my advent guessing this year.
    Right, I shall concentrate from now on in and try and guess daily.
    Could we have an update on what has come up so far please , i dont seem to own a memory at the moment either. Sorry to be such high maintenance ;-)
    So, todays guess is a crib , or if we have had that already, I will go for the empire state building .

    Chin up and best wellie forward.
    MC xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    .... the BroMance continues!


  • Comment number 24.

    Rips - jobs okay but apparently I don't fit personality wise so I will probably be unemployed again by March, so I'm making the most of it while it lasts.

    Rural breakfast sounds ideal, let me know when/where. I'm close to jnt 3 of the M40 location wise for work at the moment ;-)

  • Comment number 25.

    Rips - I took your advice and now I can't feel my hands at all. I also have a nosebleed as a result of my nose being the only available means of typing this response....

  • Comment number 26.

    MC - todays guess is mince pie with custard as that is what I will be having for pudding tonight.

  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo-Charlie Chuck made me cry with laughter!

    Baggy-Baggy Trousers by Madness!

  • Comment number 28.

    Maddy - thanks - any reason why?

  • Comment number 29.

    Right. I'll try ....

    Day 1 - Crown
    Day 2 - Cracker
    Day 3 - Toy Boat
    Day 4 - An Angel (for Baggy!)
    Day 5 - Sprig of Holly
    Day 6 - A Pudding

    Thus far, we've had one winner, in the shape of the lovely Roo who got Pudding yesterday.

    Advent update over and out!


  • Comment number 30.


    Hope your job situation resolves itself next year . I have had my very first mince pie today. Not that keen on them to be honest. Have lost count of the number of selection boxes I have "trialled"

    I am sorry, but my knowledge of music is dreadful, so i will dip out on trying to come up with anything.

    Right, off to try and tick a few things off the list .

    Take care y'all.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    No reason whatsoever Baggy, it's the only one I could think of. It's not the image I have of you at all, just the name.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Thanks Deevs,

    Will try and keep up.
    MC xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Baggy - I know a lovely little food wagon in the lay-by there. I'll stop off at Ikea and pick up a couple of 'Daves' and we can sit on the kerb and share a Belly Buster!

    March is a long way away, get hunting! x

    Unc - The carers have been told not to leave you alone in that cell. For numb hands - I do have some advice, but it's not for here. For the nosebleed - see #4.

    Do any of you know how hard it is to work out how to do a '#' on a Mac keyboard? Why hide it? Don't our old colonial cousins use it?



  • Comment number 34.

    MC - I don't eat choc/ selection boxes etc so you can have my share and I'll have your mince pies

    Maddy - that makes perfect sense - feel a litle daft now for asking

  • Comment number 35.

    If I had a Swedish laptop table I would call it Bjorn.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    MC - I thought of you a moment ago (and no, I wasn't following a bus) I went to the petrol station and was asked if I'd 'like to buy a chocolate bar'? To be honest - I'd have thought that the fact that I didn't present her with a chocolate bar and say 'I'd like to pay for this please', would have been enough of a clue.....anyway....my thought was, have you ever got out of a petrol station without a giant Galaxy bar? You are their target customer!
    Someone who could not answer no to that question.....



  • Comment number 37.

    I'd call mine Mabel!

    Too darn busy to join in this morning, but HI!


  • Comment number 38.

    I need Bjorn urgently as Tom is now on my lap and I'm typing with one left hand at a very a2wkward angle.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Right. Lunchtime over, and I have a Lease to type. All 38 pages of it .... but before I go:-

    Nic has just emailed me his Advent guess as the network numpties won't let him sign on to the blog from work.

    His guess: A Bulldog Chewing A Wasp

    which I find slightly disturbing as I didn't think I looked THAT rough this morning!

    Love Ewe!


  • Comment number 40.


    Here's an excellent song, it used to be my song when I worked in the Liverpool offices:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon all

    V busy at mo - so not caught up at all.

    Deev's - Adventy guess - bauble!

    MM - If you bought more than one would it be Bjorn again?

    A (getting his coat)


  • Comment number 42.


    If it stops the cat from sitting on my lap it could be called Bjorn Free!

    MM xxx (I'll get my coat too)

  • Comment number 43.

    If you think I'm joining in with all this Swedish malarky, you must think I was Bjorn yesterday.

    Anyone seen my coat?

  • Comment number 44.


    That should read enables the cat to sit on my lap whilst supporting the laptop!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    MaddyMoon - me and the jellybean sing that at karaoke every time. Its our party piece!!

    I'm still in bed. Haha nice and warm.

  • Comment number 46.

    Hello Bloggers,

    Long time no post from me. Have some time off work for the first time in a very long time and thought I'd just pop in and say hello and hope you're all well.

    Haven't read any posts yet so going to have a quick catch up. See if any regulars from old are still here.

    Miss you guys, think of you a lot.


  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Debbie C

    Lovely to see you on here, it has indeed been a long time. I hope you are OK xx

    I think of you often, especially when I'm buying bread or crumpets...LOL


  • Comment number 48.

    Ali, it has to be said ... DebbieC was the original Blog Crumpet!

    Hiya Deb - fab to "see" you. Hope all's fine and dandy in DebWorld.

    Any more Advent guesses before I reveal all?

    I'll give you til 6pm ....


  • Comment number 49.

    Hello loverly ladies!

    Keep buying those crumpets Ali, doing my sales pitch now lol! We have three new ranges coming out early next year as well as a new logo.

    Deevs, orignal BlogCrumpet haha...I love it!

    DebWorld is as well as can be expected :o)

    So nice to see familar names on here still. Wish that I had more time to log on.

    D x

  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon CLP and bloggers from the frozen north,

    Deevs, my guess for today is a Christmas fairy.

    A different day at work today, we didn't open to the public this morning, so sspent the time in the staff room drinking coffee, then a briefing from the big boss man with wine and canapés and a bit of work in the afternoon.

    Flipping cold in Edinburgh tonight, though the winter wonderland was looking really pretty while I was waiting for the bus.

    Hope you're feeling better today CLP, I didn't hear too much of the show this morning as I was checking the status of the buses and venturing out. Hopefully will hear more tomorrow!


  • Comment number 51.

    Righteo ....... nice guess Rosie but wrong I'm afraid.

    As Simon Mayo plays Light My Fire, the Advent Calendar reveals .....

    A Candle!

    Day 8 stakes now being taken .....


  • Comment number 52.

    I think I got it Deevs!

    A candle is very similar to a torch, it does the same thing during a power cut!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Ooh Maddy, that's a bit Top Tenuous!


  • Comment number 54.


    MM xxx (hiding my disappointment)

  • Comment number 55.

    D'oh, and I've been guessing a candle all the time!

    Oh well, a bit of good news, I've got a refund on my car insurance - all £3.28 of it! Now what can I spend that on? Chocs for Choccy on Saturday, maybe?

    Chris I must say you did sound a lot better than poor Steve Wright! I caught the last 5 mins of his show, and he sounded dreadful, poor man!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    CLP bless ya rest as much as you can, drink plenty of fluids, plenty of vitamin C, steam inhalation will help to get rid of the orrible nasal contents

    Hi bloggies off to catch up


  • Comment number 57.

    Hannah - hope you are feeling a bit better
    Unc - can you feel them yet??? (hands that is)
    Baggy - know what you mean I have cancelled christmas this year as I don't have my boys so takes away the magic for me
    Deevz - how does the advent thingy work as I wasn't on the blog this time last year
    Baggy - mince pie and custard yummy
    Rips - # isn't that hard on a mac option(alt) and 3 key
    Debbie - hello welcome back
    JG - pace yourself with spending your car insurance refund


  • Comment number 58.

    Evening ALL,
    Hope all those cold clad people are all tucked up nice and comfy tonight and partaking in all the medication on offer .

    Wasn'T looking forward to work to day ,but all in all it turned out a good day .

    Deev,love Nic's Comment ,just glad I didn't have a drink in my hand ,Mr B had a laugh as well.
    I know just how you are feeling re the away from family at christmas ,It took me a long time ,it is hard but you will find other things that will connect you all .All the family doing a toast at the same time .and you've already stated with the phone calls ,my phone is ringing all through out the day .Web cam is another .,you making a flying visit ,weather permitting ,and so on.you'll be fine ,just got to know where your heart is my love .fill your day .

    Baggy ,Big {{{HUGS }}} to you ,sound as though you need one ,and chin up you'll be fine ,you've got your Mr Baggy At least your looking to a positive New Year ,good luck to you both .xx.

    Debbie C ,nice to see you posting ,and enjoy your break ,you lucky girl so close to Xmas so I suppose you are getting all prepared for the 25Th .

    JG ,now you just be careful ,and spend it wisely ;0).

    Mc,haven't had a selection box for years ,I must rectify that this w/end ,I'm going to put it on the list .


  • Comment number 59.


    My guess for tomorrow will be a rocking horse please . Hope you are feeling better now.

    Rips, right now, I am Sain$bury$ best customer for selection boxes . I think i have earned enough Nect*ar points for a round the world trip .

    JG, buy Finaly a treat :-)

    Hello to everyone else , its getting slippy out there again tonight, but the good news is that my windscreen wipers are working in unison again,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 60.


    Basically I have an advent calendar here at ChezNic. Every day bloggers who feel the need post their guess on here as to what's hiding behind the window for that particular day. All day I dip in and out of Blogville, noting the guesses along the way. When I get home, usually about 6ish, I reveal all. And then tell you all what's behind the window and who's won.


    Feel free to join in - the more the merrier. There's no prizes, just the chance to make others smile. Guesses range from the sublime (Nic's bulldog chewing a wasp) to the ridiculous (Unc's Steelye Span!) and we even have sensible guesses too ..... pudding, candle, drum, star - you know the kind of thing.

    And no, it's not a chocolate Advent Calendar as I so disagree with those. Just wrong. Especially Barbie/Man Utd/Hannah Montana etc.

    Hope that helps.


  • Comment number 61.

    Thank you Bids. Your words above are lovely, and really struck a chord. Funnily enough, my family all toast each other at 8pm on Christmas Night. Have done for years, and I certainly will be doing the same this year, hopefully along with Nic and his mum "joining" my family for the toast.


  • Comment number 62.


    I agree whole heartedly , i just dont get the "non Christmas " themed ones. Its just a personal preference, but i like the traditional pictured ones. I havent had an advent calendar in years, but i have my Snowman loo roll .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 63.


    When the ice melts and I am brave enough to get back into the Mighty Micra I shall be heading to Moreeeesons for some of that Snowman loo roll.

    Just do't tell Nic .....!


  • Comment number 64.

    Evening each

    Chris, that seems to be the way of the lurgy these days - it goes, it comes back and the cough seems to stay for ever.

    Have had little boys today as their parents abandoned them in the snow to go to work. Other parents dug out the school so, much to the boys disgust, it's open tomorrow.

    The icicles on our houses are spectacular - I'm being careful not to stand underneath them.

    Saw pictures in The Scotsman this morning of poor people stuck on the M8 for ten hours!! My first thought was - what did they do if they needed a wee? Sorry.

    Off to catch up, back later.


  • Comment number 65.

    MC ,thanks for reminding me ,another thing for the list ..Snowman loo roll .A must have .

    Deev you're welcome hun ,will be thinking of you .and one 4 U {{{HUG}}}.


    PS now I'm just going to google a Dave ,another must by the sounds of it .

  • Comment number 66.


    thanks for that. My guess for 2moz is a wooden soldier or maybe a bunny wabbit on a harley davidson

    dare I say it...yeah I do...here goes...but touching wood(touching self on head) but I have yet to have a dreaded cold!!!! Do you all reckon I have shot me sen in the foot and jinxed me sen to be shot down with the lurg???

    For all those that need it (((((((((((((((all those who need and those who may not)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I am off too uncle ned as cold and tired and early start tomorrow to promote Chlamydia testing at a sixth form

    night night


  • Comment number 67.

    A DAVE is that the monkey????

    my boys think it is so funny as our neighbour is called Dave and so is this monkey

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh K, you really live the high life! Chlamydia testing!! I once did a sexual health promotion with a class of 15yr olds. Honestly - the teacher disappeared out of the classroom like a whirling dervish.

    DebbieC - hallo, so nice to see you back. Like Ali, I always think of you when I'm buying your crumpets.

    Deevs - I'll stick with the snowman - he's got to appear sometime.

  • Comment number 69.

    Deevs/ Bids,

    They do a kitchen roll too ! Its all rather cute and pretty, and i bet you wont be able to use it without humming the snowman tune !
    Altogether now...... " Were walking in the snow " ...................

    Night K&Ks xx

    Annie, i was reading about the dreadful conditions , truly horrendous journeys. Be careful of those icicles .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 70.

    I saw Dave the monkey today on the Hawkins site. I so want one for Christmas!!

    Dave the Monkey
    Dave the Table
    Dave the ex husband

    Common name innit, Dave?!


  • Comment number 71.

    KK,shot yourself in the foot YES .LOL.

    Hi Annie ,Children abandoned in the snow ;0) bet they're glad they've got you ,hehehe!!!
    Hope that you're all coping OK ,bet it's really getting you down now ,I be crawling up the curtains ,or drinking my self into a stupor ,now thats not a bad Idea .


  • Comment number 72.

    If you're a Twitter tweeter, get over there now - very entertaining banter betwixt our man CLP, Lord Sugar of Brentwood and Piers Morgan.



  • Comment number 73.

    Evening all! Quick in and out, back later. Am already late for local thing. Hope all with colds/sniffles feel better soon (EVEN Chris - despite his "S'not" joke...

    BIDS - MANY positive vibes on way for poorly Bids-Hound from Jasper and I. Hope you have good news very soon. x

    Deevs, a lovely candle, how sweet! Sure it wasn't "four candles"?! Out guess for tomorrow is (again) a decorated Chrimble tree. Or possibly one of Chris's used hankies...

    Back in a bit - leaving Jasper to guard the estate, while enjoying Radcliffe and Maconie, in my absence. I've counted the number of Cheerios in the box, so woe betide him if he goes a-pilfering...

    Gnyaaargh!!! Just popped upstairs for a last-minute comfort-stop to find that I left my bedroom radio on all day, playing to an empty house!! And I thought I was supposed to be the brains of the operation here (Jasper being, obviously, the looks). Now I'm not sure... And Jasper sounds like he's snoring in a mocking way...

    Oh bottoms! I'm going out.

    See you later.

    Ruth and (Mr. Smug-Whiskers) Jasper xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Bids, yes, we've all had enough of it. Apparently its coming back next week and staying till Christmas!!!! Bottoms.

    Will my car ever move again?


  • Comment number 75.

    Deevs - just tweeted (get me!) Chris about his book.

  • Comment number 76.

    I've just bought Reindeer loo roll!

    I nearly had the opportunity to use it for real yesterday!

    Just home, shattered as usual. Its very hard driving in fog for any length of time.

    2200 miles to Christmas!


  • Comment number 77.

    Just bee checking out The Dave ,yes very nice .I think I might just get a red one because I like the colour .

    Annie ,you will go stir crazy if you do get it until Xmas .enough is enough for all of you up there ,really do feel for you .
    Your energy bills will be extortionate this next time ,bet your dreading getting them .

    MTF ,nice to see you home hun ,Reindeer roll ,please tell where do I get all these fancy things from ???


  • Comment number 78.

    I want reindeer roll too!!!

    ... just don't tell Nic!


  • Comment number 79.

    Aldi Bids.


  • Comment number 80.

    Bids, not finished my Christmas shopping yet - think it'll be the wellies and a bus into Dunfermline with a list. Yes, getting worried about heating bills.

    Just offered to hold the coats for Chris and Alan Sugar on Twitter. Chris has thrown down the gauntlet.


  • Comment number 81.

    Aldi Deevs, dead cute, too good for purpose really :O


  • Comment number 82.

    LOL MTF. TMI!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Annie, I'm with you on worrying about the heating bill.

    I did my best to keep the heating off until November, but by golly, my house is so cold.

    I've tried the extra layers, but the old hooter gets cold and it chills you to the bone from therein.

    I have just bought two more halogen heaters and if it means less on the table at Christmas etc.. so be it!

    We survived without crackers last year, in fact, becuase of the lack of them, everyone got to eat their dinner while it was still hot!


  • Comment number 84.

    ps. OMG!


  • Comment number 85.

    If I get a new table, I will call it Mabel.

    I like the idea of being on first name terms with your furniture.


  • Comment number 86.

    Deevs, pourquoi le OMG?


  • Comment number 87.

    Oh, it's a bit frantic in the footie for us Spurs fans, including Lord Sugar!

    Baggy and KandsK, I'm not doing anything Christmassy here at all, I'm going to my Mum's and not coming back until after New Year! He's sulking, but he makes his bed and he has to lie in it!

    Am also refusing all Christmas lunches, evenings etc...just cba!

    Mind you, there's one I will go to, just a few folks...I'll be able to run us all down in my new car! :)

    JG x

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.


    I just did a blog of TLAs (three letter acronyms), which made me go OMG!


  • Comment number 89.

    Well thereis one thing with these fancy loo and kitchen roll this xmas ,we'll be well and truly decorated wont we .

    by the way does anybody put a dec or two in the little room by chance ????

    Bids.xxx. Just asking ..

  • Comment number 90.

    I think Nic's cricket has got to me .... LBW!


  • Comment number 91.

    We have icicles in our little room Bids.


  • Comment number 92.

    MTF ,real ones ????

  • Comment number 93.

    Yes Bids, real ones!

    Yikes, have just remembered there's a Goose in my boot.

    Back in a mo!!


  • Comment number 94.

    Well we have gas CH, but the house is still absolutely freezing, and it's only about 18 years old! The windows are rubbish!

    Anyhow on a good note, the Spurs are marching on! Top of the group! That'll cheer Lord Sugar up! LOL

    Night all! (probably)

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Bids,

    No, just the living room and a few bits on the mantlepiece in the kitchen.
    I am planning on going up in the loft on the 18th Dec, if you dont hear from me after then ...............

    JG, running your friends down ??? yikes , are you still coming round on Saturday, I think i may be busy !! LOL

    This morning, I had real problems setting the burglar alarm,it just wouldnt work and it took me a few minutes until the penny dropped.
    Mr Mc went out at 5.45am , and by the time i was leaving it was 8.00am.
    The front door had been open all that time , and that was why it wouldnt set. Either we live in a very safe neighbour hood, or we dont have anything worth stealing. Gave him a little lecture tonight, as i was slighly unnerved at the thought I was in bed asleep . He seemed to be more concerned about the telly and his dvd player.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hello and I know I'm the most distant spasmodic blogger nowadays,

    I hope you are all well and coping with the elements, -8 degrees as I drove to work this morning! My schools have at least 25 percent absenteism at the moment due to horrible lurgies doing the rounds - this plays havoc with the Christmas productions but the shows must go on.

    Anyhow I hope you don't mind me sharing - teen1 has her Oxford University interview tomorrow morning - all on her own for two days in a scarily Harry Potter-like environment. I am so proud of her.

    Advent guess - a cuddly bacteria.

    A x

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi BG,

    Good to see you, Good luck for teen 1 , hope it all goes well.
    Do let us know when you find out please.
    MC xx

  • Comment number 98.

    JG, its our windows that let us down too.

    MC, was it you that had the wuiper that was missing the windscreen on the passneger side? Mines been doing that today and I have had to keep getting out to scrape the frozen side as I couldnt see where I was going.

    What was the reason for yours, if it was you?

    I too left the back door open, it was frozen shut, but not locked as I discovered this morning, when I tried to unlock it!


  • Comment number 99.

    Technically that should have been bacterium.

    Sorry Barney. Are you out there?

    A x

  • Comment number 100.




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