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3.27 a.m. In The New Kitchen Chair

Chris Evans | 06:31 UK time, Thursday, 24 February 2011

I'm sitting in our new kitchen chair. It's not new to our lives but it's new to our kitchen. Tash has located it in the perfect position - right in the middle, underneath the tea towel holder. I love it, this is where it wants to be.

I'm up a whole hour earlier than I need to be by the way, the alarm next door was shrieking so I thought I'd better have a nosey. After some thorough investigation,mostly by Beth our German Shepherd - all seems to be well, but boy can I can feel that extra hour. I have blurred vision which doesn't want to go away, and my head actually feels like it's been in a mangle. Also, I've never been one for the shakes but I can feel a little something right now. I may be on the verge.

So, drama over, do I go back to bed or do I have a coffee, stay up and see if the shakes wanna dance a little ?

Just call me Shakey.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    The should I stay awake or go back to sleep dilemia

    Last night I was asleep by 7:30 as I am full of cold, then I woke up at 11:30 wide awake but veyr headachey

    After lying awake in pain for a while I went in search of Mr bp (asleep in the spare room) and got some painkillers

    Then read for a bit until the pain subsidered and I felt sleepy again

    Still feel like a bus ran over me this morning and my fingers are hurting so much it hurts to type, so best do some work


  • Comment number 2.

    Good morning all,
    Oh!!! Chris that really put you out for the day ,just make sure you make up for it tonight and have an early one .
    Is ithe chair the one from the other house that you were so fond of a little while back or a different one .

    Also glad that all was well with the alarm going off ,at least you had Beth with you ,she must be fully grown now and a good friend to Noah.

    Baggy ,morning to you dear ,hope that you get to feel better ,you sound as though you are suffering .

    Have a good day all...Take care .


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris and Baggy,

    I bet you went back to bed Chris. Normally once I'm awake I stay up, much to the bemusement of Errol. I tend to find 5 hours kip is enough for me, and laying in makes me feel as though I am wasting a day. Bizarre really, as when I do get up I don't really do anything (on a day off, of course) unless its really necessary, and generally laze around having a pyjama day.

    Today though will be different. I have to track down a few bags of modelling balloons, buy a cutlass or two and bake some doggy biscuits - all in the name of charity.

    Baggy, I've had a cold for the last 10 days or so. Its not too bad except for the hacking cough that has bruised my ribs and the hibernating hedgehog that has fallen asleep in my throat. Still managing my 20 a day though. This month, depending on finances, sees me visiting a hypnotherapist to make me give up the sticks of evil though. Wish me luck!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning ladies

    I'm trying to avoid the cough as I had that nasty cheast infection over Christmas.

    MW, some advice for you - give up the fags - they will kill you - hopefully that will work and you will save some pennies :-)

  • Comment number 5.

    MWa ,just chuck them away ,I did 16 years ago never had one since.


    PS. good Luck with it ,and well done if you do !!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning CLP, MW,a!, Baggles and Bids

    (and everyone and anyone lurking out there in Blogsville!)

    Yah boo sucks to lack of sleep - I was awake for most of Tuesday night, achieving about 2 hours sleep max. Yesterday I felt blimmin' awful, literally physically sick with tiredness. Then I pushed myself to go for a swim after work (met Nic in the pool - lovely!), then when we got home it was a healthy light tea, a bit of footie, a bit of Secret Diary and bed by half ten. I woke up with alarm at 7.15 this morning and feel so much better for it.

    And like MW,a! I don't/can't do lie-ins - something that Nic finds bizarre on Saturday mornings, but I love my hour or so of tranquility with a cup of coffee, a book and no noise (usually around 8.30 am).

    I'm starting to believe that if you listen to your body, you will win the war! So, if the body says rest, then rest.

    I feel it could be a good day today: the eyes that sit behind me aren't in today, the boss woman is out this afternoon and it's YOGA tonight!

    Calm mind, calm body.

    Mange tout!


  • Comment number 7.

    Me again .....

    Just to say I love the idea of a chair/cosy sofa in the kitchen, so that you can sit and keep the one dong the cooking company, or be kept company if it's you at the range ...

    We recently added a bookcase to our kitchen at ChezNic, which now proudly hosts all 58 or so cookery books, and I love it!


  • Comment number 8.

    I'd love a kitchen bookshelf, alas, no room. But they're all in one place in the dining room.

    Chris, did you go back to bed?? If you did I bet you feel worse now than you did then.

    It's the one thing about having a baby that always gets me, the sleep thing. The toddler still nurses overnight and we bed share to get some sleep - not everyone's thing but it's great for us (maybe not so great for the husbeast but - meh!)

    @Bids, my 2 are currently throwing balls for our dog. She's a really good playmate for them. Children shouldn't grow up without dogs!


  • Comment number 9.


    I used to be firmly in the "can't go back to sleep camp" but as I get older, I find it easier to turn over and doze off for a while

    Would be hopeless if I went back for just an hour though. You'd just get into that really deep sleep and then waking up is a total shock

    Deevs is right that maybe a swim or even a walk in the fresh air to get over the exhausted part and set you up for a good nights rest

    Concerned, isn't it funny how we read things differently. I read Chris' blog yesterday and thought that he is still bothered about it - he obviously had it on his to do list and when he realised it wasn't done yet, he didn't just shrug and leave it, he got on with it

    mind you, I'm not surpirsed blogs are brief if he types everything on on of those ickle raspberry things! have enought troublwe getting my fingers round a proper keyboard!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Sezza - I don't know how men cope with Andriod phones, and the fruity palm pilot ones. I struggle texting/tweeting etc from my Android with my delicate little lady fingers, so how on earth men manage it successfully with their great big man fingers is beyond me!



  • Comment number 11.

    Good morning everyone from an extremely grey and dull Ayrshire, even though the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Weather is showing a large bright sun for this area today!!

    CLP - Have you moved the chair from the landing, the one you used to bump into every morning when you got up, into the kitchen?

    I must say, we spend most of our time in the kitchen, we have a big table in there and a TV, the cats all have beds on top of the wall units and the dogs beds sit in front of the rayburn, I would even have the horses in there if David would let me, we eat at the table and usually go through to the living room at 7pm or thereabouts to watch whatever we have Cloudplussed.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 12.

    Ah Ha! That's where my sleep must have come from because I woke up at 9.12 - I should have been at work for 9.00 - issues! I started at 9.30 so this will be my only comment for the day and I might be back later post-work. ttfn

  • Comment number 13.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    A nice sunny day here.

    I have a folding stool for the kitchen, I don't use it too often but it's very handy, could be used elsewhere too.

    As if you don't have to up early enough already Chris! I actually stopped setting the alarm a long time ago. I was often having to leap out of bed in a panic at 3.0am or thereabouts to stop it. Or else return home to find it going. I don't know exactly what caused it each time, I thought maybe cats, birds knocking against the window, many things but the strange thing is, never once did I think it might be a burglar.

    I'm hoping the nice man from the oxygen suppliers will arrive today to put the concentrator downstairs and pipe it in. The noise has been disturbing me for the past 20 months. Then it should be peaceful nights once again!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    morning all

    sorry to those not on my fb, long story, mistakes were made.
    I'm still on the clp bloggers page, please come find me so normal service can be resumed (if you'd like)

    blood tests done, results next Tues, meal out last night was lovely.
    Decoration today, joy

    bonnet de douche


    I too have a fave chair where I like to sit, can't beat it

  • Comment number 15.

    I have something which is puzzling me!

    Each time I buy an item from a certain river company why do I get daily e-mails about the same product? Why would I want to buy hundreds of the same thing?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 16.


    ive given up and am at home on the sofa, feel really guilty as I have a lot to do


  • Comment number 17.

    Hi all

    I didn't make it to work either today. I wish I knew what I want to do - all I know is I really don't want to be doing what I am supposed to be doing.

    Before I set off on a load of rambling tosh, I'll sign off for now.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 18.


    Please refer to my Post 6 above, and in particular para 5.

    Don't feel guilty for being at home poorly ick. I'm sure your colleagues wouldn't thank you for staying insitu and spreading your germs to them (that's how I got my recent bout of poorliness, by having a manager who thinks we can't cope without her...!)

    If someone else can do it in your absence, they will. If nobody else can do it in your absence they need to train someone up for times such as these, and it will have to wait until you return. The world won't stop turning.

    Hope you feel better soon - you too mtd.

    Snuggle blankets, tissues and daytime TV all round.


  • Comment number 19.

    I'm sat watching a black and white version of one of the later Anne of Green Gables books, it's not too bad!

  • Comment number 20.

    See - beats being a stressed bean counter!



  • Comment number 21.

    but not a tangible long term solution, unless I win the lottery

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon .

    It's turning into a lovely day here , and blue sky is appearing.

    CLP, I'd be wary of any house that comes with a kitchen :-)

    I am currently looking at pictures of places to rent, and they all seem to show kitchens and not a lot else of the property .In my opinion you can't go wrong with a shed or a tent, especially now the weather is picking up.

    MC xx

    Get well soon poorly peeps xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi everyone

    It really is a glorious day here, I even walked up to buy my lunch without a coat on!

    I don't set the alarm at night either, as I'd have to isolate almost all of the house to let Finlay wander around, so there wouldn't be much point.

    Go on then MC, I'll volunteer to be a tester... ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    cake for me please - well I am ill :-)

  • Comment number 25.


    Isn't it great to see some blue sky . I have the window open and i can hear birdsong too.

    Thanks for the offer :-))) have you asked Finlay too ????

    Take care.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 26.

    I've just made some cookies if anyone wants one - poorly or not!

    They were going to be choc chip cookies but I think the mixture was a bit too hot when I put the choc chips in so now they are just choc!!

    Best be quick though, I've left them downstairs with Boy1 and his friend

    I fear they are not long for this world - the cookies that is not the boys!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Glad you clarified that final sentence Sezza, I was a tad worried there for a mo!

    No cookies for me ..... yogurt time!


  • Comment number 28.


    I would love (at least) one of your cookies, just having coffee and they would go down a treat with it - never mind, I think I'm just a bit too far to collect one!



  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon All,

    What a glorious day for a funeral, and I say that as I have just been to one. It was a lady from church who was 82 and she was such a wonderful woman. The service was one of real celebration and I am so glad that it was today and not yesterday when it was just wet, foggy and miserable.

    Hugs to the poorly peeps, but please keep your germs to yourself xx

    I haven't got room in my kitchen for a chair, but I do like to sit and watch other people as they cook. When I visit my friend in the States I take up position for the week on a stool by her breakfast bar and watch her work; she does occassionally give me something to do :)

    I hope everyone is bathed in sunshine, if not let me know and I'll send some your way.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi everyone:

    Trying to catch up:

    Margot: lovely to see you back. xx

    MC: I'm definitely up for one of your cupcakes! I may have a cheeky glass of wine to go with it!

    Bingo: you are on good form!

    mtd: sorry to hear you are feeling lousy. xx Re: The Candyman - well, Friday wouldn't be Friday without it, for me. But perhaps Chris would consider a Monday slot from the blog - it would get a difficult day off to a great start! If he did agree to this, I bet he would play it just after the 6.30 news, just to keep us on our toes!

    Dreamer: we must have been at the same Eagles concert. Ruddy awful. MrS, who is an Eagles specialist (saw them on their very first gig in the UK when they were the support act for Neil Young) was just so disappointed, we left ages before the end.

    AliB: I'm glad you had such a nice day for the funeral. What a difference it makes if it's not a grey day. And, thank you, we do have sun here too - it's lovely!

    Baggy: hope you feel better soon.

    And, finally, Concerned Licence Payer: thanks for your constructive comments - I knew you wouldn't let us down!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.


    Oxygen piped in. Looking forward to a lovely peaceful night tonight!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    New blog's up! Feel free to add your own - you'll see what I mean!


  • Comment number 33.

    Maddy: that is great news! Hope the birds don't wake you up too early tomorrow morning!


  • Comment number 34.

    Maddy, that's good - bet it seems really quiet when you go to bed tonight!

    Deev, will have a look in a mo

    Ali, we are indeed bathed in sunshine. Boy2 has been to tennis this afternoon - it was lovely waiting to pick him up. Won't be long til we can get the deckchairs and Pimms out!

    Hi Chrissie

    Do you think Chris had crashed yet? Good job he hasn't got to do the 1 show tonight!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Sezza: hiya - when you get those deckchairs out, and the Pimms is on the go, I will be available when you call!

    Hope you all have a nice evening - I'm off to see my friend "the cook" for dinner.

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    LOL Chrissie.

    I might be sorry, I've forgotten all those other noises, i.e. car alarms, doors banging, car engines, etc. ha ha!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Sezza.

    You just popped up-I bet it will be, the silence might keep me awake LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Evening each

    I was up far too early too Chris - 6.15! I had to be over the rickety bridge and in situ for 9am for a team meeting. Definitely a shock to the system and I don't recommend it.

    I did, however, have lunch with the 9month old, which was a bonus - a placid, smiley baby who is just awed and wide-eyed by the world around him.

    Haven't caught up yet - hope everyone is well.

  • Comment number 39.

    Evening Kindness From Me Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Not Stopped Since 5.40am This Morning But Finally Able Ter Pop Inter The CLP Blog For A 'Bingo Blog Blast!!' Ter Say...

    CLP - A forgave you yesterdee for forgetting ter blog, now will you forgive me for waking you up this morning!!!!!!!!!
    Ave gotta come clean & confess it was me in yer neighbours garden at 3.27am!!!!!!!! (A still can't beleive a got the wrong damn it garage!!!!!)
    Where was a??????
    Oh I yeah... In CLP's neighbour's garden.... After yer blog yesterdee about yer latest car... Aka the new - old one.... A thought i'd just pop down ter try & getta photo!!!!!!!!!!
    Very much like a did with yer F430, yer California, yer Ferrari Enzo... and ter add ter me collection a need a photer of the latest one yerv added ter your collection!!!!!!!!!!!

    All a can say is am most very sorry for waking yer up!!!!!!!!!!


    Bingo Star, Gotta Go Fast!

  • Comment number 40.

    PS A got photers of yer other cars outside R2 & at The Wentworth gig!!!!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh SB, you're not well. Look after yourself and I hope you feel better soon me dear.


  • Comment number 42.

    Evening CLP and the rest, well I was definitely dead to the world at 3:27 this morning! I'd had a rubbish night's sleep the night before, had been unable to switch off. Had a better night last night but had to be up earlier than usual for a training session.

    Has anyone else been watching My Life In Books on ´óÏó´«Ã½ 2 at 6:30 each night? Each night two celebrities choose five books which have inspired them: one from childhood, one from adolescence, a couple from adulthood, and a "guilty pleasure". I've been trying to come up with my list of five and am struggling!

    Hope everyone has had a good day.


  • Comment number 43.

    Evening Rosie

    My one from childhood would definitely be Little Women and the 'guilty pleasure' would be the Shopaholic books. I'll have to have a think about the other two categories.

    Bums - childhood books now appearing in my head are Heidi and What Katy Did, so maybe I'm not quite definite about Little Women.


  • Comment number 44.

    Annie - I was tossing up between Little Women and What Katy Did as well, I suppose they fit into adolescence (sp) and something like Stig of the Dump and Swallows and Amazons fall into childhood.

    In terms of adult reading, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, anything by Penny Vincenzi and for guilty pleasures, Jilly Cooper - I don't do anything deep these days.

    Goodness it is impossible to keep it to 5 isn't it.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Evening all

    Books.... I love them :) However, my life in books challenge as set by Rosie... er... wouldn't say any really inspired me, although I did want to be an author when I was younger (I've given up the idea now, not enough time or ideas)

    However, memorable ones...
    Childhood: Winnie the Pooh, Paddington, Hairy MacClary, Stig of the Dump, the Chronicles of Narnia, anything by Enid Blyton (and yes, Heidi and What Katy Did featured early on with me too Annie).
    Adolescence I'm sure featured Sweet Valley High by the score in leisure time, and Kes, Romeo&Juliet, Hamlet and Little Women in English classes.
    Adulthood has so far featured several thousands of books I'm sure, but the main (favoured, if I don't think I'll re-read my books get passed onto charities) authors on my shelves are: Jill Mansell, Chris Manby, Christina Jones, Freya North, Sheila O'Flanagan, Carole Matthews, Victoria Routledge, Katie Fforde, Jenny Pitman, Erica James, Sophie Kinsella, Melissa Nathan, Nicholas Sparks and Cecilia Ahern. Yes, my bookshelves are a tad over loaded!
    Guilty pleasure... reading in general I think, I can rarely put a book down once started so I'm late for all sorts of things as I keep thinking "just one more chapter" and then forgetting to notice I've started the one after!

    I have the urge to start a book now, but I need an early night. Recipe for disaster alert ;)

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh god Oz, all of those - they're so good aren't they? I'd add Rosie Thomas and Sebastian Faulks to your list. And, I have to say, to whoever suggested The Shed, what a thought provoking book.

    Oh, and have just discovered Daisy Waugh (granddaughter of Evelyn Waugh). Loved Bed of Roses and Desperate Diary of a Country Housewife.


  • Comment number 47.

    Re the books think i just need to say Oz - ditto!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    MTD: I can't believe I missed Swallows and Amazons off my list, and the Hitch Hikers Guide (which is somewhere on that there overstuff bookshelf along with all the others) and I've recently discovered Penny Vincenzi, hers tend to be a bit thick to take out with me as they don't fit in my handbag. I have been known to take a book to fill in time at the other end when I go out, and am a pro at reading on the move (car, train, bus, whatever) after years of practice.

    Annie: don't think I've come across your additions to my list, will have to keep an eye out ;)


  • Comment number 49.

    Ooh looks like I've got some of you thinking!

    Childhood reading has to be Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton, I think Dahl has the edge, he really was a master story teller.

    For adolescence it would have to be Pride and Prejudice. I was about 15 when the ´óÏó´«Ã½ adaptation hit the screens, so I'm sure Mr Darcy must have been my first love!!

    Since then, I have favoured Phillipa Gregory, Bill Bryson, Steig Larsson, Charley Boorman, Freya North, more Jane Austen, Margaret Atwood and others that I can't remember off the top of my head.

    As for a guilty pleasure, I'd go for Henning Mankell or a newly discovered author, Jo Nesbo. I love a good detective novel and both do a great line in Scandinavian crime mysteries. In both cases think Rebus but with a Swedsih/Norwegian accent!


  • Comment number 50.

    Sezza: Introducing Ozgirl, otherwise known as bookworm!

    Rosie: how could I forget Roald Dahl and Dick King-Smith?! You're right, you've got me thinking, but my memory is rubbish as I've just proving ;)


  • Comment number 51.

    Oz - thick books can be read very easily on the Kindle (did I mention I had a Kindle??).

    Rosie: Forgot the Steig Larsson trilogy - fabby.

    Right, my heid's pickled with books - am off to my bed with my Kindle and 'Wish' by Alexandra Bullen.


  • Comment number 52.

    ... and I can't make sense either... I'M just proving... honestly!

  • Comment number 53.

    Annie: no I don't think you did mention a kindle ;) Will it fit in my bag along with the kitchen sink and various sets of keys?


  • Comment number 54.

    Oh yes Oz - took mine to Edinburgh with me yesterday, and I downloaded a new book while I was waiting for the train at Haymarket station.


  • Comment number 55.

    If I actually think about it, I'll have to go with Enid Blyton for childhood, especially the school series - how I longed to go to St Clares!

    Maybe Judy Blume for adolescence - Are you there God, it's me, Margaret was one of the best I remember

    Adult is going to have to be Terry Pratchett and if I have to pick one it'll be, it's very difficult to choose you know, Granny Weatherwax or Sir Samuel Vimes.................it's going to have to be Thud.

    for the other I think i'll choose Chris's books of course ;-)

    My guilty pleasure - anything that falls into my bag in the library- usually chick lit or girly detective stories like Stephanie Plum - or Vampire romance or.............

    Who started this? It's making my brain hurt!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Whoops, sorry for your brain-ache Sezza!


  • Comment number 57.

    Bums Sezza, forgot Chris's books - one on my bookshelf and one on my Kindle.

    It's all Rosie's fault, and I bet she's gone off to her bed! Where I'm headed now - no, not her bed - mine.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 58.

    Annie, you should have mentioned your kindle.

    Do you like it?

    Oz, all I can say is thanks the gods for the library!! And now I have a little bookworm all of my own we're there even more!

    Talking about Celia Ahern, i started to watch the film of PS I Love You the other day. Sorry Mtd I should have listened to you. I had to turn it off because it was making me cross! Now I've got to get the book again to remember it properly!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 59.


    Thanks for your post, I've been watching My Life in Books, good programme. I spent 15 years in publishing unfortunately it was scientific, technical and medical but I did used to do swaps at the Frankfurt Bookfair; my boring books for some novels!

    Childhood: Twins at St Claires, Mallory Towers, AA Milne, Ann of Green Gables and Rupert the Bear.

    Teen years: John Grisham, Jeffrey Archer and Patricia Cornwell

    Nowadays: Cathy Kelly, Sheila O'Flanagan, Jane Green and anything that grabs my attention. I don't read so much now which disappoints me a lot.

    Annie, Did you mean The Shack? If so I've read that three times in the past three years, very thought provoking.


  • Comment number 60.

    Rosie, it's a good brain-ache!!

    If I was feeling more energetic I'd go an look at my book-shelf cos I'm sure there are some recent gems there that I could recommend but can I remember them?

    Can I diddley!!

    Sezza xxx who's feeling very much like the bear with very little brain!

  • Comment number 61.

    AliB - yes, of course - The Shack (how stupid am I?). Apparently there are groups round the world who meet to discuss this book. A friend of mine who travels a lot has seen them.

    And how did I forget to add Cathy Kelly and Jane Green? Love their books.


  • Comment number 62.

    Books eh! I started my working life in a public library and oh the new books I took home every day - I would read till all hours as I could never put the things down once I had started. You never get a chance to read though while you are at work in a library as far too busy. I progressed to an academic library which just wasn't the same.

    I read so many as a child I can't remember favourites and the memory isn't that good anyway lol. Loved To kill a mockingbird and Lady Chatterley's lover and count down the months to new Jilly Cooper's. Prefer to go to RSC than read Shakespeare but used to dabble once.

    That's got my brain aching too trying to remember - BTW used to love to sneak the new Catherine Cookson's in amongst the older stuff when the oldies weren't looking - you would get mobbed if they saw you with them - those were the days eh!?!

    Love to all

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Sezza: Judy Blume :) I remember those from teenage years, tried her again as an adult (Summer Sisters is over there) but wasn't as keen, will give it one more go before outing it as I really did like her teenage books.
    I too have It's Not What You Think, and Memoirs of a Fruitcake lurking on my shelves. Fruitcake I bought as a flat warming pressie to myself, but I haven't had chance to read it yet :( I keep promising myself I won't buy anymore books until I've read the unread ones on my shelves, this is a promise I keep breaking. I will have willpower one day... just possibly not where good books are involved!


  • Comment number 64.

    LOL Annie,

    Eveytime I read it I read things I didn't read before if that makes sense! I've brought 5 copies so far and leave them where ever I travel. I need to get another one and leave it with my friend in the States next time I visit.


  • Comment number 65.

    I'm still here Annie, but not for much longer, I'll be getting into my bed with my Jo Nesbo detective story. A very good read, but I'll never look at a snowman in the same way again!


  • Comment number 66.

    Annie, Ali, tell me about The Shack please?

    You know, this question has really made me think. Like many here tonight I think, I have been a bookworm all my life but now I am trying to think of all the books and authors I have enjoyed and so many have gone from my memory

    I think I need to start a project to start to record some of the books I have loved

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    AliB, mine's archived on my Kindle and I will go back and look at it. I'm not at all religious but it spoke to me about loving and respecting each other.

    Hallo Susan, nice to see you.

    Right, I was going to bed about an hour ago. Night all.


  • Comment number 68.

    Sezza: I think it was me who warned you the Ps I Love You film was rubbish and nowt like the book. I bought it (the book) in German for a challenge a few years ago (I already have Winnie the Pooh in German). It took me a good 2 months to read, longest a book has ever taken me to read! If I ever need bed rest I think I'll try it again!


  • Comment number 69.

    Sezza, you have to read it. It's a mind altering book, even if you're not religious. Definitely makes you think and look at the world in a different way.


  • Comment number 70.


    The Shack is brilliant but very sad and as a mum you will find it a hard read. Without giving too much away it is about a man who encounters God after an event in his life, where God calls him to a Shack. It's brilliant IMHO and as Annie said makes you think and see things differently, whether you believe in God or not.

    Get it...go on xx


  • Comment number 71.

    Thanks Ali and Annie, I'll look out for it

    I'm having a trip down memeory lane and trying to fight my way back through my memory.

    In my teens i read a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Fiction and have just reminded my self of Anne Macaffery and the Dragons of Pern and Robert A Heinlein - think those were real space travel ones

    I'm going to keep investigating - wonder if the library still has my record from way back when!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    I still haven't gone!!

    Sezza, check the name of the cover artist on the Sci Fi books - could well be my brother.

    Where's JG? She said she would be here.


  • Comment number 73.

    Haven't caught up at all, but did Annie mention she'd got a Kindle, when did that happen then???

    I must confess to only being a third of the way through CLP's first book, I'm not a book reader, or a film watcher...

    I have to watch something more active than that, which is why I watch a lot of sport stuff!

    Anhow, I'll get back in my box now...LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Am watching the Spice Trail programme - lovely Kate Humble has just been made a Princess!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Well, do I care that you're all taking the pee? Not at all.

    Am definitely off now - with my Kindle. See you all tomorrow. No FNWC as I'll have 3 little boys staying with me. We're off to that pizza place for tea and then a midnight feast at 8 o'clock. Will make sure they have loads of chocolate so they annoy their parents on Saturday.


  • Comment number 76.

    Annie, enjoy your pizza!! Am sure you'll have a lovely peaceful night!!

    Hiya JG, hope you're ok. Drove behind a car like yours today and thought of you

    Am off now to dream of books!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Ok, really going but just remembered the Chalet School books. Think there were loads of them

    Oh, this is going to keep me busy!


  • Comment number 78.

    What an Audi, Sezza? They're everywhere...or the old Merc?

    JG x

  • Comment number 79.

    Red audi JG, I have seen lots of them but just drove along behind this one and hoped you were liking yours


  • Comment number 80.

    Night Annie, Night Sezza

    Won't be far behind you or my early night will be further up the Khyber than planned! Just slurping hot choc now...

    In an addition to Rosie's question; favourite place to read? For me this is either curled up in bed, or on the sofa with my feet under a blanket.


  • Comment number 81.

    Oh, yes, I love it, now I've got used to it not being the quattro version, we fly along!! Just haven't thought of a name for it yet...

    I know cars are supposed to be female, but this needs a male name...it's a bit of a beast, especially in Sport mode...;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Evening all.

    If anyone wants help in choosing names for their cars, well look no further :)


  • Comment number 83.

    I dont charge!


  • Comment number 84.


    ( shaun )!!!!


  • Comment number 85.

    Morning all

    loving the book talk - I have far too many books and will read most things but your lists bought back some happy memories

    We had the anne of green gables books and children and the Emily series by the same author, which I bought for my 7 year old name sake last Christmas, shes a little young but about the right age to start reading proper novels.

  • Comment number 86.

    Good morning everyone!

    Books, books and more books I say .... bring 'em on!

    We have a study at home which was full of Nic's books when I moved in, it's now bursting at the seams with our combined book collection. I can never throw books away and lately have veered towards autobiographies. My fave book as a kid was Roald Dahl's classic Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - I read it hungrily, over and over again. Also loved Stig Of The Dump and I recall a book called Emile And The Detectives about a little boy in East Germany who went on a train journey and encountered a big adventure - I think I got given it for attendance at Sunday school!

    I'm currently reading a little book I picked up at a National Trust shop. It's a "diary" format written by a 13 year old girl who was taken out of school to work in the Mill as her family were very poor. It's shocking what the children had to do back in the mid 1800s, a real eye opener.

    Yoga last night was fab - very bendy indeed. I'm definitely improving but I really ache this morning - I'm sure a couple of glasses of medicinal grape juice will sort me out tonight though (well, it is Friday!)

    Also ... today's the day. I'm going to enrol! Scared, excited, challenged. I'm determined to make it work!

    Oh, and thank you for all the comments on my blog. It's good to rant, and reading your feedback just confirms that it's not just me!

    Back inabit ....


  • Comment number 87.

    Good morning everyone from a wet and windy Ayrshire.

    I love books too, when I was very young I would read anything that involved ponies, then as a teenager, the one I remember most was "H", an Autobiography of a Child Prostitute and Herion Addict, it is absolutely brilliant, now I love a good thriller, my favourite author has to be Jeffrey Deaver, I like autobiographies too (both of CLP's I thought were great), the place I usually read is in bed, for 20 minutes or so before going to sleep.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and an even better weekend!



    p.s. MM, how did you sleep last night?

  • Comment number 88.

    Well, after reading your posts, I have just bought The Shack from that well known auction site, looks interesting.


  • Comment number 89.

    I have two overflowing bookcases in the spare room, but due to Mr bp wanting to sort out the bedrooms they will have to come into our room, which means that I have one 6 ft bookcase to hold all my books - looks like I'm going to have to go through them but I hate getting rid off books - more like the ACCA books and accounting magazines will be archieved into the loft instead :-)

  • Comment number 90.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Not as nice here in Wirral today, warm but no sun.

    I have to say that I don't do a lot of reading, I tend to read half the book and then continue a few months later. I have read Chris's books though and couldn't put those down which proves just how good they are. I read a lot as a child, i.e. Enid Blyton, Hans Christian Anderson, Aesop's Fables, etc.

    Gail-strangely enough I couldn't get off to sleep at all last night. It was, however, lovely to lie awake in silence instead of listening to the irritating noise of the concentrator. I have 'The Sound Of Silence' running through my mind today LOL. I think I might be going slightly mad ha ha! (more than usual)

    Hope everyones OK!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    I'll share my song with you:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Its Friday Folks :)


  • Comment number 93.

    Afternoon each

    Just popping to say hallo before the first child arrives for our evening of pizza and chocolate.

    Dozy - let's know what you think of the book.

    Might get back later if the children ever go to sleep.


  • Comment number 94.

    Just popping 'in' obviously, although I might pop if I eat too much pizza.


  • Comment number 95.

    Happy Friday everyone!!! Is it time for a drink yet?

    Loving all your favourite books. How lucky we were as kids to be encouraged and allowed to read for pleasure - it's a joy that stays with you for life.

    I'm quite interested in those Kindles. Does anyone on here have any experience of them? ;-)

    One more question: what's afoot at Cheznic? Spill, girl!

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Deevs - good luck with the enrolment and your future studies. You can do it!!

    Maddy - hope you get used to the peace and quiet all over again!

    My mum was taken into hospital on Tuesday having suffered a TIA (mini-stroke). She had a bad stroke in Nov 2009 so it was all a bit worrying in case this was a prelude to another one, but she came home this morning and there are no lasting effects after all. Phew.

    The sun's been shining down here all day, which is nice. Just read in the paper about the NZ couple who have got married - she was trapped in an office block but managed to be rescued thanks to her mobile phone and her fiancé scrabbling around to find her. At last, some good news out of such a tragedy.

    Have a good weekend one and all - we're off to see the parents tomorrow.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 97.


    The One Show is for you tonight!

    Noel Fielding!!!!!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hey you lot!

    Sorry for absence this afternoon - the man wot sits behind me was in so I couldn't log on to play.

    Life sucks sometimes!

    We're off out tonight for an Indian to celebrate new beginnings ...... Nic has got a new job (start date TBC) and I've also taken the monumental decision to retrain and (hopefully, in about a year's time if all goes to plan) start my own business as a Nutritionist.

    A year's worth of home study - Nutritionist, and Counsellor, but have a head full of ideas and opportunities and only I can make them happen. Although it's pretty handy having an Accountant as a partner ..!

    Maddy - thank you. Will set the Cloud+ Box NOW!



  • Comment number 99.

    That's food for thought Deevs!

    Seriously, that will be very interesting and fulfilling and there will be plenty of vacancies and opportunities.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Thanks Maddy. I'm very excited about the whole thing - I've always had an interest in diet and nutrition, and if my knowledge can help others achieve their goals, then all the better!

    I'm now impatiently waiting for the home study stuff to arrive !



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