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Big Week, Sleep Now Or Prepare To Fail

Chris Evans | 10:05 UK time, Monday, 27 June 2011

Four days on the road begins Thursday morning with this year's Drive and Dine for Children In Need.

Sleep between now and then is mandatory - as very little is usually available once we roll. T

he worst bit is that the whole team (twenty of them) doss at my house on the Wednesday night before, which is a recipe for a late night and most of the things we shouldn't be doing on the eve of our annual adventure..

I shall try to sneak off to bed early that night but I will definitely be sleeping at every opportunity between now and. . . zzzzzzzzzzzz.





  • Comment number 1.

    Am I first?

    Surely not.


  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris and fellow boggers, wherever you may be!

    I've been following Hiten on Twitter and he sounds totally frazzled with all the prep of the Dine & Disco. I'm sure it'll all be worth it though!

    Well I've started my last week as a full-time employee, and it's only a 3.5 day week anyway! I'm off Weds pm and all day Friday then it's 5 hour days as of next Monday - and plans plans plans aplenty!

    Our weekend was lovely. We got drowned drenched soaked to the skin on Friday night watching an excellent production of the Merry Wives Of Windsor, then as if that wasn't enough, we took Nic's little lad to a water theme park place in Stoke on Saturday. Luckily, yesterday was a grown up day of gardening, a BBQ and drinking white wine in the garden. And an early night.

    Whatever you're doing, stay cool, calm and very collected!


  • Comment number 3.

    Golly a whole year has passed by since I was stood in the road leading up to the Chewton Glen, waving frantically as the cars roared by.

    That was such a lovely week weather wise, hope it is as good this year. I woke up to blue skies here in Somerset, then half an hour later, clouded over and have just had a heavy downpour.

    Ah well, less watering of the garden.


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning MTF & Deevs - and anyone else lurking out there.

    What a beautiful morning, everything in the world seems better when the sun is shining, don't you think?

    I've been a right old ranty-pants for a while - work has been awful, so decided to lurk rather than bring the now rejuvenated blog all the way back down again!

    Deevs - well done on assignment 8, and for your PMA regarding your reduced hours - a forced opportunity, but an opportunity nevertheless. :-)

    Have a good Monday

    CG xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Kooo Eeeeee, Morning.

    Thunder storms for later today apparently so enjoy the blast of heat where ever you are.

    So this is the week that could change things forever. Notice due to go in on Thursday, had the boss man come back to me with a proposal which was just lame in comparison to the new job so looks like I am on the move.

    Dine and Disco, sounds fab and wish I had the cash to take part but unfortunately out of my league but well done to all those who bid so much money for the kiddies, after all that is what it is all about.

    Well off to earn a crust and the way food prices are at the moment a crust is about all I can afford, how much goodness is there in a crust Deevs........

    Yassas filles

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello and Happy Mondays All Round dear blog chumsters.

    There are a couple of birthdays next door so I thought I'd drop by with some cup cakes. Enjoy.

    ..............().... ()....()....()

    ..............().... ()....()....()

    ..............().... ()....()....()


  • Comment number 7.


    Yum thanks for the cake Katy, and Happy Birthday to those on the other side xx

    Chris, If I could curl up and sleep in my office right now I would. I am seriously devoid of sleep and woe betide anyone who crosses my path today!

    I've eaten my own body weight in ***p this weekend, which has only added to the grumpiness and self loathing. But today is a new day, the sun is shining, the birds are signing and enough of this self pity :)

    CB, Good luck in your new ventures and I quite agree about food prices! xx

    CG, How's the leg/knee? xx

    Hi MTF and Deevs xx


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi AliB,

    Knee 'almost' better thanks. Physio working a treat. Apparently I may not be able to ride again as the ligament is now shorter than it should be, but I'll worry about that later. Ribs still sore if I laugh or cough, but all in all, not bad!

    Why has Katy gone to the mods? Was her cake made of beansprouts :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Good Morning CE & Everyone.

    Good luck with the Drive & Dine for Children in Need Chris. I'm sure an early night will be impossible when you all get together at your abode on Wednesday night. But the thrill of it all should keep you wide awake for the four days and then you can catch up on sleep afterwards.

    I didn't sleep last night as I was much too hot, I can't believe that I needed to put the heating on on Saturday. It certainly does change!

    So all windows open here and plenty of cool drinks!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Gosh. The cakes disappeared quickly. For those who missed them ... here's another

    ..............().... ()....()....()

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all - opps no - arternoon all!

    Just had one of the best things day after a roast - a roast beef sarnie for my lunch

    Milestone for me this morning too - last school run ever! and funily enough we were chatting about it and then someone else said the same in braking news - and they were also in a golf! spooky but 100% true!

    It'll be interesting to see what she does with all her school stuff when she gets home later - will it be blizzted to the loft or left to gather dust - we shall see.

    Chrissie - Carolyn had as much fun at TT as you did - next one of my team is going tonight and last of the crew on Friday - infact in our weekly morning conf call today - we scrapped talking about work and concentrated on the gigs! LOL

    Right steeling myself up for an hour long conf call about Agency Worker Regulations at one, then might sneek a peek at Andy this arvo - got to have some compensations!

    Laters you lovely lot
    Oh and if you are lurking Baggy - chin up chuck :-)


  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris a busy week indeed. Unfortunately I (once again) did not win the lottery so I (along with millions) will be listening intently to the wireless for updates on how your week progresses! ;-)

    I am looking forward to the CiN again this year. :-)

    My week could not be more different. I am having a troubled time, work related鈥︹..still鈥︹..sigh.

    Still at least the sun was out鈥.on no wait it has gone again! At least the day started well of course it is raining now! ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 13.


    Can we please stand still for a bit, Christoff. Can't believe it's a year since the last D and D.

    I have asked Mr P to look out for you on Sunday at Goodwood. He was lucky to get complimentary tickets. Hope the weather holds. Talking of which, it's hot, hot, hot here, so an afternoon on the sofa calls for. Undoubtedly the stress levels are going to be sky high!

    Katy, the cakes were obviously very tasty, that's why they disappeared so fast!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 14.


    The cakes are back! Thanks great as I am starving. ;-)


  • Comment number 15.

    Afrtenoon all,

    Anther hot and sunny day here on the south coast, no breeze and wall to wall blue.

    Chris .I hope you get some early night this week ,I did that last week and felt much better for it .
    Iwish you well for your adventure down to the New forest,and your drive down to good wood .
    If you come along the M27 ,I'll only be in spitting distance from there so I'll give you a wave although you wont see me.

    Keith ,Ali,hope your day gets better for you both.nought worse is there when you're having a rotton day .{{{hugs }}} to both of you .

    CG ,glad to see that your on the up now and sorry to hear that you were down ,why is it that we get days like that.

    Deevs ,snap to your Sunday ,we had much of the same here ,feeling a bit jaded though today ,but we did get to have a lay in this morning .

    Debs ,I bet you're sitting there wondering where the time has gone with said GD leaving education today ,so do we have two lady chard now.lol.

    Crissie if you're about ,I'm sorry I never wished you a hapy holiday ,hope I'm not too late.

    Did I see a fairy fly in this morning ???.nice to see you hun .thought you were over flying the runway and ending up in some strange garden somewhere .

    Katy ,thank you for the cake ,will go nicely with my cupa that Mr B is about to make for me ,he doesn't know that yet so shhh!!!

    sorry if I've missed anyone .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 16.

    You critizing my flying skills Bids? ;)

    Nice to hear that you have wall to wall blue, would you like some of our torrential rain sending your way?

    How divine for those packing up to leave Glasto. I guess the number of tents left behind may increase as a result.

    Ali, its a good read, so far...

    How rude of the mods to snaffle the cakes before anyone got a look in, glad they saw the error of their ways.

    Turkey sarnie anyone?


  • Comment number 17.

    The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day
    The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away
    The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore
    The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and vowed he'd steal no more

    Thanks Katy, they were very tasty and Happy Birthday to those over the fence.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon all

    Very hot and cloudy here, think we will have a thunderstorm later.

    Chris, good luck with the drive and dine for children in need.

    I had to change my plans yesterday because my foot was playing up, went to the doctors this morning. I have damaged some ligaments near my ankle and need physio, may take sometime to heal so no walking holiday for me this year. LOL!

    Ali, Keith, hope the day gets better for you both.

    CG, glad you're getting better.

    CB, good luck with new job.

    Debs, bet it will seem strange not having to do the school run anymore.

    Sorry if I missed anyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Evening each

    I hope everyone has a great time at the D & D. Like Keith, I haven't won the Lottery so won't be joining them.

    Keith/Ali, hope your day got better

    CSN, the thunderstorm was in Dunbar at 3pm - I know, I was there.

    Back in a bit xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Heavy rain here for 20 mins...

    Thanfully cooled down a bit!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi JG, how are things?

    Sun forecast here for tomorrow - must remember my sun cream this time.

    Am oot and aboot tomorrow early so going to have yet another early night. Honestly, I'm getting sooooo boring.

    Just had a phone call from stepson - the relationship's off - doesn't seem bothered at all. Ah well, when you're 23 and off to T in the Park in a couple of weeks I suppose a serious relationship isn't a priority.


  • Comment number 22.

    I'm fine thanks Annie, just getting to grips with the new job!

    Don't know if I like it or not yet, but hated not having air-con today, nearly melted!!

    I'll be glad when he finally moves out!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.


    So, I thought if I was going to be hot & sweaty, I might as well drag myself to jazzercise and get some good from it!

    Weeelllll! The ice cold flannel at the end was nice!! Not sure the rest was a good idea!

    JG, You're getting there!

    CSN, Poor you, that sounds uncomfortable. Take care won't you

    Annie, Have you been with your little one today?

    I feel like the wicked witch of the west tonight - I'm meeeeellllllttttinnnnggg!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 24.


    Annie, hope you're ok, still waiting for the thunderstorm to arrive here. xx

    JG, must be a very difficult time for you at the moment, thinking of you. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Thank you Sezza, I am in a lot of pain and feel really down tonight. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Good morning all,

    Another sunny day here on the south coast.might get some rain today ,so will wait and see. I had a good nights sleep as well which is a good thing ,so that's me ready for my day.

    Been pondering for a long time now and have decided to have some colour added to my hair ,never sure if it's going to turn out the way you want ,If you here any screams coming from this direction ,it will be me. My hairdresser is coming tonight .She's also a friend so a nice catch up ,and laughter .

    Don't know what you're all up to today, but whatever it is enjoy.

    Keith /Ali ,hope your day goes better.

    And if anyone is watching or going to Wimbledon,looks like you're in for a good day.

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all,

    Another day in paradise! ;-) I have to say I like the summer and a drive to work with the sun shining down on me.

    Colour in your hair eh Bids!? I have spent years perfecting the grey highlights to mine, look forward to a photo of the new look. ;-) xx

    Thanks for the good wishes regarding my work. If I am honest the job is ok it is what I am dealing with at the moment that is getting me down, I am too sensitive for my own good I fear. Hard times indeed鈥︹.. xx

    Back later if I have time,

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone:

    Just a wee message from a house-bound me! To cut a very long story short, I have an under-the-skin infection called cellulitis. Apparently I may have contracted a bite or whatever while at TT last week - with all the rain we had, it would seem the stadium was not at its best! On Sunday, I suddenly realised that my right foot was really sore, becoming more and more swollen, and was boiling hot! Went to the out-of-hours doctor who told me that if I had left it much longer, I would have had to go hospital and be given intravenous antibiotics!

    So, I am "being good" taking my medication and resting completely. There is no alternative, or hospital comes into the equation, and I really don't fancy that!

    You know how when you have a holiday planned, you still have loads of loose ends to tie up before you go? Well, my desk is full of them! Aaarrgh! Hoping to get back to work on Thursday, with luck.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    CG: nice to see you, and glad to hear things are improving for you.

    CSN: sorry to hear you are in pain. Get those painkillers into you, and hopefully you will be more comfortable. You and I can be "sore foot" buddies!

    JG: nice to you, and hope the job is going ok.

    Bids: thank you, finish this Friday for two weeks. Hope you have a good time with your hairdressing friend!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Good morning everyone,

    Chrissie, I googled your condition and it sounds absolutely awful, glad to hear you are doing the right thing and hopefully you'll be back to normal in no time!

    I wonder if anyone can help me identify a large glowing thing in the sky, it's been so long since we've seen it up here I can't remember what it's called.

    Hope you're all having a good day.



  • Comment number 30.

    You know when you make a decision and get yourself all braced for the change and someone decides to throw you a curve ball, well that best describes my morning.

    The result is the old boss has decided that apparently I am worth my weight in gold, offered me more shackles and begged me to stop. So I am. I am sure it is the right decision for me, better the devil you know.

    CSN/Chrissie I hope you both feel better soon, keep resting and taking that medication.

    Jg hope things settle down for you soon, it sounds like you have had a rough ole time of it.

    Bridget, I have to add something to my bonce every month as the grey is out of control. An appointment with my hairdresser is more like a social outing that an appointment. Have fun.

    Notsobigun - if we didnt have sensitive soles in this world it would be a bleak place, keep strong.

    Well off now to tell the new job that I wont be coming after all, wish me luck

  • Comment number 31.

    Morning All,

    Dozy, I think you'll find that that is the sun! I am glad that it has finally made an appearance up there :) xx

    Chrissie and csn, Sorry to hear that you both have poorly legs/ankles :( Please take it easy and rest up so that you can be up and disco dancing again soon xx

    Keith, Sending you a hug, just because I can {{{HUG}}} xx

    Bids, I am sure you will look even more gorgeous when you've had your hair done xx I like going to the hairdressers because just for a while you can be pampered, read trashy magazines and take rubbish!

    CB, Good luck xx

    Another dull day in the office for me, with only you lot for company. I am taking tomorrow off, as a day owed to me for working one Saturday. Not sure what I'm going to do yet!

    Have a nice day now.


  • Comment number 32.

    Dear Blog

    Did Coldplay Fix You?


  • Comment number 33.

    I was going to pop by and say lovely day today - just a nice temperature but the blog taking a break means now I have to say

    Thunder and Lightning - very, very frightening!!

    At least it is to my lovely dry sheets that are on the line at home!

    Now we've got heavy rain, sunshine and thunder!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Being a teenager in the 1980s, and remembering the publicity about not sniffing aerosols, I was absolutely speechless when I heard the "drink in an aerosol can aimed at teenagers" story on Head To Headlines this morning.

    Surely they can't be serious!?!?

    Chrissie and csn - sorry to hear of your maladies. Get well soon both xx

    Hi to everyone else.

    Sorry, but feeling a bit deflated myself this afternoon. I think now that my hours have been cut I just want the new regime to start immediately.

    No thunder and lightening here yet, but it's black over Bill's mothers'.


  • Comment number 35.

    Phew, for a moment I thought I'd broken the blog!

    Lol Deevs, It's black over Bill's mothers' here too and I can hear distant rumblings of thunder xx Sorry you are feeling deflated xx

    Here comes the rain and it's alright la la la la la la la


  • Comment number 36.

    Thanks Ali. I'm just getting frustrated - so many ideas rushing around my head, things I want to do to get my business off the ground but I'm stuck in here listening to my boss on the phone moaning about how busy she is!

    I ordered from "the River book site" a handbook as to how to set up your own VA business, and also Duncan Bannatyne's 43 Mistakes Businesses Make and I just want to read, devour, them both! I was compelled to buy the DB book after hearing him on Jeremy Vine's show last Friday lunchtime.

    Patience never was one of my virtues .....


  • Comment number 37.

    Well Deevs if anyone call pull it off you can. I admire your determination xx Here's a little prayer for you....

    Lord give me patience and please hurry :)

    Wow the rain is really coming down in stair rods and there is a major storm going in - quite exciting, until one has to go out in it!


  • Comment number 38.

    LOL Ali - that's my kinda prayer!


  • Comment number 39.

    Testing testing testing 1 2 3!

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello Everone.

    I made a comment earlier then thought it wasn't very interesting so decided to cancel but couldn't sign out so decided to stay and make another comment which then wouldn't post.

    So here we are again!

    Bids-Good luck with the hair colouring and I hope that your hairdresser will still be a friend tomorrow. I haven't coloured mine for some time now but I've started thinking about having a temporary colour for a forthcoming wedding. I'm not going to return to brunette, maybe a light brown/dark blond shade.

    Chrissie-How awful to contact an illness whilst enjoying Take That. That certainly is a case of 'with the pleasure comes the pain'. Look after yourself and I hope you're soon fully recovered.

    CSN-your ankle injury sounds very painful, get plenty of rest and I hope you're soon fully recovered too.

    Be patient patients!

    MM xxx

    PS The sun has got his hat on here in Wirral but for how long?

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon each

    Phew, it's hot isn't it?

    One child on PS, the other disappeared with friends to invent something obscure with my empty veg stock tub, so thought I'd pop in to see what you were all up to. I'm seriously considering ignoring my self-imposed alcohol ban - chilled white with ice would be lovely later.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up. xxxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Coming through loud and clear Maddy!

    Annie, hot and stormy here just now

    Had to turn the tennis off. It was like watching some bad stop motion film, the signal is so bad!

    uh oh more thunder!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Sezza, how rude of me to disappear last night without saying goodbye - yes, was looking after the 20month old with attitude yesterday. She orders me about like nobody's business.

    CSN/Chrissie - hope the lower limb problems clear up fast.

    Deevs, watched Coldplay on Saturday - they were fab. And - youngest son told me about a book you might find helpful but I can't remember what it was called. Hopefully it's the one you've ordered.

    Keith - Hugs

    Bids, hope the hair colour worked.

    CB, glad things worked out at work

    Ali, nearly home time

    Hiya Maddy

    Have I missed anyone?


  • Comment number 44.

    Where is everyone?

    Boys gone home and I've spent ages doing an Excel thingy for work only to lose it about 5 times. Have done it over and over again so it must be in here somewhere. Right, chards with ice I think.

    Have a ton of papers to read for a meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow so, as I'm talking to myself, I may go and do that.

    And my nails to do.

    Will pop back in a wee while to see if I really am talking to myself.


  • Comment number 45.

    I'm here!

    All on my ownsome at the moment - or enjoying the peace & quiet whichever way you want to put it!

    Storm seems to have passed for now!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Sezza

    Sun still shining here.

    Just been reading the Save the Children website about the drought in the Horn of Africa. My grandchildren have so much and these babies have nothing. Just donated in the grandchildren's names.

    Off to the local shop for ciggies in a minute. Any smokers out there? Have ordered electronic ciggies from amazon. They were delivered today but I was out so will be picking them up tomorrow. Will let you know what they're like. Got so fed up with grandsons giving me grief that I thought I would try them.


  • Comment number 47.

    Not a smoker Annie but good luck! Will be here to cheer-lead you all the way!

    Must be manicure night tonight! Red off, pink on!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Ta muchly Sezza, will keep you updated.

    Nails done - forgot to say I bought a lovely ring at the Highland Show from a lovely lady who came all the way up from London with her jewellery.


  • Comment number 49.

    Right, not going to be rude tonight. I'm off Sezza - up at 5 in the morning. Have a meeting in Edinburgh at 9 and I need to faff for Scotland when I get up - shower, hair, breakfast, Kindle, crossword in the Scotsman etc......

    Need to go and find 'smart' clothes. I don't do 'smart' normally so it'll be a challenge.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Night Annie, bet you'll scrub up ok!

  • Comment number 51.

    I'll vouch that Annie doesn't need to try and scrub up as she has looked really smart and glam when I have seen her. I'll really be rooting for you Annie if you can give up the evil weed. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself and your grandchildren.
    My kids and their younger cousins wouldn't have their Grandpa if he hadn't given up 31 years ago not long before my eldest was born.

    Oops sorry a soapbox rant. Take care with the early morning travels xx

    Hi and bye probably to everyone else who has just switched off!!

    Susan x

  • Comment number 52.

    Howdy all! Long time no post (once again, grovel, etc. etc.). Hope everyone's well.

    Every morning I'm enjoying the show and I think "Oooh, I'll just post ........ on Chris's blog tonight..." and then work happens, plus necessary Jasper-dog admin., and I fail yet again.

    SOOOO gutted that Johnny's going! Why, WHY? Johnny-baiting was always top fun! Personally, I think that the whole "going into teaching" thing is just a smokescreen. Johnny has realised that he will NEVER achieve ultimate victory over Magic Moira in 'Head to Headlines' and is fleeing the field....

    Seriously, though, I wish Johnny all the very, very best (btw, his surname is my mum's maiden-name - wonder if we're related somewhere far back in the mists of history)!

    Back to missing out on blog/Radio opportunities - I thought of a cracking one for the TT on Mexican Waves this morning, but had to switch off just before 9.00am as BIIIG boss was lurking... :-(
    "I saw a Mexican wave once. I think his name was Pedro." See?! It just seems sad and pathetic now!

    Well, our promised rainfall did NOT arrive today (booo!), so am just going to water-up. Back in a bit...

    Hope everyone is TIP-TOP fabulous!

    Keep smiling!
    Roo xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    AM SOOO envious of everyone going on the Dine & Disco trip! I could never afford to bid for such joys, and didn't win the draw. And yet the glorious procession will be passing within a few miles of my own home! Perhaps I can appeal to Chris directly on here?

    Yes, Mr. Evans - for 77 WHOLE p from my OWN pocket could be YOURS if James Blunt were to inexplicably vanish, post-set, from the disco and be deposited chez Roo and Jasper on the way back to Evans Towers! James Blunt is dreamy-gorgeous, just perfect in my little twinkly view.

    77p Chris - imagine that!! Just for yourself... to spend on whatever you choose...

    And if Jasper's search down the side of the sofa bears any fruit, our offer may rise (and I'm making no promises here) to seventy-NINE pence... Reckless spending, I know, but worth it, I daresay. ;-)

    Uh-oh... Jasper's coming. Better try and look innocent!

    Seriously, however, I hope that everyone on the trip has a fantastic time. It's SUCH a worthy cause - trust everything goes smoothly and it's a delight from start to finish.

    Keep smiling (only 24 hours to go until pay-day...)!
    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi everyone: just in case you don't notice - there's a new blog!

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