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The Croquet Lawn Is Ours Once More.

Chris Evans | 20:52 UK time, Thursday, 30 June 2011

We all smell of petrol fumes - we love it - we're not sure about our wives, but they don't seem to mind. Day One of this year's Children In Need Drive and Dine is done as far as the first four of seven stages of driving are concerned, and we are having a relaxing cold drink on the terrace at Chewton Glen - our first overnight stop. Lifelong friendships are once again being forged, and talk of motor cars and the legend within is rife. It's like wacky races for real people.

Jody Sheckter has been amazing, providing breakfast at my house from his farm, and then a tour round his racing car collection back at Laverstoke House, our first stop. Lord Bath surprised us by coming to say hello at Longleat, and Alison and her monkeys were as energetic and unpredictable as ever at Monkey World. We are now in the hands of Andrew and his band of merry men and women for the drivers' banquet in the New Forest, before we turn in for the night and take to the road again tomorrow.

My mind is whirring, my goosebumps don't know what to do with themselves, and my face is redder than a red thing from Redsville. Is it sunburn, high blood pressure or the general excitement of the culmination of another year of Children In Need and all these generous folks? Probably a mixture of all three and more.

Life is sweet. Hope you are all well and see you on the radio tomorrow.

Peace, love and may your own exhaust fumes be happy ones.

CE 2011



  • Comment number 1.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    It all sounds like such a wonderful time is being had by all involved and all for such a wonderful cause.

    I love the smell of petrol fumes, it's one of my favourite aromas. I bet the food smells good too.

    MM xxx

    PS Enjoy the cold drinks but not too many!

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi all

    I'm even more jealous now. Come on lottery numbers, I could really do with a win so that I can bid for next year (especially with Tom Jones as a bonus).

    Too many things to mention (and I'm scared of forgetting somebody) but love and hugs to all.

    Chrissie if you're lurking, have a lovely holiday and I am glad you are on the mend.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.


    I'm on my way, it sounds much preferable to a tent in my back garden!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    SO, I thought Chris'll be soooooo busy, there'll be no chance of a new blog for a while!

    I'll post this here post on the old blog then!

    How wrong was I!


    Bids, Did you have a nice dinner? i could quite fancy a house husband of my own!

    CSN, Are you feeling better?

    Annie, Have you out that man back in the cupboard now? How were the fish'n'chips? I haven't had them for ages cos of being good but now my mouth's watering!

    Mind you, i could fancy the Dine part of the evening going on with the drivers!

    Roo, just caught the end of a text being read out this morning. Was it yours? Does this bode well for tomorrow! Best go for the sexy winceyette just in case!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Maddy, bless you, you must be feeling done in at the moment. I hope you can work this out and maybe find somewhere else to stay for a while

    Mtd, Hiya!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Woohoo, thats like it used to be.

    Hope everyone has a great time, all for such a worthy cause.

    A quick 'Hello' to everyone, just got home and need to seek food.


  • Comment number 8.

    hi,chris, how can we hear the cars from this mornings show?? sounds like you are all having a good time.have fun .dave oleary

  • Comment number 9.


    People are telling me not to worry as most of the work is done from the outside, they'll put up scaffolding. The workmen will only need to come into the loft occasionally. I was worrying as it seemed to be a repeat of when I was recovering from a serious episode a few years ago and then the kitchen and bathroom, together with rewiring was done. It went on for seven weeks and was an absolute nightmare. It will be nothing at all like that.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Big chief CLP
    Never mind the birds, never mind the tweeting, the laughter, never mind the people, the news and the views......the sweetest sounds of all time were the V12s roaring, rasping and growling over the airwaves this morning . . .

    Unbelievable . . .

    Thanks so much,

    Dan the Man

    Belfast 2011 x

  • Comment number 11.

    MTF, Pizza? Got half left over here - I'll chuck it your way!

    MAddy, I hope it works out ok for you. Atleast they should be ab;e to get it down in the good weather

    Night all

    Sleep well, Sweet dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi again,

    Chris ,how lovely of you to take time out of your busy day for us ,thank you .sounds like things are all going to plan ,fantastic news ,you should be mingling by now ,and of course talking cars .Put some cream on your face just in case it is sun burn.

    Sezza ,yes thank you ,just a quick one tonight ,nice Cumberland sausages .I did do the dishes tonight for as he did them last night .That was a lovely roast . we share the evening meals sometimes I do it .It's been a very busy week for me at work ,and to come home and not have to cook is heaven.
    Do want him for a couple of weeks ,I could hire him out .lol.

    Maddy ,you'd be most welcome any time.,If you leave it till the winter ,you'll have company as the girls from north of the border are coming for the winter ,now that would be some party wouldn't it !!!

    mtd ,nice to see you .must get in touch with you at some point re cruises .

    MTF ,nice to see you flying in .


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Bids - are you thinking of going on one? Let me know if I can help in any way.

    btw I did wave at the tower when we went past the other week, as I don't know exactly where you live I thought it would be the next best thing.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 14.


    As you come along the solent you can see a hill with a couple or forts on the to .the south downs ,as you get to the bottom ,I live just there ,on the outskirts of the city .I skirt the top end of the harbour which is just down the road from me every day when goin g to work .And the house where I work backs on to loanston harbour .

    Yes ,thinking about a cruise ,but one that would suit Ken as you know that he's not fond of holidays at the best of times .So maybe a chat at a meet or I'll message you if I may somewhen .got to be taylor made to meet his needs ,bless him.I don't want to have to drag him kicking and sreaming ....

    When is your next one must be planning one ???


  • Comment number 15.

    That should be Langston Harbour..x

  • Comment number 16.

    Your welcome to message me at any time. What sort of thing does Ken like? I'm sure there will be something to suit.

    We have booked a cruise in the Western Med for next year - it seems so far away... (we'll be going in the opposite direction from Southampton then so we won't be able to wave) We may get away for a week later in the year but (unless we get the proverbial lottery win...) it will probably be land based.

    Beddy byes time. Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Night mtd


  • Comment number 18.

    Well I suppose the Ball is in full swing .there will be some tired peeps in the morning !!!

    I'm just off now ,so it's good night from him and it's a good night from me .

    Sleep well....Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning all and CLP

    Wowser yet again, especially as I looked up chewton glen on tinterwebby - nice place (understatement of the year!) Listening to the show and it seems like everyone is getting their well spent moneys worth - how generous is everyone involved. Good show!

    Wall to wall blue here at the moment, shame to be indoors working. Off to Telford tomorrow to support my team who are taking part in "its a knockout" charity event so hope the weather is kind to us again - they will definately be getting wet, covered in foam and good knows what else!

    Just waiting for the candyman then I'll be getting a wiggle on
    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 20.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Debs, same here wall to wall blue and the sun is doing her work.

    Chris ,you certainly have a good day for your trip today,pleased to see you all enjoying yourselves there.

    Well folks it's that end of week day,I for one are quite pleased as It's been a busy one for me .And one more week untill my holiday.

    Enjoy your day ,whatever your doing .


  • Comment number 21.

    Morning all,

    Chris I am loving the show again this morning. Good job the ground is dry to protect the croquet lawns from the car wheels. The grounds man must be the most relieved person鈥︹

    I thought the 鈥淜eep Johnny鈥 shout out was a little mutes and Johnny was right to be a little disappointed with the apparent apathy to him staying on the show. Shocking! ;-)

    Good luck with the rest of the weekend, no rest for the wicked as they say. ;-)

    Still another long day ahead and after this morning I may have to spend an hour or two on the golf course to relax into my weekend.

    Keep smiling


    P.S morning Debs and Bids.xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning Bids and Keith - you both have had tough weeks by the sounds of it, so both enjoy a relaxing weekend, Keith I would say that a few holes of golf are the order of the day :-)

    Im in a right grumpy mood today - stoopid Qs being asked at work 4 hours before a 2 hour long conference call.....

    Right, think a coffee and some toast with fairy marmalade might be what the grumpy police recomend...


  • Comment number 23.

    Morning All,

    Nice and sunny in North Kent with a gentle breeze!

    I hate to confess this, but I turned the radio off yesterday as the whole programmer was getting on my nerves! But today I enjoyed it much more. I think I had Debs grumpy-itis yesterday, in fact I know I did ;) But today I am much happier, if not full of hay fever.

    I went to a friends for dinner last night and me and her son both had a bad attack of hay fever, which has left me very bunged up today.

    Chrissie, Have a good break and I am glad that you are on the mend xx

    csn, I hope that you are feeling a bit better too xx

    Debs, I trust the fairy marmalade hit the spot xx

    Keith, After the week you've had a round of golf sounds just the ticket xx

    Big hugs as well to, Bids, mtf, mtd, Sezza and anyone else who knows me xx

    It does sound as if all those involved in the Drive and Dine are having a lovely time, jealous....moi.....never ;)



  • Comment number 24.

    Am I the only one who finds the show this week completley dull and irritating. Whilst I am sure Children in Need are extremely grateful for the huge sums of money these 'magnificent seven' have contributed, surely we are not all naive enough to think that these people actually care about the children. These couples are mostly affluent and can afford large sums of money to buy the prize, most listeners to the Chris Evans breakfast show, I am sure, give to Children in need every year, but how many can actually compete to gain this prize. In the current climate when many households are struggling to be able to afford petrol for their cars, we then have to listen to Chris and his affluent 'soon to be lifelong friends' have the time of their lives, because they can afford it. I would be most interested to run a poll on how many listeners are actually insterested in where they will be going, who they are going to meet and what they are going to eat. Perhaps some listeners are really interested in the cars and the sound of the cars but surely one day would be enough for most listerners? I stongly believe that most people find listing to comments such as how one of the 'magnificent seven's' wives now loves a Ferrari and will probably want one of her own or want to drive her husbands, extremely boring and irritating to listen too. Come on radio 2, be more considerate to the listeners and don't shove other people's affluence in our faces day after day, whilst I would like to repeat that they are indeed very generous, they have not given their money away for nothing, they can easily afford these sums of money and it shows a lack of respect for the donations that other households contribute every year. Perhaps next year you should hold a competition for 'normal everyday households' to call through and win a chance to go on the tip too. The contributions from the phone calls could raise money for children in need and it would allow everyone a chance to go on the trip and not just the extremely wealthy. It would then make listening to the show more bearable for everyone else!!

  • Comment number 25.


    How lovely of Chris to write a blog last night - what a sweetheart he is!

    Chris, if you read this - you are a sweetheart!

    Can I just thank everyone who has been so lovely to me during my latest debacle! I am still taking things very easy because frankly I am really worried that the symptoms may return.

    A few wee things from the previous blog:

    Annie: re: your grandson's prom. I know, the world has gone crazy. Just last week, the girl I work with had to take the afternoon off to attend her daughter's graduation ... from nursery! Really envious of your Anstruther fish&chips!

    Roo: I love Morrissey. Yep, I know he ain't no bundle of laughs, but I think he's terrific. MrS, on the other hand cannot bear him, so when my lovely husband goes out, on goes the Morrissey CD!

    Keith: I do indeed think of the Services families - I can't begin to imagine how they put their lives back together. Bless you for the work you are doing. xx

    CB: glad to see you are returning to work, too. You sound a happy bunny!

    Sezza: read your post this morning about the water at the house. How awful - had you not conducted that viewing, the water could have damaged the property beyond repair. How stupid of that company not to seal the pipes.

    Bids: that sounds like a plan for the liquid medication for me! Whatever made you think of it?! I won't be around next week, so I just want to wish you and MrBids a really lovely holiday. xx

    mtd: nice to see you on the blog - I miss you! And, thanks. xx

    AliB: thanks to you too, and good to see you are feeling happier today.

    Hope everyone is ok this lovely Friday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.


  • Comment number 27.

    A millionaire attention seeker and several people with more money than sense swanning around in some priceless vintage cars...
    Nice one 大象传媒, broadcasting this repulsive nonsense will help under-privileged children no end.
    A truly repulsive concept....

大象传媒 iD

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