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Attention Attention!

Chris Evans | 12:01 UK time, Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Three days and counting to Nancy Dell'Olio joining us for Breakfast on the wireless programme.

I'm excited and I'm scared. The two often come hand in hand. If she's one thing, she's an enigma. I'd love to know what she really thinks about things, when she's on her own at night, as she rests her head upon her pillow. Not that we'll find out, I'm sure. She's far too sharp a cookie for that.

We shall see.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hiya Chris,

    Now that's going to be an interesting interview! And yes, she is one sharp cookie. Should be interesting.

    See you in the morning.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all,
    Looking forward to Nancy on Friday! Also wanted to say what a corker the Big Screen Belter was this morning, I've been doing a little conga round my head all morning!
    Amy _E x

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon all,

    I think you are very brave Chris, the woman is a complete fruitloop.........an eccentric as the English would say. I think your biggest challenge is keeping her on track with age appropriate conversation bearing in mind it is a family show.

    All I can say is GOOD LUCK - if it becomes too painful to listen to you can find me listening to the Today Programme.

    C x x x

    31 DAYS TO GO

  • Comment number 4.

    ps. In case anyone missed it, it was Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte, find it on YouTube and shake your maracas!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Blimey Christoff, this is going to be a toughie. I suspect by the end of the interview you'll have nine million or so listeners who are absolutely none the wiser. She bigs herself up so spectacularly it makes you think she's got to be joking, but I'm quite worried that she isn't.

    What on earth are you going to ask her? I think we should volunteer some questions. I'll get right back to you after I've thought of one. I honestly can't think of anything at the moment. I bet the others will have some good ideas.

    Love Barmy. xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Good luck Chris - you'll have to take her to get a new pair of dancing shoes ;-)

  • Comment number 7.

    I have been watching her on Strictly and I cannot decide whether she is serious or not, and like you Barmy, unfortunately I think she is serious.



  • Comment number 8.

    Gail, I think she is. What do you ask someone who says that she is a true inspiration and adored by men and women around the world? Where do you even start?

    I'm still trying to think of a question.


  • Comment number 9.

    Barmy, there is only one question. What planet is she on?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all,

    Thank you for the kind messages for the two of us. Xx Not going to see too much of each other today unless I can sneak out of work a little early due to long standing commitments this evening.

    Chris, I am really looking forward to Friday morning! Play your cards right and it could be car crash radio! ;-) I would like you ask her (if I may be so forward?) 鈥淣ancy, could you please explain to the listeners what it is exactly, you are famous for?鈥 I find this kind of celebrity, who feed off media attention quite irritating really. I can find little evidence of examples of note for something she actually produces that could be considered worthwhile to be recognised for?

    Rant over! ;-) x x

    Roo - Thinking of you! xx

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 11.

    Mary and Keith, what are you trying to do here? Get our Christoff maimed for life?! If he asks anything like that she'll have him with one sharp blow of her Strictly sequinned stilletto.


  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon each,

    CLP - you sounded, as we say in Yorkshire, proper scared this morning when you kept mentioning the aforementioned guest for Friday! I think I shall have to listen again just to see how seriously you, and indeed Ms D takes it all!

    I have no idea what she sounds like as I dont watch SCD but have read some `interviews` with her... think MWK`s questioning of planet heritage is quite right!

    As the lovely Vassos says to you each morning... "good luck my friend" !

    Raining and sunny but flaming freezing here today... contemplating putting the heating on at home but like to try and resist til Nov.. just for my own piece of mind that i`m not getting nesh in my old age! Might not make it this year tho!

    Keith..many congratulations to u and Mrs Keith! x

    JG.. happy birthday.. have cake my lovely.. x

    Roo..hugs x

    CSN.. one word... hotel! x

    Amy_Eleanor and louisrix - hi!

    And Gail...for David../news/magazine-15334624 .. he`s right! x

    Right-brew time!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 13.

    Barmy..you do make me laugh! I am trying to think of a serious question though and failing miserably.... not sure that "what DID she see in SGE?" would go down too well...?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 14.

    Thanks for that Scoobs, will need to show that to David tonight, when we get back from the opticians, he got his eyes tested yesterday and I am going with him this evening to "help" him choose glasses.



  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris, Good luck for Friday, she's bonkers, and I can't understand a word she says! Should be entertaining....lol :)

    Congrats to Mr and Mrs Keith xx

    JG, Happy Birthday and I am very sorry to hear about your Uncle xx {{HUGS}}

    Roo, Big hugs to you too {{HUGS}} xx

    csn, Take Mary and Scoobs's advice and have a spa day or stay in a hotel, sounds like a nightmare. But I am sure it will all be lovely when it's done xx Are we all invited to the opening of the new kitchen?

    I've just had a stationery order from the Nordic company and in it was a huge tub of chocolates!!! That's right made my afternoon.

    Pen - Where are you? Hope you are OK xx


  • Comment number 16.

    Holy Ravioli.

    I'm wit yous, Barmy an' Gail, I reckon she's a serious nutter. And that's fine by me; seriously bonkers is marvellous, it's the ones who act it that get on my nerves.

    It's like the advice given to my little actress friend which I thought was excellent. If required to act drunk, act like you're tryin' to be sober. After all. A proper drunk does that doesn't 'e. Like the DDF Eric on 'is return from the rugby; we always knew if 'e'd 'ad one too many sherbets because 'e'd loom into the doorway, try an' stand still, focus on the middle of the 3 chairs 'e was lookin' at, then peer at Renee's livid face like a chap who'd got superglue in one eye an' say, "Wha??.."

    Mind you 'e went one further on one occasion when we used to own a small, vicious black terrier inappropriately called Fluffy (Hammerhead woulda bin more appropriate), which used to sit on the back of 'is chair in the window, much to his great annoyance. At this point in time, Eric and 'is mates were in the sartorially suicidal phase of wearin' cossack hats, and he'd left it behind on said chair before he went out. Staring across the room, swaying and glaring for a few seconds, he strode over and walloped the thing into orbit, booming "Get off there, you daft mutt..."

    Imagine his surprise when the hat didn't turn round an' bite lumps outa 'im. Imagine the disdain on the faces of Renee an' elder daughter; imagine the ecstasy on mine. And imagine the reaction 'e got to 'is next remark,

    "By the crin. Next week I'll be goin' down to t' club wit t' dog on me 'ead...."

    Bless. Anyway I'm worried sick for our Christoff. I've got a fiver wit Paddy Power Nancy'll 'ave im in a choke-hold an' mangle 'im within the first 5 minutes, bless 'er. I'll send 'im a chair an' a whip an' a tube a Germolene...


  • Comment number 17.

    Other antiseptic creams available of course.

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh Clodagh - priceless! The DDF Eric sounds like a scream. I love the "look sober, look sober" thing while they stand with their feet planted wide apart, swaying and looking very serious. I've done it myself a fair few times.

    I share your concern for our Christoff. I seem to remember Nancy being on Newsnight for some reason and no one could understand what she was on about. Nothing to do with the accent - it's the content of what she says that is totally bemusing.

    Gotta go - have a great evening, everyone.

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello all.

    Chris, good luck with that interview on Friday.

    Mary and Scoobs, thank you for your ideas. A spa day or a stay in a hotel sounds wonderful. xx

    Chrissie and Ali, thank you both too. If I am not worn out by the end of all this or gone totally mad, you would all be welcome to come to a party at my house. xx

    louisrix and Amy_E, hello and welcome.

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    I'll join in with keeping my fingers - and everything else - crossed for our Christoff on Friday

    I've really enjoyed the Friday interviews because, when the guest is there for a longer time than your usual interview, we seem to get to know them a bit better. They settle in and relax a bit and seem to just be themselves.

    Heaven knows where that will take us with Signorina Dell'ollipops!!!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Evening everyone

    What a day! And not all good .... I won't harp on about it here, but suffice to say things arent' any betterererer in the day job, I'm soldiering on with the new business venture, need a kick up the wotsit and have a fantastic partner to support me.

    And tonight is pub quiz night and I ain't driving (but I am next week ....)

    Looking forward to Nancy DiLollipop on Friday but may have to do it on "Listen Again" due to my stupid working hours - how dare they interfere with listening to CLP.

    CiN preparations are coming along. Most of you have emailed me your dinner choices for the evening meal, but if you've not done so yet - can you please do so sooner rather than later. Ta muchly.

    Now I only have to decide what to wear on the day. Maybe a ballgown this year ... who knows!?!?!?

    Huggles to csn (go to that spa now woman!) and Roo and anyone else who needs or wants one.

    Back tomorrow, if the baddies don't get me first.


  • Comment number 22.

    Hi all

    For once I have some good news. The builder finally came today and dug a couple of holes and can't find anything wrong - so no subsidence. He's coming back later in the week to fill in the cracks with mortar and then will come back in 3 months to make sure the crack doesn't come back. So all in all it will cost a couple of hundred squid instead of thousands and the house isn't sinking around me....

    Dinner ready back later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hooray for Mtd's cracks!! Hope this sorts them out once and for all

    Deevs, Nil desperandum my lovely. Look at all you're achieving despite the drain on your energy. the only way is essex, no sorry, up!!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all,

    Mtd ,great news ,that means you can breathe easy ,and no worry about the expense,it must have been a right worry.

    Deev ,chin up chuck,it wont be forever.{{{hugs}}}.

    Mary ,Crissie ,Snow nooooo !!! time to get those woollies out.

    Chris ,well it looks like Friday is going to be a full on morning for you all there ,just don't you go doing any Tangoing with that Nancy or you'll be having your Tash on your tail.lol.

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 25.

    Thank you for all the Birthday messages :)

    I know I'm not a regular poster now, but they all mean a lot to me!

    And thank you to all the lurkers on t'other side who messaged me as well!

    Sorry, can't say a lot right now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 26.

    I'm back - sorry the pinger was going so I had to go. I've just had the surveyor on the phone (he obviously doesn't realise that the OH actually talks to me) who has told me at length the above again.... What he did tell me that he would be putting in some markers and coming back every 3 months for about 2 years to make sure it doesn't happen again - hows that for service?

    Obviously, I need to thank the positive vibes of the blog again. I know that some of you were thinking of me and once again it has all turned out well.

    Those vibes now need to be pointed in other directions - hugs and thoughts are going to JG, Roo and Deevs and of course anybody else who needs them.

    On the Nancy front, I am another of the non Strictly watchers but she has always looked very strange to me so I would second (or third) both Mary and Barmy's line of questioning.

    Now I can definitely start the holibob countdown - 10 sleeps to go (including the 1/2 sleep in the hotel the night before the 6am flight....).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening All,

    Less than regular poster, Rips, here.
    Sounds like Nancy Diloopyloo and I have a lot in common.

    Delusional, annoying and nobody has a clue what either of us are ever on about!

    Can't wait until Friday to hear what Chris gets out of her - which we all know - will be bundles.

    Will try to get here more often in order to be in full swing come cin, but as the time of this post hints at, there aren't many chances at the moment.

    Miss you all and really hope that good fortune is looking after you



  • Comment number 28.

    Good morning everyone,

    There is a beautiful clear blue sky here this morning - but - there was ice on the car windscreen when I left for work at 7.30, and the gritters were out at 3am at David's work, better not get too used to it though as the rain is forecast for tomorrow again.

    Hearing CLP talking about people's last minute things this morning reminds me of last year's SCD Live Tour, David was called out to grit and couldn't make it, I tried all afternoon to phone my Mum to take her and couldn't get an answer from her mobile so I just went to my parent's house, Dad told me that she had gone out shopping with her friend so I just waited for her to come in, which she did at 5.45pm, put down her shopping and went back out the door with me to the show which started at 6.30 in Glasgow.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 29.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Weather much better here today, very strong wind and rain has stopped unless it returns suddenly which is the case lately.

    It's all going on around here and I think they may be putting my new roof on today. I'll be happy to have my TV back, the aerial has been relocated and some channels are OK sometimes but it's so frustrating trying to watch that it's best not to bother.

    I'm now thinking about doing some housework but another cup of tea first I think!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning All,

    Brrr, chilly today, but wall to wall sunshine, so not all bad!

    Nancy Du-lally on Friday - can't wait, but will have to do listen again as I'm in meetings all morning. You're a brave man Chris!!

    Sounds like quite a few of you need lots of hugs today, so I'm sending them {{{HUGS}}} as you were all there for me when I needed them most.

    Update on the horse - tried to ride on Saturday, but my kneee didn't like it. Went through the pain barrier, but not sure about it at all - psychological I can overcome, but this is ouch-physical!! Going to see the GP tomorrow, then hopefully try again at the weekend.

    Have a good day one & all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Chris
    I am the Breadhead that sent you some of my winning Leicestershire Loaves - part of National Baking week. I really hoped you loved them.
    I bumped in to Sven Goran-Erikson the other week - he is now manager of Leicester city football club - I asked him what bread he liked and he said WASA a swedish rye bread that he likes with 'everything' !
    I wonder what sort of bread Nancy likes ? A Great Italian Ciabatta or Foccaccia perhaps ?- everyone has a bread story - whats hers and what is her guilty secret on what she likes on her bread !?
    [Personal details removed by Moderator]

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