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i am a big fan of chris moyles, but i'm with the person who says comedy dave isn't funny and puts others down which he finds amusing, why does he do that
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Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
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OMG Chris I Love You 2 Bits Yuur Just Like The Best EVER!! You Are One Person I Wanna Meet In My Life Hopefully I Will!!!!!!=] Nice Video Blogs=]
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I Listen To You Every WeekDay Morning,
You Make Me Laugh So Much!!
I Have To Say This Is The 1st Time Ive Looked At This WebSite But It Wont Be The Last.!!
Naked In A Cupboard!!
What Will You Think Of Next Ayy!!
Cyahh xox
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Chris. The only good thing about you not being on in the morning was that
that Sarah Cox was on in the evenings. Just read your 1st book. Brill and I'm 48! Glad you got wot u wanted. Radio 1 breakfast show!!!! Good things come to those who wait
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I actually think Scott Mills is funnier than Chris Moyles. Moyles has to have a whole team to back him up (Such as the tragiacally un-comedic "Dave"!) and can only get a laugh by putting someone else down. He can give it out but can't take it!!
£600+k a year for Moyles!! Bargain i think not!
He kept proclaiming himself to be the "saviour" to the "yes-men" who obviously run ´óÏó´«Ã½ radio and they believed his hype!!
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chris can u please ask all those inconsiderate drivers who insist on flicking thier lighted fag butts out thier car window NOT TO DO SO as it is very dangerous and i'm getting pretty sick of it, yesturday i was sat outside the school in my car with my window half open (thank god) waiting for the kids to come out when some idiot flicked thier LIGHTED fag butt out their car window window,which hit my car window. if my window had been fully open it would of landed in my car!!! so all you smokers out there STOP flicking your fag butts.....
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Nice blog, looking fit... xxx
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Hey there Chris!! Just came across this and I have to say that I found this VERY funny! Although, I don't know what the reason for this was :)!!
Hope you enjoyed your holiday lol!!
See ya!! xx
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haha thats quite funny you know.
well i laughed along anyway haha.
i have to say tho that ur a brave man mr moyles xxx
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nice room!
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I think it was funny, if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all as my mum says. Very nice of Mr Moyles to take some time from his holiday to record a blog, nice tan by the way. Leeds Leeds Leeds (or maybe not the best subject to mention at the mo!)
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Crap - Sort yourself out, you're normally funny
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ooooooooooohhhhhhh nice!!!
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How grey is your hair?!!
You old silver fox!!!
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Hi chris!!!
just one thing to say WHY????
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I have to say, a very intersting video of you moving from a cupboard to a shower naked, however it did actually make me feel slightly sick! That was not however to do with the footage of your naked torso, but however your camera skills; somewhat wobbly and circualr whilst moving into the shower!
As for the 'naked' thing', bring it on, naked we should all unite, spent a whole sunday morning naked this weeekend and have to say it was extremely pleasant, and the thought of having to get dressed, think about what i was going to wear and actually putting the clothes on was quite a traumatic expereince after spending the morning naked! N.B IRONING AND CLEANING - NAKED, ALL THE WAY EXTREMELY LIBERATING!
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Why oh why do you tease us like this Moyles? I have tried hard - and I mean realllllllly hard to find the blog of you naked! It aint there! Call me weird, call me odd, call me a stalker! but I have this fascination with seeing the 'real meat'. Put it back on the web page for us weirdos!
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just wanted 2 saay that u r indeed actually very hott!
luvv ur show hunny!
byyyyye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Chris you have to get it in your head that you need to actually make an effort.
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does he know what a blog is? boring.
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Chris soooo good to have u back, but why so shy, lets see more of that sexy,hairy bear bod of yours, its better than watching porn !
love u, and would love u to do me.
thks for making our days much happier
im always asleep when your prog begins and always get the end bit, cant u call me to wake me up so i can hear all of your prog ?
love u raymond.
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Chris - have you lost weight???
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hi chris,yet again, u r naked and sexy!! just perfect with a tan xx loving your show and of course your naked blogs,please do more xxx
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chris moyels your totally the best dj EVER. i wake up to you every morning, you won't actually no that but belive me its tru. anyway love you and the rest of the crue your all the best. loads of love xxxx
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Chris, are you going grey?!
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Hey chris. whats going on! you said you wouldnt do a naked blog again lol.
You should make a video podcast or all your blog entries aswell for video iPods.
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Oh lordy lordy, I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I think Chris is a right little belter! He looks all man and I'd love to see more.... Have to go and have a lie down in a darkened room now.
Totally love the hotel room - it's bigger than my house.
As always, pure gold from the saviour - Johnny Vaughan (is that how you spell it?) should watch, listen and take notes.....
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hey chris i have been listening to your show every morning and laughed at your blog comments (love the jingle by the way) and thought i would check this blog out. I was disappointed in the minimum nakedness and would like to see more as i think you are quite fit, like a big teddy bear!
lots of love
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Hi Chris,
I hope you are having a good holiday, and maybe getting a tomato.. err.. i mean tan...
I was interested to see you are wearing nothing.. your nakedness disturbs me. and you said it is going down well.. Who is it going down well on/with?
Maybe next time wear some sort of bra or even a basque... in blue? might go with your eyes, or something.
Anyway, like I said, have a good holiday. Don't get too drunk. (yeah right).
Nice blogging.
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Im not sure what or why this is happening but i like chris i think he is hilarious and wakes me up in the morning so im going to nod and agree with it??
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I think you are great, Chris! I love that you came out of the cupboard! ;o)
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what was the point in that? great show but rubbish blog in afraid
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Funny, but anychance in your next blog you can talk about something different to your location (office,cupbord,shower etc) plz :)
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You're cracking, as always. Hope you play my fave music at the mo, "Real Girl" by mutty Buena. Love that song to bits. Love you too.
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Hi chris this is the first time on this so i hope it is ok.
My cousin works on ctr morning show and if he finds out that i prefer you show i will be introuble.
I loved the blog I can see that you worked long and hard on it and i am now the wiser from it.
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hey chris & the team, im a welder from plymouth as you were saying on yesterdays show about american countys which the uk as copied the name, here in plymouth we have a place named little america where all the street names are american streets. just like to say love the show keep up the good work guys !!!
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Loving the blog, loving the show. Loved the book. The whole team are fab! Keep up the good work.
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heya chris,
Very random video haha, but very good!i heard u talkin bout the video on ur show, i thought 2 my self i gotta watch this, glad i did!
keep it up chris and the crew ur legends!
hope u had a good holiday, spending time in ur cupboard and shower haha!
love u all Abi x
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that was poo!
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first time posting a comment just wanna say what are ya doing still working when your on holiday chris...
still is v.funny and a good laugh.Also thankyou for trying to explain how to use a shower much appreciated :)
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I've seen the comments about scott's show, i thought that he was excellent far funnier than chris has been in a long time.
Scott for the Morning show, Scott for the afternoon show and chris can go in the evening when i'm alseep!!
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Love the show mate keep it up!!!
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I have never laughed so hard as I did when Jane was on the phone this morning!!! It may have embarrassed comedy Dave a little but it was comedy genius!! Jane should have her own spot, not only to rat on Dave, but just because she sounds like a funny gal.
Big Congrats on the baby you guys and hiccy burpday dave!!
Keep up the good work guys, you get better every day!
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So good to have you guys back! Much better than Scotts gang! Between us....I think Scott is trying to hard...is he feeling bthe pressure of being second best....?
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I am so glad ur back! Chris ur so much better than Scott. xx
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Just a quick comment about last week!
"The Chris Moyles show ..... with Scott Mills" said the jingle.
When you order a steak sandwich and they don't have any steak so fill your sandwich with poo, it's not a steak sandwich with poo. It's a poo sandwich.
Keep the clothes on Moyles and Happy Birthday Dave.
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Ha ha ha - I laughed my head off...Clicked on the naked blog by accident, but glad I did. I live in Tripoli, Libya (a dry, non-English speaking country) so this is the best entertainment I have had all week (sad huh?)!! Thank you! More! More!
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What about playing Dead on Arrival or Favourite Thing about Jane by JYROJETS. see them at www.jyrojets.com
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scott miulls is way better chris is losing it. he may have been a saviour once, but now hes trying too hard. bring back scott for the breakfast show!!!
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I think scott gave your team a run for their money. some of the games they played were amazing. how will you's respond???
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Mmmmm hunkalicious! how about a little peak below the shoulders? xx
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Nakedness on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ is so often such a let-down...
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chris you are the saviour fantastic the best keep up the good work.im a dj trying to get into radio im always the one stuck at the door banging away and i have friends on local stations .one day id love to be as funny as you any tips? great that your back missed ya my friend and the team mr producer make the contract forever and keep mr moyles in a job for life.have fun and keep us smiling.
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i love you, i love you, i love you! the only person that makes my drive to work entertaining! random blog. xxx
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You're looking good, Chrissy Whissy. MORE MORE MORE!!!! Great show, relieves the boredom when commuting on M62.
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So glad to have you guys back, have missed you all over the past 2weeks. You really make my boring train journey so entertaining, day in day out! Loving your blog Chris!
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Haha chris has finally come out of the closet! luv you, you utter legend :-) x x x
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Its time to
Get your tits out, get your tits out, get your tits out for the girls!
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I wanna see burnt nipple!
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Hi Chris
Just wanted to leave a sycophantic message to say how great you are.
You are really great.
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moyles and the whole team are absolute legends, they turned a nightmare day into a dream day. I will always be sooooo grateful.
best show on earth chris is the funniest man alive absolute legend!!!
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hey chris, im very glad you said cubord not closet because then we would all know that being a homophobe would not be true! :D only joking i dont fink your a homophobe, you just get a little anxious when your around alad :D great show, keep up the good work and EVERYONE LOVES YOU, i like you but not love, im not gey like alad :p :D joking alad see ya Chris!
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chris you are a legend and we all love you. nice closet and shower. a bit random but ace!!
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Chris You Are a Leg End!
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Chris Moyles the Saviour, I think not. Scott Mills, is by far the DJ much better entertainment.
It looks like Moyles is returning back to his slapstick days on Channel 5, and look what happened to that.
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travel inns picked up these days hasn't it??
good to see chris has shaved his shoulders
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What about Rachel, Carrie, and Joce?
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i've loved the chris moyles show for years and listened every day. what's happening to it, chris you're losing the plot. that blog wasn't funny. am i going to have to start listening to johnny vaughn??
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Chris I'm starting to worry about you i could'nt of imagned you as a man who would have naturistic tendancies
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Hello there. If anyone sees Claire Roberts please tell her that her dog and white stick have been found and are awaiting her collection at Whitehall Police Station. Thank you.
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Chris i love you are my ideal husband, i have sent my picture in dont kow if you got it but i have something important to ask you. chris will you marry me! Please, i am serious, i am 29 and 5ft6 and blonde and i love you i live in north london. Please chris.P.S I weight 8stone and i love a tubby man!
Love you!
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I think you're getting addicted to naked video blogging Mr Moyles!!
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"Look at me, Look at me" comment...well why did you bloody look then!! Luv ya chris you're sooo funny xx
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Nice hotel room... ok nice cuboard and shower.
Hope the holiday was good n will enjoy listening 2 u chris in the mornings. :)
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*giggles* tyyyy chriss now where is Dave n Doms neekky vid hmmhmm ???
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it's only ok
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It's all about sound effects I think--from the echoless cupboard to the reverby shower. This is how they must be doing it in the studio. A similar effect was heard when CNN's Kyra Phillips forgot to turn off the mic. Anyway, I hope the team had a good holiday.
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Chris u R bonkers, i to am sat only half neked down under as i have too come on holiday but to oz so therefor mis u on the show so i will have been 5 weeks till i get back in me van in the mornin to listen to u mentalists wakein me up. Rock on
All the best from Oz to u and the crew.
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So Chris, you are finally out of the cupboard. Congrats.
Interesting descriptive text to this vid too - I'm sure the phrase 'wardrobe to shower naked' will rank high in Google soon enough. My, my... Isn't that going to be a nice surprise video for the lil pervs searching such phrases. ;)
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It's boring, and yet it has the edge (or frisson, if you will) of excitement. Would it work if it was a random blogger, naked and in a cupboard? Or is it that it's Chris, revealing himself coming out of the cupboard and into the shower, that lifts it beyond the dull (or banal, if you will) commentary from a moving head?
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Roll on, Monday.
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Sweet Jesus, I can't believe I'm watching this.
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