Psychoville: a message from Reece Shearsmith

Well, it's very exciting to be back on the telly. Finally, something that is literally my sense of humour. I expect it will be strangely anticlimactic. After all, I could put the DVD in and watch it right now if I wanted, couldn't I. But there is something slightly different in knowing it is actually on the telly in every home in Britain - being missed my millions of people. It's an odd feeling to be on the precipice of having the show unveiled to the public. It has been in and on my mind since the summer of 2006 - and part of me doesn't want to let that go. But let it go I must. Others may now watch it - and in three minutes dismiss or embrace the work of three years. That's the nature of it.
So now here we are on the day of it "going out" - and I'm oddly calm. It can't be stopped now. (Although it may be in subsequent weeks if Wimbledon overruns). Steve (Pemberton) asked me round for a drink at his house. I said "why?" and he said "just to mark it". But I think he's not bothering now. So I'll watch it at home - mainly to listen to how apologetic the continuity announcer is about the show as they introduce it.
A lot of previews have latched on to the "D" word again. Not "dull" - "dark". And some have even said, "it looks exactly like any episode of The league of Gentlemen" - but how do they know? Unless they were alive in 1999 - and I very much doubt that! And as we all know, no copies of that now largely forgotten show exist. All destroyed after transmission.
Remember to watch out for website addresses in the programme, as there will be questions at the end from "you know who". The online experience invites you to solve your own set of mysteries, and you can get cracking with that right after episode one. (Or if you are greedy for more - you can press a red button and get the next episode straight away).
I hope you enjoy trying to piece together this puzzle of a show. If however, it's not possible for you to enjoy something unless you know exactly what is happening at all times, don't watch. Avoid. But should you want to catch a new series full of strange demented characters that are both grotesque and horrifying, then tune in tonight. Ten O'clock. Big Brother.
Reece Shearsmith is co-creator of Psychoville. He also drew that sketch of Mr Jelly.
Comment number 1.
At 18th Jun 2009, Feline DaCat wrote:I love strange and demented characters that are both grotesque and horrifying. Just look at my boyfriend! (Ooooo burn, only joking!)
Very much looking forward to Psychoville!
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Comment number 2.
At 18th Jun 2009, Cainsy586 wrote:Hello Dave.
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Comment number 3.
At 18th Jun 2009, ScreamingBanshee wrote:I'm a keen supporter of the League of Gentlemen's work, and was so excited when I heard about Psychoville. As expected, Mr Shearsmith and Mr Pemberton have exceeded themselves. The first episode was just brilliant. Unnerving, sinister and of course "dark" (not to mention very funny indeed). I can't wait to see this batch of unique and extraordinary characters develop.
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Comment number 4.
At 19th Jun 2009, cazzalong wrote:Reece, I had no idea about the existence of Psychoville until 30mins before the start... the ´óÏó´«Ã½ have been keeping this series under wraps haven't they? Not sure of their motives.. but all great comedy seems to start this way. Thanks for not selling out, the genius of LoG is still there.
Watched eps 1 & 2.. No.2 was sublimely twisted, I'm positively salivating for more.. like many other of my fellow Twitterers!
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Comment number 5.
At 19th Jun 2009, MeladoriMagpie wrote:You boys are amazing and have done a sublime job pulling together an entire experience. We are extremely proud of you. Once again, you did it beautifully.
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Comment number 6.
At 19th Jun 2009, ElliePlimsolls wrote:Lucky enough to see the preview at the BFI in May but nothing beats being curled up in front of your own telly :)
I loved it in May and I loved it tonight! You and Steve have really pulled off something special - here's to next week!
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Comment number 7.
At 19th Jun 2009, LittleScarletBlue wrote:Last night the continuity announcer used the 'd' word - 'dark' - and I think they may have said 'disturbing' as well;)
I loved watching the first two episodes again last night (having seen them at the BFI preview) 'Psychoville' is brilliant, unique and extremely outstanding piece of work that you and Steve can be really proud of.
The characters seemed fully formed from the moment they appeared on screen - no doubt partly because you have both been working on this for over two years. The look of the episodes are superb as well - there seems to be a different colour hue/look to each character's Joby Talbot' music is perfect.
I just love your drawings of the characters that are on the Psychoville site's gallery - they're amazing! If any of them went up on Ebay I'd try and outbid the Crabtree sisters for one.
Congratulations for producing the best television show in ages. Its surely going to be one of the few outstanding programmes of the year. You and Steve deserve all the plaudits and success that you will surely receive for 'Psychoville'.
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Comment number 8.
At 20th Jun 2009, greychamp wrote:If anyone actually reads this, Reece and Steve that I am a big fan of theirs (it all started in 'Spent' on the radio) and that Fogwell Flax, as mentioned on Rebert Greenspan's site, is actually my Dad!
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Comment number 9.
At 20th Jun 2009, KHavard wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 10.
At 22nd Jun 2009, snuffpuppy wrote:I absolutely loved Psychoville and cant wait to watch the rest of the series. The League set the bar and Psychoville seems a cohesive crystallisation of all the things I loved. So glad you guys are back, its been a vacuous, facile comedy world in your absence. x
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Comment number 11.
At 23rd Jun 2009, FJenna wrote:Welcome back boys, i heard it was watched by 1.4.million viewers! "You did it beautifully!"
Psychoville was brilliant. I'm "hooked" now, can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
A massive fan of the League, (especially Reece, cuz he is very cute)
I won't mention the "d" word but i will say that the show was delightfull.
Bring on the next 6 esp. x
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Comment number 12.
At 27th Jun 2009, DailyCrumb wrote:i was looking for such perfection on tv for quite a while
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