HIGNFY: The Second Suspect

More developments following last week's tuition fee protests!
Read on to see Have I Got News For You's reaction.
Following Charlie Gilmour's arrest, police issue a photo of a second suspect wanted in connection with the tuition fee protests:

Photo Courtesy Everett Collection / Rex Features
Comment number 1.
At 13th Dec 2010, Mavarine Du-Marie wrote:You know. There's an uncanny resemblance to a younger version of Ed Millband. Although the blonde hair was a disguise on that day. So perhaps its the red cummerband of an anarchist that also gives it away and points the finger thata ways to the opposition party. Well, he is dressed for the occasion.
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Comment number 2.
At 15th Dec 2010, faytail wrote:Piers Morgan shows off what he will be wearing for his new show on CNN.
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