Jacqui Smith's expenses (again)
Andrew is back on Tuesday, but the DP team have blogged in his absence:
The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is this morning over her future after "mistakenly" claiming the cost of on Commons' expenses.
As she issues a grovelling apology - we look in detail at the further revelations this weekend over .
With a review of MPs' pay and expenses planned to begin in September, we'll ask if the row can get any more embarassing?
Another as the Government buys up bits of the - and sells the best parts to the Nationwide.
We'll find out this afternoon just how much taxpayers' cash has been used to save the 150-year-old institution, but it's thought the Treasury will take £1bn of commercial property lending and acquired mortgage debt.
The Nationwide, which will take on the Dunfermline's 530 staff, says the brand will remain intact. We'll have the latest.
Also, this is the week that counts if you are Gordon Brown, as the finally rolls into London.
The Prime Minister is today beginning his final round of diplomatic arm-twisting to rally support for a package of measures to help the ailing world economy.
With Chancellor Alistair Darling warning that it was important not to be "overly optimistic" about what could be achieved in a single day, we'll be asking of the and , political editor of the , what this much-anticipated summit can really achieve?
With President Obama beginning his first overseas tour since taking office, we'll be discussing what changes in US Foreign Policy we can expect from the new administration.
President Obama has an overflowing foreign policy in-tray with , , and all fighting for top spot on his to do list - we'll be looking at potential changes in the months ahead.
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