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Real Meat

  • Mark Devenport
  • 8 Mar 07, 03:06 PM

At last some real results with East and North Belfast both in. The detailed results are on our main site so your best bet is to try there or watch our TV/listen to our radio coverage. Looks like Dawn Purvis has defied those who believed the PUP could not survive David Ervine. Alliance's deputy leader Naomi Long - on the screen as I write - has a beaming smile. Up in North Belfast it looks the same again - it seems a tall order for the DUP's William Humphrey to catch the UUP's Fred Cobain. The collusion campaigner Raymond McCord could be the kingmaker - he has done better than in his previous outings.

Also hearing Anna Lo could be in in South Belfast on 3829 votes...

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  • 1.
  • At 04:12 PM on 08 Mar 2007,
  • Pete wrote:

Great to see the Alliance vote up. Naomi Long in on first vote in East Belfast.

These other clowns have been clogging up the countries political arteries for long enough.

Let's hope for a new order.

  • 2.
  • At 05:18 PM on 08 Mar 2007,
  • North-Downer wrote:

Alliance have had a good showing this time around. Naomi Long polled well and it looks like Stephen Farry and Anna Lo will win seats too. Whose votes might they be pinching? UUP? SDLP?

  • 3.
  • At 06:12 PM on 08 Mar 2007,
  • Danny wrote:

What was Sammy WIlsons rant all about? Does anyone else think it was the most ridiculous thing for a politician to come out with.

As someone in their twenties who foolishly thought things were going to change with a new election, thosse hopes were dashed immediately when I heard him talk about knowing it would be a good week because of "25,000 people singing The Queen in Dublin, an Orange Moon (sic) and Celtic gettin beat".


And of course Big Ian didnt let us down, nor did he let Noel Thompson speak in a conversation reminiscent of the GFA agreement elections. (how long ago was that?)
Noel: "WIll you enter govenment with Sinn Fein?"
Big Ian: "Sinn FEin IRA Gerry Adams Terrorists Evil etc etc "
(Noel repeats question)
Big Ian: ........... etc etc etc

Continue ad lib.

What a bright future we have.

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