What a change in the weather! Today, as temperatures soared, the plants got really thirsty, and the foliage canopy in the glasshouse changed from fresh, sparking, peridot and rose to early summer emerald and burgundy.
I seem to have spent most of the weekend on aspects of Chelsea. On Monday Ricky called to express his concerns about the grasses. Normally that wouldn't worry me but as I have written, and talked extensively about these waves off bronze, silver and gold grasses it is more of a problem. Certainly the gold carex have a distinct tinge of brown and some are dying off. A closer inspection reveals a distinct lack of roots; the cold spring weather has hindered their establishment and they simply won't make it. We discuss various substitutes and settle on Phormium 'Yellow Wave'. A totally different effect: wider leaves higher and wavier; simply rougher seas I fear. I also decide to use a drift of Astelia 'Westland'; maybe with the bronze carex or blue festucas. This will make the planting stronger and better prepared for a warmer Chelsea - that is if the weather lasts.
Yesterday was a tree day - for our exhibit and what seems like most others in the show. The trees have really moved in the past couple of days and those that looked as if they had no chance of making it are now on the short list.
The nursery and garden centres are suddenly busy so that presents another problem: pressure on transport. The lorries start to roll into the show on Friday and typically every garden centre customer will also be screaming for stock.
Today we start getting the materials and kit together for loading tomorrow to start construction: cement mixer, wheelbarrows, shovels, tools and a host of building materials. At one time we took everything from here. Now I get as much as possible delivered directly into the into the show site. Some of the items I've never even seen: beach huts and sails for example. The company making the sail and mast structure emailed a picture this morning - suddenly I'm excited...
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