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Party pooper

Graham Smith | 15:25 UK time, Wednesday, 15 September 2010

As many of Cornwall's Lib Dems head off to Liverpool for their party conference I thought I would draw your attention to the website which forecasts what would happen if a general election were to be held on current levels of party support (as recorded by YouGov.) According to EC, the Conservatives would still be the largest party, 24 short of a majority but the Liberal Democrats take a beating and would no longer be able to keep them in power: Conservatives 302, Labour 292, Liberal Democrats 22. According to Electoral Calculus, all three of Cornwall's Lib Dem seats would fall to the Conservatives.


  • Comment number 1.

    I bet some people still vote for Andrew George because he pretends to be a nationalist whilst towing the party line and living it up on expenses. I can not remember the last time we had a really great Cornish MP who listened and gave a voice to the Cornish people.

  • Comment number 2.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "I bet some people still vote for Andrew George because he pretends to be a nationalist......"

    Is that not the problem with Cornish politics.
    The Lib Dems have, for years, taken "nationalist" policies, and claimed them as their own, whilst having no intention of actually carrying any of them through.
    They are a large party, with considerable funds compared to small local party's like MK. They use their funds to bot promote "nationalist" policies, whilst at the same time "putting down" the very nationalists who came up with the policies in the first place.
    We then have the media, who also tend to mock, and marginalise, those whom they feel to be nationalists. Whilst promoting the lie that it is only one of the "big 3" parties that are worth voting for, the particular party they promote depending on their own vested interests. Plus the likes of you, who attempt to mock, insult, and ridicule anything you feel to be "nationalist" at every possible opportunity. Relying on a poor understanding of what nationalism actually is in the 21st century, and a vast amount of deliberate misdirection, to do so.
    The simple fact is that there are many "nationalists", in the loosest sense, in Cornwall, who vote for the party that they are told has the best chance of pursuing those policies that they want pursued. Which, unfortunately, at the moment is the Lib Dems.
    So yes, there will, in all probability, be a large number of people voting for Mr. George, and his Lib Dem colleagues in Cornwall, in the next general election, because they actually want "nationalist" policies followed in Cornwall, but do not feel able to vote for a party such as MK because they do not associate themselves with the image that others have created for "nationalists", an image that is completely false.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    " I can not remember the last time we had a really great Cornish MP who listened and gave a voice to the Cornish people."



    You are either very young, in which case your not being able to remember carries little weight, or you disagree with their politics, and are taking a partisan view.
    Perhaps, as you feel we have been so badly let down by our elected representatives of late, you should stand at the next election, we could then see how representative your opinion is of the Cornish people.

  • Comment number 3.

    I am tory through and through and feel the liberals have sold out loyal supporters.

    I hope the liberals enjoy the fame. I suspect it will be the last time they see it for another half a century, in some ways they have diverted unhappiness from the deception of Nulabour who created the mess we find ourselves in, not the banks, not unions but Brown who was imposed on us by Nulabour and killed both the economy but also created the phrase BROKEN BRITAIN and took us to war with Muslims.

    Andrew George should NOT have been allowed to stand again after what he got caught doing with his expenses along with hundreds of others

  • Comment number 4.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "Andrew George should NOT have been allowed to stand again after what he got caught doing with his expenses along with hundreds of others"

    Yet, the voters of the St Ives constituency where he stood obviously disagree with you.
    Also, how many Tory MP's are in "similar positions", even St David himself has not been above reproach.

  • Comment number 5.

    So, let us list the reasons that M.K. are not successful, shall we?

    The Liberals "pinch" M.K.'s polices.

    The media , who "mock and marginalise".

    Ordinary people with a "poor understanding", "mock insult and ridicule".

    "The simple fact is that there are many "nationalists", in the loosest sense, in Cornwall, who vote for the party that they are told has the best chance of pursuing those policies that they want pursued."

    People "do as they are told".

  • Comment number 6.

    Do not forget some people just read the pamphlets handed out and vote MK without finding out what the "sons" are all about. I know one person who did this, now no longer friends of ours.

  • Comment number 7.

    Slimslad, if by "success" you mean seats at Westminster, then, yes the situation I discribed above is a part of the reason why MK has not achieved what we would all wish.
    However, there are other forms of success, having your political opponents taking your policies and claiming them for their own would indicate that you are doing something right.

    As for your quote, "people "do as they are told"" was not from me, but on one level is correct. If they did not, then the advertising industry would never have taken off.

  • Comment number 8.

    "…However, there are other forms of success…"

    No matter what voting system is introduced MK will never send a person to Westminster when so many so called nationalists act as the Swastika to success and all that matters is votes. Polices mean nothing if the underlining message is based around envy and revulsion.

  • Comment number 9.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "...when so many so called nationalists act as the Swastika to success..."

    I have absolutely no idea what that means. Would you mind explaining?

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "Polices mean nothing if the underlining message is based around envy and revulsion."

    The policies of MK, are the underlying message, there is no envy, and there is no revulsion from that quarter. The envy and revulsion comes from those who attempt to discredit Cornish Nationalists, usually for their own party political reasons.
    Instead of sniping from the cloak of anonymity, how about, at least, telling us which political party you support. Mr. Jacks has been honest enough to tell us all that he is a "tory through and through", and whilst I may not agree with his politics, at least we all know where his comments are coming from, and are not based in the hate and loathing that seem to be the cause of yours.

  • Comment number 10.

    Trembath I did anticipate my comment would go over your head

    And it did Ta da

    Sadly I knew you would respond just gauging how far back I need to stand from the blue touch paper, though I would prefer to make comments free from such spoil it would seem once you scent an area you deem it your territory and seem to expect others to be answerable to you whilst I feel this is Grahams blog not yours Trembath.

    Uh oh Trembath scribbles "..Peter has a secret.." in the back of his notebook under Serious injury list

    In many ways I am rather disappointed at the lameness of the retort, lacking in humour, passion or knowledge. Debates like this remind me of the following famous line

    Maple syrup is supposed to be on the table before the pancakes. My last comment on this subject, scent away Tremmy

  • Comment number 11.

    Mr. Tregantle,
    Nationalist = a member of a political party or group advocating national independence or strong national government. A Person. A human being. Flesh and Blood.

    Swastika = a figure used as a symbol or an ornament in the Old World and in America since prehistoric times, consisting of a cross with arms of equal length, each arm having a continuation at right angles. or , the official emblem of the Nazi party and the Third Reich. Not a Person. Not a Human Being. Not Flesh and Blood.

    So, Ganty, it did not "go over my head" as your statement does not make any sense.
    Are you trying to say that Nationalists are just symbols, or are you trying to say they are Nazis?

    I agree that this is Graham's Blog, and I am sure that he does not wish you to use it to spread your usual diatribe of hate, insult and abuse.

    Changing your user-name every time you post somewhere new, fools no-one.

    You do not like Cornish Nationalists, we know, we get it. You do not have to permanently demonstrate your political intolerance. It does seem a somewhat fascist like behaviour.

  • Comment number 12.

    Trembath it pains me to state the palpable but nobody likes Cornish nationalists that’s why support is virtually single figures and it is down to the likes of you and TK (AC) lurking around here abusing the Cornish majority

    Both of you are figures of mockery, nobody can debate with you because you are so far off-piste your are trying to ski in the sahara with roller blades, I was going to correct you about your comments about me but just could not be bothered as it would be a waste of my effort. Stop trying to profile people because you are not very good at it

  • Comment number 13.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "Trembath it pains me to state the palpable but nobody likes Cornish nationalists"

    Do I not recall you mentioning that your parents are Cornish Nationalists?
    It must be fun in your house at Christmas!

    The plain simple truth is that YOU do not like Nationalists, and like your friend Tregantle, consider that debate is you stating your beliefs, and if anyone dares to disagree, accuse them of not being able to debate. You then go on to insult, ridicule, and abuse them at every opportunity.

    Your assertion that I, along with TK (AC), are solely responsible for the support, or alleged lack of it, of Nationalism in Cornwall, is a clear indication of your complete ignorance of the situation. The simple fact is that my musings on a few Internet sites has very little, if any, impact on the vast majority of ordinary people, who never visit such sites in the first place. Although I am flattered that you believe I hold such influence.

    It is more true to say that it is the likes of you who feel the need to insult, ridicule, and abuse those who hold different opinions to you that causes many people to refrain from making comments on sites such as this, is that your intention?

    Oh, and as I said to your friend, Tregantle, using a different user-name on each new site you visit fools no-one.

  • Comment number 14.

    Trembath the truth is you are indoctrinated. I agree with Andrew all you do is profile people seeking a person to attack aka Nicky Reilly, I have no problem and in fact enjoy people who hold alternative opinions to mine, but your comments do nothing to stimulate me, I am here to learn and not once have I said I have any answers. But I know the truth when I see it.

  • Comment number 15.

    "…Do I not recall you mentioning that your parents are Cornish Nationalists?
    It must be fun in your house at Christmas!.."

    PROFILING again!

    It is not unusual for family members to hold dissimilar opinions and politics; in fact it is very healthy. I am not against Cornwall as I told Mr Hart but see no logic in walking the Nationalist path. I believe in doing what is feasible and as I have clearly said above I feel nationalists are very few and far between and those that lurk around the internet do more harm than good. There comments often displayed in rants of arrogance and a manner of debate akin to a hick camp-site

    I want to keep the culture and status as English, I wonder how many people like me start to pull away from my Cornish culture when I read "this is not England" and "Celtic blood". If it is worth anything I would not have said anything had you any etiquette and kept to the subject rather than profiling everyone.

  • Comment number 16.

    "musings on a few Internet sites", Mr Trembath?
    Should that not read "fewer Internet sites", as you were barred from TIC for using multiple identities?

  • Comment number 17.

    Slimslad, it's not often your right,
    But your wrong again.
    Your accusation is more suited to some others who post here.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "Trembath the truth is you are indoctrinated."
    The truth is that you have no idea what my beliefs are. You see someone who is a nationalist, and you automatically assume you know all about them, and go straight into insult mode. My comments are not designed to "stimulate" you, but to point out your arrogance, and rudeness. Before any form of stimulating debate, exchange of ideas, can occur, the insult and abuse has to stop.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "PROFILING again!"
    No, just commenting on the stupidity of your insulting sweeping comments.
    On one post you said your parents were nationalists.
    On another post you said no-one likes nationalists.
    So, unless you are no-one, you do not like your parents.
    Not "profiling" just simple logic.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "I want to keep the culture and status as English"
    That is your choice, and I have never said anything different. My "culture and status", however, is Cornish, and I want to keep it that way.

    Andrew Jacks wrote:-
    "I wonder how many people like me start to pull away from my Cornish culture when I read "this is not England" and "Celtic blood"."
    If such simple statements are capable of making you do that, then your "Cornish culture" could not have had that strong a "hold" on you in the first place. You claim to be a Tory, does this mean that you are in complete agreement with everything that another Tory says or writes? or do you start to pull away from your Toryness when another Tory makes a comment you disagree with, or find offensive?
    You seem to have got a "profiling" bee in your bonnet at the moment, claiming that I am "doing" it, and seem to find it in some way disagreeable, but you fail to see that you are guilty of far worse, you are guilty of "profiling" all nationalists.

  • Comment number 18.


  • Comment number 19.

    I guess the difference between this thread and the "Andrew steps up with a pro-Cornwall amendment" thread is some of us believe in free speech whilst others seek to impose there warped views of a undiscovered land called Kernow.

    Perhaps I need to find a cake with "eat me" on it to enter Kernow, I will update you the reader if I find such a cake, must admit it sounds like such a wonderful place with no English, Cheap homes which are strictly rationed to one each, no tax or VAT.

  • Comment number 20.

    Moved on from profiling to fishing PT!

    It is a free world I will not react as is your want. You really are trivial, a very 2D person in a 3D world.

  • Comment number 21.

    Peter Tregantle wrote:-
    "I guess the difference between this thread and the "Andrew steps up with a pro-Cornwall amendment" thread is some of us believe in free speech whilst others seek to impose there warped views of a undiscovered land called Kernow."

    Actually the difference, not between threads but between us, is that I believe in the free speech, and I believe that that freedom carries with it a responsibility, the same as all freedoms, that of not using your freedom to prevent others from enjoying that same freedom.

    As always, you completely miss the whole point of my post. I do not care that you hold a particular opinion of Cornish nationalism, I do care about the way you choose to express that opinion. I care that you use every possible opportunity to bring nationalism into any discussion you can, so that you can attempt to ridicule those you label as nationalist. I care that you judge others opinions based on whether you consider them to be nationalists or not. I do care that you use your freedom of speech to attempt to deny others theirs.

    You're playing politics, the politics of the gutter.

    As for Mr. Jacks, who's trying to profile who?

  • Comment number 22.

    Trembath you are overly literal and missing the point of the thread, blogs are about banter; sadly this is not possible with you, neither is examination of anything meaningful as I know what you will say before you do, your self pity does nothing for anyone and is rather embarrassing if I am honest

  • Comment number 23.

    So, now you claim that the insult that you heap on those whose politics you disagree with, here and elsewhere, is mere "banter".
    My point, and the one you continually refuse to address, is that it is possible to make your comments, to express your opinions, without resorting to the abusive, sweeping statements you constantly resort to when commenting on those you disagree with. Your references to German National Socialism, Nicky Riley, brainwashing, etc, are not mere "banter", but calculated insult.
    Such remarks do nothing to further the debate/discussion, but create division and ill feeling.
    I am sorry that you find it embarrassing to have your insulting and abusive manner publicly objected to, but you know how to prevent it from continuing. Accusing the objector of "self pity" is not it.

  • Comment number 24.

    Peter humour is a human reaction

  • Comment number 25.

    "reaction" ???????????

    In that case, so must intelligence!

  • Comment number 26.

    Peter humour is a human reaction

    To many of us Migration is what many birds do seasonally, to a Nat it means crossing the Tamar Bridge.


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