Scottie McClue
I open letters page today to see a photograph of Scottie McClue accompanying his staunch defence of "talk radio". I met Scottie for the first time last year when he agreed to partner Lesley Riddoch for a week co-hosting MacAulay & Co. Lesley herself had suggested this partnership over a year before but it just so happened both she and Scottie had been in to see me on the same day and they were still keen to give it a try.
I'm not sure everyone appreciates that Scottie is a character played wonderfully by his creator Colin Lamont. I always smile when I hear people express outrage at Scottie's opinions. It's a bit like getting angry at a character in a soap opera.
Scottie's creator is actually one of the most affable men in radio yet I wonder if Colin sometimes thinks he's created a monster...a kind of Mr Hyde. I'm also amazed at the amount of internet chatter that Scottie generates on sites such as . I expect we haven't heard the last of him.