In The Dog House
I need some advice about buying a dog. This comes on the back of my daughter's 11th birthday today and her recollection that I had promised she could have a dog "when she was older". This promise was made when she was five years old and, over the years, I have added various sub-clauses and caveats.
At various times I have made much of my supposed allergy to most furry things and pointed out that she might have to choose between me and a canine companion. She gave that one a lot of thought.
Lately, I foolishly created a loop-hole in the contract by suggesting that we could have a dog, but only if we moved house and to an area with abundant dog-walking spaces. She saw this as a glimmer of hope and, for a 11 year old, has displayed an uncommon interest in estate agents windows and the property sections of newspapers.
Today, I thought I had pulled a fast one by allowing her to have a digital dog. Yes, her birthday presents included a pink Nintendo DS hand-held games machine. This came complete with the Nintendogs game which has proved such a hit among girls.
She loved the game but it has simply reignited her longing for the real thing. Having resisted for all these years, I think I'll have to cave in.
So...anyone want to sell a dog, or buy a house?