In The Attic
So I was clambering through the attic this afternoon trying to find more stuff to take to the dump before we move house next week. I found the Moses' basket that we bought when the first Zedette was born eleven years ago. Of course this prompted a huge bout of nostalgia and it was an hour before we made the decision to toss it out. Sniff.
I drove to the dump listening to Sportsound and then Your Call with Jim Traynor. I loved Jim's opening to the programme when he performed a wonderful spoof of Tommy Sheridan's victory speech after winning his defamation case against the News of the World.
At this point I should own up and admit that Tommy once spotted me coming out of a back-street club in a seedy part of Glasgow and, truth be told, I was in the company of a woman who was not my wife. I'd interviewed Tommy a few times, mainly because of his anti-poll-tax demonstrations, and he gave me a knowing look as I walked past. I just went red in the face.
Mind you it was lunchtime and it all happened two years before I was married.
And was the name of this seedy establishment? The Club in Parnie Street.
At least I kept my anorak on.