Highland Games
A proud (but damp) day for the Zed family as we headed for the Bught Park in Inverness for the . Ten schools from as far apart as Skye and Sutherland were taking part and our 12 year old daughter was competing in two track events and the tug o' war..
Well, not only did she win one of her races outright, but her school team triumphed in the entire competition. The smile on her face as she held up the trophy for the official photograph more than made up for the five hours I had to sit in the rain, waiting for Mrs Zed to turn up with a flask of hot coffee.
Not that she had been shrinking from her parental responsibilities. On the contrary, she had been braving the elements herself while our 10 year old son was at football training on the other side of town. He, in fact, received a medal last week for his efforts in the school team.
So, as the end of the school year approaches it was time to reflect on the to relocate from Glasgow to Inverness. As you can imagine, it was the worries about our childrens' disrupted schooling and broken friendships that had preyed on our minds.
But it seems to have worked out. Two great report cards, lots of new friends and now we have a Highland Games champion in the family.
Who would have predicted that?