The Great Outdoors
Please join me this year in my quest to get fit, lose weight and really get to grips with what Scotland has to offer in the way of outdoor experiences. I've been inspired by our Out of Doors programme which has been recommending all sorts of fun activities. Coastal walking, snow-kiting, puddle-jumping (Ok, I just invented that last one).
Of course this resolution would be a lot easier to stick to if we lived in a slightly warmer climate. But that's no excuse. Who was it that said there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing?.
So sign me up: I'm prepared to do what it takes to shed the blubber...and if you have any suggestions do let me know.
Meanwhile, my plan to walk to work every morning might have to wait until I invest in better footwear. And, anyway, that doesn't include the days I travel from Inverness to Glasgow.
I mean, have a little pity!
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