No Coconuts Were Harmed In The Making Of This Programme
Let me give you a bit of advance warning so that you don't miss a cracking bit of radio this week. On Friday morning at half past eleven we're airing a play which is set in a mountain rescue centre. Much of the story is told using the radio messages coming in from the rescue team and the pilot of the rescue helicopter. In that sense it makes best use of the medium of radio. The play is called Wings of the Morning.
I mention this because I'm aware that radio drama is not everyone's cup of tea. I've seen audience research that suggests there are a good many listeners who react to a play by imagining the actors standing around in a studio banging empty coconut shells together whenever the script calls for the arrival of a horse. For those listeners the idea that the "pictures are better on radio" simply doesn't make sense.
Yet a darn good story can conquer all and as Wings of the Morning builds to a climax you'll be on the edge of your seat wondering how that story will play out.
So go on, give it a listen. There are no coconuts or horses involved.
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