Naveen Andrews as Alan Partridge!
Naveen Andrews (Sayid from Lost) joined us in the studio today to talk about the new series and to answer your questions.
Here's a video of him doing an impression of his obsession, Alan Partridge! Don't you think it's convincing?
That is a good one!
Great impression :)
Good to see he has a quality sense of humour.
Up with the Partridge!!
that was bloody brilliant!
Awesome, Naveen Andrews is a cool dude !
The listen again feature isn't working!
Want to hear the Interview!
The impression is uncanny though.
not only is he too sexy for words(especially in his LOST dirty vest) but ha also does an amazing alan partridge!!!!!!!! x x
That was brilliant, Naveen is a fantastic actor!!
Keep up the good work dude....
Sexy and funny what more could a girl want!!!! Loved the impression - big up Naveen!!! Gutted I missed him on the show - down load the pod cast NOW!!!
Brilliant, lovin the head movements too!
i like radio 1 because you have a laugh with the team