Boy Gamers' Blog - Latest entry
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 13 May 07, 10:03 AM

Well this is it my last blog, It鈥檚 been great fun, I鈥檝e really enjoyed it, I hope you lot have too but I really can鈥檛 take all the credit. A huge thank you must go to the blog team who spend hours in the office, slaving away making the website as good as it is (deleting my typos) and they do a brilliant job. I would like to also take this opportunity to once again say a big thank you to all those people who gave me the opportunity to be on Level Up! It鈥檚 been fantastic, especially the researchers and people in the studio, the bosses, the other amazing gamers who the show wouldn鈥檛 have been the same without and Sam, Mark and the lovely Ayesha. I鈥檝e had some lovely times and wouldn鈥檛 have missed it for the world. And an extra big thank you to my 鈥淏radettes鈥 (you may have seen them on my home videos, they were two friends who helped on almost every one)
My personal highlights have been dressing up as Captain Jack (much to the surprise of my class to see me come in with thick eye liner). Plus 鈥榯he weekender鈥, which was brill, special thanks to Rihan (what a legend). I also loved the day where I made an egg to look like Sam and Mark (happy days).
I am really sorry if I forgot anyone it will probably come to me after I have wrote this but I have not forgotten you. It has been an amazing experience and I wouldn鈥檛 have missed it for the world. So keep watching DSD, live life to the full and be happy.
Until next time,
Boy Gamers' Blog - Recent entries
- Level Up Gamer - Callam
- 12 May 07, 06:38 PM

Hey guys. Wow, sorry about not send a blog for a while. Anyway, how鈥檚 it going? You all doing ok?
Well, today I joined a football team and today I went shopping and bought some awesome clothes.
Tomorrow I'm just going to chill out and relax and play football. What have you lot been up to? Anything good? Anyway, I was just about to play on my computer but I thought I would send you guys a message first.
All the best,
- Level Up Gamer - Avijit
- 11 May 07, 10:49 PM

Hi everyone! It鈥檚 my last blog. It has been great talking to everyone and working with the fab Level Up gang. They rock! I can鈥檛 believe over a year has passed since Level Up started.
Anyway, since this is the last blog, let me know what you thought of me as a Gamer. Good, bad - anything will do.
I have been really busy with revising for my exams. I have four exams of maths, science, English and the normal subjects. Still a lot of revising left to do anyway! Hope to see your replies soon.
Bye! You guys rock.
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 25 Mar 07, 08:34 PM

Well, I thought it was time I should ask you guys some questions, coz you're probably bored of me, so here goes:
Who's going to be watching Do Something Different? I'm really looking forward to it!
What can I do to improve my blog and get more comments? (I can natter for ages, so what do you want me to talk about?)
What would you choose out of Latin, drama and German and why? I'm really stuck coz I have to decide when I go back from half term. So please tell me soon!!!
And lastly, I'm starting a new comedy radio show at school with one of my mates, so what should I put in it?
Please do give us a comment, just click on the comment button and write something as short or long as you like coz I definitely will reply!!!
PS - Why not ask me a question if you want?
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 1 Mar 07, 09:01 PM

Hi Level Uppers,
Well I hope everyone is settling back in well to school. Half term was brill for me, what did you guys do? My half term kinda got off to a bad start. I went to a wake which is a party after a funeral. It was kinda sad but it was nice to pay my respects.
I had a lot of homework to do too so I finished that off too in the first couple of days. Then I went off to see my friend. We did a bit off shopping and I got some shoes I really like (which turned out to be the wrong size!) and we watched a really funny film. That was a great day!
After that I went to go see "Les Miserables" in London with my mum, it was quite confusing but the songs are really good. I got to see a friend as well who I haven't seen for ages. We won nearly all the games in the arcade. And just had fun hanging around in my house. Another good day!
But I spent my last day packing. I went back on Sunday coz I'm at boarding skool which is annoying but it's ok because I'm prepared for a Monday mornin' of skool. :( And today was Shrove Tuesday so every one in the house got pancakes!!! Don't u just love pancakes?
Hope everyone is okay,
Until next time,
PS - Plz comment. I will reply.
- Level Up Gamer - Avijit
- 5 Feb 07, 08:47 PM

Hi everyone! So what's everyone been up to lately? Sorry I haven't put any blogs up, I was too busy! Lol!
Anyway, next week is Valentine's Day. Love is going to be in the air! Lol! So why don't u guys tell me what your plans are for that loving day? I've also got half term coming that week! Great! Relaxing times for me! And I get to have a nice lie-in! I can't wait!
Last week it was parent's evening and I was shocked by the teachers! They all said good things about me! Yeah! Lucky me!
Anyway dudes and dudettes, have a good 14th of Feb and do write to my blogs.
Thanks Level Up Gamer Avijit
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 28 Jan 07, 04:14 PM

Hi Level Uppers,
I hope everyone is settling in well at school. My life has been really hectic! I'm so on the go I haven't even finished telling you about my pre-Christmas celebrations. Our new housemaster put on a brill spread for us. A really nice dinner and games 'til one in the morning! What more could we ask for?
School has been quite good so far, but I have assessments coming up. They're kinda like reports and I'm a bit nervous about them. Does anyone else have reports soon? Are you feeling nervous?
Oh yeah! Guess what? Last Saturday I went roller-skating! It was fab! I fell over a lot, but in the end I was speeding round like a pro. It was a great thing to try. Have you peeps ever done it?
A couple of days ago we had two work shops in school. One where we did things to do with drumming. We got to have a go with different instruments and we did a mini performance dance thing at the end. How awesome! The London Science museum even came and gave us a show. It was 100 times better than a science lesson! They froze a man's breath, turned a banana into a hammer with liquid nitrogen and then they showed us the inside of a body!!!
But, best of all, I got the main part in my school play. It's quite hard to learn my lines. Has anyone got any tips? I can't wait to see who else is in the play. I'm really looking forward to it! I'll send in some pictures of me in my costume.
Exams, exams, exams!!! I may be able to take a drama exam, but it sounds really difficult. Next week I have my red belt to take in karate too! I need some advice on how to practice. Wish me luck!!!
But most importantly I have a big problem. My tutor has asked us to do something for charity and I have no ideas. There are eight of us and we're really keen to raise money, but we want to be inventive and we don't know how! Please help by posting your ideas in the comment section.
Until next time,
- Level Up Gamer - Ryan
- 16 Jan 07, 08:53 PM

Hi people! Guess wat? We're all writing blogs again, so I'm back and I wanna know wat did u get for Christmas? Did u get wat u wanted or were u disappointed. Did u get a knitted jumper or did u get the games console u've been waiting 4?
I got my phone and a couple of games. I also got money and lots of it! Did u get money? And if so wat did u spend it on? Keep me posted.
Oh and can I just ask wat r u gonna do 4 work experience? I don't know wat I'm doing at the moment. I've been looking but I haven't realy found anything yet, but hopefully I'll be filming so that will be my work. But I definitely want to be in front of the camera! If not I wanna be behind it! Ha ha! I love the spotlight!
See ya, and remember...
Stay kool stay Ryan
- Level Up Gamer - Ryan
- 20 Dec 06, 09:47 PM

Hi people,
This is my last blog this year so I'm gonna make the most of it. You've been great viewers and I just wanna say thanks! U may see me on tele again soon so I won't be gone!
Yeah, I think I may get a phone, but I wanna know wat else I should get and what phone should I hope 4? Come on guys, I need ur help! It's so close to Christmas and I need something else to tell my mum! I know I got the new Man U kit. What should I get 4 my girlfriend? I got her a white gold chain with a teddy bear, but I don't know what sort of card I should get her.
But the biggest present I have ever had has been u all year! You've been a great audience! Thanks! I g2g for now.
Stay kool stay Ryan
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 19 Dec 06, 07:54 PM

Hi Level Uppers,
This is my last blog b4 Christmas but don't be too sad. We'll be back next year. And basically I just wanna know what you want for Christmas because I don't have a clue what I want, so I really need you guys to help. Pleeeez I need ideas!
Oh yeah and what kind of things do you guys and your families do at Christmas, do you play party games? and if you do what party games do you play?
Oh yeah! Most importantly, what are your new year resolutions? Mine are probably to play more guitar, eat more healthily and to exercise more.
Thanks very much for watching Level Up over the past year. It's been really fab for all the Gamers and we wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for the viewers. Also thanks for all your comments! It's really, really nice to hear from you guys. I would also like to say a big thanks to the moderators and the blog team. They work really hard and do a brill job. And an especially big thanks to our researchers in the office. They have made the Gamers lives so much easier and we couldn't have done it without them!
Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year!
Until next time,
PS - I hope you all get what you want from Father Christmas.
- Level Up Gamer - Avijit
- 15 Dec 06, 10:40 PM

Hi everybody and a merry Christmas! Hope everyone gets what they want cause I will. I better! Lol! It's the end of the blog for this year! But it's a new year! Yay! So who knows... Level Up might be back! I hope so! Anyway, hope you have had a great time with us Gamers this year. Don't we rock? I can't wait 'til Xmas! Loadsa presents. Wish I knew what's in them! Lol! And one of my Xmas gift is a new mobile from my parents. It's class! I luv it!
We wish u a merry Christmas and a happy Level Up yearrrrrrr.
So, for now, a big THANK YOU to all my Level Up fans and thanks for sending in messages and glitches.
Luv from Level Up Gamer Avijit.
x x x x x
- Level Up Gamer - Callam
- 13 Dec 06, 10:11 PM

Hey guys.
Sorry for this late blog entry.
So, what have you lot been up to? Well, today I went to school and the first two lessons weren't the same because I had mock sats!
Mock sats are basically practice tests for the big test you have at the end of the year! I think I did quite well but we'll have to wait and see! Hehe! Then lessons went back to normal and I had citizenship which is basically where you talk and debate about problems in the world and your community and then I had geography and that was just like usual... OK! Ha ha! Then I had lunch and then went to my next lesson which was science. Whoooooo! Then my last lesson was English and yesterday we had to do a test so our teacher said we could do something fun today and I played cards. Then I got to leave my lesson early because I had to go and find out where I was sitting in the celebration evening.
The celebration evening is where certain students who have been good at school go and they get a prize and I won a golf competition in school so I got a trophy. Whoopee!
All the best, Callam.
PS - I know
- Level Up Gamer - Bradley
- 12 Dec 06, 01:47 PM

Hi level Uppers!
Well, here, as I promised, is my report on my house 7's rugby tournament!
It was a frosty December morn' as we trundled down to the pitch. There was a feeling of suspense in the air. The captain was worried about a missing prop. Our scrummy had the wrong shirt. Everyone was nervous. This would be a match to remember!
My first match was versus our neighbouring house. I was very nervous. Our spirits were immediately dampened by a try one minute into the game. This was succeeded by two more! All seemed lost but with our first scrum we managed to gain precious ground. It was tough but we pulled through .Soon it was half time, with no trys and signs of exhaustion we were losing badly. We went back in even more ferociously but almost immediately their star player ran up the wing aiming for what should have been a glorious try... But there on the horizon was our saviour. With a savage tackle he took the man down and our speedy back received the ball. He was heading for the final straight but at the worst possible time the ref blew the whistle!!!
We were ready for our next match and there was almost a glimmer of hope!
We had a much better line up in the next game. Once again our opponent's scrum was tough, but not tough enough! This was a much more evenly matched game. A beautiful kick sent the ball way into our half but we fought back like a pack of rabid dogs. Me and the forwards made sure we took out some opposition. The same thing happened another two times but on the final go the "speedy Gonzalez" of our team tore the pitch into shreds... He was at the touch line, just about to place it and then BAM! He was out cold! Even more determined now, we struggled on. One of the youngest members of their team took the ball in, handing off like crazy, driving them back! A quick and skilful pass to me ensured I got the ball further along. Soon I was faced with a lump of a lad, but before he could take me down I passed it off to our amazing scrummy who sprinted to finish. But he was met by a monstrous tackle for his efforts. It spilled on to our prop, who fumbled it, picked it up ,fumbled it again - just inches from the try line! Their second row scoped it up and, tackling three of our men, scored a try and conversion! Then after a dodgy kick from our team he did the same again! Every one was intensely frustrated. Then, just when the other team thought they had nothing to fear, we let out our secret weapon - our house cross country champion! Just one slip of the ball and he was in there like a shot, seizing the opportunity. And before they could even stick their gum shields in he was over the touch line smiling at them with seconds before the match was over.
Then we had the match everyone was waiting for. Last year's champions! It was tense, this was a good team! We were taking no chances, not underestimating them...
It was clear that they were the stronger side. They scored five trys before we had even blinked. There was no way we could top that, was there? But we weren't giving up that easily. We had spent a lot of time training and this was what it was for. We weren't going to blow it. Soon it was half time. We returned hardly having caught our breath but with a few wise substitutions we were even better. We were holding up like an iron fortress. The game was drawing to a close but we weren't going without putting up a fight. We'd used all the skills we'd learnt in training. We tackled hard, we dummied, we side stepped. It was the final frontier! We were a metre away from the try line... Nothing could stop us! After a successful line out we passed the ball to our wing, he was almost there... Almost... Just a bit more... A few steps... Beeeeeep!!! The shrill whistle sounded just seconds too early! In the end even our formidable rugby team could not escape the clutches of time!
Special thanks to our vice captain and captain and our sixth form for taking us training. A good day of rugby but sadly this is the end of my rugby for this year. :( But I guess there's always next year.
Until next time
PS - Check out C大象传媒 eXtra for the Gamers Christmas special!!! It's brill!!!
- Level Up Gamer - Ryan
- 3 Dec 06, 07:00 PM

Hi people! It's me, Ryan. Haven't written to u in ages, but I've been busy filming my new hollywood blockbuster. Lol! Just joking! I wish! Maybe in the future tho! I've been gettin' into the Christmas spirit and thinking about what I might get. I think I might get a mobile phone, but I wanna know wat u want and wat u think u might get.
Alright, I'm off, but I'll be reading ur replies so make sure u write. See ya and remember...
XXXX Stay kool stay Ryan XXXX
- Level Up Gamer - Avijit
- 1 Dec 06, 07:39 PM

Hi everyone!
First of December! Only 25 days to Xmas! Come on! So the count down has begun. So hope everyone has done their Xmas shopping because I have. Lol! In skool I have to pick my subjects for next year. My four are hopefully all in a different pool. My favourite subjects are drama, 'cause I rule in it, history, 'cause I'm great in it, Graphic products and ICT 'cause I love doing stuff on my computer. But too much homework! Waahh! Give me a break people! Lol!
I'm going to town and going to shop again! Lol! Let's hope I get games, DVDs, bling, music, games and a new mob for Xmas. Hint hint to my mates for what to get me for Xmas! Lol!
Age: 13
What is he like: He rocks!
Aim: To be the best
So, what you looking forward to? Tell me peeps...
Bye! Luv, the mad Gamer, Avijit.
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