Back to school
- 8 Sep 06, 09:13 PM
Hi people it'z me again the krazy but kool Ryan and I'm here again to write another mad blog whehey. I've gone bck 2 school now and its ok. It's good 2 see all the lads again and the girls lol. What i wana know is wat was it like 4 u 2 go bck av u met some of u'r long lost friends? Av u met ur boyfriend or girlrfriend 4 the 1st time in 6 weeks? Personally that'z a big one 4 me I really missed my girl lol but we dnt wana get all soppy so we'll move on lol.
I've just started GCSE's. I can already feel that it's gna be stressful and I thnk that keeping organised is really important. I picked p.e, history, and drama tell me wat u picked? If u'r not in year 10 tell me wat u thnk ur gna pick 4 GCSE's.
But anyway coming off the school subject and onto some jokes, I heard the wrst joke tday and it went like this:
Personally I think thatz a terrible joke. I really waznt amused tell me about some cheesy jokes u've heard before I really wanna hear dem coz sometimes their so bad that their funny.
i g2g so seya and remember .......... STAY KOOL STAY RYAN !!!!!!!!
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what about
what do yu get if you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?
a wooly jumper
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hiya ryan
u ok
well im onli in yr 7 i no the babies but i wana do dance for mi gcse
i missed all mi frends and mi bf
but i herd a reli weird joke y did the elephant cross da road coss .it wanted a banana
enyway bi x
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i would pick p.e,english,food tech and art because they are really enjoyable and fun and i have missed my friends a lot but now i see i can see them.
this is my joke it could be terrible
what did the man think of the soup when he tasted it??????? soooooooupperb!!!!! hahahahah
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we on ly was on hols 4 6 weeks only jokin yh it was alrite saw all my fwendz bang bang
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hiya im in yr 11 nd i picked history, child deverlopment and health and social care. but i regret picking history cos its sooooo hard lol i didnt mind going bk 2 skool cos i got 2 c all ma m8s but now its just sooooo boring lol xxxx
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4 me gcsez i wanna do dance coz a luv 2 dance and it keepz me fit. i thought is was g8 2 c all me buds again!! lol
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its ma b'day on da 8th of sept AHHHHHHHHH
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im year 6 so doin sats stressful but if iwoz doin gcses id do art dt math science no any thing about the victorians? got a joke for u were does a police man live? lets be avenue stay kkkkkkkkkkkkooooooooolll stay cupcake ish
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hey ryan. i chose spanish, art and textiles for my gcse just starting them at the moment and the work is pretty annoying.. and hard!you get one peice then another..and another lol hehe=(. it was kinda great to go back to school though. the holiday was getting quite boring.i missed all my friends =( but i get to see them again now =).i loved watching level up before school! it was great*! me and my friend used to talk about it all the time!. you were a great gamer!. i miss the shows but tmi is okay i guess..i havnt really been watching it. but im sure alot of people will be soon. including me! hehe =). good luck with all your work! :-) smile*! it comfuses people.! lol hehe. xx
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