Another day at school
- 23 Nov 06, 06:41 PM
Hey guys. What you lot been up to then?
Well, today I went to school as usual and it was ok. My first lesson was music. Now I like music because you get to play music on instruments and it is well fun. Then I had science which wasn't very fun but never mind and then we had food technology which is basically cooking food and I made choc-chip cookies with sweets in them. They were gorgeous! Lololol! Then we had French and that was boring! Lololol! Then I had my lunch. After lunch I just had two other lessons which weren't very interesting so I won't tell you about them. Then after school I had basketball training which was quite fun! I played quite well but not brilliantly. I came home after that and had my tea.
All the best
PS - I know
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hi there i realy like levle u and it is a really good cool show.
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hi ldz u alrite?
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hi luv ya comment
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hello! i do basketball training too! and food tech and french n all dose uver boring lessons. ur mi favourite gamer
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