Footie and chips
- 6 Nov 06, 05:34 PM
Whoooooo! Hi people. I'm in a well good mood today. Well, yesterday it was bonfire night and it was wicked. I watched some fireworks and they were so good. A bit loud though, but who cares? Lololol! The day before that I did some shopping with my dad. Whoooooo!
Today I was at school and it was quite good. Just normal lessons, you know? English, science, maths and some others but they weren't interesting. Lol! Then, when I got back, I went and played footie with my best m8 and I scored some wicked goals! Lololol! My friend scored some good goals as well, then when we got back we went and got some fish n chips! Mmmmmm.
All the best
PS - I know
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hi callam u rock
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you are really good calm
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i am luvin ur site
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That Was Wicked I bet the fireworks were loud AND I LOVE FISH AND CHIPS ALOT
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ur really lucky cal i never get chips. post another
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