Nearly Valentine's Day
- 5 Feb 07, 08:47 PM
Hi everyone! So what's everyone been up to lately? Sorry I haven't put any blogs up, I was too busy! Lol!
Anyway, next week is Valentine's Day. Love is going to be in the air! Lol! So why don't u guys tell me what your plans are for that loving day? I've also got half term coming that week! Great! Relaxing times for me! And I get to have a nice lie-in! I can't wait!
Last week it was parent's evening and I was shocked by the teachers! They all said good things about me! Yeah! Lucky me!
Anyway dudes and dudettes, have a good 14th of Feb and do write to my blogs.
Thanks Level Up Gamer Avijit
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Well, today I woke up quite late because I got home late because of the traffic chaos caused by the snow. My mum tried to take me to choir practice. We did not get there in the end because the snow was so bad.
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Yeah I agree with you dude about Valentine's Day.
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I got no cards
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hi i read your thing cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did u get a card from a girl i did from my ex-boyfriend toby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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hi there!i love level up peeps i do not watch it but i love going on the web i think it is fab how is everyone do u like `school have u been good
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me and my girlfriend went on a lovely date to the movies
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hi, i gto 3 cards (including ma boyfriend) and a prezzie off each of them. i got a nacklace from aaron. choccies from alex and a teddy and choccies and flowers from anthony (my boyfriend) anywayz g2g bibi huni xx
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iya 4 vailintine i got nount :.(
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i got 3 cards 2 from my boyfriend and from this boy. in my form.
love ya xxkiddykaterexx
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I got a card!!!
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I HATE VALENTINES DAY!!! mine went down the tube i was in tears
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