10 things we didn't know last week
1. In Kingston upon Thames, men on average live to be 78. In Kingston-upon-Hull it is 73.
2. The Queen's got great legs (according to Helen Mirren).
3. Seventy percent of victims of police shootings are shot in the back or the side.
4. Each person sends an average of 55 greetings cards per year.
5. Cats and some other mammals are thought to navigate using magnetised cells in their brains.
6. Chris De Burgh has healing hands.
7. Kim Jong-il is an obsessive James Bond fan.
8. Joggers who run with their backs to the traffic are twice as likely to die as those who face oncoming cars.
9. Just one cow gives off enough harmful methane gas in a single day to fill around 400 litre bottles.
10. Eighty-five percent of women working in brothels in the UK are from overseas, where 10 years ago 85% were from Britain.
[2 – Sunday Times, 8 Oct; 5 – Daily Telegraph, 12 Oct; 7 – the Sun, 10 Oct; 8 – Glasgow Evening Times, 11 Oct; 10 – the Times, 13 Oct;] Thanks to Ruth & Ian in Marbella for sending the picture of 10 cloth nappies drying on a line. The nappies belong to their daughter Lola.
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