10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets harvested from the week's news, chopped diced and sliced for easy consumption.
1. There are 32 billionaires based in the UK who pay no personal tax here.
2. The space programme in the UK relies upon Indian and Chinese graduates to provide 80% of the scientific staff, MPs were told.
3. Stripping is, officially, an art form (in Norway at least).
4. Urban birds have developed a short, fast "rap style" of singing, different from their rural counterparts.
5. Left-handed people are better at computer games.
6. Bristol is the least anti-social place in England, says the National Audit Office.
7. It's only 62 years since the last person was prosecuted for witchcraft in the UK.
8. Standard-sized condoms are too big for most Indian men.
9. King Tutankhamun probably died from a broken leg, rather than being murdered with a blow to the head, say scientists.
10. The London tornado was one of 40 to hit the UK this year.
(Sources, where stories not linked - 1. Sunday Times, 3 December; 9. National Geographic, 1 December.
Seen 10 things? . Thanks to Alan Chesterman for the picture of 10 berries.