Your Letters
Wondering if we could have a counter of how many times a politician uses the term "his sums don't add up" in the next few days.
Dylan, Reading, UK
Re . Having lived in London for eight years and now back in the US, I've enjoyed a series of insurance commercials here starring a talking lizard with an accent straight out of EastEnders. What I enjoy even more is hearing friends and acquaintances talk about how posh that little reptile sounds.
Kevin Jones, Dallas, TX
Re this lunar dust issue (Tuesday letters). Why exactly would an astronaut wish to leave the relative safety of their space suit to get a good lungful of lunar air?
Owen, Stevenage, Herts
It will be difficult because they are so cute, but I shall refrain from feeding the .
Judy Cabbages, Peebles, Scotland
Dianne wants chocolate from her computer; Ken Donald's suggestion of repeatedly shouting "I want chocolate" into the USB ports does work (Tuesday letters). I've tried it and a bar of chocolate appeared - admittedly it manifested itself on my colleague's desk from where I had to retrieve it, but...
Vanessa, Dorset
Warning: DMQ spoiler
Since Jeffery Archer says that three incidents in the Bible aren't true, isn't that the strongest possible proof that they are true?
John Whapshott, Chippenham, England
With regards today's mini-quiz, how could anyone select "All of the above", when one of the answers above is "None of the above", clearly contradicting themselves? Perhaps they misread it as "All of the first three options". Does this qualify me as a bona fide Magazine Monitor pedant?
Ed, Clacton, UK
Re size comparisons - this flash programme on the has some cool ones, for example the Earth is 100 million times larger that a football. Should keep everyone entertained.
Karl, Peel, Isle of Man