Your Letters
What's the story behind the incredible man in the photo for the article about the repairs to the Severn Valley Railway? He's only about twice the size of the concrete sleepers just behind him.
Martin, Oxford
Re the in which the Yorkshire tourist board thinks Yorkshire folk the most friendly. Now there's a surprising result.
Pete Makings, Nottingham
Re : I guess we are just stupid. The UK Government thinks we can survive on services alone, with legal ,software and accountancy services already going abroad. It would be laughable, if the consequences in a decade or so were not going to be so serious. By 2009 there will be NO major manufacturers of domestic Appliances here. NONE! Seventy-five per cent have already gone - not everyone can work in an office or hotel. If you think the dollar has declined, just wait until you see the collapse of the pound when it happens.
Jeremy, Thatcham
Well if you feel that strong about being made abroad you can always protest by ceasing to buy such items.
Graham Henderson, Surrey
, Made in USA or Made in China what's the difference? A shirt is a shirt regardless where it is made. The most important think for the client is affordability.
Joanne Fennessy, New York, NY
A unique thing last weekend here in S Korea. I saw and subsequently bought, as it was a rare sight, a Churchill dinner set, which had been made in the Potteries.
Paul Harper, Busan, South Korea
Praise be to the Monitor for dragging him/herself out of bed on Boxing Day to stop me feeling so bad about living in a silly country where they only have one day off at Christmas.
Michael, Rockville, MD, USA