10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. Having fat friends increases your risk of obesity.
2. The temperature of outer space is -270C (-454F).
3. There are about 50 species of ants in the UK.
4. Drumming is as energetic as playing professional football.
5. The average Brit's savings would last 52 days if they found themselves out of work.
6. Scrabble is huge in Senegal.
7. The actress who played Brian's girlfriend in Life of Brian is now the mayor of Aberystwyth (and could end a local ban on showing her own film).
8. Faking one's death is known as pseudocide.
9. Mothers can change the "flavour" of their breast milk by what they eat.
10. The next named number up from a trillion is a quadrillion.
Seen 10 things? Send us a picture to use next week. Thanks to Colin Regan for this week's picture of 10 ducks being fed in Westport, Co Mayo, Ireland.