Web Monitor
A celebration of the riches of the web.
We're looking around the web for the most interesting sites for your to enjoy at your convenience. If you find something you think should be shared, comment in the box to the right of this or recommend it to us on Delicious - we're called 'bbcwebmonitor'.• Right then... where to start? Where better than a singer on their comeback? Sinead O'Connor told Stuart Maconie on Radio 2 that she didn't notice that she didn't really fit in when she first became famous:
"I was so obsessed with myself. I didn't really think about whether I was different or not...The Grammies came up with a special category after me called 'post-modern ' . I don't know what post-modern actually means."
•, reasoning that it would be the best insight into his first 100 days. Gordon Brown even gets a mention (in this bizarre world) as having invited Obama to a 'Long-Ass Press Conference' which the fictional president then declines in favour of watching Lost.

"I'm not making any excuses, but there is an essential trust and it's not a tacit one, which is every sound guy says, 'We are not only not recording, we are not even listening.' So, well, there goes that."
• are doing well in the viral video chart. Tarot1984 posted them and says they are from a 1976 scare in the US. Meanwhile, how a flu virus spreads in their interactive game based in East London.
•, the internet entrepreneur who beat Barack Obama and the Pope in Time magazine's most influential person poll. Moot, aka Christopher Poole, claims responsibility for Rickrolling - a trick to make people click on to Rick Astley's hit Never Gonna Give You Up, which then became an internet phenomenon:
"Before I heard about moot - the mysterious 21-year-old creator of the influential Web message board 4chan.org, who just happened to win TIME.com's online poll to determine the world's most influential people - I used to think some young kid had stumbled across my video and thought it would be funny to send it to his mates, and it just kind of caught on."
•TV presenter and ex-model whether she should start lying about her age to keep her job, but is glad to turn 25 for one reason:
"I was pleased to reach 25, if only because, when I was at school, I longed to own a pair of knee-high boots. Upon voicing this desire, somebody kindly informed me that knee-high boots, could ONLY be carried off from the age of 25."
It's good to know that not everyone has lost perspective on the important things in life.