Your Letters
The story about made me look at their website. It seems to suggest they are deliberately seeking to bias the outcome against male applicants. After a lot of stuff about how they are "forced" to make the job open to men and women, they say they have "had to accept" the job may go to a man. Is this stated reluctance the right side of legal? Surely not. If not, I am sure someone can place a hex on them, or alternatively remind them of the requirements of employment legislation...
Mark, Reading
So scientists now claim . Shall we vote on it? I say egg first.
Graham, Purmerend, NI
I've heard of icebergs doing it, but an insect? Imagine my disappointment after this headline promised so much: .
Lee Pike, Auckland, New Zealand
said: "We heard... a whistling sound and all of a sudden a piece of ice the size of a grapefruit fell on my thigh." Oh, *why* couldn't he have said pineapple? Why??
Sue, London
is just like when I sat the O-level. I did rubbish on the first attempt but a whole lot better at the resit. PS: Election 97 is quite old.
Ed, Clacton, UK
So we're back to ?
Fleur, London
I can't believe Peter Jackson failed to ask the whether they've found a synonym for "thesaurus" yet.
Dan, Cambridge
On a tangent to Matthew D's contribution in Friday's letters, I once turned down a date with a guy on the simple basis that he had the surname Gulliver and a photo album on his social networking site called "Me on Holiday". His inability to capitalise on the opportunity for a perfectly good pun made it obvious that he was not the guy for me.
Alice, London
Today's misleads. The pilot cannot fairly be described as naked for he sports, in clear view - and in line with his profession - a hat (or an oddly shaped painted skull).
James, London