Your Letters
It's reported that young teenagers in the UK are more likely to get than anywhere else in the industrial world, that one in three girls in their teens has been a victim of sexual and a quarter of teenagers have suffered violence in a relationship. Could there be a link do you think?
Jay Furneaux, UK
Regarding the somewhat sensationalist headline "We are all say scientists". Was "We're not clones say scientists" not good enough?
Helen, Cambridge
I take it Andrew Beard (Number 11 in 30 things that mean it's ) was being ironic, given all 7 of the Tesco's around him are definitely open on Sundays! And yes, I did look. How bored am I.
Barry Smithers, London, UK
Tom, Worthing, West Sussex
Regarding today's , never mind the capitals, what about the extraordinarily clumsy phrasing? That alone should be sufficient to give her the sack in my book.
Adam, London, UK
Re food spelling mistakes (Monday's letters), a city cafe regularly touts 'donor kebabs' on its sign - wonder what's in them?
JJ, Belfast