Your Letters
Oh no! Someone has made an ent into a door!
Ralph, Cumbria
We've had Drunk Girl, but what about , used wherever social networking is mentioned?
PB, London
. So now they're expecting us to eat *cheese*? With *wine*?
Sue, London
. Now they know how most music fans feel.
Dave Godfrey, Swindon, UK
Escalator etiquette - Woe betide any brave soul or misguided tourist who stands on the left on an escalator in the Munich U-bahn system. A Teutonic bark along the lines of "rechts stehen, links gehen" normally ensues.
Owain Williams, Regensburg
Oh come on - with their resources they must be able .
JennyT, NY Brit
Facebook posting of the day: The reason we drive on the left but stand on the right of Tube escalators dates back to the times when people carried swords. In the Middle Ages you kept to the left for the simple reason that you wanted to make sure that a stranger passed on the right so you could go for your sword in case he proved unfriendly. Therefore, people stand on the right of the Tube escalators to keep out of the way of all these crazed beweaponed gentlepeople wielding pointy swords. I'm sure I had a point to make but I've confused myself.
Keira Vallejo