Paper Monitor
A service highlighting the riches of the daily press.
It's the 20th anniversary of Adobe Photoshop, and this tool, so vital in Fleet Street these days, in the Metro.
There's a lovely selection of examples including non-existent missiles, disembodied hands and super-shrunk waists. It's enough to make even the hardiest picture editor blanch a little.
The Daily Mail has a but doesn't shoehorn the Photoshop anniversary into it.
Instead it brings you the front-page bombshell "Palace: William does NOT use black hair dye".
Well, Paper Monitor also does NOT use black hair dye. Indeed, and this is regrettable for the black hair-dye industry, most people do NOT use black hair dye. The default setting is probably leaving your hair alone, particularly among the male population.
Reporting on something not happening is a funny thing.
The reason for the Daily Mail's story is a shot of Prince William where his hair looks a bit darker than usual.
The Mail explains that this is down to "studio lighting and technical jiggery-pokery".
But does the Daily Mail audience not know that photos sometimes come out looking a bit different to reality? Is their readership dominated by people who think photos steal a bit of your soul?
And speaking of the picture editors, they often face difficult decisions. For instance, should one run a picture of Silvio Berlusconi's dental hygienist and a potential political candidate on page three of the Daily Telegraph?
Err, not sure?
Does alter your view?
Ah, you say "yes" now? And was that a "hubba hubba" I hear?