Your Letters
Re this story - "Its predecessor, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, generated more than $1 billion (£618) in sales." Blimey. Either the pound has skyrocketed or the dollar's plummeted. Either way, I'm taking all my savings and moving to the US.
Gareth, Hardwick
So Frank Lampard says that . Does this mean that he is thick for thinking that we are thick for thinking that Rooney is thick? And am I now thick for not only thinking that Wayne Rooney is thick but for thinking that Lampard might be thick for thinking that I am thick for thinking that Rooney is thick in the first place?
MCK, Stevenage
Re Mini-big bang? Small bang, surely?
Tim Barrow, London, UK
Shame on you Magazine Monitor. If you put recieve (sic) on your website then you should add (sic) after it (as I have done) otherwise us pedants will think it's your misspelling!
John Airey, Peterborough, UK
Re: Today's Quote of the Day. I noticed exactly the same mistake on "The One Show" last night about the Children in Need phone-in. So broadcasting corporations in glass houses...
Liz, Belfast
"The Queen recieves the Credentials of the Ambassador of Brazil" - well, i suppose it is her English, so she can do what she likes with it
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
Nominative determinism?
Matt, Surrey, UK